�- � . . . . }'- _ � � � �i:-`'r _�.:.. .GZ.-_bt'.
<br /> __. . _
<br /> �,:�3��;�.,_. .ss.`�
<br /> '� �t �i� � .- Y' : — - -7 y- _ - 4 — — s -`-- .� .Q`. _
<br /> �-. F 4 . - . . _ k . . . � S � [ .
<br /> i, �'..:_-f... _ "�_ �v'_ >.� .L`�. .J:.. �_ - 'f�'• .
<br /> . .o% � �,2 �_Q:
<br /> . .*.. '_ _.. '4. _
<br /> ,�r . ,`r
<br /> .� c�-1 L� 4- � T f'�
<br /> ,; f � :. 'prooeeds'D in oont►ecHon with cortdemnatton ar othsr takirtg oi ths Properry ar part tRe�eaf,or for a�co� mnatiQn. ' •
<br /> Lertder shatl6e enttGed at tts op�on to aos�smsnoe.apAear in and prosecu0a in its awn name ar►y acUon or prooeedu�gs.ar.d sAaR atso � �. .
<br /> °:��. .� ��' Aa entiBeO So make any oomymmtse or ssttiement in coruEacticn wilA sud►falc�g or damage.tn the event any portion of the�op�tty is � a. ` `
<br /> �. en� .
<br /> ' _ so�tcert or d�maged.�endar sha31 Aave tRa cption fn i�sote ar►�aDsoluEe dlsaaUcn.ta aDDh�11 such praeeads. after deduding ,� _ `.
<br /> - ' ,•- �;�'; ther8from ai!oosts and expatises inau�ed hy it tn aonn�ion�v�h such P+ooeeds.upon any indeDtedness seeured heaaby and in sueh �,,�.
<br /> ordet as Leader may determine.ar tn apP(y aU such Prooeads.after sucA deduc�ons.to the restarat�n ot the Propsrty upan sueh mn- � �q:�°`�u,
<br /> aitions as�ender may de3srmine.My app�icaUOn oi Prooeeds to indebteEness shall nat extend ar pa�tpone the dus Qate of any pay- �
<br /> ` . : cnenb under the Fiate.ar aue arry deFauR thereund�r or hsreander.My unepptted Amds sh8ll be patd to Tnistnr. .. .
<br /> `�'`� �'�'�I °�� 8.Perfam�anee�y LeMer.Upan the oocumenoe of an Event of Qefauit heceunCer.or ii any act is taken or[egal P�e�B .
<br /> • , oommaneed�ti�htd�mateda8y aftects Lende�s inUerest in tha Propsrty.Lender may In ib awn disQ�etion.Eut�vithout obIIgatian to Q��.
<br /> ' ': • �.-.;. and wilhou!notioe to or demand upcn Tn�,stor and�u!reteasing T�ustor fram any cbligatIon.Qo any aet which T�r has agreed •
<br /> �^�.�'� but faited 0�do and may aiso do any oU�r act ii Qesms necessary to protect tAe sewrity hereot Tn�stor shall,immediately upon � �, _
<br /> _-` -�� demand therefor by Lend2r,pay to Lersder afl oosCs ar►d expsnses tnaured end sums expended by Lender in conneGton with tha exer- � ;}
<br /> ` � cise by Len�er af the foregoing rtgMs.to�tt�r tis�f int:erest thereon ai the dsf�uft rate pravided in Me Nate.Whid�shall Ga aQQeO to e_�,, ;.
<br /> ' fhe inQestedness seaued hereDy.Lender sh2�t1 rtAt inpsr 8iry GatlTrty berBUSe of anythtng it may do or omit to do hereunder. ` �`'
<br /> , ` :� ' 9.ttasar�daua P�ttats.Tmsmr sA�.�t�e PropaRy in oompGarto�a�aD app�icabis Laris.otdmanoes and regutations �• •``�-°.
<br /> , �. '� .•+ relating to irtdustrial hygEarte or enviranntenfal Gst►Le�(ooQectivety reierte�to ttetein as'Environmard&i�.Trusfar s4ra1)keep . .y..
<br /> � . ... . � ihe Rmperty iree&am afl substances d2errted tn 6s hazardcus or toxia unQer emy Ertvtranmet►tal l.auvs(ooi'1e�iv2ly retemed to heteiR
<br /> ': � as'Mamrdaus iV�daria�.Tnstnr heieby vlarra�s artd rep�a�at►La to Lendar tl�at�ere are no tia�ar�cus Ma�rias on ar under @�e _.
<br /> � ' ' R[opetiy_Tn�tor tty'"t8by agtees W indemnif�►and hotd harm!ess Lender,its direetora,offioers,emptoyees and agents,and any suoces- � �
<br /> �'�'<:' sDrs L�Lendefs ir�Lzrasl.Bpm and egainst any end ali ctdims.damages.losse5 and IiaLSities arising in ocnneQion witfi the presenCe. ,4°` , _
<br /> � ;;��:; use,disposal or trartspoR af eiry Harardous Affffisria(s an,under.from or abatil the Rroparty.THE FOREGOING YI►ARWWTIES M1D ' .
<br /> . : RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUSt '�°` - •�-
<br /> _ 10:Asslgnman!6f�.Trustnr 4�ereby as�►s tn lender,and�arts LenQsr a seam'ty inlerest in.ati psese�rt.fuhue and ��� . .-
<br /> _ `�'} aR�ar adsIrtg�ents.issues artd prafiis of tt�Praperty.pt�avlQed that Ttustnr shai�w67 the ooquret[ae of an Evert3�dr�etatd�hereurtde►, �' '• - '
<br />_ •:--; have the dght b co4ect and retain such rert�.tssuasand pro�ts as fhey beoonts dae artd paysbta.Upan ths ocaanrenoe of an Event af '
<br />- - � �I°.,��: :� qefaufl.Lender may.either in person ar by a,gen�wrth or without Odnging arry ac6on or prooeedtng,ar Dy a�eceiver appofited by a ...�,°r .��,.
<br /> '' ' ooutt and vaimout regard to the ad..�qaa�y of�s$cam�y.enier upon at�d take passesston of the Property.or any part ther�f.in its own -
<br /> • m
<br />' `�, �'��� rcartte m fn tha name af fhe Tcus6es.and dn arry ads veh%d�i!Qeems n�oessa�►or desirable to presenre the va.�aa.mariaetab�►or .
<br /> , ,�.�� re�bifity of tAe Property,or arry paR thereaif or in�erest thErein,or to increase!he tncom�#herefnom or protec�tha s�curity Rereof and. �
<br /> .- ' �:,�:•,.!�+ e�iUi or wNhout taidng po�ssion of B�e Froperty.sue far or othenvise coQect ths rents.iss�es and profds thereof.fidu6uig thase past ``', - :
<br /> =���"• Que and�u�patd.by noUl�(ng tenar�to maEae�yments tn Lender.Lender maY aDRhl rerrts.issues and profds.lsss aa�ts and e�ans- - .
<br /> . ;'����.h. es of cDera�and ooQetxton induding a4l+ameys fees.to atty indebtedness seared hereby,aA in sut�h oNer as Lender may deter- -
<br /> �..... —
<br /> cMne.The entering upon and taE�ing pes�slan of ths Propsriy.the ooltedio»of sud�renLg,issues an0 prafits.artd the apprccatFon
<br /> ..`:;-.; ; . . �sereot as aforesaid shaD nat aue or tvaive arry dc�fau.�t ar nottoe of Qsfault hereundsr or imralidate arry act 6one in response to sucA � .=
<br /> . �� •>�.�.,-
<br /> ` ' �!:•,;;•:. dsfautt or pursuant to sucfi�of deiauii and, no�tanding the oorninuanos in po�ssion oi the property or the mlledion. ��.�:--r ;
<br /> ',;:� ��:� reeetpt ar�appHcation ot re�.issuea ar�.Tcwtee and LenQer shaU be entitle6 to exer�se every dght pravidsd tor in any d ths `'. ;�
<br /> ,r�;Jr*�.;: toan InsUurrtsrtts or dy faw apon oa�m�nrag c!attSt Event o1 Oefault,indu6ing without timltation tha?�fit to e�cerdse ifte pawer o!sats: , .�y�_
<br /> . ���yh;;.: Further,LenQefs flghts and remedies undf�ll�s para�aph shali ba cumulative witl�.and in no�v�F��.l�mitaUon on.l.endets righLs artd � ,�.,w
<br /> ��•.,.;. +�n e d ias un der arry a s s tgrtmen t o f leases a.�r e n t s r�a n d e d a g a t n s t t h e P r o p e R y.L e n d e r,T��d t p e r e o e t v a r s h a 0 b e G a b i e t o �{r:Y, ;".
<br /> .. ., . �caunt onry ior those renLs acWatly reoeived. �.:� , .
<br /> ' .l'-�}.�'�,t.�• : +�1�y��l�4�Fi_.
<br /> f(( .,,• 11.Eqettts ot Defauit The foltawing sl�aU v�.;�tW:�an Hvranl af Oefault unQer this Desd oi Ti� �r��� .
<br /> � ; {.�'�' (a��aifure to Pal/en1!ir�staltrnertII a�E pdrtctp3f+arinterest or arry ofltar sum secuced here�D��Ahen due: , �.��
<br /> ..*�
<br /> �.'�;:,�; �, (pj lA'�reaci�af or default under�rf prrsvisian aonta�ns8 tn tP�a�tote.tlUs Deed of Trt�sL�ot U�e Loan Instrument����na ��''�'--:°�
<br />-`;;�.;;�.''.��i`�irt�°�.'„'� oth�rQenorenwmeranoB upontts�'r.�operty: "�'*,,',Y::�.
<br /> • .�r (c)A v�rfit ot e�on ar ethcnment or any simi(ar prooess shall be e�eTed against TnuWr which shall beoome a Qen on � �''`"��
<br /> � ,. , .� __.
<br /> �fr :,`� , .•'�; the Properiy or any Rae6on thereot or interest fAareln: z .•..,,°•'-
<br /> " � There sliafl ba file4 by or a -�si Tnistat or Bamrnver an action urMer a �esant a�h�ture faderal.state or ott�rsiaL�. � „�'
<br /> ; '� ' (� � m�
<br /> �
<br /> : ,���,�r., '.' taw orreg�atlon retating to baniari�•trry,J�oSveney or otAer celief for debtara;or there stra;!�:�potrited any trustee.recaiver or ry���
<br /> .� t,: �;. Gqutdatar oi TcusOOr or Boaower araf dP c►arry part of the Propsrry.or tl►e rents.issues���fUs�ereof.or Trustor ar Borrosver ,-�;,-
<br /> -..';; ,:%� shaSlmakearrygeneralassignmenYifssit�:eeeneftoiaeditors: ,__--,:^.
<br /> _ ��. ..���;'�, .. (e)The sate.transfar.tease.�ssignrr�.aoc�veyanoe or further ertcumbrance oi a�a+s r,riy p�t af as�y interest in the �•::;.„,;--::.
<br /> ' .. .r _.,. -
<br /> i,:,....`;:, : - prapeRy�e�her votunhdrUy or irivoJuntafity.vrtl�au¢!he express wrttten eonsent ot Lender,pcsviQed that Tnr�r sha0 6e permit ,'.,:�;;�:�-°:-
<br /> : � � ,.j
<br /> Oed ta ex�arte a Iease oi the Propc-c�that Qo�na2 oontatn�n op8on to p�e and tr�t�^n oi whtch does not exe�s�k une ._
<br /> • .� x�
<br /> .t t.s.;,`'l�,p�� �..��; y�; ,�r�'---
<br /> ��t .��-�•
<br /> ;: ,,,.�i.r.. (�P�Dandonmerri oi the Pmpere�o:cr =_
<br /> ��°- ° ' (g)tf Trustor is rtat a�indlvfdual.the issuanoe.safe.transfer.assignmer�R.c�veya►t��ci enaunbranae oi more t�an('d e s:� -�.-
<br />___•_�`.,,,.:: .,' •, t ootpora8on)a tntal af peroent oi f�tssuad and outstanding sDad4.�r('d a partr�ershtp)e tntat af per- . -_ -
<br /> • . aent o! paMership interests,or(d a Iimited Uabifiry aompany)a total ot percent oi the Umibed IiabSi(ty oompa- ` `
<br /> `.���t �,r•. ny Irtterests ar vo8ng dghf.s diuing tha parted Ws Daed oiTrust remains a�en on the propeity. ->=;
<br /> _ . 12 R�madiau;Aeeeteratton ltpon Oefaut�in the event o!any EveM of Oefautt Lender rt�wlthout noUce euoept as�equineA .
<br />_- ` � � �':; by favi.dedaie atl Indebtedness serureA hereby to 6e dus and payabls and the same shall thereu�-�bewme Que an0 payabie wtU} _°:_::�
<br /> reu -
<br />_-1 :,` ���� : � ! o�rt e�ry presentrnar�,deman0.Protest or noUoe of arry k?n0.Thereafter Lender may. �`.. •.
<br /> _ . .� (a)�emand tttat TtusLee exerdss the PaW�R OF SALE grartted herein.anca Tnc�t4a sl��tl thate..^'�s car.�s8 TnestoPs fntet � .,�
<br /> ; est In the Pcoperty W be so10 and the prooee6s lb 6a 6lsbibut.M.aD In tb�marmat provbQed in t!►a Nabr�Ynrst iJaeds Ac�
<br /> ti .. � �(��e any and ail dghis provid3d foj in amt o!t�e Loan InsUur�aMS or by law uwnan oaurten�oi airy Evant o! •
<br /> _: . �.s�:;:
<br /> � :,.`�. (cl�omrt+onoo an actian to tos�'asa Ws Qead ot Trust a�a m�tgaSa,�APoint a reee3�nm.or sDad�iCalty entarco a�p at the ;+;:;;;�
<br />— . "` oa�ettdtlbft9tno! • ';`;�;:-=-
<br />_ .. ':: t .�'�"?'���-°•°
<br /> - . s No remedy hEnEin oo�l�or r��ed to YnrsL�or l;amd�IS iriOeM�d tn Ca mocdualva o1 arry other remeQy hareln.in ihe Loan ,;;.:• ;;:;,;,,-
<br /> �` Instrumenb er by lav,pc��or permiP��c1„batt esch sh�ti b�Cumu�ative.straU be In addit�on to every other remedy ghren hereunder. .
<br /> - � �'• f tn Mo lean fnsbumentq or nnN ar lar�r exlsUrtg et lavi o�in equiry ar by stahrte.and may be exen�sed ooncurrentry.irtdependently .. ,';;,�,
<br /> _ ... arsuooestvey. � ; ��,;
<br /> - • 13.Tn�tee The Trustea may�esign at arry Nm�v�aN puse.and Lender rt�ay at a�ry Ume and withaut cause appaint a suo .
<br />_- . . . . o�sor or subs��ute T�usOes.Tn�stee aha0 not bs Uabte tn eny QaAy.tne�uding wllhw�t limttatton Lend�r.Bortower.Tnrstar or erty pur- �• . . �
<br /> - , . ' dtaset of the Pmperly.tor any toss or damage unt�s Qu�tn�ectdass or vr�tfid misoonduct,and shall not be requtred ta fake eny ardIan ,
<br /> - .. • ,• ln connerxIon rrritN tho entaroenvant of this Qeed o!Trus!un'ess trtdemMfled.in wriUrtg.for atl oosts.oampensaUon or expffnses whid� � . .
<br /> __ • may be ssseciated tAaretivith.in additlon.Tn�s�ae may beoortr�e purdiaser at arry sate of the Propetty(judtda!or unQer tha pavrer oi •
<br /> _�- • ' � saia granted herelny:P�one the sate oi a1l or any paRion o9 the PropsRy.as provtded by favr,ot se11 the Property as a whote.or in �
<br /> �- : . - . ��atoeSs or tots at Tntstee s dtscre�nn. '
<br /> • • ' . 14.Fao3 eirt9 F�spsnsea tn the event Tnistee seQs the Pr�perly by exendss ot power ot sate.Tnistea shall be entitted ta a�pty
<br /> � a�ry sate pmoeeds flrst to payment oi all ocSb an6 expenses o1 exerdsing po�rer of sate,induding all Trustee's tees.artd Lendeta�rtd • �
<br />---• • � - Trtistao s attDmeys fees, aauatty inwrted L�extent peimitted by apD�icab�0 faw•In tho event Bortowar ot Tnistor exerotst3s any Hght :
<br />� . • • � pmvided by ta�ri to auo en Event ot Qefauti.Lender sflail De entiUed to reoover from Trustor atl aosts end expenses acdially lncurted as ,
<br /> ..� a result of Trustofa detautl.Including v�itRout Iimitation afl Tnrst�e's and attarttej/s fess,to the extent pemutted by eppficab:e law. .
<br /> - 15.Futuro Qdvart¢ae.Upon requast ot Barrower,L.ender may,al its option,make addiUonal and furiire advanoes and read- .
<br />, : . .
<br /> '�� va�s ta Bortower Sud�advartees anA readvanfles.�r►fh Interest thereon.shaf)Ga sewred by this Qeed ot Tnrst.A!no ttme shall lhe
<br /> . . ' , • .
<br /> • t�� �
<br /> '�. � '
<br /> ,. : . . • .... . .•. ., � _ _. _._ _ , •� ,. - • --
<br /> . .
<br /> • ..,;......,....,-.-,ar-'"'y--*-�--.-.?-t'+-r„�:::`�:.., ..... -..-:��v�,.—:y.��.-�.---lo:��-r �1.._ ...�:�:�.Er_�.._.i;-'f!i�'.�. ^..�a.•.;«: '. .. =.�4;., �. ...r.:��r::.�i�r�i� e�':�_%�i.?3.�'-. -�ti.
<br /> . s _.. ....,,i . .
<br />