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<br /> . • �.�p !7.Transfee of the Pro�erty or�eaeficlsel Interest[a Bono�cer.If all ar an�t of the PraPenY or anY interest in it
<br /> I
<br />- � :<<� i.s sold or tcansferted(or if a beneficial intecest in Socn�wer is sold or transferred and Sorrower is not a natwal personl without
<br /> , `n :," Lender s prior writien rnrsent. t-ender may. at iu option. cequire immediate paymert in full of all suins secvrtd by this ;�
<br /> � •� ge�uity instrument. However.this aption shatl not he ea�enised by Lender if e�e�+cise is prohibited by federal la�v as of the dace ',.4•,
<br /> ' ,°`� ' of this Seauity Instrument. _%.:'``�
<br /> '� � '' If ixnder eaercises this oPiion•l.eader shaU give Bormwer notice of acceteration.The nouce shall provide a periai of not �,-
<br /> , •f .��-"• - �u '
<br /> , �-•-:'t"-� less than 30 days from the date the narice is detivered or mailed within �vhich Borcower msist pay aU sams sen►Ted bY�h�s �. -,
<br /> � :�,.��:_� Security Insteumcnt. If Borrower fails to pay these surt�s prior ta the expiration of this period.Lender may invoke any remedies _�tA• .,.
<br /> _ ,.� penniued by this Secvrity Instrument without further notice oc demand exs Borrotiver. .--
<br /> - -- -�-;."-. i�. Boseo�ser's Rig�t to �Instate. 1f Boirov�rer meets cenaio condiaons. Borrower shali have the rigfit to 6ave d ____�
<br />- {1 ', enforcement pf dds Security [nsaument disanntinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (ai 5 days (or such otiaer periud as :_
<br /> '� � ' aAAlicable law may specifY for Teinstatement)before sale of the Property purs�ant to any po�ver of sale oontained in this
<br /> . . Security Insuument;or(b)entrY of a judgment enforcing this Security Instnu�ent.Those rnnditions am that Borrower:ta)PaYs -�.:' :;
<br /> •• ' Lender ail sums which then would be due under this Security Insi�viuent aad the Note as if no acoele�ation had occurred:(b)
<br /> iu
<br /> ciues any default of any other covenants or agreements:(c)PaYs all expenses incu*red in enforcing this Security Instrument,
<br /> .-• iacluding.but not timited w.reasonable attomeys fees: and(d)takes s�cch action as Lender may�easonably rec(uire to assure
<br /> �� .�� ,��.' that the lien of this Security Inswmer►t.Lertder s rights in the P�vpetty and Bo�rower s obligaaon to pay thc suins secured by :;;
<br /> �. � : °-":: . ' this Security Insuvment shall continue unchanged. Upon reins�atement by Sonower. this Securiry InsYrument and the ;:: �.
<br />��i��ti: ... '. %: . � �..:,
<br /> ,`•?�. obligationc se�vred hereby shall remain fu11y effective as if no acceleration had occurred. Hawever. si�is right to reinstate shall t.,r.
<br /> ,�t(Y1
<br /> • . ?. not apply in the ase of acceleration under paragraPh 17. �; ,�,
<br /> ' ' `� ' 19.Sate oi Not� CQange of Loan ServEc�es 'I9ie Note or a partial interest in the Note(cogether with ttris Secuc��� =
<br /> � Insuu�nent)may be sotd ane or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the endty(i�awn ��•
<br /> � ,L�.�'':��,�' as the"Loan Servicer")thac collects monthly paymeats due iu►dec the Noie and this Security Instrument.There also may 6e one ,.`";.:
<br /> � � =;s:' or more c6an�es of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Soriawer�arilt be
<br /> - •-�� given written aotice of the change in accordance with paiagraPh 14 above and applicable law.'l�e noticx w�11 state the nacne and
<br /> . , .l.�:-`'"{�s address of the new Loan Servioer and the addcess to which payments should be made. The matice wiU atso contain any other ``�
<br /> :;'�," infam�ation�equired by applicable law. �o a release of any �� '.
<br /> :: �. 20.Razardoa�s Substanoes.Bormwer shall not cause or permit the presence. use.disposal. rage, _' �'�.`.
<br /> � " ����' Hazardous Substaisces on or in the Pooperty. �orrower shall not do. nor allow airyone else to do,amrr;�g affecting the
<br /> .' ' � �;:;;t,,. p�oye►ty that is in violation of any Environmental law.The pru�ing cwo sentences shall not apply to the presence. use. or ��;..
<br /> , . �` . sto�age on the Propett}+of small quanrities of Hazardous Sabstances that are generally recognized to be appmpriate to normal � :-_'
<br /> �-��.".�� �..° '�c: residential uses and to maintenance of the Propecty.
<br /> P mP Y S� �.::�.
<br />`�;�,��.:; ` ,. � � ` Sorrawer shall ro tl ve Lender written swuce of any oca�r..�gation.claim,demand,lawsuit or ather acrion by any y�
<br /> ����::� �:',:,. govemmental or regutator�agency or private parry inwEving the 1'm�ty and�tv Ha7ardmmental tance or]��irouth nty.that �-
<br /> ��� of whicb Bocrower has�.'�a1 knowledge.If Borrowenr!��rns.or ia notified bg�!g egul�g. �
<br /> r
<br /> ` �:� ' ,`�;,,r,.�{;i� any removal vr other r�a�aaion of any H a z a r dous S Jsstance affectin g the P r o p e z c s+is necessary.Borrower s�G�prumPUy take =�
<br /> ��..;•;;��;��:; all necessary a�aedial as�ens in accordance with Environmental I.�w. ��;�:'
<br /> . : �i?t q s�s a�m t h i s p az a g c a p h 2 0, "H a r a r d o u s S�I s s t a n c e s" a r e t h os e substances defined as coxic or harardous substances by
<br /> '` Environmental !aw and t�e folloanng substances: $asoline. kerosene. other flammable or to�ic petroleum pr o ducts. toxic ��
<br />:-:,.��jaA:.. r.�� .
<br />; �,�,•� � pesticides and herbicides.�m'atite soivents.materiats��antaining asbestos or formal d ehyde.and radioacxive materiats.As used in ��s.T
<br /> ��(� .,. this paragraph 2Q, "Envlronmental Law° means fe�rel taws and laws of the jurisdict�on where th�Property is lacated that �;�
<br /> relate to health,safety or eavironmental pmiecKian.
<br /> ' � NON-iJNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: ��_
<br /> ��• �; , ' 21.A�eteratton;Rem�ics.Leader shall give not�+ee to Borrower p�tor to acceteratton follo�ring Bot�nwb 1�� �����.,
<br /> � • of aay covenant os agieerneat in this Seeurity fi�ament (but not prior 4o acceierat�on uader paragrap � �a
<br /> �AiS.,_. __' ' .... ;;.. aPP1Ica6Ie Iaw prnvides otherwlse).The nottce s�specify: (a)the defautt.(b)the actton reyatred tocvYe tfte defanih, _LL.
<br /> :":k4�;,.,� . . � : (c)a date,not tesv t6aa 30 days Prom We date t6�tt�ce tv given to Bosrower.by whicb the defanit matt be cured:and i y.,..
<br /> . . .? •, :,,..•. (d)that fa�►�to cwe�he defaWt oa or befone sitis:date specified in the noitce may result in acoederatton oi the sams • - -
<br /> �h
<br /> secured Ag�Seautt3►lnstrument and sa[e of the Property.�e no8ce sh�11 faithrr f��rm Borsower of the rl�ht to t� -
<br /> ' ,�1��'�`: reinstate a6R.�acceteration and the dghi tn bring a oourt uc�to asSert the no�es�ua.e oi a de�ault or auy other ,_
<br /> .. ;,:,,a f_..• , 1���-,.::.
<br /> :•::. '.' . 1�i+��.•. detensc of�armwer tm a�ceeleratlon and sale. Td.c.he defaott is aot cared on or 6efore�re da4e s�c�ed tn ttne nottce,
<br /> -'�;.•;..:� , ,%�',' l.eudes�8t it9 optlo�r� *$4�ie immediate p��ent in fuU o!aU sum9 secured by th�s Secarity'�'ur�tsvmcat wtthoat , ,F-_,:,-
<br /> ,,;.. . .,. �..-�.
<br />':;G��%`:'�:�`�,�,;.;'``'..``� fw1tter deuQand antb rnary r7�voke the power of`sa.'z and any other remedtes permttted by ap lica6le da�.l.eader s1�nt1 be �
<br /> `��,a; snNtted W coRect ull exgPnses Ine�n=�d[n Pursuing the remedies provtded in tids ps�apsPit�l. inrlut➢�.but not 1lmited �� .-
<br /> � ,.,,�'.�j' �;.� to.rwso�r attotiveys'fees and c�'of title evldence. ��"=
<br /> � ,.'.�,�'�, � Et Fl+��nwer of sale is invok¢dl,�Trast¢e shaU ceoord a c�nti�z oi defaWt in eacb c�mty in vrhicd any part oY tbe e_-
<br /> �� P r o p e rt y�s t b a t e�a u d s h a ll maii a�les of sucb aotice in the mannep prescribed by aggCi�bte law to 8oemwer end to ���;
<br />_::.�,� .,. . the otliear W�asuns p�r'h.ed by appllcable law.A�1:�ihe tIme reqaired by aADltcabte[aw,Tn�stee s h a l l�ive pn b l tc no t i ce �, ,..
<br /> }
<br /> `:' " he aP�opeot�at�bl c sud3on to t�ghpest 6��t the tim�e end place aad under the t rn�s desi�c�Ge�l in the nott�cef
<br /> � ' � sate in om��'more pai+oets and 1�s��a vrder Trnstee ddermines.Tcustee may postpo�sale af a11 mr any purcef af the
<br /> � • �',.� Pro�eriY�F PnbUc announcemecu st c3P time and place of any prevtously scQeduled�te. Lender or its desi�tee may
<br />= . � purchase t�e Ptoperty a!any sale.
<br /> - l.,
<br /> - ' ,.�
<br /> = . i� Form�020 ��9@
<br /> ' � . � ' � Pago 6 0�2. - ...
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