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<br /> .��,I�. ` :�::,:`:?;:••� TI-IIS DEFA dF TRUST("Secutity Instrument°)is made ou �ri]. I�, 1997 .1�c m�star is �`�'-��-
<br /> %.��� �----
<br /> ,! 'f±3y�'�s - - �e:�..
<br />... 1::•�� y{CJ:`'Ia.t.-.'; �.v,.
<br /> •` Ji�i.e L and Marilyn J McHngh, Husbasd and Wife x�%
<br /> • ��•
<br /> ::;:,; --
<br /> .,. - (^Borrower").The tmstee is Ho�g� �� gebraslca, Natiottal �ssaciation �;��.�:
<br />� ' ' �� " . �Y4:A:.
<br /> .. J.�.n . . -_,:'.-_,:
<br />. " .�.'K i . 1....'�"'.._'Iry'}.
<br /> � ' r� ' `Y (°Tnutee').The be,ne�ciary is Ho�est Bank Nebraska, Natioaal Assaa�ation ��'
<br /> .. ��,, :.::i._ , r-:=;;
<br /> . • .. �; .and tVhase «"��•`.
<br /> _ which is organized aad exisdng under ttte laaa of � ��,ted States of Arrerica -----•
<br /> - er ,,,,,,_.�:
<br /> �.;,�;. �.:�.;:'.j.:.� address is 340� 41 13th, Graad Islaad, N8 68803 `
<br /> ("i�r"),B�mAs�er owcs Leader the piintipat sum of =--
<br /> ";�f,ti ,i'e: . . ---
<br /> ;' {� � .. F .. . .
<br /> ; I'� �{� CCC �1��1?��.� L . �•
<br /> -r ���{r � :-� , � , �p rty 8+P �N9V��8 huud�ed ��'�O ��V�g��� � .
<br /> '.. ,, "I�LLS ti�t 1S tYtaen y�rro�ver s note e same date as th"ss Sdairi�}rfri�Wme,�t ot� a ch rovidesfor
<br /> .��.•..<<�.' . . �:'�z�
<br /> ., :+_:.•`;; ;�':;.� mnnthty paymerts,with the full deb�if nae paid eazlier.due and payable am .�pril 15, �2002 • _
<br />:,;. . .;. ,: . �•._ _ -:__.
<br />•, •,:.`;�����`tc;";:. �'�f;. � ' This Sanuity Iastrum�ni secures ta Lender.(a)the repayment of the de6t ev'sde�ood by ths Note,�vith�serest,and all renewals, _
<br /> ���.`��J ext�sions and mvdificatians of,tho Note: (b)the Payment of ali other sams. cr�ith irY.t�r�st, advanced uader patag�apb 7 to _____..
<br /> t
<br /> ,�� ,`.�"„ pmtect the security of this Security In�snsmeni: and (c)the perfom�anoe of BorroaYr's�wvenants aad agreementa. For t1�is .__
<br />. . .`,'. .., . purpase.Borrower irrevocably grants and oonveys to Tfasta. in mut.P.19R.pOVY2I Of 58I8.the folla3ving describ�d praperty �,..._
<br /> � `'�.�' Iocated in g�l Connty,IVeb�aslca: _i,.
<br /> . - _ . . � _-
<br /> . . .'t; . . .
<br /> ;'�.: �_� .. .-..
<br /> °=::;�.�.::,�=. . , �. Lots 22 aud� 23s Argo Secand Subd��ioa. Qillage of Ald�. Ha11 :
<br /> ^�'� ��. Covaty, N�braska. , . - _..
<br /> ��Fk¢ � ' . . .. . -� "'- _
<br /> �
<br /> ,� ��ft{.. 4. ._f.r. . ___
<br /> . il�y� _ .- c�a..=.
<br /> i'���' - � _ .
<br /> .���:. ,` � which has the a�..'�;.�f 207 Stel.lar, Alcla � Isucea.�l• ��;:
<br /> ,;�,�y ,_ ' . Neb:�sl� ( Pra}�rty Address")• , v�-_
<br /> + " 6�81q. ,
<br /> - ;"4i�};�"t• � . . • [Zip CoQe). _-_
<br /> t.�. ` '• ' , ..
<br /> ` �, �� � • TOOETlIF,I�.Pb"�3�aU the impravem�tu raaw or hereafter erected an the�pm,peAy.and all eas�ents.a�t en�naes.ttnd � _'
<br /> ���,�.y���_", ,;.;�;.; . �ixtures now oz ���ter a p.�t of the.prc�:}►. All r�eplac�.nents zmL adfirionc shall also be c.oveied-by ttiis 5eeurity �-;----
<br /> ;�� , ,._....,;,°, lnsttument.Al3o��h�•fore oing�s[eferredto<<nt�ttnsSecuritylnst�umein�:tlte"ProP�hY•� E�_.�..
<br /> `,,�:V`.�:.':,�.• :`��' EURR�W�R t.'OVENAi�':ss that Borrawer is tawfully sclsad of the es'.ate hereby cuirrey�and has tba rigt►t to grens and ,'-
<br /> ,�S;a;;�;.,`�..,::"`� wmrey the PtupPtty and that tE��f�:operty is uneacambered.�exp�t fo�eaci�mbrances of.r�aord. Borraa�er wananis�nd will ,,
<br /> � defe�geaerally tFer titte to the PtapCriy against till clalms amd.�fstr.�'s..su�ject to any era:tu.�:brances ot roaard. �._ �
<br />:::;:'��,;, .. �:�� THI5 SECtIRF3`Y INS7'Rl1MENT wm�aes uaiform oovei�ams fac�tmt�ona!use and non-rrnil4sm eovc�ta�vitb fimited ..
<br /> , � .�.; . variations by jm�isdl�tion to oonstimte a anif'a�su s�curlty insuument a�v�ing.?ea1 pmperiY•
<br /> "`; UMPORM COVENANTS.Botmwer�i�.eader cave�ant aad agree aa follows: •
<br /> ��°�' � . . . ' l.Poym¢�t of Priadpal aa� Ynteness: YcePsp�e�t amd Late C�aiges. Bomo�c�er sl�a11 pza�tty PaY at►en due the '��-.
<br /> _ �h:•'`���• � priacipal of and iaterest on the debt evideneed by tke Na�e�ui any prepay�ent and late dsarges due ut�dsr ttb*l�ote. •
<br /> ���':�'•�:�':;':',:�: Z F�unds for Tageq and Idsnrance. Sub�act to appiicable law or to a writt�n waivaar by Le�r.�o��tt sL�ll pay to •
<br /> _ �� Lender on the day mons�iy paymeats are duP n�rler the Note.until the Note is paid in fn14,a sum('F�')fo•r.(aD y�1Y�
<br /> �" �..��• '. ', �"� '�'�� and assessments arhich may attain priority over this 5ecurity lnstnunent as a lien oa the Pro�erty:(b)�,�ly!�!d payments .
<br /> -- � , or ground renu on the Property.if eny:(c) e�rly hazard or properry insupance premiva�-(d)Yeai�jr�baod ir��Ce preminms. ..
<br /> yea
<br /> . . . if any:(e)Yearly mortgage insuiance premlums.�f any:and(fl any sums payable b�B4crawer to Leadtt.in 2�oozdanpe wilh
<br /> _ • � �' the provisions of patagaph 8.in lieu of the payment of mongage insurance Qremc�.s.'6�e iteirs art ca7�td"Fsaruw ltems."
<br /> � � � Lendes may.at any ame. ooltect and hold Fuads in an amount not to exaced the c�+��+*+��m am�4.a a IenBer far a foderalty
<br /> ,- �' relataf mortgage loan a�y require for Borrower's escrow aaoount nnder the faderal Etea!Fstate Se�f�•IDea�Procedates Aq af
<br />'` ' ' 1974 as amended from dme to time. I2 U.5.C.Section 2601 et seq. ('ItESPA"). unless anotLer[a�r t?�.ae applies to the Fnnds
<br /> .' .. . • sets a tesser amount. If so. Lender may. at any tirtb°.collect and hotd Funds in an amount not to eaceed the lesser amonnt. ; .
<br /> � • ' � Leader may estimate the amnunt of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimat.*s o:expeaditures of futur�e
<br /> ____. Escroai items or otherwise in acoordance�vith applicable It►w.
<br />� � NE0R11SltA-Singia iamity�ianNm MaolFredmo Mac U!![faRNi INt�TRUI'AENT Farm 3d28 9l90 .
<br />..... . . . . .1����97�Q V�tP M071(3AGE f0A1115��313�293-81 W �B00)521 7291 Vapn t Ot 6 . e t.; ' ., i�/�11fORQ0�5/S� �
<br />