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<br /> • 6. ! , . . . � . ' . p < �ti � � : - .. .�.. • .
<br /> •. -. . `£ `�`,- <<••t` . '.k � �� " � � � , . ^� t.. � �E_ � �` �4�x�,�G�
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<br />-'`l.t,. .,:..` ' ... i' .,�� �.
<br /> .1 '.�y
<br /> .,�,� �� : payments may no longer be required.at the option of Lender,if mort�ge insuranoe wverage(in the amaunt and for the periad
<br /> ' .•'i that i,ender requires)ptavided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes availabte and is obtainad. Borrower shaU paY ; ,•£�,
<br /> . � 5�� the ptemiUULS[equired to mainmin�p�ge insutanse in ef�'eCt.or to provide a toss reserve.until the requirement for m�ort�e „
<br /> <; iriswance eads in aocasdance wi'th any written ag�ement Isetween B°3T°�'��d��or appiicable law. ..
<br /> w
<br /> � , '� . � ons of the Pro Lender shaU give �
<br /> � � 9.ins�tton. Lender or iu agent may make�easonabie erttries upon and ins�eCti F�Y-
<br /> %_`;:�.�,�� Borrower natice at the time of or prior ta an ic�spection spacifyin&reas°nable rause for the inspection. _ -
<br /> - T� 10. Condemnation.Ttte proceaiis of any award or claim for damages.dir�ct or concaquenrial. i n c o n n e c t ion wiih any �":`'
<br /> eai
<br /> �. � condemnation or ather tataug of any part of the Property.or for conveyance in lieu of coadeuu�ttion.are tiereby assiSn�d ar�
<br />_ . . .:.�:'� s�lt be paid to Lender. .
<br /> , .�.;,a�a In the event of a total taking of the Pruperty,the pmceads shall be appGed to the sums secared by this Seauity Instrume►st.
<br />: , .=-�.;��=� whethec or aoi thea due.with any exsess paid w Borrower. In the event of a partial tatdng of the Property in whish tM fair
<br /> `,°,�:�:`���.�� market value af the Property immediately befo�the taIang is eqaai to or greater t h a n t h e amo u n t o f t h e s u m s s e c u r e i l 6 c y t i v s �, .
<br /> � � ' - Securiry Instrame.nt imn�li�trly before the talQng.anless Borrower and Lender o�ise agree ia writing.the sams secure8 by .
<br /> � �E ��.'=��..� tbis Sec�uity Inswment sha� be reduced by the amoum of the pinceeds mul6plied by the follawing fradion: (a) the wtal
<br />:.=.;.z.�' . . r.::..•"•:i _
<br /> • ; ,,�, amnunt of the sums secured immediately before tf�tatang. divided by N)the fair market value of the Pcope�ty immafiately ...
<br /> before the taTsing.Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which tta:fair ;'±
<br /> . •:��r m�rket value of the Pcopeny immediately�fore the taking is tess than the amount of the swns secure�imcnediately befane the `j � .
<br /> �:�::
<br /> .. � �, Ya�usg,antess Borrower and Lender otherarise agree in�rriting os nntess applicable law otherwise pmvides,the proceeds sha11
<br /> . '` .t be appieed to the sams secured by this�ecarity Instrament whether or not the sums aae then due. ,
<br /> '..��>�,.- ,
<br /> .:,,; �f:. If the Properry is abandoned by BoAnwer.or if,at3er notice by Lender to Bos�ower tLat the candemaor offeas ta�an i_ -....
<br /> �', �` award or�Te a.claim for daniages..�'�-�+er fails to respoc�d to Lender within 30 days zfter the date the r�ioe is gir�. ', �_
<br /> ',;.,,g=: � leuder i�i�.��d to coitect and a�pSu s�pmce�ds.at iis optioa.eidcer w re�ur�nn ar rq�:•z���.the Prop�ty az ta tt¢�
<br /> � � �� � s�cured���.�.�.'rs�sty�,a�ment.whether or not then dne. �
<br /> � },_:,•.�:,':,;S � �r:��w u�-�:t*nwer otherarise agree icn cs7iting. anS+ aFPlicatina e��r•�Lc to principai �ffn�r�tex3 ez �, ,
<br /> �,����;e'�°'�"���•�i. Q°�°���'`�u°�c.'.�r��sont}ily payments refe�t�in paragiap6s 1 and�wr+d��.ge the amount o�scsi's�y�ens. ,
<br /> �y��� �, b•l.���r?�nt�ed;Forhearance By Lender Not a�aiver.E�"s��of the ticae for �or a'wdi8� '�
<br /> t�,�rtZ� �. .
<br /> r �.,,; r y�'��'��j, rf��-n����c:r ss�s sxured by tbis Secariay[�ument graie2ed by Lea�e�e=a aay sucoess�;a irz���Iiorno�+vr shatl ;
<br /> i�+r i,r! rfi�,*�{� +
<br /> <<'�';f:1fi� " �aP�e to r��se:�e Ga'-�a':ity of the�dgin�18ti+�-�v�r or Borrower s sucaes�a-G.��te�. �..���ae De required to > f;�
<br /> . . . ' a�j,��c.- �.�:
<br /> z , It�,�z�..� eummeaae Prua�ings ar=s�t a�'su�T in ir:..�ar refuse m extend tirae fo�paymeat oz�ecw'ssz��'y amortization r ,.
<br /> '` �j f�� of the sinns s� by this Se�vrity i�umeat by reason o f any d e m a nd made b y the o��n a l Bosower nr.Bomawer s
<br /> � ' ' " �' f'� saocessors in interest. Any forbearanoe-6y 1.ender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of os prectsde the --
<br /> ' ' 4i�?: ''
<br /> ;' .��._, . �_
<br />�%. � � �:,'� exercise of arry right or remedy.
<br /> � . S 1Z.Sacce�ors and Asstgas Bonnd;doint anaf 3everal I.i�611ity,Co-si�ters. Tt�e wvenants and ageemen�s°of this ., �`_
<br />_ • • � �.� Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the suscessors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subje�x to the prnvistons of
<br /> � 'i ; paragtaph l7. 8omower's cavenants and agreements shaU be joint and several. Any Borrawer who ro-signs this Security
<br /> ' �' lnstnimem but does not eaecute the Nate:(a)is co-sip�ing this Security Instrument onty to mortgage.grN►t and oonvey that
<br /> ' • � .�•:��� . Borrower's intetest in the Property under the terms of this Security Iastrument:(b)is not perso n a l ly o b li g a t e d to pay t h e s w n s _,
<br />:�,� . , ,. >` sea�red by this Security lnstrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to eatend.madify:fotbear or
<br /> • � �'.� make any accotnmadations with regard to the tertns of this Secudty Inawment or the IVote without that Borrower s oonsent.
<br /> = S� 13.Loan�hu�ges.If the toan secured by this Security Iastrument is subject to a law which sets maximum taan charges.
<br /> and that law is finally iaterpreted so that the inuzrest or other loan charges collected or to be wllected in coturectia��with tlie ?
<br /> � ''_�', toatl exceed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such loan charge st�all 6e reduced by the amount necessary to rednce t�charge t
<br /> , .``'�` .{-. to the permitted ltmit:and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower whtch eaceeded permitt�limits will be�fimded to f•..::
<br /> �i.�.
<br /> - '� "} Borrower. lxnder may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal awed under the Note or by m36ciag a dire� '�,., ;
<br /> =�: ::"� ' meni to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal. the reductian wiU be m�ated as a partial prepayme�rt wiihout any �,.•.�;
<br /> . � PaY .
<br />_ ; prepaym�nt char�e under the Note. _
<br /> -- � , •. - 14.Notioes.Any nouce to Borrower pmvided for in tLis Seca�ary Instrumeut sha11 be given by delivering il os�by mailing � :�•,
<br />= . � it by first class mail untess zpplirsble law requires use of another method.'I'he u7u�ice shall be directed to the Pro�erty Address ._ �
<br /> PP
<br />= � ' or any other aQdress 8a¢euwer designates by rtotic� to Lender. Any notioe to Lender shal! be given by fitst class mail to :
<br /> • Lender's address stated herein or atry e�ther address l.ender desigceates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provic�sd for in this � : _
<br /> _ • ' �'n`�'� � ' Securiry Instrument shall be deemed t�i�ave been given to Borrower or I.ender when given as provided in this par�raDh. ;
<br /> •�����.�� � 1S.Governing La�; Sevesit6ility. This Security lnscrument shall be govemed by federal law aznd the faw of the �,
<br />: � ��'' '` jurisdicdon in which the Pcoperty is lorated.In the event that any provision or clause of this 5ecurity Instrumem or the Note ; .
<br /> - �� .' � wnflicu with applirais�1,�w.such conflica shall not affect other provisions of this Security lnswment or the No2e which can be '; •.,;
<br /> . .� ' given effe+x��thbut�the confliping provision.To this end the provisions of this Securiry instrument and the No2e are declured �,,.::,
<br />- ,.. •�,,,;`'�7'Y,;;l,''`f:�. to be se��c�Ra
<br />_:. ;:....�:ru' e::
<br />,,,,;, :'" . ,�, � 16.�oftoner's Copy.8omower shall be given one confomtad copy of the Note and of this Securiry Instrurr�nt. ;
<br />_ �..'` Farm 30Y8 9190
<br />- - � . . . , . . � vaeu a cf 6 �.
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