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<br /> 4 -�--=-C� ,_��^' �S''.�_ -. ��.. ',c... -—"T; ` � ��.:.�_ .�3--¢- ._:,�s¢�...�� - � ,c�. c - -�. .v �. ci'2:
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<br /> `� � � p p m• " �'�_
<br /> :;r°, TOG�7'HER WF1'H ap the improvetneats now ar hsceafter��and addi ons shalt�also be wvere�f�byn c 5eauiry ; ��
<br /> � �.":=: fiatures now or hereafter a part of the pmpeny• Alt•ctip ao�ne ��"`;`.•.
<br /> �+`�.,� � Instrument.Aq of 1Ae for�oing is referred to in this SecuriRy Instrumeni a�the'PropeKY•� i u .
<br /> �. >: _;�:,:''`�t� 80RROWER COV�NAM'S that Borravker is I�wfi�y seised of the estate kereby conveyed and has the righl to grant and
<br /> conticy the Pm�enY and tt�at the Property is unencumher.�d.except for em-umbrances af record. Borrower�vanants and will ;.
<br /> :'* `., �`•�`` defea+i g�nerally the Ktie to the Property against all clsums aad demands.subject to any encumbrances of c+ea�rd. �. F.'�.
<br /> r... . ,
<br /> .. �: • '` : 'i'HIS SECURiTY INS'fltlJl�lENT rnmbines unifur,s oovenants for narional use and non-uaiform rnveoa�►ts with limited
<br /> ���.�.• variatioas by jurisdiction to canstitute a uniform security�rts��un���°Y�nS�p1°Perty.
<br /> �c � IJNIFORM COVENANTS•BorroAet and L,�mder co�e��ust and ag,ree�fo!lows:
<br /> � . °`�}�`� l. P��ment ot Prin�pal and lnt�; P�e�at�a�t md tate Ch�r�• Bosrc►�ver s6a!! promptly pay when due the ._ ,
<br /> " � princi pal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Nut�and any prepal+met►t and late sharges due under the Nute. � ,�'
<br /> 2. Funds for Teaes and Iasurnuce. Subject to apErlicabte law or to a written waivet by L ece d e r. B°n'°�`'er shail pa y to �
<br />':� �•r�: .• , irnder on Ute day mnnthlY PaYmenu aie dus un�r u4e�::�tc.a�tit�Se*��.°s�aaid in full.a sum("Fund�s"y'or-�(aoY�rtY�ts -.._;`-
<br /> . . , aad assessmerts wtiich may attaia prioriry over this Secuta�y instrument as a lieo an the Property:(bl Y remiums. '�•..
<br /> ..� or gaound renu oai the Pcapeny.if any:lc)ye:uty h�d•c�r pro�erty insurance Premiwns:ld)yearly flood insurabce p �;_,�':'
<br /> . ;`;; if any:(e}YeariY morcg�ge insurance ptemiums.if any:.and it�any sums payabie by Bornuver to Lender.in aocordance witb i ;'
<br /> �� �� ( ;; tt�e pmvisions of paragcaph 8.in lieu of the paymeni of t�ortga8e insurance piemiums.'t9iese items am plled'Esctow items." • ,.,
<br /> .c`-.i:�`.
<br /> ( "�. �` at time.cullect and hold Funds in an-amount not to exceed the ma�imum an►�unt a tender for a feder.�llY ... ,,
<br /> � • I.�er may. anY ` `
<br />::, . ._.��� �elated ncongage loas may require for Borrower s eccro�acoount under the federal Rea1 Fstate Senlement Prooedu�s Aa of .�.,;,'f;
<br />�� � t 1974 ac�tnended from time to time. t2 U.S.C.Seriion. 2601 et seq. ('RESPA"l.unless anoU�er!aw that applies to th�Fuuds ,,.;
<br /> ;�;, °;:.�.;;_:����-�•``. sets a lesser amaunt. if so. I.ender may. at any timc.cottect and hold Funds in an amoum aot to exceed the lesser amownt. ;E
<br /> ,;`:< ""�;��;�•.',::.:,.,
<br /> . Leader may estimatc tde amount af Fands due on We b�sis of cumeut data aud�easouable estimates of expendihues of futute �; �.
<br /> � _�. :�:;:, �, Escmw Iums or athetsvi�e in ascordance with app}icabt�taw. er entity `' ''���.
<br /> `�<. .,-` � .. :"� � The Fands shalI be held in an institutian whose deposiu aie ins�red hy a federal ugency. insuumenralitY. . �
<br /> .f_`.
<br /> (including I.ender,if Leader is such an inctiwtion)ar irt.eny Federal Home I.oan Bank.I.ender shail applslie escrow accoun�r
<br /> Escmw Items.Lender may not charge Borrower fur hol�an�applyiag the Funds.annually analYl'►g :
<br /> . '"I�r<.., verifying the Fscrow Items.unless L�ender pays Bor�wes interest on the Fw�ds and applicable law pemuts Leader to ma7se sucfi '.�.�::.
<br /> =°.::'�'' `..'�. .:��-• a ci�arg�However.Lender may�equire Borrower to pay a one-time cfiar8e for an independent rea1 estate tax n�ortiag es�rtce
<br /> ns�d by Lender in conn�tion arith this toan. unl�'ss applicable !aw provides othernise. Untess an agreemeat is made or ;
<br /> . .,, ...•.�-
<br /> . w j:� applicable Iaw�quires interest to be paid.I.ender shutl aat be required to pay Bormwer any iaterest or eamings an the Funds. ,,.,.
<br /> "`"" m a a i n�vcitin .however.tbat iaterest sha11 be Qaid on the Funds.L.eader shall give to Bor�ower. K��
<br /> - ,. .• ' Barrower and Lender Y S� g se for which ead► ,�-���'�
<br /> . `. witgout Eharge. an annual acoounti�n�:�f the Fnnds. strnaring credits and debits w the Fuuds and the Pwpo �_--::.°_
<br />—, :'..�'.C:',<...(�. ..
<br /> debit tv t3�e Funds was made.The�sid�are plcd�cd as addiaaraai s�c�uitY for all sams sec�u�by this Security Instmm�ent. • �_�•-
<br /> . . �'��, If�L•e��ds 6etd b.y L.endei'ez�the amauntts permiued to 6e held by applica6le la�:Lender shall acaonrt to�r,cower ��.�_.:
<br /> . '!... for tt►ee exress Funds iB accordanct with the requirezneats of applicable law. F.�th�amount of the Funds held by Lendec��ny � "'� �-
<br /> - `�,'`•� �- time is ctqt sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify�uirower in writing.and.in sucd ease�ar.�rawer ;.;; , �_,a��
<br /> �� sUaU E�v.to Lender the amoiun neo�ssarY to make up the d�cis�cy• Borrower shall mahe vp the d�ciency in no crs�rs�tban ,�,,�,.
<br /> _-=_ -. . twelve sfmnthlY PaYmenu•at l.endes's sote disccietion. ' " . -�==-f=
<br /> .. • .. Upon payment in fu13 of all sums secured by this Secoriry Instrument. Lender shail promptly refund w Botiu�v�r>'tu►y r•��-=
<br /> � _ Funds hetd by I.ender.If.under paragraph 21.Leadcr shaU acquire oa sell the Property.Lender.prior to the aoquisition or sale � ,.?
<br /> ,. ' ' • of the Pmpetty.shall aPPIY�Y g�held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a cradit against the sums secured DY • _
<br />_ ��-�-
<br /> - this Securiry Instnunent. . . _.
<br /> . . : . 3.ApPl�tlon oS�.Ut.�ess appllcable law provides otherwise.all payments i�:�ived by l.ender under pa�g►�p2 ' _-..,�
<br />-� .:' � 1 ��2 shall be appt'u�d:fi�st.to�.7+PrePaS'mem�►�ar��s due under the Note:secoad,t�.�unts payabte under� _ -
<br />_ � � third.to interest fice:€a+attfi.to principa!duc:and Is4st,co any late charges d���iNot sidons ataih�tablc to tGe�?iP�nY : ° '
<br />= � ` '' 4.Charges:Ltet�.Borrower shall pay all uixes.assessments.cgaBr�'•, mp� . -
<br /> ux
<br />- '" , � � wt�ich may attain priority over this 5ecvriry Instn�men�and leasehotd pxy�-...ents ar gzoa�rents.tf am.Borrdws�`rAk�tl pay �_
<br /> - � � '" ••.�'`' these obtigarions in the macmer pro�+ided in DarasraPb 2.or if�,at�aid in that ananner.Bomawer shatl pay them on pt��i�1y -
<br /> �. . , � to the person owed Payment.Borrower shall prompUy fumish to Lender all notIces of amaants to be paid under thia�ggph. �_
<br /> � ' � If Borrower m�ices these paYments direc�iyv Bo�ro�ver shall promptty fumish to l.ender receipu evidenciflg the paycr.e�sss. �'-
<br />" Bortower shnll pmmptty discharge any lien which Iws priority over tbis Security instiument unless 8orrower:(a)agrees in �,;:.�.-
<br /> - �'' ' ��•:,.� wridng to the payme�rt of the obligarion securod by�he lien in a manner acceptable to l.ettdttr.:(b)contesa in good f�irh the lien ���":
<br /> '� ' ��-..
<br /> • �....,;�.�!;,::�. �".. by.or defertds against enforcement of the lien in, tcgal proocedings which in the l.e�rl�r•'s opinion operete to �tscvent the �,�`
<br /> :.:��r.... . . . r
<br /> ..,•�;... enforcement of the=ten:or(c)secures from tha holder of the lien an agreement satisfactaey�to Lender subordinating�ihe iien fo
<br />- rs sub'ect to a lien which may attain prioriry ovec
<br /> � . , ','�. tHis Security Instrumeat. If Lender detemiines chat any part of the Property ' 1 �;:`:
<br />_ �:�'q;,;�;,�.. � • Ws Secvriry Instivment.Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying ttse[ien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien ar tsike one or
<br />-;;`"`t�;r�;��`� more of the aetionc set forth above within l0 days of�he giving of notice. .
<br /> .,. �.,:'•�•:5.,� .. , Farm 3Si�8 81D0 .
<br />-- . � � � ' Pepe 2 01 B
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