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<br /> f'.�,:�.. � `•` m e and al�casfinents.appurtenances.and
<br /> TAd',F.TWER�Y1Tli all shc imprave�nents now or herrafter etected on the P P �Y•
<br /> "�,: ..,,<.,,.' fistures nw� ur hemaftcr a gart of ehe pmpctty. AII repfacements and additions stiall also b� mvesed by this Security ,
<br /> � � Instrument:All of tS�e fomg�ing is refernd to in thi�Security InStrument as the°PrupenY•� <`"`
<br /> , SORRUIN�R COVENANTS that Burea�;er is la�vfutty seised uf the eswte hereby con�eSed and has[he right ro grant and ;,
<br /> 3:�`�r:�' ,�;; �s unencumbered.eac�ept for enNmbrances of record. Borrou•er wam.�►ts und will ..,4
<br /> mms�y the Propeny and that the PropertY �
<br /> -°�'�` '�'� ' d�t'end generaliy the titte to the Pmperty against a11 claims and demands.subject to any encumbrances of recotd.
<br /> ' THIS SECURi'�'Y IPiS'fRUMENT combines uniform cavenants far natiunal t�Se and�tr�nifortn covcnants witl►limited ;`;�...;�;
<br /> ''�� variations by jurisdictiun to w�titute a unifutm cecurity ientnimem wYering real propertY• .�
<br /> UNIFORM COVENAN'PS.Bornnwei a�td Lender cavenant and agree as foltows: when dnc the � ' ,
<br /> , � �� � .� 1. Poyment of Priadpal aad InterPSt: Prepayment su�d i.ate Cdar�es. 8armv:�r shsli promptlY PaY -,
<br /> su .
<br /> `°' ,, principal of and inte�est on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepay*ne�t�►d late char�es due under the Note. `
<br /> • 2,Funds fos Taxes and dnsurnnce•Subject to applicahte law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borruwer shall pay to �` �+``;�
<br />--- � - . • I��der on the day monthly payments are due�a�3et the Note,un[il che�Iate is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for.ta)yearly taxes ,��`
<br />, �'�', .��,.- •! and assessments which may attain priority over this Securi ty lnstnunent as a lien on the Propercy:(bl Y�Iy leasehold paymaus :`:;:-:._..
<br /> msurance premiums:(d)yearly ftood insv:ance premiums. �,,
<br /> ., • : or groiutd rents on the Propetty.if any:lc)yearly haiard ar pmperty' :
<br /> if any:(e)Year1Y mortgage inssuaace pnnniunu.if any: and t�any sums payable 6y Sorrower to Lender.in accotdance with c,,
<br /> :_ ��t
<br /> �' '. `�:�� . the provisians of paragraph 8.in lieu of the payment of mnrtgage insnrance premiums.These items are called"Fscrow I�.' r _ _
<br /> ' (.ender may. at any rime. callect and hold Funds in an amount not to eaceed the manimum amount a lender for a federaltY r • ,:
<br /> � ��` retated mortgage tuan may rec(uire foz Sorroa+er s escrow acoount under t�e federai Real Estate Settlement ,Proced��
<br /> {�` � 19'74 as aateuded����mme. i2 U.S.C.Section 2b01 er seg.('t�FSPA"),unless another!aw that a�.+p� � .
<br /> � sets a lesser a m u u n t. If so. Ixnder ma y.at aay rime.collect and hold �unds in an amount not to exoeed the lesser amoun�
<br />-�' - �,�der may esamate the amount of Funds dae on the basis of curreat data aad reasanable estitmatww of expeaditures o f f utxue �:c'.�:,
<br /> .��4;¢:`.�.::;:,.;',�.: �ya�Ite�s or othenvise in aornrdanoe witb applicabie tasa�. r or enti
<br />`�� ��_ " : The Fands shall be hetd in an ins6tution whose�ts are in.su�d 6}t�a C�aleist aSauY• insWm�s;�3ig,: tY • �,
<br /> ''�s',� ;-r`.r�;c• '�;'r`,
<br /> .:�`�f.; _� ,� (inctuding L.e�;aci:.-��I.eader is such an ieutitution)or in au}�frederal K*sa�e t.oan IIts���Csnder stsa�apply the Ft�ns to Qay�e P,�,..,,
<br /> .'F.•c,<<•�:•; i +�e Fua�.�valty aat�.ya.�the escrow accovnt.� _ .
<br /> ,;:•.,,; , s•,: ��r Item�.��* r rt�y not charge Bor�uwer for hotding and a�y�:- -
<br /> 5:<.•:z,
<br /> ,`:•.�`•'..•�,'t' a:,' verifying the�.w�sZw Items.unless Lender pays Borrower ime,resc cn�t#n��u¢ds and�?icabte L�w��Lender ro make sudz: .
<br /> �'��`�`'',`�:°;,�r' a charge.Hm��. I.ender may requi�e Borrower to pay a one�tir•re c�sar.we far z.ri indrgendent rr�estate tax reporting servi� "
<br /> s��>..�".-,,.. r�� . !S tFtS�6 OF ��, ,
<br /> ...:`r:�',4f� . as�d by�L�cur�in connection with this toan. untess a�Eicable !aw vs�ovides•nd;-r�ise_ Ualess an agre�menc � ��E._
<br /> , � `� inierest to be aid,t.e�er shall r.a�t be c�t�,FaY Borrua�er any i�ter�t or eamings au t�e�umis. �f��'.;:
<br />�:�,:;;';::.� .������ e. i . aPP11Cable.ixN:� p e tu Boirutv�. t�,_.r,:,,.
<br /> � --" ',�,..`•�, Barmwcr�r�3�,�ter may agree in writiug, hns�-�ever.tbat intetest�.1� tre paid on the Punds.I�er,�ler shall giu
<br /> r•..,�:,: ;.r ;.,.Rs � �:��'.
<br /> .: ., �a�4�t d.i�a.�,�-bn annaal aecauuting of tt��auds. sh�ing cre�it�as�debits to the Funds a►TC�tfse purpose f�whicli citcf�� �:;':
<br />.+��� dr�'a�r..�u��i+s�was made.'d'tte Funds are�edged as a�di�anal seairity for aU sums secured bY ti�ts Security,�at. �:,�..r_-
<br /> ai
<br />-_ -.. Yf the`Fcwi��ield by Lanier exceed the amounts pemutted to be held by applicable law.Lender shafl accour�t to Borrower �_;_r_�
<br /> � for the exo�s Cur�s in acaordai►ce n+iih the requirements of applicable Law. If the amouat of the Funds hetd by lxnder at any _, ._
<br /> ; h
<br /> 4.,.. ..` . ..
<br /> , , dme is not su f ficient w pay the Escruw Items when due.i.ender maY so nodfy Barrower in wriring,and.in such rase Borrower ,=:,�•.;
<br /> �:�• :
<br /> � . ,
<br /> !: . • �,: s�. shail pay w Lender the amount necessary to make up thc defcciency. Borrower shall malce ap the deficiency in no rttore than :� :.: .
<br /> & .. . - ; ,--- _
<br /> . --_ tareive monttdY payments.at Len�er's sote discret�on. ft�_--.
<br /> • � ��`�' Upon payment in fall of all sums secured by this Sea�rity Insavment, t.ertder stial! prompdy refw�d to Borrower any
<br /> a� k! _ '"
<br /> - � , . Funds held by l.ender.If.under paragapb'-1•Lender shall ucquic�e or sell the Property.Lender.prior ta the acquisition or snEe F�. � _.
<br /> � E
<br />'"' • ' of the Pmpecty.shall appty any Fumds held by Lender at the ume of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured Dy E��.:=: .
<br /> � � this Se�,vrity[nstrument. �-=F'�
<br /> ;.,_ ., . . W`"-
<br /> f. '. . �. ' 3.Appficatian ot Aa�ments.Unless applicable law provides otherwise.all paymenu reecived by Lender under paragraphs � :_
<br /> �; .` � • 1 nnd 2 shall be applixd:first,ta uny prepayment charges due under the Note;seoand.to amouau paya6le under para�aph 2:
<br /> t h i r d.to i n t eres t due:faurth.to princi pal due:and last,to any late charges d�e under the Note. �.� �-
<br /> � . . � 4.Chargcs:Ueas.Borrower st�all pay all taxes.assessments.chazSes. fines and impositions attributable to the Pcoperty
<br /> . .� .' ��•� y�cb�y �priority over this Secarity instrument.and leasehat� payments or gmund rents.if any. Boaower sha1�pay �.._ :`
<br /> � � ,��.������:e'�. these obligattn�s an ihe manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower suall pay them on time ditectty --f
<br /> ','"=` �` ''�'°``�•` �' Bonower shall ro tl fumish to I.ender al!rtatices of amounts to be paid under this patagtaplt• "
<br /> „�;,y;%�;.?;i•;,<•�° co,the peison owed paymetu• P A►P Y �•:`. ;
<br /> � ��:t';�;�,`�%f•,,.' ' if Hormwer makes these payments di�ecxty.�orrower shall prompdy furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. s -.,
<br /> �' `� {��s�`�, `'; Botrow��shall pmmptly discharge a�t lien which hac riority ovet'this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agcees 1n ,
<br /> , `� �.��f�i���•i em of the obli oa��red by the lien in a manner aaeptable ta Lender.(b)contests in good faith the lien �- ''
<br /> , '�'Y` ,, writ�ng to Utt tsaym S�
<br />_�-�, ' !:�:��;.f.''• by. or defettds against enforcement of the lien in. tegal praceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> �� ' � " � enforcemeat of the lien:or(c)secures fmm the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactary ta i�ender subordinating the fien to
<br /> �.���
<br /> ,�; .; , ,
<br /> � . tluy gecuritp iastrument.if Lender ddermines that any part of the Propeny is subject to a lien which may attain priority over �,
<br /> . `�'r�"'.`. . �...-
<br /> 'l;�t� � W(s Security�tits�nunent.Lender may give[3orrower a notice identifyirr�the lien.Borcower shall batisfy the lien or talce one or
<br /> �: ; ' ,°!.';,(yr',;�;�; more of the qclucros set forth above within 10 days of the giving of no�ir.,e.
<br /> � {,. . :
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