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<br /> - ` � Instium�nt")is m�e on Aps31 22 s 1997 .The ts�stor is � :
<br /> a '��+`�5 QEEQ QF'fRUSi?(°Secu:iry . . � �;.
<br /> .. <4 Hnsband and �dife .�` �
<br /> .<': •� . B7me�c L and Alta B McNisb. . �'.
<br /> ""` ' Associatiott . �' , , ��-:
<br /> ' ,. . � ('8arrower').Themiatee ie. Dto�e$t Banit Idebraeka, Hatioaal ' . � y
<br /> _ �� . �.'=T-
<br /> ' Associatiou ... ��''
<br /> . . • �.....�,_
<br /> ' `.��;: (•Trastee').The bcnef�aiary�is Nos�aeat Bat� 2iebraska. I�ational �� � � ..-
<br /> - ,aad wDose `�= --
<br /> - .i . .. -"-
<br /> �:'' �: •` ` : wluch is organize���d exi�dn�undgr the laws of �� pp�,ted States of Amelcica ` : • ,::
<br /> .�',�y, ,;.:z
<br /> � • addre.ss is 3t��4 W L3th St, Gran+d iel.aad, NB 68803 �.!?����
<br /> . .. .. _;,. (•Lead�").B�rcower owes iender the Prirn��►of., . . �___-
<br /> ' �.. ;�� . �, ' A,,� �� nollats N.s.� � q� 00 )' n
<br /> + This debt is qvi�d�liy� �orrow°u er�sdnote—dat��t�iss"Dsuns date as this Security Iasunment �Ia ).whtch provideg foL •-�a.,z.--
<br /> .. ' �n�hiy payments.'��rith•tha fWl debt.if nnt paid eariier.due and payable on rfaq 5, 2001 ��t����newals. �.�A"�_.
<br /> � • 'iliis SecuritY Instnffient s��ut�to Lender.(a)the repc�Ym"un of the deDt evidenced by the Note, under pmr�g�apb
<br /> . .. repc� 7 w �;`;._
<br />- . - �temions and ma,d�i`iauttons of the Note:(b) du Pa�'m�a+t of atl otder sums. with imeres� ad+�nnced For this -�-----
<br /> . . . ' psotect the sa�rity�of�3tjs Security [nstncmea�:an� (c) the Pesfonnance of Borcower's covenariu and agre�ts• = ----
<br /> - .'.•�.,"` ..',,> '` . Pu�poss•Borrower•ittevucnbfy gtants and a►meys to Trastee. in tn�st,witb power of salE.the following Conntyr.N raska: �""-`_�-
<br /> ���;�•
<br />. ..� . , located in �a�:]: �:_,_
<br />-_ , . ',���, _N_��.
<br /> '�`.,�:. ;•:,.
<br /> � �. r:;` tf Tia� 4, Abrahamsnn's� Sub�ivis3on, C�tY of Grand IeA.and, Sail . _
<br /> .; �.;; �l. Couutq> Dlebxaslta. ' __..._
<br />- . . ,
<br />- _.. _
<br />= .. • �;:'.,:: :;: � _
<br />-- . . �:�� >'•�_�':, . � -
<br /> �. ,} _,
<br /> � a,, -, k�'. �• [Street.Cityl. -
<br /> � t�r ,.`.,... . " wluch has the address of�t6yi e� Jot�, Graad Isldmd Address'): � -- -_
<br /> +` � ' NCbi3ske 688t12. �.��
<br /> ;�', . _.
<br /> r �r . ` (7.ip�Ca1:1 �i;
<br /> . ••' �� ' p�o Etlld 8���DIS.a�p Ili[COSi1CCS.3IId '
<br />__. . • :. , ; ;;: 'faGETHEEt'WETH�oll�tlte improvem�rss now or�A���e�nu and aflditio�shafl also be coverer.by ttis Se�vrity � .:;
<br /> .. •�;;'::• ��'r . ' fiatures nnw or hereafian a part of the prmperty. f,..T•�
<br /> . `:"�``� � '' ' instrument.All af the I b�ugaing ia i e f e r r e d t a�n t h i s S o c e�r i t y I n s t r u m�e nt ag the'P ro p e rt y�
<br />-- , .l'�,�.,;.�� . . � L.�':'i•__
<br /> - BORROWETt CO�IENAN't'S thut�truwer is iati�?ully s�is�d o!thc estate heteby oomeyed and das the right tn�.r.mt
<br /> -_ � `.::'%{,:;',;�'� oomreY the Fnap�t�nd'�t�tha Progerty i� tmensnmbered.exoc�i for enaunbranoes of reoord.Barro�ver wamu�w and wUl �.;„T;
<br />-_ �� defend generallY'1➢ie citt�tA ttla PrupertY e8ain»t ell cltim�and ds�t�s.subjeN to m�y encvmbianaes of teoord. -
<br /> � ,::� .' I �1` 7g1I5 5ECUlu'i'Y INS'PRUMENT combines unifarm mret�ants for natianal use and non-aniform oovenants wit�limited .
<br /> ;��;���'. � variations by jwisdiction to tanstitutc�unifoim securit�niustumens cove�n8�1 Pr°F�5'• �
<br /> .._. , ;...•'! f�: . '. UMFORM COVENANTS..Bomn�ver and Lead�tt c�m�ensnl and a�ree as follo�vs: p tvhea due tIle .:,
<br /> ' ��,'���. � 1.Qayment oY Feiad(ud�aad Inte�+�4:Prepq}mPaf nn0 L�►te Gt�tu�c�. Sorro�+rer shall romGdY D3Y .
<br /> � �nt nttd tate charges due under the Note.
<br /> � . • principal of aad interat an the d�bt evidenced by ttce Kc�e and anY P�Y .
<br /> - �' ��� � 2.Fund9 for Teates uttd tasurfutce•Subject to a�dlrable!aw or to a�vtiuen waiver by i.ender.Bono�ver s�all pay w
<br /> - .. • n9
<br /> ' ' Leader on the day mont6lY Pal�menta e�+�due under ttie 1�►�e.uatil ths Natc is paid in full,a sum 1'F�ds')for:(a)y�arly tax�s
<br /> ' ,'1 �ad�smeitts�vAich may Attain pdoriry ovcr this Socs�titY[nstnumN as a Uen on the Ptoperty:(b)Y�iy te�ehotd payments .
<br /> - ' �.� , or gmund rents on the pnaper�y:.it�aay:(cl ye:uty h2��or in�.vranceable by Borio�er coytender�n arcordanc�� �
<br />- . if any:le1 Yearly mongage insurnnce p�emiums.�n�����msur.�ce Prcmiums.7leese items are calted"Escra�v Items." .
<br /> . ttte provisions of pamgraph S•ir�ieu of the payme_ 8�a�
<br /> _ . L�d¢r m�y at any time. colla�t anct 6old Funds m an armwn�nnt to eaceed ttce maaimum amount u tendet for a federsttly
<br /> . ma
<br /> _- . related mortgage toan may requir@ for Bnrro�ver s escro:vi cecmunt un�er the federal Rnl Estate S�dement Pcaoedures Act of
<br /> ��• .• .� : 1974 as amended from dma ta tnne. 12 U.S.C.Sectio� 260i et seq.!'RESPA'1.unless unother taw thatapplics to tt�e Funds
<br /> . _ � sets a lesser amo�uu. If so. Lertdcr may.at any time.�lect and ftold Fun��rea�sort�ab�ie esi�mtatt�eseo��e�e i�of fut�ue
<br />':.� . . ." . ` :. . Lender may estimate the amount af Funds due an the Na�s of c�tent data ,
<br /> ..,. , .. .. ..
<br /> .:, . ��_--.-,,-� Fscrow lteans or otherwise in arcotd�nce�vith uppltcaDir law. .
<br /> � �` `---- - NE$AASItQ-Singla fami(y-FBmdo I'�&salFtCQd'0 Gt�a U715CRtd lIYSTAUN'�ENT �..; . •• ��Qt�618f �
<br /> .; ' , . . �fn 12T97 R7TO VMi uOPT(3AGE i0�LN5 �3tyiM3 8t00 �s00�52>>I9� v.��or s . ,y � . �
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