L-�_ . .� .. L•. " . , . _
<br /> . \...._..._u.�� a._�...i.r....+.�':..c.�.,..... - _ . , .k't5 ;. �r�Y tb - - �?s.� -z .< i�;.
<br /> .:,:; . c �.. ., .>:: '_
<br /> �...t.—ri_._s.-. . . . ... ..n.:w..�- S ' .._�4_"'''r" •c- -
<br /> l - �—, .: � ,cr . � �z: _ _ ' !� - _ �_ _._� :.� -.�,' - . ..
<br /> � N i� � L . „�_ s �'<"---`-- � _ ..< ,�.` c. � �Y �� �, �r .
<br /> ��,,.,v- .-C�-s� ' r. t � g <- y. a t�� f ��.� :r-
<br /> ., ., - r'
<br />�xi,�. ,f• ��.�7. `'f_`
<br /> ",� ��«��'•s__-� �:r<
<br /> 'l�` 7'�e Funds sS�ri3� b¢ held ia an institution whose depasits are insured by a fede��agenr�y, i�en�iry. or entity � ���
<br /> , (iir�udit�g Lxndec,i�Lerr�ter is such an institution)or in any Federal}Iome Loan Bank. L,ender shall apply the Funds to pay the ����
<br /> . . . � �.`:' ;�; Es�ra�v Items. L.i�r►t�r r.n��not churge Borrower for hotding and applying the Funds,a�ually analyzing the cscrt�w accowtt.or '�.5
<br /> ,.;:- ' �r::.�,Y':
<br /> ,, v�ctifyit�the Esa7r�u L.a��:#,untess Lender pays Borroner int�est an the Fund4�nd applicab[e!aw permits l.en�ter to make sacb
<br /> `s°'`'�-t%;�• a charge. Howe�ee.t.cr.d�.�rrwy nequire Borrower to p�y a�n�time cha�ge For an ir,dependenE real esrate tax r�epo�ting service
<br /> � . .. • ` us�d [�y Lend�r irs,cbnneetion with this loan. ualess applicable law provides otherwise. Untess an ugreement is made or
<br /> .- _ _ applicabEc la�v r•;Q,ui�;�int�er.cct ta be paid.Lendec shali not be requimd to pay Borroaer any interest or e�vmngs on the Funds.
<br /> J .�� �; Barra►ver and Leud�:c mn}a�tee in writing,however,that intcrest shall be paid on the Funds. Lcadu shall give to Sorrower.
<br /> `,.4':.�.ti::' �;'�'', withont chargr.art.�r.►w! �caunting of the Funds. sho�ving credits and debits to the Funds aad the purpose for which each ,`
<br /> " ' �;�`'� da�tit ta the Fu�M.Y wag murd�o:i7�e Fuads are Qledged as additional security_for all sums secumd Dy this Seivrity Instniment.
<br /> �� � If the F�c►u trc[�b�L�ader exceed�he amounts permitted to be held by agpficabte law, i.ender shali uccaunt to Borrower
<br /> " ;E°"` fi�r.the excess Ftur�in acco�dance with the cequireRtents of appli�ble law. If the amount of the Fut�ds held by Lender at any
<br /> ����-'`�+�-. timo is not suff�ci�rtc to pay rtie Escrow Ite�ns when due.Lender may so notify Borrow•er in writing.and.in such ca+e Borrower -
<br /> .` "�'"���' � �`r�11 pay to Lenu'.�c the ar�oc.nt aecessary to�nake up the defeciency. Borrower shaU make up the deficiency in aa more than
<br /> t�refve monti�y�u}cnents.�L�nder s soIe discr+etion. -
<br /> - iipon paymenc in iuii o3�Ji .am+acx�reil by this S�urity Ir�trument. Lcader s6al1 prompify refund so Sorrn�cer any `
<br /> . � Funds held by E.eQr�er.If,undst paragrapit 21. Lender shail acquire or seU the Property.I.ender,prior tu the acyui�ition or sale
<br /> ' of th�Pro�,rty,slwfl apply ara}.Funds held by Lender at the time of acqnisiaon ur sale ati a credit ag:uast the sums sec�ered by °
<br /> - - this Security Irr�,r�ent. : '`��._'
<br /> _ _ �`°-�•7. 3.Apptieat�tra o8 PatimeriYs.Unless applicaBle laa provides otherwise.all payments recei�ed by Lender under paragraphs �
<br /> t and 2 ,hail Ec a lied: firsi. t�an a ent es dur unde�the Nate: sernnd,to amowns able urtder ra ra Z: `�
<br /> FP Y i�P Ym ��8 PaY Pa 8 P�
<br /> . :,'! third,to int�resc�:fourth.u*�rinsiQal due:and lact,to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> ° • 4.C6argeg;l:r��as.Sarratiier s}�all pay aIl taxes.assessu:ents,charges.fraes and impositions actributable to the Progerty :
<br /> . wfuch may attain:priority ovex this Security Insuumeni. and leasehold payments or grauad rents. if any. Borrower skali pay
<br /> � these ob{igatious irt the manaer provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in th.0 marmer. Borruwer shail pay them on time direcdy „-
<br /> to the pesson Q�ped payment. �oirower shall promptly fumish to t,ender all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragtaph. .
<br /> r If Borrower tgulces ti�ese payme�s directiy.Borrower s};,li prom�'u'?r F.:mish to l.ender receipts evidenc�ng the pay�nenu.
<br /> �•�:%�• Borroa�ez.st�ali promptly d'ucharge any lien which has prier�,�s:r this Sec�sriry Instrument untess Borrower.ta)agrees in =-,-
<br /> •er
<br /> :� r.�`'� ' � writing to the}�qcr.ent of the ob�igatson secur�ed by t�f:-�in a�r acceptabte to Lender:(b)rnntests in good.faith the lien •�`. .
<br /> ,�• �,.�.; .
<br />,,r-+;�-•; `:•.:,.��:,� by, or defen�agai�st enforcement of the lien in, I�;�roceedings which in the Leeders opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> ;.�.",:..;:.,_,,.,:;;;_ e�forcement of t9e lien;or(c)s�cutes from the hol�Er c.f.�se lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender su6ordiQating the liem ta •-
<br /> E ��.� tftis Secvrity Inatrurent. [f I.e�¢er determines that�.:y�irt of the Property is subject to a liea which may attain pnority over . •
<br /> ' this Security Lnst.nuteent, l.ender may give Borrower a notice identi�ying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or • --
<br /> • ��'': „;,:s' nwne of We acri�vin�+et fartit alwti•e within 10 days of the giving oi rf:rice. -
<br /> � ' - 5, Hazacdi o� Pto�aetty lnsuraace. Borrower shall keep �.''.e improvem�nts now exisEing or hereafter erected on the :.
<br /> �:��+ . � s� ;��, ; Aroperty insur,.°d a�ainst loss by�fire. hazards included within the E:rm "eatended coverage" and any other hazards. including F•._
<br /> •- 3�t�.' � ,'. ' : ttaods or ftooding_for which t.�nder requites insurance. This imvrance shall L�m�uintaiad in the amounts and for the periods
<br /> kr�y� �,� �- �'-" �t Lender rer,uir�s.The insuc3nce camer providing the insurance shall be cha�en by Borrower subject to Lender s approval - -
<br /> y N � � r ne described�ove. L.ender ma , at Lender s �"
<br /> ��,"' � yy�"� �•�ach sha.t u+x Er unrrasonably withheld. If Borrower fails ta r3.is�:in coveraa y �
<br /> `�.;:.,,,�;' q�ion,oL�i�r caverage to pratctt Lender's rights in the Propc[ty iea.u:,-n.rdance with pardgraEir�_. ` --i
<br /> t ,:, , AU instu:�nce poli�nes and renewals shaU be acce :e co L�-ir a�d ShalS inciudc a.q�ra�rd mottgage clause. Le�der
<br /> v . .' '. di�:I have the Fight to hold the pnlicies and renewals_I�i.r��r rei�iires.$orro�aer s�t!pr`ri�ri_i�ive ta Len�er all receipts of ..
<br />.;,.:.r .:, , �-:.��. p�=�.�premiums and renew�il noaces.[n the event oi la�s.�rrower�hall give pnTr{r.r,��ix r,�iiTr:c�ur..�crrcier and Lender. �r., :;
<br /> �.'��••�. . . ° �ender may mufte praof of loss if not made promptly by�orrower. �
<br /> e
<br /> , Unless Lender and Earraw�r otherwise a ree in writin ,insurance raceeds�:�;�•_: ;,�to restoration or m r of the � .'
<br /> b g P � � �`::�:.
<br /> .. ;= �:t property daruag�ed.if the restoration or re�air is ernnomically feasibie�nd l.ender's security fx matt tessened.(f the restoration or -==-
<br /> ' cepair is not eccaonucalty feasibte or I.Er.s ter's security wou l d be lessen e d.[he insurance pr a ce e ds s h a p be a p p li e d c o t h e s u m s ___ _
<br /> r:��."° securet! by thi:�Security Irrstrument, ahether or not then due, with any excess paid to�orrower. If Borrower abandons the =__
<br /> � •,:,.� Property,or de.es Rot answer eithin 30 days a notice from L.ender that the insurance carrier has offereJ to�ettle a clam,then _
<br /> w • � Lender may roIIect the insuranse proceeus. Lender may use the procee�s to repair ar restore the Properry or ta pay sums __--
<br /> ��,,,_ ': ' : ;; �• secured by thi�Security Instrument.whett�_:r or not then due.The 3!}�y period wiU begia whe�the natice is given. �-''='
<br /> •`'�'� • Unless L•,ender and Borrower other�:;ie a ree in writin . an, {ication of raoaed:; u> nnci al shall not eatend or �--
<br /> . ..,.�,..���,•;•,:�.. € S �'? P P � P s���.--�.
<br /> � :.• ."; postpane the.due date of the monthly paysnents referred to in pa���rr,�hs 1 and 2 or ctuia�e�dn.amount of the�aymenis.If ;:.
<br /> ,�; � . , � :'.; u�nder paragraBh 21 the Property is acqwred by Lender. Borrower's ngF�t to any irsut-��ce pal��zs and proceeds resulting fmm �. --.
<br /> ` '" d:�-�e to the Properry pxior tu.the acqwsition shall�s�to Lender to Uie extent of d��u.�s�..:.;red by this�urity Instrument �
<br /> ;��t ��• r,.�.; . •. uiunediaiely�Srior w the acqui5itioa. • . . � `��-
<br /> ` ; � . ;��;,t 6.Occa�uacy,Yresesvati�nn,At�sn-r�ce and Protection of t�e Property;[i��rawa's:��oan Appf;�uT!'itcc;l.easeh;alds. '� ,
<br /> � : Fj��,., � Horrc�wer shull occupy.esiabli�.anrl�:,:r.:ie Property as Bom�weP�Frincipal residence w ithi��:xty days after tit�ecc�ttsioa af � '�_
<br /> :_:�--�.:: .: '� •�;'r.::.;' this Securiry ��struruem and shall cor�.,ir,n:�to occupy the Property as Borruwer's principol n:a*fxence foc at least an�.gqr.rfter ____
<br />::r;;j' �.�. �;.� � the date of occuputtcy,unless Eender<a�aenvise agrees in writing. which consera.�hJl not be unreasonaBIy withhetd.c-,r•untess _
<br /> eatenuating cia�umstances exist whicb are beyond Borrower's oontro3. Borratver stiall not destroy. damage or impair the •�
<br /> � ,�' Property,allaw the Property to deteri�arate.ar commit waste on the Property. 8ortower shall be in default if any farfeiture �
<br /> " , � action or proceeding,whether civil or esirrinal. is begun that in L.c-ru�.r's good faith judgn��xtr.cautd result in forfeilure of the u,:
<br /> `. '�„ .'',%`���`. prop:rty or ctd�envise mater6alfy impair tlre�ien ereated by this Sc�c:uritv Instrument or Len�'�security interest.Borrower may �
<br /> ���`��r•:����� cure such a defaulc and reinstvte,a+provWk;d in paragraph!8,by c.:u.sing the action or pro�r.�iii�;to be dismissed with a ruling °
<br /> ' . ��.. ',,. • that, in L.end�:r's good faith determination, precludes forfciturc of thc Borrower's irtterest in the Propeny or other materiai .f�.-"
<br /> tEA..�.
<br /> - � impairment af the lien crpted'by this Security instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall also be in default if �rhr;,
<br /> �� . 8orrower,during the laan appliration process,gave materially false or inaccura¢e informateon or statements to Lender(or failed -`: ��
<br /> • � ` ' ta pravide Leader with arry material information)in connection with the loan evidence�by the hote, irtcluding,but not limited ,.
<br /> �,��' �:�'.�.• `� to.represenwtions concemmg Bunower's acupancy of the Property as a principal residencvc. If tir.s Security lnstrument ic on a
<br /> � leasehold. F�r�wer shall comply with all the provisions of the le�se. If Boaower acquirc� f:e title ta the Property, the ,
<br /> •� ' ' Icasehald and the fee title shuli nat merge unless Lendcr agrces to the merger in wrlting. +�
<br /> � , ' � • •r 7.AroOectiom oY I emeler's Rights in the P►operiy. li Bomower fails to perfo►m the covenants and agc�ments contained in
<br /> " '� � this Securia,� �utrument, ur there is a legal praceeding that may signifieantly afi'er.t Lender s rights in the ProQeny (such aq a
<br /> . �-� peoceesling in.banfwptcy.probatc, for concletnnatian or forfeituri nr co enforce laws or regulations), then Lender may dv and
<br /> "' p�y for whatever is neeecc�ry tn pmtect the value uf the Property u�Yd Lender's rights in the Properry. Lendti s actians:may
<br /> ; ': �( include paying any .umr� �ecured by a lien which has priority cser this Security instrument. appearing in court, paying
<br /> .. _ .. •�'�� rpsotrable attumcy: fee�and enrering on the Property to make repain. Although I.cnder may wke actiorr under thiy paragraph .
<br /> • 7;Lcnder daes not havc to Jo,n.
<br /> ' _ Any amounts Ji+bursed by Lender under thi� paragraph 7 +hall becorrte additiunal deht of Borrower securai by this
<br />- 5ecurity It��rument. Untc.s �nrn��cer and Lender agree to uther temu of payment. these am��unts�hall[sear interest frum the
<br /> ' ' � dato vf dishuracment at the Notr rate and shall 6e payabtr. with interest. upon notice from Leruter to Bomnvcr requesting
<br /> . :::;,� payrt�nt.
<br /> - , . . tS. 1►9urtgage InSUranc�.If Lxnder reyuir�:d monga�e imurance as a condition of making the lu:in SccureJ by thiti 5rcunty ,
<br /> � • Instrura:nt. Lorrower shall pwy the premium� reyuired cc� maintain the mortgagc insurance in cffect. If, for any reasan, the
<br />-: � �nongage in�tiurance cr�•cragc rcquircd by L.ertder lapscs or cpses to be in effe�:t.Bonuu�er�fuill p�ey the prcmiums reyture�l to •
<br /> � �' ' .. oMain a�veru�c�ubstantially eyuivalent ta the mongage insurance previously in effect,at a wst substanti;illy eqaiv;ilent to the
<br /> . . ' . • rost to 8nrrc�wer of the �noctgage inwranee preci+�asly in-:ffect, from an altemate murtcage in�urcr appru�ui by Lender. If
<br /> �:. : ,__-:---- -
<br /> ---- - Fame 34� 4!3�
<br /> . — =ew:w—
<br /> w "
<br /> .' • ;•;�.
<br /> . � .
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<br /> ,�.-'.»r-° , :"�'^rT'--�s . _ . . .. . °]�._ . . _ ,. .. `r :i' ., ... • ,. . . . _. . _ _ . . . . . _ . i! _ ��'�•..• _.-4,.• . '-4`�, __ •
<br />