. . .. . < o
<br /> . . '. �v:.--c.�--S-�-"`"-'-.'., .-S �.�_ . _ <, C_ .� .` _ . 4t�y�i�r _ C.� '_�t-�+- _ a � 4�
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<br /> '::;:�a W .. �, .-- , .,+
<br /> - - ` �.2`� y�ystanl�ally equivalem mortgage ins�uance coverage is not availahle.Borrower shafl�reK�n I.ender each month a sum equal to 4,.�.;`•.`'_ti
<br /> � �.,:,;. one-twelfth oE the yearly mortgage in4utance premiwn beingtP�da!o� reserve ene liet� .of mortgage insurdnce• l.�ss �ervte :`;��:�:y
<br /> .4� �4-:' � be in effect. Lertder will;�cept.use and cerain these paymen � ';i.,.. . •.
<br /> �(�.y.:''�,:.• ,,4 ; paycnentc may no tonger 6e iequired.at the optiun of Lender.if rtwrtgage iasurr�ctce caye�aSe(in the amount and for the perio� }.`: ':'
<br /> . • �•'; that Le n d e r r eq u i re s)p r ovidod 6 y an�nsurer a ppmved by Lender again bemmes�v,�b',e and is abtained. Borra�ti^er shal pa � ,,.
<br /> .u..
<br /> , the pretniums r�qoired to maintain urortgage insurance in effect.or to provide a to:�s�r�sv'cve.untii the require m e n t f o r m o r tgage :� ..�y
<br /> - .`!:�_,,;,. .� ' insurance ends in acrnrdance with any written agreement between Borrower and I.ender ar.ppplicafite law. ' ..
<br /> ,. ' � ' `:-. g,I�spe�on. Lender or its agent may make reasoaabte entries�pon an�inapectic��s of the Pcuperty. Lender shalf giv� `•°.'':�:`
<br /> Borsower notice at the dme oF or priar ro an inspection sgecifying r�sona�le eause f�;thn.inspection.
<br /> � ` 10.Condemnation.'fhe Praceeds of any award ar cla�m for dasnages.d1T�CL PF.t:0115�LL2171t3J. �n rn�nection with an�
<br /> V cmidemnation or other taking of any part of the Property.or for rnneeyauce in lieu•nf candemna�on.are hereby assigned an� ,...:.`::4
<br /> t shall be paid to Lender. t `�
<br /> .�,•,'- In the event of a total taking of the Properry.the praceeds shal1 be applied ta the s�+5•��bY��Secnr'n'Insnume°�� ,�
<br />_ _�...,,,:� •_..:••:___: whetFter or aot then due, with any excess paid to B orrow er_ [n the event of a partia! talu'�3 of the Property in which tfte tait� J� '
<br /> ` ` martcet value of the Property immediateiy bet'ore the ta[dng is e9u�!to or greater tt�the amount of the sums secured by this � ��`
<br /> .:.`�..��,,�-._L.:=4. _ r:• -
<br /> '� _ "`..• Secvrity Instnunent immediateiy befom the taking.unt�s Borrot3•er and L.ender att�eta'ise agree in writing.the sums secured by :.
<br /> ' �',,t�; ., this Seciuity Instrument shalt be reduceci by the amaunt of the proceeds mulriplied by tfie following fracrion: (a) [he total s,,,:•�
<br /> �..: •a..'�,�,;;,�.
<br /> � • amount of the wms secured immediately before the taking. divided by (b)the fair rru�rSt�t value of the Property immediatelY f 4•:'.:.
<br /> � � � ,'° befare the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a pastia! tatcii�g,:of.the Property in which the fair ��`y�'• -
<br /> `'-- -`t; ` �• _- market value of the Property immediately before the taking is less chan the amount of the sur,:s.secured immediatety 6efote the �},:�: :
<br /> reLZdes.the raceeds shall •�4•� `:�;
<br /> ` tal:in g,uniess Borrower and Lender cxherwise agree in writing or unless applicable!aW ot'.:�►w��e p. P .;,..;;
<br /> • • � be applied to the sums secured hy chis Security Instrument w he t her or not t he sums a r e t h e r►d w t.� �
<br /> . .. If the Praperty�s abandoned by Eorrower,or if,after notice by Lender to Borrower tl�c tfiar,�r'�.�z�or offers to make an �_.,
<br /> • � . r w ith i n 3a davs aft�:�:�e the nc�� is given. �,
<br /> �`". `�.� award or settle a daim for damages. Borrower fails to res�r•nd to Lende _ --'-,-"'
<br /> .,.f�:'o
<br /> • � °,�a Lcnder is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,at iu A�on.Cithei W iestoTati{�r.qr K�if Qf£�e PropEtty eF.��.the sums ,,-_ G
<br /> se�a�red by this Securiry lnstrument.whetfter or not then due_ �Iqtion af rc�eeeds to� ri�a1 Shal� �aE exe�n�or ,'
<br /> ` �� ; Upless ]„eu�and Borrower othenvise agree in writing. a�►y apP' P P ..
<br /> ., ''.- pasipone the da�:fi.�4Y.of the mont6ly payments ref�rred to in PaiagsaPh-` 1 and 2 or chnnge the rutnit�raf sucb paymenu. _
<br /> . .,�. _� .; s 11.Borm��tilot Reteascd:Forbearauce By L.endes.'_�o!a VYAiver.Fxtensior�cf the ti�;€c�payment or modification T,
<br /> `��'•r 4'��`� of amortization of the sums secured by this Secvriry Insm�m�g��bY�nder to auv�ccrs�sor�n iptera�°f BCm�wer shall
<br /> �`�;.,:.; _,.
<br /> . _ „...= aat operate to reie�e the Iiabiliry of the original Borrower car Scrrower's surcessors ia'v�.�r�est. L.�i►der sh�ll not l�eroroquiied ta .;:`��-�.
<br /> . � I:�.:;�:,° �ommence pmcced�ngs against any successor in mterest or refuse to extend time for gaym�t��F othan�se madify�ortization ow�ry_..
<br /> `":"+� � oF the sums ser�1.by this Secunty Instrument by reason of any detnand made isy the origr.al,3orm�+er or Sorrower's }'t?m
<br /> ' , . . successors in intctst. Any forbearance by I.eader in exercising any�gks�.or remedy shaU not be a,svaiver of or prerinde the �
<br />-k�•. - eaercise of at�y ri�:t or remetty. �����e�uvenanis and agr�nu of this
<br /> � 12. Successors and Asstgas Bound;Joint and Several LisS�cty; ^•�
<br /> '� "' �`�;`'�, gerurity Instrunient shali bind and bene6t the saccessors and assigns af Lender and.Horravacx..suh�ct to the provisions of _ .,
<br /> � � ; y • pardgraph 17. Bornswer s covenants and agreements shaA be joint and sever.il. Any Bormwen.v:ho co-sigas this SecuritS+ �'„�::
<br /> Insuument but does not exectite the IVote: (a) is co-sigaing this Secusncy��suument otilY f°mmt��•Sr��and canvey.that . s�'_
<br /> t
<br /> , �' Borrower's inter�t i.-�the Froperty under the terms of this S�urity Instr�n��:{b)is�ot pe�sar.�ttxir,btigated to pay the sums �._:_
<br /> � � � ' . cecured by tl�is�ry Ins�trument:and tc)agree.s that Lender and any et#sr Sorrower map agrzc tu�eeMtend.modii'}+,forbear or �,t_
<br /> '� ;t-�rj�:•�•'• ., �pake any acc�mm��-.�.-;ions wicit regard to[he tenns of this Security Instrument or the Natc.witfiaoui fltttt Borrower s wnsen�. ' �s�.,,__.
<br /> �-m:_:
<br /> � 13.Loan C��.[f the t�an secured by this Security instrument is subject to a law which s�ts maximum laan charges. R��.
<br /> ' and that law is f��y intetpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be cullected in connection with tt�e ri;
<br /> �..,., ,
<br /> , � loan eacceed the p�itted limzts,then:(a)auy�ch toan charge shaq be reduced by the amount tte�•s�.ury to reduce the chatge . ��;,;;
<br /> `''�..• to the permitted limii:and(6}any sums alr�dy wilected from Borrower which e�cceeded permiW:d tiiYits will 6e refunded ta �"
<br />__ �_ '�.',:,, Borrower. Lender may chaose to make [his refund by reducing the principal owed under che KGt�..or by making a direct �_
<br /> - . .. payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal. the redaction w�ll be treated es a partiat•prcpaYmeat without any �.j_
<br /> _ � , _ prepayment charge under the Note. �R�,�
<br /> ' � �. • 14.NotIces.Any notice to Bosrower provided for in this Security Inswment shal!be given by delivering it ar by mailing �„�
<br />- ' . ,..'�•-.'�� it 6y first class�ail unless applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shall be di:ected tQ the Properry Address �._.__
<br /> ' � • or any other address Borrower designates by noace to Lender. Any notice to Lender sltall 6c given by fisst class mail to ?r--_,
<br /> •,��..,{L�4. ; Lender s address st2ted herein or any other address Lender designates by notioe to Borrower. Any norice Rrovided for in this
<br /> -.,t: Securiry InstnimGnt shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as pr�+vided•in this paragcaph.
<br /> `,:..���.:;• �. ..�:;'. 15.Gov�a►iag Law; S�r•esabAity. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by t'edetat 3aw and the law of the _--_
<br /> . ": • ''��.�'•'"� jurisdicxion in aitish the Prc�peny is lacated. in the event that any provision or clause of this Security.lnswment or the Note Y�
<br /> n
<br /> ' • conf4icu with a�le�hle Iaw,such conllict<.�:�El not affest other pmvisions of this Security ins:nenGrt or the Note which can be �.�__
<br /> .� glven effecc wit��r�e c�nflicting provisioa.To this end the provisions of this Securiry InStru.mcntan�tne Note are declare@ �V
<br /> � � to be severable. � �'
<br /> � � ���`�`�•" 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Securiry� or an �interest in it ` --
<br /> ' • � 1�.TraasPer of We 1'roperty or a Beneflcial/nterest in Borrower.If aU or any part of the Properry Y �;•��.
<br /> i;�!.. •.'� � i�.4x�t,3 or uansferred tor if a benef cial interest in Borrower is sald or transferred and Borrovrer is not a natural peison)without
<br />- ' , E.euder's priar written consent, Lender may. at its option, require immediate payment in full uf all sums secured by this �:";
<br /> � • . ,���' $e�,zri ty InstncnuK:t.However,this optian shall nat be eaercised by Lender if exerc�se is pmhibited by federal law as of the dute �r`
<br /> _- r;f,:r,..`• of ttiis Secvrity[nstrument.
<br /> j;��� ; .� [f I.ender exercises tl►is option.Lender shall give Borrawev notice of acceletntion.The nottca shall provide a period of nac� � =.:
<br /> ,. �`' . t�;�.tt�an 30 days from the date the nouce is delivereA or mailed within which Bnsrowe�must pay all sums sccured by this �
<br /> ,�,
<br />- ' - � • . S�urity instrument.If Borrower faiis to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period. I.ender may invoke any•remedies :h;,.
<br /> __ • � . . p�tted by this Security Instrutnent without further notice or demand on Bonower.
<br /> ' � IS. Becrm�es's R1ght to Relnstate. If Borrower meets certain wnditions. Borravr.�t shall have the right to have
<br />- � enforcement of t4�is Security Insttument discantinued at uny rime prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days(or such other period as
<br /> � ,;���i��. ,� ,�'�;. , � appfica�,le law may specify for reinstatement) before s�te of the Praperty punuant to any power of sale�contained in this _ .
<br /> ,�,�����,: Securit��Instrument:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcir,g�this Secarity lnstniment.7'hasc conditiotts are that Banni�.er:(a)pays
<br /> (,en;i.r al►sums which then �vould be due under this Security Ir.stnunent and the 1Vote as if na avoeleration hhsiid occumd: �b)
<br /> ' cures any default of any other covenants or ageemenu:(c)pays�i1� e�penses incuaed in enfarcin�this Setvrity Instrument. �.�
<br /> __ � . including.but not limited to.reasonable attomeys' fees:and(d)tak��sueh action as L.eader mp�•reusonably require to asstue ,
<br /> - • that the lien of this Security lnstrument. Lender's rights in the Properiy and Borro�ver s obligutian ta aay tAe sums secured 9y "',,.�.
<br />-__ ..� s}.?.. , � tCis 5ecuriry Instrument shall wntinuc unchanged. Upon reinsts�tement by Borrower, this Security instrument and the
<br /> - • ,, obfigations secured hereby shlll remain fully effective�s�f na acceleration had ocsurre�. Hawe�•er.this right to reinstate shall
<br /> - � not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br />_ �' • {9. SaEe of Notr, C6ange of Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Notc (together with this Security �
<br /> .' � Inswment)may be sold one or more times withaut prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in m change in the entity(known _
<br /> ' � � as the"I,oan Servicer')that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security lnswrnent.There also may be one�•� .
<br /> � •• or more changes of thc Loan�Servicer vnrclated to a sale of the Nate. lf them is a change of thc Loan Servicer.Botrower will be'
<br /> :� ' given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state ihe name and+�,•
<br /> _ • address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to�vhich payments shonld tse made.The notice will also contain any other
<br />- '. ' information required by applicable laa. .
<br /> ' . . 1,1i. Nar.�rdous 5u6siances. Borrower shall nat cause or permit the presence. use. dispos;il. storage,or mlease of anyr
<br />' � � Hazardnus 5ubstances on or in the Property. Borrower shatl not do. nor allow anyone else to etu. :u�ything affecting the
<br /> ,, •.. .':: � Property that is in violation of any Environmcntal law. The pra�eding two sentences shall not uppfy to thc presence.nse. or
<br /> � '-"- - -- `�' sioragc tus tttc Prn�estp uf sma!! qtlantit'te���'H:vandous Substances that:ue�eenerally recagnized to be appropriate to normal .
<br /> � � "� � residenti:d uses and to maintenance of the Property. •
<br /> •, ' . P,9,3 0+a Form 3028 9/90 �
<br /> • .._.,--:-..�;..t�:: ,. _ . , . ... , . . . .. •..,'r' . =,T"' _ . ,. -,� � -
<br /> .. . .- . . .. . .
<br /> _.. ._.. . _. . . . _ . _. ._ _ .__ . . . _ . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . r�, �i: _ . . .
<br />