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<br /> - ,� ' � � t.f� .c c ;�+ . ��. t. ' . �_- . •asn.. . . . '�Y . _ - _ �5 -- , tii, v'lt
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<br /> � �, �',- • -• 5. Hazard or Property lnsttruttce. Burn���er ,hal1 kcep the impn��•cment, nuw cai�tin� un c�rc:afte� cr��ted un thc '�.�;;�:,
<br /> • � ' '.° Propeny insurod agaiaft luti�by fire,h�r:u�fc inrludc�l aithia the tem� "eatrndeA an'era�.c° :tsui any other hazu�is. includin� � t�,':.
<br /> Haads or flooding, for which Lcnder mquires iruurance.This insar.mcc�ha!!be mtintaincd in thc:unaun�S and far the periadc -�.�, ,,�
<br /> . that Lender requires.The in.s�.irance earrier praviding the insuranoe�hall bc cho.en by Born�a•er�ubject to Lender'�approval ::: :;
<br /> which stu311 not be unreasonubty withheld. If Borrower faiis to maintain coverage describe�above. Lender m3y, at Lender s •.�.E�.
<br /> � � �''� ' ��`• option.obtain coverage to ptetect I.ender s rights in th�Prap:cty in accoTdance�vith paragraph 7. ;;`.�`. '
<br /> `:�y�: pll insurance policies and renewafs sfiall be ucceprable eu Lender and shall include a standard mortgage dause. Lertdec ��•_�,:,:�
<br /> _ , shall have the right to hold t#ie poiicies and renewals. If Lendet requires.Borrower shall prompdy give to Lender all receipts of
<br /> . paicl piemit�s and renewal notices. !n the eveat of toss.Borrow�er shaU give prompt notioe to the insu.-�ce cazrier and Ixnder• .
<br /> ': �� � L,e�tder may roake proof of lors if nnt made prompdy by Horrawer. °
<br /> , �- ::rl,.: ,
<br /> :'�='�;:. .,c,. Uatess txnder and Bar.��arer otherarise agiee in writing.insurance proceeils shall be applied to restoration or rep�r of the
<br />- Yr�.'...I��:
<br /> �cogerty darnaged,if the testorarian or repair is eooaomi�aily Ceasible and Lendes s security is not lessened.If the�storaaon or
<br /> � ��F�" repaiz as aot economirally feasibie or Lender's security would 6e lessened.the insu�toe praceeds s5ai1 Ise applied to tfie sums
<br /> _ ,`':���f.�,.,'.
<br /> . �` ..'���:,; secvred by this �ria}r Ins;,r�aent.whether or aot then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. If Bumow�er abandons t1te _
<br /> .;`;°: - .�;;' ProDert3+•or does not ar�swer:tvit�c 30 days a nc�fmm Lender tlrat the insuranc�e carrier has afferad to s�tte a ctaim, th� _ - -
<br /> ���;;,� Leader may wllect the ia9atance �roceeds. Ir�d�r may nse the proceeds t� repair or reswre Ehe Propecty or ta pay sums =
<br /> .�ta��`' . , s�ured by titis Security Inser.tmeIIt.whether or nat then da�.TE�e 3Qday period will beg�n when ihe reorioe is given.
<br /> " 1 �j1._,;
<br /> .i��?`s L.• _';';,° Unless Lender and Butcower athenvise a�,�ree in writing. any a�rplicaziou of Qroceeds to pria�al sha11 nat extend or ..�+;:�,:_
<br /> `��`•'� :_ '�;,-..�`�, ; postpone the due d�of ths monthly paymerRS referred to in paragrap� 1 arid 2 or change che aauacmit of the payments. If �:`r-
<br /> :,;f:'' under paiagraph 21 the Ptr�gprty is aa{uired b}Yxnder,Bormwer s rigBt���a1y insurance policies and psacceds resvlting from
<br /> , �, „ „� :��
<br /> ���E,.�',• '" da��to the ProPertY Preof.w the aoquisition�all pass to L�m t�estrut of the sums sewred by this Se�uritg�nstrumert[ '�f _'
<br /> ��� ' s
<br /> "��'�,��: �,_•�;.'.' i��'`�r.ely pdor to the acqtdsitiea. � .
<br /> ,� �'s: . 1': 6.�ocapaucy,Pr�sen'sst�a��,?�fafnteaance and Pnoted�sa�aY the f't��erty;Bcmeaz�+er's I.oan App�L�aasehotd9. .,-
<br /> ,'�.,�� ;f,..,,:'-�:�
<br /> �,!•�:•�. Borruwer shall oocupy.eseablish,and use the i�r�erty�as Borrower s gr�residenoe witi�ia sixtp�i:s after t��axecation of ''�;�;..
<br /> �.;�;�•;';�r:�..,s:�,�. _� �:
<br /> �,;:..,rr ..•�:.,S�i'. this Securiry Insdvment and fihal1 coa6nue to cvn�y the Pmperty as B c�a;�er's princip a l r e s i d e a a::?��,a t l e a s t o r c e y e a r a ft e r , ,
<br /> t�j `', � 'r; '' she date of occapancy.unle�s f..er.e3�osherai�•�;zees in writing. wluch conseat shall not be unr�sec�,.�;Sy witia�'te�d,or anless .; „�
<br /> , +�ra J��� RA' CL�LRR r the
<br /> .� „ � f;,.., . . E�pg ������i�i s.�t�ch are Ee��1 Borrau�s control. Borrower s4�ali not destra}. � pai „
<br /> ,t�`.;r °{ ��:�r,. pr�y, a!!aw the Pr��etty m�it�iorate.QLr tYIIG�Aa�"se OA t�16 Pl0}.`2f�}�. Borrower shall be���...�.i:�t i��r:fi-,rfeipue F��
<br /> ,f�n`•�E�rry��: activsi or pmceadiv�.r�#tetU�c rn�t or crimicraL L�L�,Yun ti�t in Lem�er s�ad faith judgment oout��r.��.:;:��6��f the
<br /> ;r,�`t�u�} l,:; ?�.�. Pt�apeaty or oth�muturislly i�pair the lie:s u-�eated by this Sec�uiry I��nt or Lerndei e secaritY i:�s.�-���er may �'
<br /> �;"t!�,!,�'•� ;f�:.�� cus��a defanit and reiuf�ie,as provided in pazagiaph t8,by causing tfie action or psaceeding to be dismsss�l.n.u3t a niling ``, �
<br /> <;,;;�
<br />: .;;t' �'';;�':"" that,in Lender's gaod faiBl��determinarion. prectudes farfeiEUte of the Hortower s intem�st in the Propeyty or Un�ir:�material :=�=;
<br /> ,r; ��;�•,'>.s::
<br /> '��`:�' .>`•;;=� impairment of the liea en�ssd�.+•this Seru rity i n g u u m e nt or Lender's sec�ui ty interest. Bormwer shall also be in default if •`�'�?z.i:
<br /> ' `'� Botrower.during the loAn app��ion process.gave materially false or inaccurate information or statements to I.ender(or failed ':•;.;'�;
<br /> . , �;:.�:: •;'�;
<br /> • to provide Lender with any�.tnat,:rial infoimaaon)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note.inctuding.but not timitod
<br /> � '. to.representations oonceming�8ornawer's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence.If this Security lnstnunent'ss on a `�r_��-:
<br /> • leasehold. Borrower sh�dt;cbthply with all the provisions of the lease. If Boaower acquires fee tiUe to the Froperty. the -_ _
<br /> � leasehold and the fee titIa�idynot merge untess l.ertder a�rees to the merger in writing. ____
<br /> , � . , T.Prote�Eon ot�r�s l�i�hts in the Prnperty.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements comained in =-.
<br /> � • ; .;€ this Security Instrument.a�+�t�ere is a legal proceeding that may significansly affect l.ender's rights in the ProPerty lsuch as a _A
<br /> .. ��# pmoeeding in bankrupiey.probate.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce taws or regulations),then Lender may do and �_
<br /> � pay for whatever is nea�yai+�•4a�mtett the value of the Property and Lender's ri�hts in the Property. Lender's actlons may ,r._____,
<br /> " ; inctuQe paying any stu�w s�x n�d by a lien w h i c h h a s p r i o ri ty o v e r t h i s S e c u ri ty I n s t r u m e n t. a P p e a r i n g i n�c a u q. p a y i n g i
<br /> � ,
<br /> � ';,�:�;� reasonab2e attomeys'fees and'entering on the Property to make repairs. Although Lender may take aaion under th9s pazagraph � r
<br /> � 7.Lender does not huve ta�dwr�o. s
<br /> �•��.:•�.� Any amflunta di�,bumed�by l.ender under Uus paragraph 7 shall beoome addidonal debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> , ,.� '` .� Secarity lnst�ument. Un1es.��T�ntrower and Lender agrae to other terms of payment.these amounts shall bear interest from the �,,�
<br /> date of disbarsement at thaiHote rate s�nd shall be payable. with interest. upon notioe from Lender to Borrower requesting ��� ';
<br /> . �. • �i payment. t�:;;:
<br /> '�� S.Mortgage L�urtjwc.(f I.ender�equired mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured�y this Security �;.L
<br />_ ,.;;::,� Inswm�n� Botroaer s6nll��pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insuranee in effect. If. for any reawn.the �.. :
<br /> _':,� mortgage insurancx ouvPrage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect.Sflrrower shall pay the premiu�s required ta ��,,,,r ,.
<br /> • , ,,;..�T V, obtain coverage substaatially equivalent to the mortgage inswance pieviousiy in effaca,at a cost substantlally equi��alent to the ,, ?t.�:
<br /> �i;���� oost to Borrower of tha mongage insurance previously in effect.from an altemate m�tgage ias�uer approved 6y Lender. If �
<br />- � �;�:�f��� substantially equivateat mortgage iruurartce cm+erage is not available.Borrower shall pay ta I.enCer etsh month a sum equa!to ��.:,,�,:'�
<br /> � ��'{` one-twelfth of the yearly•mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insuriuece wverage lapsea3 or ceased to '����J '
<br /> ;ti,1+;j,`,,�; . r' 6e in effect.Lender w'rll�uccept,use artd retain these payrroencs s�s a loss reserve in li�;: af mortgage insurarae. Loss resecve 1,,,��,`
<br /> � ,t,�s�.i. ._� ��2c��p�,:�
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