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<br /> �A' �'czk F i - .xv , Fa . �. s � `�` �r _15"' , r+- r= . � ` J�'
<br /> l<<<.'_t,�y t�� _ _i .�` 5'_ :�- ' ' ' ..'S'; _ '_'.s '� � ___ ' _' _ _ _ _ _
<br /> 2_+;',� �'•`�� ��,- � t�' -
<br /> d:nG:•' ` �,'. .`. �� q . ..
<br />.;�;�4;'�Jq ' • °�'� � /.��f (]� . ;.
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<br />,`;�t���;•h �..,
<br /> 4, , .*_ �, r'..
<br /> f �<«•• �N�N 5. Ha�cd or Pm��ty Iasvrnttsc. Borroa•er shall keep the improcemems now eaisting or her�stter ere�Ke+d on the
<br /> �kS tz. r- ':�
<br /> �� � �' Property insured against loss by firc, tkvards included within the term'extended coveragc'arid any ati�er harards. inciading
<br /> ":;%:f�!�'`�� �' ;,. `, floads or ttooding,for�vht:h Lender rc�uire�ii�sur�rtce.This insurance sh:ill be maimained in thc amounts and for the petiods
<br />_;,`�i;i"F��: .��r ,..� . .
<br /> ''���•' that Lender requires. 7'he iacurance cartier providin�the i�uut�nce shatl[se chosea by Borrower subject to Lxnder s approval
<br />,-'��,e�;��:zr ',`;`_ �,
<br />-�����,st<3 . �chich shall not be unmasonabty�ithhetd. If Borrower fails tn maintain crocersge described a6ove. Lender m�y. at t.ender's
<br />`�_�:rh;���:�
<br />-,,:-:jr.��;t,{.n < <, oprion,obtain mverage to protect Lender s rights in the Pcoperty in acaudance with paiagraph 7.
<br /> �6�,,; � �;- All insurance policies and reneviafs shall be areeptable to l.ender and shal!include s standBnd mortgage clause. l.�nder .
<br /> � �=y sha11 have the right to hotd tt�e po licies a n d recte w a ls. I f L en der requ ires.Bo r t o�v e r s h a l l p r o m p E l y g i v e t o L e n d e r a l l recei p t s af •� ,
<br /> ':.k-;�i7` ` -
<br />.�5#:�,i. , paid pmmiums and rene�val notices.In the event of loss.Borr+ower shall give prompt notice to the insuiance carrier and Lender. �.'� .
<br /> f'��-'_,
<br /> v�;:��`"" Lender may make proof of toss if not mada pmmptiy by Borrower• �
<br /> �. � , �< Unless i.ender and Botrower otherwise agnx in wri�ing.insurance proceeds shali be appiicd to c+estotatian or re�air of the -
<br />-:����� �`���: �. �L
<br />-,:<%,:.�}...�, Pcopeety damaged.if the restoration or repair is economirally feasiDle and L.ender's se�vrity is rtai lessened.If the restoration or ,
<br /> ;:'��`:��t: e •
<br /> ::,;.��;,;'J t_, .�. rePair is not economi�ally feasi'ble or Lender's securety woutd be lessened.the insurance p r a c e�d s s h a t l b e app li e d t o W e snms ;�i�
<br /> >�;Y��° . _ sec.vred by this Security Instrument. wbeth�er or not t6cn daa. witb any eaoes�pc}id„to Bomuwer. If 6orrovrer abandans the
<br /> 'si°t'+,``l '� Praperty.or daes not answer within 30 days a nodce from Lender that tde insuranc:corrier has offemd to settte a claim.then .".
<br /> :.1,ss�, . � •:
<br />--::..:�,;;� � Ieader may coflea the insuranse pioceads. Len�er may use the praceeds to repair.nr.r+eawre the Property or to pay sums ��<<.'.
<br />=;'4':�1.:'. 4�'`-' �' secured by t6is Senuity Insuvmen�witether or not thea due.The 30,iay period wiU begic�wbea the notice is gven. � �-
<br />.i�;;�:�;i ' ``
<br /> :r,;��:�,t..:.. � Utttess Leuder and Borrower otherwise a� ia.wriiiag. an}+,applicauot� of ptvice�s to ptincipul shall not extead or
<br /> ;.s;;� �� ;,.;,,
<br /> •��-t.��.ti�, ... pnstpone the d�e date of the mondily paymeats referred to�in patagiap6s 1 an�i 2 or cbange the amount of the payrneats. If �:-:
<br /> ''`'� nnder parasraph 21 We Prop..-rty is acquired by L.endet.Somawer's ri tu an insurance policies and proceeds resu�ting fmm �
<br /> , f fi':,.. 4 � �r
<br /> ::E,�6 . 8� Y
<br />,.,i 19.Li.'Y:���':�1:.. �
<br />"°r,�a�;':,:'`4... .`.:F� damage to the PmF�Y Prior to the acquisitioA shal!pass to lxndet to the extent ot tIw sutas secured by this Security Insirumeat
<br /> ;;�;'?:i', wuuodiateiY Pdor to the acquisition. "
<br /> '- ,>,� � 6.�acy.Perservatton.Mainteaaace aad Peoiet#an aE the P�npe�y,Bonnwer's Loaw ApplIcation;I.easetioids. '
<br /> h'�•tl.�- r.� :,' Bnrrower s6a31 occupy.establish.and use the Property us:$orrawer.'s priacipul residenoe within sixty days after the execation of • ,
<br />.,n.�:�,7�. : .c,�-- -
<br /> �'�;;����-� • t6is Security Insaument an+d shall cwntinue to accupy t6a Pmperiy es Boizower's princiPal msidenoe for at Jeast one year after
<br /> �.t:� �_'.
<br /> `""°.` ' the date of oavpancy.uWess l.ender otherwise agrees in arriting�which consent shaU not ba unn�sonably a+ithhetd. or nutess —
<br /> M
<br />"`4:,���v';� y. �amaS Pair
<br /> - ,�,. extenua6ng cir+pimstaaces exist which are beyond Boirovrer's o�nuol. Botrower shall nat demo e or im the �''
<br /> w
<br /> ";y,�� •. p�o�exty. altow the property to d�eriorate. or oommit waste an the Property. Borrower shall be in default if aay forfeiwre
<br />,..�, �E. .r aciion or proceediag,whet�eer civil or criminal.is begun thut in I.ender's gaad faith judgmeat ooutd resWt in forfeitvre of tke ;.
<br /> :._.y.r�s.:.: .,.
<br />_�_;;s,s�„aJ:;� •.�:,':: p�p�y or otherwise materially impair the lien cceated by this Seauity insuuruent or I.ender's seauity interest.Borrower may �_
<br /> T�f �; , �; cure such a de�mlt and reiastate.as provided in paiagrapb 18,.by caasin�the aceion or pmceeding to be dismissed witH a saling :
<br /> � t{ 'j��'` thal.'in I�s$uod faith detr.rminatiop, precludes forfeItuce�of m�Borrower's interest in the Property or other malsial f` '�
<br /> ,�'��Y�z``.,�d�� �, imPainrtent of the lien created by tlris.Sarnrity Instrume�•oi Lerr'�'s security intetest. Borrower shal!also be in de�ilt'I� �; .
<br />' Kc �. ....� ,-,L.r
<br /> "::�;.;•, . . ,; . $omnwer,d u r i ng t he toan app li c a t io n g m c�s s.g a v e m u t e s i a l l y f a l s 2�z i n a c r i u a t e i n f o r m a t i o a o r s t a t e m e n t s t o L e n d�{o c C�,.�d �.-,:�
<br />"'`�>';"':...'.'.".�,,'�,". t�s pmvide Lender with any material infom�ation}in rn�cciun with the laan evidenoed by the Note.including,but aot timited
<br />�"';:�::,;.;,i�'"."' . c�,representaHons conceming Borrower's oavpuncy of the ProPertY as a principal residenee.If this 5e¢urity�Insuuraent is on a ' .
<br /> ��. �:. �{��f�.'��� �_ .
<br /> s �}
<br /> leasehotd, Bomower shatl comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower aequires fee titie to the Properry, tlr� '-'` - '
<br /> •,,;z;,,• ;L �,A �.:_.,
<br /> • ' ' leasehold and t4a fee dfle shaU not merge unleessg Lcnd�agrees to the meiger in writing. =
<br /> . 7.Frotection of I.�des's ltights in the Progerty.If Bo�rower fails to perfottn the covenants and aseemeau oontained in j� ••
<br /> `. • :;"' rhis Security Instrument.ar there is a legal pmceeding that may significantly affect l.ender's sights in the Property(sach as a
<br /> .'�'`' , .`' •� in bankni t pro6ate,for condemnution or forfeiture or to enfotce laws or regulations).t6en Lender may do and �.;;.:;
<br /> �. �coceadittS� P�', ,
<br /> . ��'� .`;. ' pay for whatever is necessary to prnte�x the value of the Pnoperty�ad Lender's rigMs in the Property. l.endea's actioas may � �
<br /> � �� iaslade paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority �cr�a this Security 1nsWment, appearing in court. paying 6 --
<br /> � � ' rr�oaabte aaomeys'fees artd entering on the Pnuperty W make cepr�nrs.Although Leader may take action under this para�c�,.�►h
<br /> . .. ,._ :.` :.Z 7,Lender daes not have ta�d�so. . � �-,-n-
<br />.� .: Any amouats disbu�v��by I�ea�.�er under this patagraph 7 st�aU become addldo�l debt of Borro:an�secat�tr���.�is .•-;.- -
<br /> . � . , Securiry Inswmeni.Untess Borrower ard Lender agree w othe��s of pay�nent.thase��shall.��iru:�rest f�s:�e :,"`�__-
<br /> " '• " � date of disbursement at the Note rate ��shall be payable. w�?2 i�erest.upon notice from �.eadet W a�escrower reqa�ying �•:�:��
<br /> . �• � .
<br /> . .. payment. ' �...�
<br /> ' � - S.1Vdortg,age Insmanc�If Lcmder roquired mortgage insuranoe as a condition of making the toan se�+a�by this Seeurity --
<br /> . � Insdume�st. $orrower sh�pay the premiums required w maintain the mottgago insuranoo in effect. If;fi,ff u►y reason.the
<br /> �:,
<br />, . �•: ° . rnortgage iasurance coverage requiced 6g Lender tapses or ceases t�be in effect.Boaower s@,�'.t$ay the premiums required to ���,,`
<br /> � . - obtain covp:��w substanfialiy equivalenx rm the mortgage insnrance p:+avIuusly ia offect.at a ccvst sabsiantially equivaler.[ar t3te
<br /> , . cost to Bo�ower of the mortgage insur�ce previously in effect.from an altemate mortg�ge insurer approved by L�ea��. If ��
<br /> : :' substantiaUy equivalent mortgage insurancc coverage is not availabla.Botrower shall pay to Lender each ma�a sum equal to �,':'
<br /> �' ::.,�;. vno-nveffth of tfle yeariy mortgage insurance piemiutin heiug paid by Borrower�vhnn thcs insuranoe oaverage t�sed or oeased to -
<br /> ' 1 ' be in effect.Lender will aocept.use and c�tain these pa��nents as n loss reserve in lieu of mor_gaga insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> . ���;;f,:,:�.,
<br /> .`'�(�'�•.S• Farm 80?$ Q/�30
<br /> . �:.,r,;:
<br /> ' . . . �:t • Papo3M6 _
<br /> . ,. �
<br />- _ � '�,����'��' � . � . • - '. -. � ... _ . _ . . .. ' .. ', .i. . , .' p;-c't , • - � . .
<br /> � . � _ , ' �� . _ �. - ��_ .... . ' _ .u.. ,. ,'.. . - ' �`I\� ' �.. ' . : � .
<br /> .. .. ' '. ... : . .. . ' � ' .. � � '� . 1 7 t' . F _ " . .f.``-' _ , • ,
<br /> . ,� � ... ' .... '.. - .. -- , . . . , _ - ... - • , , _l.• • � . � ' ^.
<br /> . , . .
<br /> . .. • . _ - . . . . .
<br /> . . , � . ; . . . . - - .
<br /> . -' , . . . . . - . ' .. � ' ,. � .. . .
<br /> � . . . •
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