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<br /> . `k`:,'i,.�.`''s�. Payments'cnay ao longer be requiced.sst the opdan of I.ender.if mvrtgage insurance wverage(in the amo t an as the paiad E •.
<br /> '`� tfmt Ixndec te9�irPS}provided by an insurer agproved by Lender again becomes availabie and is o6tained.Borrower sh�li pay ._
<br /> the pmmi�rns ce9uired to maintain mortgage ia�arance in effect.or to�mvide a toss reserve.�ntil the requiceirtem for mortgage ;• .
<br /> ' ' insuTancc ends in accordance with any written a�reemx�betaretn Borrower and LRnder or applicabte law. •':�;;.��
<br /> `' , � °,•'.`�:: 9.IngQ�ctioa Lender or iu agent tuay make reasonabte enuies upoa aad inspections of the Psoperty. Lender sfiall give
<br /> -'��� r'• .:�,.: >.<<..
<br /> ' ` Borrower notioe at the time of or prior w an insge�tion specifping r�onable cxuse for ths inspection- �<"�_ �
<br />_ • .�� ld:Cass¢te�nnation.The praceeds af any award or c}aim for damages.direct or rnnsequential. im m�nection with any
<br /> ~�"`�`� •`=•: '`. �`. oondeauiatioa or other taking of any part of the PropertY.or for conveyartce in lieu of coud�mnation.are hemby assigned and
<br /> .li° - sbatl be paic!to Leader. -
<br /> �'.:�-' In thc event of a tatal taking of the Proper[Y.che proaa�s shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security[nstrumen� _
<br /> 't - _ whettcar or noc then dve.with any exoess paid ea Borrower.In the evem of a paitial t�ring of the Prnperty in whid�the fair ;� .
<br /> -�`��.'•�.~,'./:�`��" ma�et valve of the Pcoperty im�iaLe1Y befare tt�e taking is eqaal to or greates than the amount of the sums secured by this t.• .:.
<br /> .;.: . . ; � in wripag.the sums sec�e�by •.- �` .�
<br />- � '...;-.,;�;. ',,�r�.;� Secvrity y�nt�iately before the tatting.unless Borrower aad I.�d$t otherviise agree
<br /> ' '�'?�:..• ' • this Soa�ity Ins�u�t shaU be ieduced b1►the amount of tize procxeds muitiplied by the following fraction: (a)the total . ��:
<br /> ..y},��, ;• ;�_. _:.,�a . y
<br /> ,.�,fs;• .. . amaunt.of the sums�acued immediatelY befo�.We t�ing,dividad by(b)the fair uAarket valae of the Property immediaiely _f, :
<br /> ,,i�-;;:=,•.....";;� m which t1�e fair R,
<br /> .. ;;,;,;..;,�,;;., befare the taking. Aaa�.balance shall 6e paid t��arrower. In the ev�t of a garteat�alang af ihe PcogertY � : .
<br /> '° :<.;� 'r:�... market vatae of the i�sertY imm�iately befor�the taian8 is less than the am�unt of the swms secured iunmediatcly before the :.� �.;.
<br /> :`�_�' ', in writin or�ntess applicable law atl�wise pravides.the proceeds sball
<br /> `� � ta6rit�g,anless Borrowes aud I.ender otherwise agree g �,: �'``
<br /> r;. '
<br /> ,. :}�, _.,,'
<br /> , ,; ���_�,,.;� be applied to the sums�cured bY this Security iflsmimecct whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> '.�'����;,t;.,:=:, If�the PropertY ss abandoned by Borrower.or if,after notice by l,eader to Barrower th�the condemnor offers to make an :
<br />.;< ,r.'�;.:�:.�.' .- awa�d�ar settte a claim for damages. Bo�aaer•fa�ls to respond w I.cnder within 30 days after the date the notice is given, ::':;_..�_
<br /> Lender ic a�rthorized w coliect and appiy the proc�s,at its option,either w restoration or repsir of the Property or w the sums _.
<br /> �,-.� ':,�r�.
<br /> _` -- ``:;�"! secu��ax this Secutiry Lnstsumetct,whedcer or not then due. _
<br /> $ag is ��ali Rot extend or
<br /> ' ' . [Fr�ss Leader and Boimwer otherwise agree in wrism�.-�►y apPlir�tion of pm�ts to Pri�i}�
<br /> , '.. �'+�'� me the dts�e�of ths montWY Paycntnts rcfemd to in g�-.�ap5s 1 and 2 or change Yae amount of such paYments.
<br /> • ..,'.:::�',_. .'•,�s;:. P�� ..
<br /> '' ' Il.l�arr¢�r�i..�i Released+Forb��se�Y��N°t a Wat°�'•�ensioa of the time for gayment os modifiration ..
<br /> of.am����t L'd"�:sua�secured by this Security Insuument granted by I.ender to aa}+susc�sor in interest of Bomnwer stiall ,:
<br /> . • '' ��``1 aoa��::'a�tei�e the liability of the original Borrower or Horrower's saocessoss ia inter�st. Lender shall not 6e c�uired to . . �.,;:;;.
<br /> . �,.���u� ,.-�-*��S against any suooessor in intemst or ref�Qe co eM e a d time for p a y m e n t o r o t l a e r w r i s e m o d i f y a m o i t i m t ion �__,•�.
<br /> . .' 1 of.tl� sum4 s�3y �S�tS+ ��L�y.r�s°n of atry demand made by tfie origina! t�-Tcower or Borrower's e� ;_
<br /> � , ., '>� susxess a l s I n i n t�e s e.An y forbesrance b y L$ade�C��xt+cising a�►Y tight or remedy shall not be a a�-�-�of or preclade the c
<br /> . ~ exercis�of arry.right or remedy. �g�ess. 77ie covenanu and agreemeat4 of tlus P .
<br /> . �.Sncccssois and Assig�s�n¢adt;Jclmt aad�e�l:Ltabilitq, ---_-
<br /> . .� .� , Secwitp I�vuumcnt shall bind and benefi4 the successors araf.assigns of Lendes and Borrower. subject to We�►��:sions of ��:-_„v<
<br /> 'l,�i';:'�::..�.:';,�� h.17. Bo�Ner's covenants and ag[et�nems sha11 be joint aad ��c�al. My Borrower who co-sigos this Securit3► ^ --'
<br /> .`�.;;.:.. . ., : P�'nP
<br />" ir�tcument but doe�cr�t execute the Note:{aj Ts eo-signing this Sec�riry T�az^�ent only to�nortga��ant and convey tUat .,_---_
<br /> . :�..�t�.-��r�t-:::� :.._t --' _
<br /> • ,:. Bosrawcr's interest in the Property under the cerms of this Se�.�urity Instnune�..(I�)is not personally c8b"r;ated to pay the sums
<br /> - ° � �f'i' � secuxed by this SecarIty Insmuaent:and(�}agrees that Lender and any other Borrower ma�;r�ee to eatend,modify,forbear or 4,r.��-_
<br /> ; °r,;, • �.-��.
<br />.. , ,�j.f,,,�;, :.;.',''' • raakC auy accommodations with regard to the temis of this Security insuumeat or the Nat�m�ti�ut that Borrower's coa�ent.
<br />-. � ` 13.Lo�n Ch�ges.If the loan seau►�by this Securiry Instniment is subject to a ta�vl.vch sets ma:imnnl I0311 Ch3igCS, � -
<br /> � ..
<br /> � .� . and that law is finaUy interpceted sa that the urta'�st or other toan charges colteded or to be coltea:a3s.r�oonnection wiW the __
<br />- ' toan exoeed ihc permitted lunits.then:(a3 anY�cb loan charge shn116e redaced by the amounc neo��to reduce the char�e •�..
<br /> �,'�.,: � . , to,�tbe.�emdtted llmit:a�N)any sums alc�ady collected from Borrower whicb eaceeded Qermiued t�:..its wiU be refunded to __
<br /> .' Bm�:r.ec,•. Lender may choose io make tltis refund by neducing the priacipal owed undr.;the Note or by maid'� a dire�t ��_
<br />_ . . . paynnaat to Bormwer. If a refund red�ces principal. the redudion wiA be treated a4 a partial �repaymeni ��id:.°aut siry E._.:
<br /> � . rt charge under the Note. .E��-`
<br /> ' '�;., PS�►� `=_
<br /> � • . . :. ':.� . 14.PioBioes.My notice w Harrower provided for in this Security Insaument shall be given by detivering it or.by mail'sng . ', F,r-µ
<br /> . '' ' it�by fitst elass mail unless applic�b2e law�requires use of another�rcethod.77ie notice sl�i�bx directed to the Propc�ty'Addresa E-_:
<br /> �
<br /> � , or�any other address Borrower 'c.�s�nates by nodce w Lender• AnY notice to Lendez�all be given by first class�ma� to . _
<br /> Lender's address stated herein or.��other zr�iress Lender designates by natice to Bem,-wer. Amr notice Provided for 3n tf�s
<br /> ' " ��! • Securlty Insttument s!+all be deemed to i�a�e G►�s 8iven to Borrower or Lender when given as pmvided in this parag�aDh. � __
<br /> _ � � :'��� �y,�Y�g ��v; 52�rp�trltity. ZTti; Security Iasuument shall be govemed by federai !aw and the law of the � ,-,.}
<br /> juFxisdictton in which the Pcupe�j i:c tocated. In�he event that any pmvision or dause of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br />-- � ;•�' . ' : coa�icr•s with appllcabic lavr,�w�fl4ct shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrurnent or the Note which can be
<br /> _::��h:`` • givnn effect withant the wnflicx�g yravision.To this end the provisions of this Security lnstrument and the Note are declared .
<br />`-- � ' , � � ta be severab[e. ,
<br />_ . 16.B�v�sc�'��oPY•Bmrower shatl��Siven one oonfom�ed capy af dre Note and of this Seaui.ty Instniment. w��
<br /> '•Y;.' � iom,3028 8/90
<br /> .. ;lr.... ' `�'' FaOu 4 of o
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