4�.-� h'.�: - �.�--:�;�:�::,>." .^y __- _ -�_ ..�.._µ�„ t:5.y� ''J.�;`�2.'u.�.Y'__
<br /> �isl„'"�ls. - . �;t,,.. . c •b .c'`E.CT= �.'.' . -�q. 1 .r` � - � .
<br /> .. `..6�° �'�' ^ ? � .ro6..-- _ �c-- !. - z �' z-. �'..���,, � . � _`� �' -�<. �
<br /> i4}i� y^y�ln.,� �.. ' 4 i - . �. � � �� �t.r� . . .
<br /> -:vr'" ' 4 ' yqf i��•Y4��,•� - (o x t . ..ofV��� �_� �s.v.� �.' '4. {.o r. tt�����'
<br /> � ..Yr •t��w1�t i '; ,& ,-{ E 5 � !.
<br /> � -e
<br /> .s . ,
<br /> ' G zY • '�Y 4'' �°�E� ���YYY� ^`I�t`'�
<br /> - The Funds s[tatl be held in an iastituciun whose depnsi�s arc insured by a fed�FaT agency. iastrumentaiity, or enrity `� `
<br /> _ '` (iactuding i.endcr.if l.�tder is sucii an i�utitution)or in any Federul Home Loan�ang.I.euder shali aPPfY�P Fundc to pay the �``'�
<br /> "`����'e ;' Eset+aw Ilerns.I..ettder �
<br /> ��;:.,�:�;,....�.• :' r�Y nat charge Bnrnwrer for hoiding artd apptying d:e Funds.annually anal},rzing the escrow acoaum.or
<br /> .��.:�;:�m = verifying tite Es�ouv lt�ms,unless Lxnder p�ys Berrourer interesc on the Funds and appl6rabte law peru�Its[.ender to ma�e such ��°
<br />. ...._.�....:•.,....
<br /> ' .s•>:`.:::'•..w.? a chArge.However. Lexa��may requine BQmower co pay a one-ame chavge for an indepeaderu ceal es7ate ta�c regoning servioe `r�-�:
<br /> . °•,":', ; used by i.endcr ic� co�zzeection with tfiis lam�. untess appii�ahle taw provides nthenvisc. Uniess an agreemerrt �s m a d e ar
<br /> �• �,,._, e rt
<br /> .' `��`?�s=":;���.'`' appHcaUle lutiv nequi�:x interest to t�paid.f.ender s6al1 not 6e cequired to pay Borrowet any interest or�amings on the�unds. •'
<br /> ; �.:•r:��:.:�:'::.
<br /> � ,;�:�c�.<;- ;,,�� Boisower and Lender c�y agree in�vretir�;,howe�er.that intemst s,'�ail be paid oa the Fands. Leader shall�ive[n Burrower. `` �F
<br /> ,�.�vY:.'.•��`i tivithout chut�e, an an�:e�l acrnundmg of the Fu�ds,showing ctedits and debits co the Funds artd the pu�ase for whic6 eac5
<br /> '.<r°�'?::c.,'•;�„' debit w the Funds w�ct�dr.The Fe�cFds ace pled g e d as additional securi t y for afl swns secared by t}us Security Inswment. ..'
<br /> `%;�.:� `<:.1;1� If the Funds heid by Lender exaer�the amounts peimitted to 6e held by applicable laK.L.end�r shalt acrnunt to Borrowe� �:<.�
<br /> � ���.;��;;�c.�� for the excess Funds in a.,ocardance with ti�e�uirements of ap�licable lativ. If the amount of the Funds held by Lendcr ai auy `
<br /> '�'�.t"�.��--� ; timc is not svt�rient to pay the Escrow items�vhen due.txnder may so noafy Bornower in wriang,anQ.in such case Borrower ` °,
<br /> rtt,;,,..
<br /> �`°� sliali pay to Leader ti�s amou�t m��ess�ary tu im�ce up the defciency. Borrav�-cr shalf m�lcc up the delirienn in no more than �'-°_
<br />- .,:�,��'r,c�,�`rf��,,.°,�;:�; nvelve monthlY PaYma►ts.at i.endei s sole discretioa • -
<br /> �' ���-..t Upan paymen3 in full of a!I sums s��et�d by this 5ecvrity Instrvment. Ixnder shaU promptly refuad to Borrower any c,,';-
<br /> '�:,; .• . „>:�;,
<br /> _:. `���:. , �:; Funds held hy Lxndu.l!urtder paragraph 2I. L.aender shall acquim or sell the Ptoperry.Lender.prior ta the acquisiuo»or sale .
<br /> �;:;,�=: . ,�!.>'=. of the Property.shall a,�+fy airy Fur�ds heEd by Leuder at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secuied by
<br /> ;'_`'�r, ` ��^�' this Security Instnus�xn,t. < •:
<br /> ''_':;; :` 3.Applfcation of Pay�neats.Unless applicable taw provides otherwise,al{paymeau received by Lender under paragraphs .•��
<br /> •:':�.�'":. .,':.. ��:'� i and 2 shaU be ap�fded: first. to any prepa)'me�tt charges due under the Note:s�ond.to amounts payabte under paragraph 2;' � .
<br /> % :�. , - .,;;`; thiid.to interest dae:fa:�rtb.to prirezip�dac:aaid last.to any�atc cf►arges dae under d�e Now. `:�-
<br />° '•`s;. � 4.Ctu�rges;I.ieas.Borrc►wer shall pay asl taxes,asses�**►��s.charges, f�s a n d impositians ami bn t a b le to t h e P n�perty --
<br /> `'���� - �" ' which may attain priarity over this Securiry(nsttumea�and I�Etn2d paytQea�ts or groutzd mnts.if any. Botrowec shall pay .:::�
<br />.- =':;,�,'�a.: :.. ,,��. , these obligsttions in ths na3nner pravide�in patagraph 2,ar if aot pa:d in that manaer.Borrower s6a11 pay them on time directly `' `
<br /> . ..�, . :,,L;"t ° ta the pe�son owed paynutnt.Barroveer shap prompdy fumish to Iender all nntic�of amounts to 6e paid nuder this paragraph. g����'`
<br /> "'` ,�! If Bnrrower makes thr�e paym�nts dirertiy.Bflarower shall praTC►ptty fnmis6 ta Lender receipts evidencing the paymenu. f `
<br /> ,,`' ` ��-`• Bornasver shatl promptly dischaage any tieo aehich has priority over this 5dcurity inswment unless Borrower_ (a)ap�ees in �.� ':`
<br /> -. r„�,4 � 4.c-
<br />_-����� ,;.,��sf� �vriting to ttse Fay�neiu of the abligation setured by the lien in a manner accepta6le to I.ender.(b)�atats in good faith the li�
<br /> s:.� ;`'�' by, or defemds agaiatt enforcerttent of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the L'ender s opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> :>`>_-� `'"''"`+���,� enfotr,ement af ibe Itefl:or(c)secures fram the haider of the�ien an agreementsa.*'tsfactory to Lender subordinating the tien to �.��'
<br />;_:_:;::� .-'.:��! this Security Instmment. �i Lender deternunes ti�at any part of the Property is�bject to a lien which may attain priurity over i'-��'°
<br /> �''� � - �:�,� � ihis Security Instrumxnt, I.ender may give Botrower a nottce identifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or �c�.'
<br /> � �' ' '`���'=F1•"'«� more of the actions se1 forth above��ithin 10 days oi the giving of notice.
<br /> �``" ``��'`{# S. �s�d or Fro I�nce. Barrower shali k the im mvemenu now exi��n or hereafter ere�ed on the •
<br /> '-�-a,�'�,�+ P�' �P P S
<br /> ..':�i"� :�... f '.
<br />;� ;��... -....,:°::��F�z, P�apetty insund a�airest toss by fire.hazards inciudeai within the term "ex[ended ooverage" and any oW�er hazards.including �;
<br /> r.• . r'}�{J4�� floods or flaoding, for�v6ich l.ender requires insu�ance.This insurance shall be ma'sntained in the amou��nd for the periods . -
<br /> k ,. � .s.;�: that Lender requir�s.7tue insurance carrier providing the inwrance shall be chosen by Borrower subjact tar Gender's approval `"
<br /> � � � � ?� which shall not he wueasonably withheld. If�rrawer fails[o maintain coverage described above, Ler�may, at Lender's
<br /> ${ . ,r<�� option.�rs coveragz to protect Lender's righu in the Propercy in accordance with ParagraPh 7. '
<br />;. f- ..:'';�;;� qF�i�u��nce poferies aad reaeavals shaU he acceptabte tc��sder and shall include a standard mongage clause. Isnder __
<br /> }�. .� `.�3, shall'huve�fi5�.rs'ght to t�2d the policies and renewals.lf Lender rc�ui�.Barrower shall promptly give to Lender a!1 r�s of� �
<br /> °' 'R�� paid premitu�acd r�v.al notiees. In the event of loss.Borrou:r.��iall give grompt notice to the insurance w¢rier and Ler�der.
<br />,:'�� .;;'ti`��: l.ender may make g�nf vf toss if rtot made prompt{y by Borroa•er`. �. -'_
<br /> ��;�=. h�r�`�.? Unless LendeY:a�ii:Bt+rrotver othenvise agree in wridng,in..�ir��ce procee�is sfial!be apptied to restomt�,;c,'s►or repair of the _.
<br /> ,, . ,��l�`;;;r�;?, Aroperty damuged,iYtf►�restoration or repair is ecoaomically fe��:and Lender's security cs.rzat tessened.If the restoration or
<br /> ,:�,,,; :.5�
<br /> :;:�';-;; ,y,.��� repair is aat:oconomically feasible or Leader's security wonld��sened.the insurancc pr�+�A�shaU be�applied to the sums �,,__
<br /> `ti� ��' by�iis Securit inctrument,whether or not then due. wy an excess aid to gorzi�ner,r: ]f Borr,¢Wer abandons the N :
<br /> �' f,� �;«� secumd y �� Y P �
<br /> �. i�f�,:.� Ptoperty.o�does aot 2nsK•er within 30 days a notice from Lender ti�at the insurance carriex has affered G�w;t�.e a claim,then . „�,.=
<br /> ��"� �"'�l•'`'�'`'�`� I.ender ma collect th� insurance mceeds. I.endec ns-.� use the mceeds to a�r or restore•the Pro or to a sums --==_
<br /> ^; f,'t;�': Y P r P �P � F�y p Y
<br /> � ''f'` secured 6y thls Security lnsuument.whether or not t6er_�:»e.'I3ie,34day period will begin when the notice is g�ven.� `
<br /> ,,�,,� _
<br /> i'. `��;•= Une�Lender and Borrower othenvise s�ree in writi�,.�i� application of proceeds to pr�ncipal shail not exfepd or �_
<br /> �,;s;;'�; postpone�rife d�ie date oi the monthly paymenu referred to i�-� ��hs 1 and 2 or ct�ange the arnount of the paym�rru:���f -
<br /> � '��-: under p .,�it 21 tha Pr �s a aed b Lender.Borrav���4 n��fit to am insurance licies and raceeds resul' i���n _
<br /> ' ,:f?_�,� �r_ °�rtY �N' ' Y n -
<br /> {�,i*d_� daunage to t�tr_t�m �_ :Emior to the acqu�suion shall pass to Lers�r,�;the exter�ut rhe su s�eaured by tphis Security I�
<br /> �m �ri
<br /> , 'r. ,:; immediutel�.�ac�x��:aAqu�sition. • � �'' � ,. � -
<br /> ., ,. r ,,;,', 6.Q��cy,lfi�:esvation,A�laie�tenanoe and Protertio�.nS the Praperty:Borrowe�'s Loan Appficatton; Le�Grsf�'9. , rt -_
<br />-- � :�y;..':.-;:%:;;`•:�;'i E Borrawer��lle occupy,e.uablish.ared use.the Proper[y as Bosa^�k�s principal residence withirs sixty days after the exe�w5n�of —
<br /> ` "�'x��� this Seearit�j instrumenn a�shall oomirue to aecupy the Prugen:u�u:Barrower s prineipal c�+:enee for at teast one y�r nfter � -
<br /> �� �'��' �� the date of occu unless Lender othenv�se a inwrit' • �tuch consem shall not be��nreasonabl withhetd.ot unless �
<br /> � ; ,,- p�Y• 8� ��-1 Y =
<br />._:�}, ' .,�, �t.,'t�v Y.' extenuuting circumstanaas exist which are beyoad S�crrower's control. Borrower shall not desuoy. damage or impair the .j
<br /> ,,,;;.s::t.�F� Property, allow the Pro�erty to deteriorate. or c�:,�it wasre on.the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture ..
<br /> '�'`�:" action or praceeding,�vlro:ther civil or crimina). is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in for�'eiture of the � .
<br /> _ .�.. �?�'�+��:` :� Aroperty or othenvtise materially imgair the lien cnated by this Sewrity Instrument or Lender's securiry intemt. Borrower may "
<br /> --:,F�n:.. �.•.r•,.y�, ,
<br />-��,��:•��, • " .�,;;,,.; ; cure snch a default and reitutate,as provided in paragraph 18.b}+uro�sing the action ar proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br />-`''•`r:��;' `� :'':`' : ibot. in Lender's good faith determination, precludes forfeiture uf the Borrower's interest in the Property or other material
<br /> s;i�;..`. :. .,�,,,.. :"
<br />_ ':%,:.;:;;; � impairment of Ihe lien created by [his S�curity instrument or Lec�ier's secuiit�� enterest. Borrower shall ulso be in defautt if ` ;,,
<br />—° `.�'t�,� J $orro�ver,during the I�rsn application prdzess,gave materially false or inaccur.ne infom�ation or statements to l.ender(or failed
<br /> ��`t�::-,•..
<br />_ �� '.�>:,:�r',��:; to provide Lender with any material information)in oonnection wirii the loan cviyenced by the Note.including,but not limited
<br /> ,, . ,��,,•,: ; to.nepraentations concemmg Borrower's occupancy of the Propertv as a principal residence. if this Securiry lnstrument is on a
<br /> {` � �S+ �� ; It�schotd. L'crro�ver sAa11 oomply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquireg fee titte to the Propert}�,.ahe �
<br />_-_:�t. ,�.+';�: :
<br /> '�r,: .�`,..�,.,;;.r;., � lc�seha(d imd the fce titt�e shall nat rrterge unless I.ender agrees to the merger in writin�.
<br /> ' ' '�"' ' 7.Fte�2ettlon ai l.�adt�r's Rip,hfs ia the PtopeAy.lf Borrawer fails to perform the cavenants and agreanents ovntainc�in
<br /> {:; .;, '� y= ,_
<br />�.��' � ' ` ' this Seculity Insttument.or th�re is a tega}pruceeding lhal may significantly affect Lcmdet's rights in the Pm�seny(sud*as a
<br /> ',�';.:, :,;;„s`:;�::�;
<br />=P��'�{�'�'"�.�•ti>� r�� ' roeeedin ut butilcnt te robate. for condemnation or farfeiture or to cnfarce laws or re ulations>,then L'xnder ma �o:uid •�
<br /> - ,:;t.?��:;�::',,.,r.r;;��; i P s' P 3�•v s y ..
<br /> 5+'� 'ti a�.+,` ! pay.for whutever is nece:sary to protect the value of thc Propeny and Lendcr's right�in the Pmperty. Lcnde�s aaia�r_�:nay
<br /> :'?�,}i: r �' ���} • ineluda paying a�iy sums sexured by a lien which has priority over this Secucity Instrument. appearing in caurt. p��ying ..
<br /> ' t^�'° •��•��+�'' I �as�nnble attom s'fees aryd enterin on the Pro en to make re airs. Althou h Lender ma talce uctiun under this ara h �
<br /> -:.�:<:'.�,:�5�;�}:;:.:,;•. � ,. eY g P Y F S Y P P�P
<br /> , °�•�''yl��:�.•�.�.�', 7.L.ender does nat have to do so. �
<br />- - • Any mnnunts disbursed by Lender undcr this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower se�:ured by this .
<br /> �; � Security In�ttument. Unizss Borrowcr and.Lender ugree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall be:u interest from the ..
<br /> , � deAa uf dibtturscment a� the Notc rate snd shall 6e payabic. aith interest, upon eutice t'ram Lcnder tu B��nower requesting '
<br /> _ _ ._:.. �` �.. . Pn��ment. _
<br /> • ' t3. 111ortqs�ge taturnnre. If Lertcicr required mort�age insur,mce as a�nnditiun of making Ihe lo:sn aecural by thiti Securiry •
<br />--_ • .' [nt��tuntenl. Bumower SSLilI p;�y the premiums reyt►ired ta maintain the martgage insurance in effect. lf, for any mason, ihe . ,
<br /> _, � rauttguga insunutcr covarage reyuircd hy Lender lapses or cr�sex to be in effcct. Bonmver shatl pay the premiums requiral tn
<br /> .. ahUiimca�•cruye wb+tanu.illy eyuiv:ilcnt to the mortgage insurnnce previ�us►y� in effect.at a cast substantiatly eyuiv;dent w thc
<br /> ...�, .
<br /> � • cotit�ur lit�mm�cr�Df the rtu�rtgagc ins�rance previousiy in effect, from an:iltemate mort�ge insumr appmral by Lender. {i
<br /> � � �az�a��a Form 3028 9l90 �
<br /> . U •
<br /> - �- • ' . . . ' . . . .�. ' .. .• 1 :
<br /> � ' .y._y..�.. ..,��c .. _ ..i..... . :. .•'1'. ._." " '. ,. . � _ . _.._ .._ ....___.�_ .___ _.. ._.. .. ... _ . _ . _ .__.. _- ..__ _ ._ '__� i :�..
<br /> .. . ._._ . .. .
<br /> .
<br /> . . ....r. . . .. . � f �. ..'.' ' ' ... .� - 7 d:� �:_� s
<br />