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<br /> - . `. s . -;t• Bosrower shall F��Y P�Ye Lend�written notice of any investigation.claim.demand. iawsuit or other aqion by any . ��.•
<br /> �"` ' govemmzntai or regulatory agen�y or private party invoiving th��raperry aad anY Harar�dous Substance or Envimnmwtal Iaw a.�
<br /> �;���`;'�� ,° o f w h i c h B orrower t�a s a c t u a l I m ow l e d ge.I f Borrower leams.or is ao ti f c e d by any gov e r n m e n W o r authori that `•F�`_�
<br /> m�ulatorY tY•
<br /> . � any removat ar other remediation of any Hazardous Su�stance affecting the Pr�operty is nec�sary.Bom�wer shail pro�ily tai� �
<br /> -- � a!!aecessary remedial a�ions in accordanae with EnvirortmentaJ Law. � ` ;;
<br /> : i;:._�:_,;':•�.,� As used itt this para�raph 20. °Hazatdous Substances° aze tiiose substances defined as to�ic or h a r�dous sn bstances 6 ;
<br /> :�;.•::�;.�.-.,: .:;: E n v i r o n m e a t a l l a w a n d t h s f o i 2 o w u�g s u b s t a n c e s: g a s ali►te. keraseae, other flammable or tozic pevoieum p�cts. toxi� '4 t-�
<br /> � � ',:;�h; pestiades and herbicictss.volatile solvents,materiaLs�ntaiaing asbescos or formaldehyde�aztd radioacrive mate r}a l s.As used u'�
<br /> '": this pazagraph 20..°Enviranutental Law" means fe�eral laws and laws of the jurisdicuon where the Pmperty is tnca�ed that'a
<br /> ;�:`��'•':.`.�"`; relate to health.safety or envimnmental protection. �
<br /> • � . NUN-tJNlFORM COVENANTS.Horrower aad I,eader funher rnvenant and agree ac follows: � `
<br /> ea
<br /> �''I'` �'�� �� 21.AooeIeratfon;R�nedies.L�der shal!give natioe to Borru�ver�trtor w socet�utioa following Borrowei's 6rea
<br /> ��.. at any covenant or agn.�emeat in t�is S�u�ity L�st�a�t t� Qoi �ar to sc�cra8ou cmder p�ph !T ,
<br /> _ appltcebie Iaw provfdes othenvLse).Ttie notfce shaU specify: (al�Q default;(b)tite adEon requtr�d to c�+e the defaW � `:
<br /> (c)a date,uot�ess tt�an 3U days fmm the date the noHce is given to Borrower,by whtc6 t6e default muct be c�ed;nna � �
<br /> - - . �..�`< (�t h a t f a i[in+e to care t t te d e f a n l t oa o r I s e f o r e t ti e d a t e s�e d f c�in the aatice ma y resalt fn aoceteratiog oP the suass
<br /> , _. . ;_c, Secare�by ti�is�e�ueity Iastramenf and sate of the Pmpesty.Tfae QotFce s5all further inform Sorro�er of the c�gbd to
<br /> ,� ' �` � �' ceit�state after aa�e[e�stton aad the rtg4t to bring a comt action to asert the no�eace of a defau[t or ang.other
<br /> �..
<br /> ``":•;';::% '`�:'; ` • def�se af Borrower to accd�ation and sa[c. It the deYault i� r[nt cured on or 6efore the date specified€n E4ts nottc� �:.,;`:
<br /> _ Le�cder.at its opdoa.rn�{Y rwluine immediatc payment dn faU of aU samq se�a�red by thLs Secur�ity Wst�eanent��ii6nnt ,�,
<br /> further demand and may invotse We pawer of sate and any othes remedtes penaaitted 6y appi�sable taw.i.ender shait 6e
<br /> ti entld�to collcct al!eapeitces�usred!n PmsoIag�he r�nedtes pmvfide�in tdls pata�aPh 21,�dudin�,6ut rint timtted � `:
<br /> -�:``,,:.:;:���;'��:iy:";; . to.reaso n a b ie a tt orueys'fees a a d w s t s o Y t t t le e v t d��c e. , �'�-
<br />- _ ��:',,;.;}f.;3: If tfte powev ot sate is tuvoked,Trostee sball�ard a ani�oe of_defanit in eacb oaimty in whltb eny part o�the • _ �-
<br /> �r�„ Yropzrty t�larated au�s�a0 muEl aopics of s�eh aMice in ttee�avncr prescrihcd by appiicabte taw to 8orrower aesl to �:
<br /> ' � t De o t h�r persoffi ps�cr�d bg app}I c a b te l aw.A t t e�r 4 h e t i me r e q a i r e d b y a p p l i c a b le l aw,Tivstee sha�•g i��p n 6 t ic notFre �• .:
<br /> . -,'.:f;��,'i:: -:-°
<br /> .,,'..��:;`•�''.��;f. ' mf sale to ttie.Qt�soa��r�'a�a the manner presc�e�i bY�PP�cabte Iaw.Trastee.without d�nand a�.�v�trower.d�aD s�lt . �,._�
<br /> � • � �he Prop�ty at pnbE��ion w tLe htghest 6idder at the tinte sud piace aad nnder tl�e terms desfgn�9�d'm tGe notice of
<br /> `�� ' sale in e�nr more p�els aad in aoy order Trastee d�erariacs.Trustee cQaY Pustgone sate af at#�r�ir►y par�el oF ihe
<br /> � ��%...: Progt�t��.L�x�•ppt,�,�,lic anno�cemw4 at We time and place of�y Prevlously scheduted sate. I.ender or its d�may ,> �
<br />_ .:i:!�;;,��,u��y,�. �$�s►vp�8;91fi1 S81C. � .. _ ..::- r- .�.�.... -
<br /> M1;�.. ,r�.,.'�.. `; iJpon r�cefpt �..�a3rment of the prtce 6id, Trnstes sha91 ddiver to the pn� 9t�ust�'s de�d conveyisig the _ `��':�.
<br /> �. '��."•� Ptopertl'.Tice radt��n tiie Trustee's dee�shalt 6e prima fade evIden�og the tras6 of the atateraents made the�ia. -
<br /> � 1Yastee sball appty�the proceeds of the sale in t3te fallowfng order:(a)to a:��sts and espenses oY exesdsi�g the powe�af . --
<br /> saie,and ttte sa[�inclading the payment of fhe Trastee's fe�actnally incnn+e�D,not tu��v�l �e of $54 or 1/�° -_-�.
<br /> � " � af the p�pal suwunt oi the note at the tlme of the dedaratton of defantt,and reasurrabie a 'fe�as peemitted =-_
<br /> ,y"� ;: by la�r;£t':D`io all sams secored by t6Ls SecnrIty�sts�ment;and(c)eny escess to the person or peisons legally entitled to �`
<br /> s
<br /> �t. :,.Y.�, dL.� . . . .�.;�.
<br /> . x2.,IIeeoaveyac�. Upoa paymeat of alt s�ims secared hy this Sec�uis.y Instniment, I.ender shal! request Trastee to � �� ._•
<br /> , 3�• recomr�•t(rr propec�r and st�alt surnader this Security Instrument and alj notes evidencing debt secured by this Se�urity f. .
<br /> ' .' ��j�,_. I n s t r umeaz r r r Trnstee.Trustee shaf!teconve y the Fto p e rt y with�s warran ty and without ch�rge to the person ar perseres�egaily _ -'--
<br /> . .;,�.;;:,�r;� entitledtcr�.Such person or persons,s#�aft pay any recordatcan�.4_ .� ` �"
<br /> p
<br /> ' :��.tcr;��, 23.Sabstitnte Tcustee.Lender.at its option.may from time to ame remove Trust�and uppoint a successor�iee to � _,
<br /> `°•.�•` siny Tnrstee appointed hzreunder by an insuument irecorded in the caunry in which t}us Security,Insavm:at is recorded.Without � �__
<br /> A
<br />' � .;,�r� conveyance of the Property.[he successor trastee shall sacceed to ali the titlo,power and duaes oonferreci upon Trustee herein = _
<br /> . "...,"; � and by applicable law. ----
<br /> ..:�_:��':�� . ?.4.Requcst for 1Vottces.Homawer requesu that copies uf�e noticaes of defautt and salc bc seat to Borrower's address
<br /> �'..,.`,;:,,�.': ,.. which is the Property Address. . ��--'
<br /> r;,�: � °- . 1a.Ittdeis to thts Secudty Instruffient.If one•or�more rsders are executed by Barmwer and recorded together with this i---
<br /> s
<br /> Socurity lnstrument,the covenants and agre�menu of erach such rider shall be incorporated Into and shall a.�and supplement r�.�-
<br /> � . the caveaants aud agrcements of this Security Instnua.�nt ss if the rider(s)were a part of tbls Security Insuutuent. _
<br /> =�-<`=�- [Check aFpucable trox(es)) --
<br /> � , ;,'f.�� � . P.-'.._.
<br /> .. 7r�t�`:;Y: [��,i��sta6le Iiane(tidcC 0 Condominium Rider �1�Famity Rider -
<br />_ ..;,�;;..'' ❑�raduated Pay�nt Rider �P;anned Unit Development Rtder �Biweekly Payment Rider _-_—
<br /> ' � � Balloon Rider �IZ�ce Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider :_
<br /> • � •:�• �V.A.Rider [�Other(s)[sFP.c�fYl ; -
<br /> �y :
<br />- • �� "��' :.. ,� Notice of Default -
<br /> • : �..�: -
<br />--- ` . . : ti . .
<br /> _ ��' • BY SIGNIPIG BELOW.Borrower accepu a�agrees to the terms and eovenants cantalned in this�ity Instnuneut and :�:',
<br /> . � �' in any rs;�s)executed 6y Borrower and recorded with it. � �"
<br /> ��
<br /> .,: Wim��s:- � j�.. _
<br /> _ : . ���r��ll r,��� �5�, -
<br /> � ,
<br />- ' Elmes L McNiBh •6orrower
<br /> • �'��°;�rn,:� `,' ���vvf+�i �_� g� '.
<br /> `�, ( ) w�.`:�,
<br /> •8otmu�cr
<br />- � . � �i Alta B McNisb ::-�:•;+
<br /> , i 't±,
<br /> ° � . .. . � .
<br /> • ' (Seal) (5eal)
<br />__ :�,.`:�.. -Eorcoacr -Borrower .
<br />__' _ . . �lr i �.� . .
<br />_—� . .� . STA7'E O�;VEBRA3tC�, HaI1 ��S'ss:
<br /> _ , � 'f'he foregoing instrument cvas acknowledged before me this 22nd �ey°f April •1997 '
<br />- " ' � bY Elmer L and Atta B NlcN3ah, gusband and t�ife •
<br /> � Wttness my hand and notarial seal at Grattd Islaad, Nebraska ;n said County.the date aforesaid.
<br /> . . . ,: My Commission Expires: �•�� �'�!CLW►UJIJ�. �
<br /> No PuDlic
<br /> ; _ � ��ERALNOIA(iYStateolHeblasla :
<br /> :;� 1iJi33'iii i.ttkif£Ai
<br /> . ' My fAmm.EsR iEA 6.1493 a o+o Farm 3028 9/90
<br /> � _ . . � , .. ... . •�r � .. , ' . .�
<br /> . . . . . . . . . . .., . ., . . . . _ . . . ... . ..._... . . .,._. . . , . .. . ..... . .. . .. �._. . .. ..,. . ....
<br />