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<br /> `. '�`' ,, Five Fain4� Bank '�":'-"'
<br /> � `, tAe esnefidary,
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<br /> .. .,.,.-. , .:��a��.:�� v������ 201� N Braa��el7 Av�, 6rand Islancl NE 688�A3 —(�ere�'lendec°t- _:.
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<br /> . . FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,inc�use lende�'s mdens�°"°f c�ed�cde"hfied her�fi ta James 6. Duda �°x•�-
<br /> . . refi'Borrowar.'vdiiether one or more)and the Wst he7eU��o�.tl�e reaeipt p�!� .
<br /> :4 '���': oi v�id�is hereby acia�ctr�iedged.Trustor hereb}I irtawcahty 9ranL�bansfe�s.oonveys��tn TiusDee.IA1 YRUST.YNtTH �`=`.
<br /> `�:•ti�.' POWBt OF SW.P.for the benefit and sear8y►of Lendar,under end sabject ta E�e t+erms artd oondt�ns hereina�r set lorip►.iha�eal
<br /> �;�__..
<br /> . , pmpe�ty�e0 2s foflaw� �
<br /> . � � Tbe Easter��g T�enty�o I22) Fee� of 4.he l�or°therly Eighty-eight IB�D Pee� of �.ot �`'`y:
<br /> 4 ;� , F�wr t4), iat B'tock Sixt�r-six (66), in Orfginal Toa�n no�o cit9 of �rand ds��.d, _
<br /> � ;'`�..., , � � - �:� kla� Caaanty� Nebraska. ` _=-
<br /> . , ;...,:��� Together�:�b bWdfngs,impmvem$nts.fixhues.stceeats.alteYg•D�9��.easements.d9Ats.�nr'�eB���� ,,:—
<br /> ,_';'�` located therean bar•'�'m anyurTse DBrtairtinS fheretn.altd tlte rertts.issues and pt�1�.revetsiDns 2nd rem�te��aM aooMg ec�utp� �.�
<br /> � ;, ,,,`s4;., son�pmperty tha'�is attadisd to the 9mprovenseMa so as to wnstf6�te s�Une.inctuding.but not 6rr.�adEa. -�
<br /> � as�atM t�gether with fhe homestead or marftai U�tereSts.�f anY.whicfi interests are hereby reteased and wah►e�aD cd whlch,indu = _
<br /> . ...� ..' in g replacemenb and additttons thereto.ts hereby dec�ared to he a part ai fhe teal estate secured�y/11�e Iten of d�ts II�d o!Tn�t and =.�_
<br /> .. • , a0 of fhe foregoin9 being reterred t�he r e i n as t he'P r oge R y r• natn or cce�it s�e� i�`:°"°
<br /> This Deed af Trust shaU secuce(a)the paymant of th�principal sum end i�rterest svidenoed D1/a R�m�sory �_n,
<br /> ' . �� ' me�datad May S Q�7 _having a matrmly date ot M�Y �. ?00�----= �� ..-.
<br />=ia':,�� ':.::',, . fi fhe odginat pflncipal amount of$�.^�,,� nr� _an0 arry and a0 mod'rfic�ons.ex�nsteng artd cenenvass =_.
<br />_� �,s"�.,. • theceof ar thereLO and any and aU fuUire advances and reaQvanoes to 6oaawer(or any of fhem if mare fhan one)heceunder pios.uant
<br /> ,.., . . �...
<br /> � '• � � . . ���: •;'' tn one ar more B�missery notes ar credit agreements(herein eaIted'Note7:(b)�e Qayme�rt ot otttet swns aQvanoea by l.ender to
<br /> � � t proteq the s�ast�}�.af the Note:(c)tlee De��ance a9 atl oavenanb end e�emenb of Tnistor set ierth hareU:and(d)aD pre�secd a� ___-
<br /> . ��;;;�4`��� tliCure indebte�s and obligatlons of Bortawer(or atty►oi them if mare tharo-ane)to dender vfiether di�indineect.absotuta or aos� ___.
<br /> - . . ��•?.:'�'' r,�!artd wt�ether artsfig by noba,Suaranry.oveNraft or ofhervrise.fie I�idt�,�s Qe�c�''[rust and aay and aU ogtaraoaunents tnat __--
<br />_ .. �,:•��.. ., ;�r';. , mer�ts and �_
<br /> ueau�re the Note or otherwlse executed in connection thsrewith.including vr'tttiout�'�recatv�n guaranteas.seCUrit�±��Ree
<br /> � . • :;+�, e�;i�menb oi teases and rents,sha4 be�et�..rrea to hecefn as the'loan tnsWmenb'. . �.4
<br /> � � : �sy���.� Tn�.stor oovenan�and agrees w�h ler.�ix as foifows:
<br /> �. 1. Paymont ot tndebtedness.M 1s*'�nass sECUned he►eby shatl 6e paid when due. � •
<br /> • .''�,+��..¢�. 2 Ti4to.Tntstor is the avvn�r of the�r^.rpeRy.has the�ighi and eutAority to oomrey the Properiy,and warrants that the Qen ca�at �;�T
<br /> ° ' � c�•i�ereby is e ftist and pflor�on the Properiy,exc�eDt fot liens and endrmbrances set tortl�by Ttustot i n x m H t�g a n d�e ti v e t e d t o
<br />.- f.,a.�det befare execuUon of this�p80 of Tntst.anA the exeeuflon and deihrery of this Qaed ot Tntst does nat viotatd atry coritract ar r._=. _�
<br /> . • �s•'�,h; Cther oblJgaUon to+rfiich Tcustor is subjec�.
<br />