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<br /> � � '' M1�� 1 � ��� -Si r - 4� ' � � _� Y .... � ...�_. �
<br /> r•-.-.a � _ � -� -r c. _..-...:`rc�c �-�.�` t__ c `r.._ � �� x.�._ . �- ,�.�.�- - Y� .-
<br /> o -L=t r "V-'! -— - 1� -_ '-M1 - � • . 4.: . - . :. - � � t,-' �y.
<br /> . �a ` F�r t� " � . . . - ^ , . . - .t . . . . . �s.; -,ti�. - a p;'-`- .
<br /> , t {tI _ C; ,� ' `f 'yi , , � ,`L ( , , `,�.. .( .,c ' -j� .' .( -� �-.
<br /> c. � i, . � - . - . � .�; k,.:}s . . .g �•
<br /> -_ y��:�:`� - � `� �_'=�'-_" `t� ..._.��� �c .���`_�,_._:.::. � - - _ °- - .�---=_-r�--. -_r.��.
<br /> _ . ` `t.
<br />-^.;� �: .. � 9���0���� . .
<br /> • � ` " at the optian of Leader. if martgoge insuranc�e co�rragr (in the amount and tor the prriud that l.ender requirrsl �
<br />:��..}'�:;���'`_- pro��ided by an insurer appm�ad bp Ixndet again 6ec�orncF evailabte and is obuiined.Dorroher shail paf the premiums y,� �-
<br /> , '� .�' •. requind to maintain mortgage insuran�x in effrct.or to ps�n'icic a l�sti reserti•e. until thr rrc�uirement for martgage
<br /> >.� : •.
<br /> `� 4' insurance rnds in aocordanre�vith any ntitten eg'eemrnt betwexn$octo��er and I.endet or appli�-able laa.
<br /> `�'••� 9.Inspection.Ixnder or its agent may make reasonable entries upun and'ensp�:tion,af t6e Property.lxnder shall
<br /> ' --_.-_.. ��•e Barroner notice a2 the time of os prior to as�inspection s�ecifping t+ea.a►na6le caus�fas the inspea.'tinn. , _:
<br /> • •- _ 10.Condemnation.The pmcerds of any aaard or daim for damages,direce or ronsec�uential,in coz►nection«ith
<br /> - ' � any condemnatian or other ta�ing of an}' pare uf thc Property.�r for�m•r}•ance in lieu of condemtiatian,arr hrrcb} ,
<br />�`'`>�, :::;- .. . �'= as�signed and shall bC paid to lxnder. r,_
<br /> �`�'` . -� �, In the event of a total ta.king of the I'rape�ty'.thr proc�ds st�al! bc appliad to the sums ssa.�ured isy tius Serurit} ,�_,^: ,H;
<br /> �,, �. :..
<br /> � Iascrumeut,whether ar not thrn due.�iih any e�ces�paid to Harro�ver.In thr event of a partial taking oi the Property in {`'.
<br /> � � � cvhich the fair market calue of the Pro�+ercS�immr.diatxl��befasc che caking is equal io or greater Man thc amount of the ,`�� `,
<br /> ` , sums secured bY this SecutitT It�suumeat�mm e d iatr ly h e tote the taking.uale�Borro�er attd lxnder othercvisv t►gtee �Y;2,� L�
<br />.;;.:.::':,,:;,:_. ::,, in writing,ths sums sec�red by this Securitr Instrummt sha11 br redsued hy the amount of the praceods multiplied bY .
<br /> '`'"���_'�.;u.�=::,� the fallocving fractiva(a)the tota!amount of the sums secured immediatel}before the taking,di�ided by(b)the fair
<br /> '�''•"`=�� mazket value of the Properts immediatelq before the taking�ny balance shall be paid to Borroc�er.lti the e�ent of a , .:
<br /> � , . n
<br /> " ':�;'"';;°:'`-� parcial taging of the Propest�in�vhich the fais market ralue of the Propzrty immediatetp before the taking is les than ,
<br /> '.�,,`�.�;.;��`'�^�� the amouat of the sums secured immediately Uefore the takin�unless Bomo�ver aad Lender otherwise agee in�r»ting _ ,
<br /> ,::. ..
<br /> `�•" :.�,>:;:t,�.}.;:`,;;. � .
<br /> ,;�u�.s:,..:.,,. or unless applicable law other�rise provid�s, the proceeds shall be applied tu the sums secuted by this Securitq � .. .
<br /> `-'� �'-.` � In�r�ment whether or not the sums are then due. `;� .:��'
<br /> . . ."','.:�=::- . If t6e Pcoperty�ss abandoned by Barconet.ar if.after notice bq Lender to Borro�e�that the condemnor offers to :�,::,-,,
<br /> ... :�,_.z: .:
<br /> .':�.. �'. make an aevard or settie a claim for damages. Borcanes fai ls to ra p n m d to t.ender within 30 da}s after the date t�e
<br /> . � '�.;`,:s.`;�, notice is gicc3n.Len�'is authori7xd to collect and apply the ptoceeds.at�ts option,either to restoration or repa'u of the
<br /> �','F<'•;rf%'' Pro or m the sums secured by this Securit�Instrument,nhether ar not then due. , .
<br /> r� ��;'�� P� . •
<br /> .:;;:f�;f:�%���':=.;- CTn}.�s�.ender and Borroaeer other�ise agt+ee in nritinS.any�aPPlication of proceeds w priacipal shall not extend or •,�..••�
<br /> •,;.�. ,',., ; "-;� postpone the due date af the moattily PaYments referced to in P�P�Bhs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such
<br /> , ,.
<br /> - - s" pa�ments.
<br /> ^�� ` ��� il. $orroc�er Not Released• For6earance Bp Lender tiot a�Vaiver.Estension of th�time for payment or
<br /> . ,,;',;;�,•':,:'F
<br /> .. �,;.. macii�,artion of amortization of the sums secured by this Securits lnstrument�rran�bp T�nr3cr eo as►y successor in
<br /> df
<br /> �t��,,�,'r�, ;�'� int�st�=i,-f Borroner shall not operate w release the 3iabilit}• of the original Borrow�n� i3orro�ver's sna.�ors 'sn
<br /> < •`� :idr �.
<br /> ,:..:,,:..r� .�,,,.,.,� iate�.:�:sader shall not be required m commenve proceediag�a�imst any succe�c.iii•;iateresc or refuse to eatend
<br /> '' , : :,f time!`br papment or otLer�vvise modify amortization of thr�ms secured by this Security Instrumeat by rea.s�n ofr any " :
<br /> er
<br /> � �.r demaa�d made by th�ariginal Botsower or Barroner s successors in interest.9ny fotbearance by Leadet in eaetcising ,
<br /> 3 �.' � � �'�� an}�si�fiz or remedf shall not be a�vai�'ec of or preclude the esercise of any�right or remedy. ��
<br /> � ` 1�.��.nccessors and Assigns Bound;Yoiat and Sereral Lia6ility; Co-sigaecs.The covenants aud ageements
<br /> _ � . :,ri���_�t;<<:�� _.
<br /> ''��'';';�1�;:�+t�'';;•>�� af this b�curity Instsument shal�6ind snd bene6t the sua�ssaes and assigns of Lender aad Hortower,subject to the
<br /> � �.�• • •��`.� ptovisions oY paragraph 17.BotraNer s cocenants and agr�ments shall be jflint and several.Any Bosrower�vho ca'signs
<br /> - � :f, tlus Sec�srity lnstrument but daes not execute the Note: la) is co signing this Security Ir►�trument onl.j to mortgage. . - --
<br /> � � f graat and convey that Borrower's interest in the Propertp under the terms of this Secu�rity ltrstcument; (b) is not ==_
<br /> : �.'-::' _;` petsan,-,!!y obligated to paY the sums secured by this Securitp Instrument:and (c) agrees that te�der aad any other _
<br /> ,�;.,:.��;��,..° ---
<br /> � �... .. . Borraiva�rmay agree to extend.modify.for6ear or make anF accommodations with rogard to the terms o!this Sacurity •-
<br />=r � �;.,•; �"` Itisteui�ci or the I�Iote cvithout that Borrower's consen� . - .
<br />-- :.• '4:.�:• •�;:b;,uaa Char�es.If the loan secured bq this SecuntF Instrument is subject to a lacv which sets masimum loaa ... _;_
<br />-'_';•;,: � �. ,
<br />- . � :',,-:.�� charges, aad ffiar.laa� is rnally interpreted so that tAe interest or athsx loan charges colteCCed os to 6e coltected in ' .:�...�
<br /> �;.:,; . con�ecoi�n,cciifs Lib:ioan es c e e d t he permi t t e d limi t s,t h e n: (a j a n y s a e:t r i o a a c h a r g e s h a 1 1 b e r e d u c e d b y t h e a m o u a t t --
<br /> � " nece�y, Co��reduce the charga to the permitted timit; en+� (b) enp sums alr�ady collected from Horrower wl�iab
<br /> ;?���,'. �.���;� exce�iK+�•�ermitted iimits wi116e nfunded to Borrower. L�nder may chaose to ma�c this refund bp teducing the
<br />:-- :' �'�' :''''':'` princ�j�4`ocved under the Note or by making a direct pay�n�nt to RorroHer.If a ref�d reduces principal.the cednction __ - -
<br /> • �� .' ,;� , wilf tx.tceated as a partia!prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note. �_
<br /> ` �`_; � 1�3.Notices.Any notice to Bono�er pra�ided for in this 5ecurity Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by _�
<br />�. '•� • mailiqg it by�tst clasg mail unless applicable la�v requires use o f anot her me t hv d.T he no tice s h a l l b e d i r e c t e d t o t A e =
<br /> �,. .
<br /> -_ ' . Pco�erty Addres9 or any other address Bononer designates by notice w Lender.any notice to l,ender shall be given bp
<br /> � � '' first class mail to Lender s address stated herein or any nther address Lender designates by notice to Borrower.Any _
<br /> f�'�� ,,�•��:- ' notice providad for in this Security instr�ment shall be deemed to ha�e been given t�Borrower or Lender wt�en given ���",.
<br /> _ �;�t
<br />