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<br /> _ �y-g �. substantiallv equivalent mortgage insurance rnvem�e is not avaifabie.Bormwer shall psy to Lender r3ch mc,nth a sum equal to
<br /> `.° ti:�=: one-twelfth of the y�uly martgsige insurance premium 6eing paid by 8orrower when the insunun�e����er.�e IapseJ ur ceased ta �.''`
<br /> ' ` <,� _ : be in effect.Lender will accept,use and retain these Qayments a� a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insuraiue. Loss resen�e
<br /> • _, •�..,� payments may no longer be required.3t the opuon of Leader,if mortgage insurdnce caver.�e�in the amount and for ths:periad� ��'
<br /> A
<br />_• . �;� �: ;:,`� that l.ender requir�s)pror�ided by an in�urer appre�ved by Lender agaio becames available and is obt�in:d. &�rrower�hall pay�I �:•<<
<br /> , '.` �` the pn�miums requircd to maintain mortgage insurance in effect,��r to pmvide a toss reserve,until the regairement for mortgage `
<br />_ • � ;� insu:aIICe ends in acrnrdanoe�vitb:s�y tivritten usreement behreen Hosro�ver and l.ender ur applicabie lativ. `
<br />., ` , 9 Ittspectfost.Lender or its agetu may make reasonable entries apon and inspe�tionr-of the Pmperty. L�nder shatt giti•e� ;: ';
<br /> �'r� Bosrow•er notice at the ame of or prior to an inspRC[ion specifying r�,onable cause for the inspe�Kion. � � ,�
<br /> � 10. Coad�aattan.The procFeds of any award or claim far dan�a�, dire��t ar wnsEquentiai, in conrtection with any�
<br /> �• � � ' `� .���� candemnation or olher taking of any part af the Pnoperty.or for mnveyance in lieu of wridemnation, ara hercbv assigned and� '°x
<br /> - -;.� - shall be paic!to Y.ender.
<br /> ' ' ' In the event of a total taking of the Property.the proceeds sinall be appiied to the sums secored by this�Security IaStrumertt. � ,��'<
<br /> _-.===�� = whether or nat then dae,with any exc��pa�d w 8c�rrower. In thc cvent of a p�artial takinL of tke Pra�rty in which ttte fa'u �--
<br /> �`�'�� market value of the Property iuunediately befare�Fte taking is equal ta or grc�ter than the amount uf th�sumt secured by this �', ,
<br /> - -'��'°=^:�'� - Saairity Instiument immediauly before the taking.unless Borro�ser and L.ender othenrise agree in writing.the sums secured by _ `'
<br /> . this Securiry Izts[rument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the foltowing fraction: ta)ihe tptaf ��
<br /> amoum of the surr�secvred iimrtediately before the tatdng,divided by Ib>the fair marlcet vaiue of the Property intmediately '•
<br /> ° °" before the taldng. Any balanoe shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Pruprrty in w6ich the fair S° �
<br /> � `�� maricet value of the Property imme�iately before the taki�ig is tess than the amount of the sums secured immediacely befor+e the t ";
<br /> , �_ , taking,utdess Borrower and Ixnder otheraise agrce in writing or unless applirable law otlienvise providei,the praoeed�shall +•
<br /> `'.;, .�. "� .� ': be applied to the sums secured by this Se�vrity[nstrument whether or not the sums are then due. '�<
<br /> '� �'�• .�-' • •�� If the Propetty is abandoned by Borrower,ar if,after aotice by Leader to Borrower that the ronde�nor offers to make an `'"
<br />-=6i"•.: . .
<br />��'�'�" �� awaazd or settIe a claim for damages. Borrower fails ta respond to Lender within 30 days after the dw:�the notice is gi��en.
<br /> �i• �� �_.�;�� ` Letsder is autharized to collect and apply the proceeds,at its option,either to restoration or repair of the Property or to ttte sums
<br /> ,..�, t°°: ` '� ; secamd by tfiis Security Instrument.�v6ether or not then due. •
<br /> :••.��;-_ ::'.�:��:.'�.: : Unless_L.eader and Bornnwer otherwise agme in wriring. any application of proceeds to princep� shall not eatend or
<br /> ' -, �, postpone the due clate of ttie mo�nhly payments r�eferred to inparagraphs 1 and 2 or change the antount of sacb payments. `'
<br /> I �'� '; t:�' " U.Borrower Not Released;Forbearattce By Leader Nnt a Watrer.Extension of the dme for payment or modifirarion +'~
<br />�!'��, °"�� � of amortization of•the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Ixnder co any sucoessor in interest of 8arrower shalt --
<br /> ,: . . , ., a ms �'
<br /> � ` not operate to retease the liability of the original Borro�ver or Borrower s saccessors in interest. Lender sti�ll not be required to -
<br /> ``�'� � =_...:�..�:: oommencc prooeedings against any successor in interest or refuse to e�ctend time for payroent or otheiwis�e modifyQmnrtiaation �`-=
<br /> �t''.• of the swru secured by this Secu�ity Insuument 6y reasoa of any demand wsde by the original Bortower or Burrower s
<br /> ecu it
<br /> ' - succesois in interest. Any fortrrea�ce by Lender in exercising any right or n;medy shall not be a wa�ver of ar pn�ctade the �,_��
<br /> ��� �. ,�., esercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> 12. Succe�aa�� Assigns Ho�md;doiat and Several I,Iabiltt�;�gaers. The covenanu and agreemems of this �. `
<br /> ' � ' Security Instnrmea��;.afl bin@ and benefit the successors aad as4igns of ixnder and Horrower, subjact to the pro»isions of -
<br /> �
<br /> •• par3graph 17. Borrawer's cwen�ts and agreements shall 6e joiat and several. Atry Borrower whn co-signs ttus Security -=� .
<br /> � Ins�ucr.�nt but does not execute the Note: (a)is oo-signing this Security Inscnuneat only to mongaga.gtam aast cori�ey that E�'==
<br />.�:;;.• Y �:� Sarcuraer s interest ia the Pr+operty under the terms of this Sea�rity Insaument:N)is not personally obligated vn Qay�the sums �
<br /> , , � " stx�cted by this Security Insuument;and(c)agrees that Lender�d azry otb�r Eorrower may agree to ex3end.nwdify..forbear or ��"�
<br /> ` �*�' •, �,�.� ' make a�r acxommodations aitb regard to the terms of this Seauity Insau.��or the Note without thzt,Htirrower's consent. _-
<br /> � '" . � � • �13.I.dan Chaiges.If the loan secured by this Security instrucne.+i�,is:�bjed to a law which sets lis�ximum loan ci�arges. e _.
<br /> " :• and that law ic finally interprex��a that the interese or oth�et f,a:n ctta�ra�collected or tn 6e collected in oonnectipn,arit6 the
<br /> .:��;,<'.. �' Io��ua�d the pemiitted 1imi�;:rl�n:(a)any such loan chxr��r..a�a,�bs�aduced by the�nv�unt necessa�y w reduce.ffr�sdarge ��
<br /> , : �r;• . . - .� :� to c£�;�miued limir.and(Er�ry�.sums already wllerted fro��omaa���zich exceedeti permitted limits will be ret�nnded to � - •
<br /> • • Botrower. Lende:mr� choose to make this refund by reducing the pr"r.aa�al owed under the Nata ar by making a direct �•._-
<br /> � :.,�, paymeart to'Borrci;qs-�-: If a refund redaces principal. the rectuction wili be ueated as a panial Pmpayment arithout any. _
<br /> Y ` `�; %. Prepayment charge_un+�r the Note. �,;'__
<br /> � '' 14.NoBees.l�s,F notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Insnument shall be given by de;�ivering it or by mailing
<br /> ?F 'j f},1��£'.( ..• �'%:; g;__
<br /> it by first class mai!ahless applicable law requires use,of another method.The notice shall be directeci m the Property Address
<br />- ;: � • �; . or any other address Borrower desipiates by notice to Lender. My notice to l.ender shall be giv�by first class mail to °-
<br /> ; � .�•• ;��};;.. l.ender's address stated herein or any other address LeMer designates by notice to Borrower. Any notir�provided fos in thfs . =
<br /> . .�. ..-.,.r.
<br /> , 2� Security instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or I.ender when givcn as provided In�tius paragraph_ _
<br />: ' �';i��M 1S,GoverNng Law; Seve�$bility. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federai:laaa�and the law of the ' 'r=:'-
<br /> ' '' • �"'•�'{• ' jurisdiction in tvhich the Property is IocateA.In the event that any pravision or clause of ehis Secvri���(iishument.nr•the Note --
<br /> �' ' ` � ;� `- conflicts witb applicabie law.such canflict sha�l not affect other prov�sions of this 5ecurity insuumenl or the Note evlslih can be ���
<br /> _,� .��:��'��:'���°. . ;,_< given effett anthout the conflictin��rrovision.To this end che provisions of this Security�instrument und the Note aae declared ��-
<br /> - ,t to be severable. � ---
<br /> _ , . �.� 16.Borravreu°�a('.mpy.Bori�bwer shall be given one canformed cESpy cf.t�•Nate and of this Sr�tuity Tnsdument. m°
<br /> �, ' , � , +• . , 17.Trans�eirri�"t;4e PcopeRy os a Beneflcial Interest in Borro�ver.t�s91 or any part of ttt�Prt��rty or any interest in it �;
<br />''�:: : . • . is sotd or trtmsferri�(or if a beneficial interest in Bonower is sold or transferred and Borrower is nat•n natura!person)without
<br /> � Lender's prior w�tten a�nsent, E.ender may. at its option. require immediate payment in full af all sams secuted by this s'�•
<br /> �: .� ' %�� • ; Security Inswment.However.Nus opuon shatl not be exercised by Lender if eaercise is prohibited by federal law as of the date
<br /> _ _ � . of this Securlty Inmument. ���
<br /> _ •, k If Lender eaercises this option.Lender�l��Ji�ive Borrvaer notice of acceteration.The notice sb�l.pnovide a period of not �._::
<br /> __ � •'� 'i3 less than 30 days from the date the notice is ci�eiivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay a!1 sumg secured by this
<br />_= ."��� �`- Security Instrument.If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this pertod.Lendev M�y invoke any remedies
<br />-•�- pertnitted by this Security Insuument without further notice or demand on Borrower.
<br />_-- _ 18. Borroner's Itlgh4 to Reirtstate. If Borrower meets certain wnditions. Borrower shall�have the right to have �
<br /> • � { � eoforcement of this�Security Instrument discantlnned at any dme preor to thc earlier of: �a)S days for such other period as �'
<br />--_ , '� ,; •�; applicabte !aw may �pecify for reirutatement) before sale ot the Property pa�suant to any power of sate wntained in this � �,
<br /> - ' � ' °� Security Iiutrumer�or(b)entry of a jttdgment enforeing this Securiry Instnunent.Those conditions are•ihat Barrower.(a)pays .
<br />- ,,.;,,� �.•� � Lenc�er all sums which then would be dae under this Secvrity/nstrumcnt and the Note as if no aoceteration had occurred;(b)
<br />=°`��•:��" <- ��' • cures any defaWt of any other rnventu�ts or agreements; (c)pays all ea�penses incurred in enforcing.tfiis Securiry InstrumenG
<br /> _ .:. .,[;�:•, ntu ts
<br />�_••;t',c•:t,'��( �•.'•� incinding.but not limited to.reasonabfe attomeys' fees:and(d) takes such actlon as Lender may rasonably require to assure
<br />_�s'��.:h'(���` • that the lien of this Security instrument.Lender's rights in tAe Property and Borrower's obligatian to pay the sums secured by
<br /> • :: •�i this Securiry Instnunent shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, t h is Securiry Instrument and�the
<br /> __ `.{ abligatiorts securai hereby shafi remain fiilly effective as if no acceleration had accurred.However.thls right to reinstate shall •
<br /> �' . not upply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> " � ' 19 Sale of Note: Ctiange of Loan Servtcer.The Note or a panial interest in thc Note(tagether with this Securlty .,.
<br /> -_ ' Instwment)may be sold one or mone times�vithout prior notice to Borrower.A sate may result in a ciiange in the entity(known �
<br /> �' • „ a�the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this 5ecurity Insuu�nt.7'here atso may 6e one `
<br /> : ar more changes of the Loan Servicer unretated to a sale of the Note.If there is a chan�c of the laan 5ervecer.Borrower will be ,,,.
<br />'-`�..�,:�• � given written notice of the change in accordanc�e with paragraph 14 above and apQlicabte luw.The rtasice will s[ate the name and
<br />_- � � address of the new Loan Servicer and the address w which paymcnts should be made. The notice will also rnntain nny othcr .
<br />-= . infom�ation requireA by applicable taw.
<br />'y`: ��. � 20. Hazardou9 Substanees. Borrower shall nat cause or permit the presence. use. disposal, smrage, or reteasc of any
<br /> , . Hazacdous Sabstances o»or in the Prope r ry. Borrower �hall not do, nor allow nnyone e lse W do, anything affcctiag tM • .
<br /> . , Prope»y that is in violation uf any Environmental Law. The preceding ttvo sentences shall nat ap�ly to thc prescn��e, use,or
<br />' . storage on the Pro erty of small quantities of Hannious Substances that are�eneralty recognicaf t�6e uppmpriate to normal •� .
<br /> ,..
<br /> --` � " r�identiaZ as� to njaiatc�an�uE ti�r Fro�iy.
<br />�-� ' ,� ' . aege 3 0�a Form 3029 9190 ..
<br /> •
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<br /> .
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