. '��.��-.� :_..s:�y ` - ._ ��.`..�._' - �:rr.; � _ _ aK.£ -- � �*` vi: _
<br /> -{ `.l-_��_ — �'. - -4- . - � nJ{f- 'i�� r- .r � �k r :n . `� ..
<br /> -� � E � _ 5 `t. .�� ,t_ a . 3 >'r`tt.cY' f .z, .-s - xc._
<br /> �'r -, _. 4. F� e+.,y.: F� }.-},. ?. 4�� .�: _ � _ c�� .Lc,;r �t i.f'_ >>., - _ A F t�x
<br /> �- r�, �"
<br /> V��'��'� ' .i'4-.:
<br />. <�li.��`-4.�',- '
<br />. .:�!.. .a .�� � :P�`i i
<br /> � '� `�*";, Borrower shall prompttY give Lend�r cirritten notice of any investigataa�n.claim.demand. tawsu'st or other action bY�Y _<<i=
<br /> . . �.r��t':':� ' ' -
<br /> govemraental or regulatory ageury ot private party involring the Ptoperty and any Fl�zandous Substance or Envimnmental Law ,
<br /> . • � of wluc6 Sorrower has acwai knowledge.U Borrawer te�arns,or is notifted by any govemzntnW or regulatory attthority.tt�at •r��o;
<br /> . any�emoval or othes remediation of aq}r Ha7ardous Substattce stffecting the Pra�ty is neoe5saryr.�orrower shafl promptiy take �
<br /> � .- all neoessary m.medial actions in ac�coxdanoe with Envimamentn{i.aw. � •;s°<: `
<br /> �. � o
<br /> �� .`•' ' AS used in this paragrapfi 20, 'tlarardous Substances"aze those subst.n�aes defirted as toxic or hatazdaus substanoes b�
<br /> �` <°.. `.':� Environmerual Law and the fallowing substaaces: gasoline, kemseae. oil� flammablt or toxic petnoleum pmducts. ta�cic�
<br /> ' :` pesticid�s aad herbicides.votat�ite solvents.materials wntaining asbestos or fam�aldehyde,an�rsdia�aive ma�erials.As usaf en
<br /> • • <.,�''f``R this patagraph 20. 'Environmentai Iaw" meaz�s federal laws and la�vs of th�jurisdiction where the Property+ is �acated that� � "
<br /> " ` ...' .;> relate m health,safetK ar environmental pratectinn. '� '
<br /> -�:,.��:.;.,,:� � •.>�� NION-UIVIFORM COVENAN'fS_Bonawer aad I�nder fitriher oo�et�nt anai agn�e�s follows: ` .-
<br /> �f '`� 21.Accderatton;ReaedYes.Leader s6a11 gdve aat�ce to Botm�rer prior to aooelerntion folto�cing Bo�mnee's brescJ� F�� ,
<br /> af any woen�at or eg�Pat in 4It�Seeurtly Instru�eent Ebut ao! psior to e�ederatlon eender pare�uP� 19 en1�s .
<br /> � appli�able laev pmvidcs olher�vLse).T6e aotfce s6a1�spedfy: (t�the deSuult; (6)the adton reyulred to cure ttte defsult: �
<br /> � ' s - (c)a date.aat tess than 30 days&+nm the�te th�aotiee is giFen to 8or�mier.6y w6tei�the defas�tt mt�st be cgreds aad� �°-.-
<br /> --� ` ..� (d)Wat faitme to carr t6e d�ault oa or 6egnre t�e date s�edtied in!dY aaYlee mny r�elt ia ucoelecai�nn of the sums '``s`
<br /> , _ secm�ed dy tbts Secarity Iasd�uaent and sale of ttee Prnperty.l7ie uo2ice shafl fwtiher inform Borro�rer oi the rtghi to
<br /> '. . reigstate aftes aa�to.��ton and the rig6t to bring a eourt adton W a�se�t!he rtoa�xtstfnce of a defaalt op arty other �:',:
<br /> � _ defer�se ot 1�arrnv►rr to aaoeteratEon aad sate.If the de�'anit.ts aoi enred o0 or bcfare the date��Seeitied ia the aotice.
<br /> . l:r T� [.eadec.s�t its ot►3Ean.maY reyuire immediaie paymrul ia f�fl aY�!l�sums s�ned b�thts Secatftu Yastnume�nt witho�t „'-_:
<br /> =�`;,:� , .��.'.� fi�ther d�ased and may invo�e the power of sat�au�any�t3iar ren�e���Snnitted by applttitW�la�cv. I.etsder sb8!!"he �.;-_:
<br /> �
<br /> :':. .:;:r entitted w wU�ct aU ex�ascs incurred�a�the r�edt�spmvTd�in tmtis�arugrap6 2�.tas�diag,6ut nat Itmited �'-�",
<br /> . to,reasoaah2e attar�zys'fces awl costs of titte evtdeace. �"
<br /> . �"�� If ttir pnwerr o!�ie is b�vok¢d,Timstee shall r�oord a Qottoe of tldanit ia each connty ta wGfcb any pari uY the �:_
<br /> � - <'"' Fcape�ty is Iacat�r)and shall maif ea�of sadz�tEce in We ma�s pne�rib�l 6y appltcabte Faav w l�orco�er aitd to � '°
<br /> the otLxr�sons pr�¢d by apglLrab[e law,�We time cequired by appUcabte Iaw,Trustee s8sl1 give�ubIIt eto�ce
<br /> � s!1
<br /> . ... ��.;:,' o f.s a te to t h e pelsons e a d I n t he��p r e s�'I s e+d by a p g l I c a b 2 e t a�.�'r u s t e�w i t h o n i d�n a nd on Borm�er,shall sell ���
<br /> : - . the Property at pn6llc mnctEon to the higT�st 6iddgr�ttne time aad pi�¢and uuder!he terms daignated in the aotice af
<br /> .. `V,,�"�� sat�in one os more�arcais aad ia auy order'�rust�de�rml�es.Tnasiee m�aY Fust�at sale of a!�ar siry pai+oel oY the �--
<br /> -. � I�roperey by pu6lic animt�i at the ttme aad plaoe of an3'P��Y schedWed sale. I.endes.or its de�3gnee may
<br /> _ .._ _ - puirhase ti��cagerty at auy s�te, — �..°�•'
<br /> . - _ �Jpurs r.+�eipt oi pnytne�t of t8��Ece Wd. T�¢stee a6aU deLive� to the pu�r8as�Traastee's deed coaveyin� We ,_., •:•,
<br /> � Prop�.'1i'@e e+ecltats 6st tbe Trust�e's•dexd shaaU be prima fade evtdenoe of We trath of We sta4��ts made theRin.
<br /> .� '.'• '-'���• Trustee sha�apply the pr�of ttce sa4e m the fouowing order:ta)to all costs anil ex�scs of a�tlhe po�cer of
<br /> . ,'`.�,,,.�
<br />. ��.. .;'�,.�' �'� sai�and We sate,iudnding:tP�e pa�n�t ot the Trn�ctee's fees actually iawrred.aot to exceed �e�of $50 os 1/�a : '
<br /> . .�={;��
<br />- .___,,:...._:<<:.: ����{amoaat ot e�e.note u�-t[ee tbne of the declaiation of ddaa[t, aad eeasonabte attoeneys'fees�perrnifted �=:-..,
<br /> �' b Iaw;
<br /> �,. p (b)to all sams saat�.iry W11��ewrIty Iastrume�ut;aad(c)any exccss to the peison or persflag tegaUy e�ttled to
<br /> �- , f ,:,. Qt. � r�
<br /> ¢. ..'.: : 22. Reco�eyart�e. Ifpon pay,rn�t of all svms secvred by this Security Instrument. i.ender shall request Trustee to �;`,:�_-
<br /> ' '�'��.:�'�:- reconvey the Praperty arui 4htill:sa}�.der this Securiry Insuument aud all aotes evideneing debt secused by this Security - ._.
<br /> `� "` •�nstrumem m Trosteo.Ttd.��.gtuJf•c#�itivey tfte Property withont warranty and withaut d�arge to the person ar pe�sons teg�l�y � -
<br /> .�. �' entiUed w i�Sach pe�sou dt peSso�s��mlS<PaY any recordateon oosts. � �`
<br /> , •;»'`��' Z3:&a�tute Sraisfee. L:eud�t;.:u:irs option. may from time ta time re�ve Tnutee and appoint a saccessor bnstee to __..
<br /> . ,,;r .,� �m [:::,�:
<br /> �','c;;.�:`. any Tns��sq�oimed herennder by azt jir.�rument racarded in the oount�•in which this Security Instrument is recorded.Mttiout s,.e
<br /> Croveyar�ca�;�Fthe Prope:t�;the suoaessor uustee shal!succeed to all tt�title.pawer and duties conferr�d upoa Trustee herein --_ _
<br /> ' ' and byappllcabie law.
<br />