:t.: a»v`.�+.-,`+_'.�"� .��----� .�., 3�s'ta"..`'.i_`Y� .3 $�5`_-.:_. - .'�s F`_`'.i:..�F� _a+-*�.-.
<br /> _,..,r . - - � �. }__ _ _ _ _, .
<br /> . � �_ . ,< {� -.n , t - <, _ —`Z t ¢t �'i --eS—_.
<br /> r � ��_ - -� - c L'� � t � � "��
<br /> .p,b..�"'`4�C � �X"�T^-. _ �3D�. � �..1FG ,c." f .ti .L
<br /> ' � ~�t`<``�1-.� -_
<br /> i.:(� .-
<br /> --r -�-;`�, �� � F
<br /> ';;�:�.I.��?..�_.:;L:'.:
<br /> . ��-.;°:..• prM�af emat�tot th8 inQebtedrtess seat�ed by this Qead ctTru�L not Utdu�ing suma sQvanced t�proffict ttte sequlyt at tht3 Deed Ot ='�=��:
<br /> �c�.<�,��<: . Tntst.e�ossd�asfgfi�al Prindpal smaurd staUed herein.or$ .w�iehever�gteater.
<br /> : r.i
<br /> `.;f`�:��`�'Yt 18.�I:�Lasu�ous�+ravI�tas[s.
<br /> •�::���r.:.,�;�.��;'.
<br /> ,. �{�=,f°',,',f (a)�crs�awnr E+Ia4�tet�acQ.Extetss3cn o4 the time far payment ar mo�iflcatt�cf amo�tIca ot ths sums Fscu�+d Oy thb :
<br /> . �`,,;x��{.�,;�;,:�, Oesd a4 Tru�!grante6 by Lsnder to�ys suaosssor in inta�est ot Barta�eer sf�ait aot op�rate to retease.tn arty matuier.the BaDIlt- ,
<br /> .� ��.�k.��.� �,:
<br /> • - ' - u�r,,�F; ry ai the ar[gi�l Boirawer end Bo�arrats sucoessors in ioteiest.l.ender st�aA nct OB reauteed to oammsn�prcosed�rt�
<br /> �;`:,::,.`:��`:.` ag�inst suc'h�uaoessor or retl�se to extend Wna tar paym�rtt or othenvise mc�ty�tnor�Zatloe�ot tl►e siuns seau�d by Ws = •°•
<br /> ,,.:.�r;�_;�_" • .
<br /> - �-;�.t`,��. Oeed af Ttust by.reason of etry Qeman�s rttaQo Dy ttto ortgirtai Bartowar and 8aitmvers sua�ssots U iM� � :
<br /> ��';`;��;i F�';•• (D)t�t�duria P�vata.Without�g the Uab i f t i y ot a m►otnsr perscn itab:s far t9te p a y m e nt oT arry obggatIan hecefi men- ?°'
<br /> �,• t.�_;�.. s
<br /> . �:�•,a� � ttoc�.end�vltriavt afPaeting tha Qan os e�arge oi tAis OeaA ot scuat�an any poMore oi the Pnayerty rtot then ar Merebtore
<br /> "° �<.>�'�f�`:-: ..c.
<br /> �;.v�N,`"'��:r natsas��?s Eeaaity tor tf�e t u l l amaw►!a f att unp a t d o b II g a t tons.L en dsr may.fr c m ti me t o t i ma an d vri t h a�a t�ro t loe(�re i e a s e ,
<br /> : =`<;a::�;���.`—��:.�,,�::. �l!P��n sD O�h1e.(i�e�end Me msturity or at�er any a!tt�e temfs of�ny sucA cbligaUons.(�Srant other(ndulgan�.(tv) � ,
<br /> :�+.;,� . � re�ease oo reoam or cause to bs relsased or ai Ume at Lendefs optton arry paroel.poRlan or stl oi the _-
<br /> ,""n.-.�---rr"•:�`: 81►. reoanvc�y�d anl/ �:. `
<br /> _ .. :r� � : � Rro�ttlf.(v)taka ar retease ar►y otAer ar edtG�tona!sewr(ty for any oDGgatiore heretn ment�oned.or(v��make oamDositt�s or
<br /> _�� ` :'•- other arrasgementa r�ii►d$bmr$tn relat�n tYaret,n. _'
<br /> y�.(�r[�f�t --�;t ^ } . .
<br /> 'f�y��fr��.: (c)WaCSSTBti�t D31 L43tf�r Pto4 e t„taive�Any furEear8rtce�y LeAdsr(n exetdsiitg enY rfght ar remeQy RereunQer,ot ot?►- �...
<br /> ...I:s:,;�.f,��z_4,:�.t. ervdss�sd by.applicabta tari sAaD not be a r�aiver oi or prectude fhs exer�ise of eny suM rtgM ar rem�dy.The proaue- _
<br /> �.. ..�.;,'1•.r 4 ;� .r msnt of irtsuranoa or ihe payment af taxes as other Qens ar dtarges by Lender sha0 nat ba e watver ar Lendsrs tigt►t�aace!er-
<br /> �e� .-.��• atatit@maGUityafth��ssflusdbyth�QeedolTtust � -
<br /> ` ,� �fr fr��:�. (d}��ttd d�si�ts�oun�Jabt!ertd 3evetal Lta�IR4Y:Capttiona The oovenar�arN sgte�tnenis heretn oot� -
<br /> ;=';�������;" raln�d sSr�(E�itM.a1M the t�►ts he►e�mdes shail trnus U0.ihs�sspactive su�s andassf��s oi Lender and Uustcr.AD
<br /> sh %�
<br /> ":'_(�";�,:y;;�s`, aaverwr�and agroemenfs�Tn�sfiafl Oa�Oirt�d saveral.Tha�apttans and h�nS�of�he Dm��x�hs oitAts Oesd ct ::�'4
<br /> . ..;:.,,::;-��•.t;; 7nut&csforaamrerHBnoa oM►and ere nat tn be used b interAret or define fha pcovisloris f►ereot. '4.�=:'
<br /> `.':��:;:;t.r'.�;:. (e)Rsquesst fo►MaHeea The parHes heieby request ttrat a copy o1 any natFae at defauti heretubdet and a co�y of atty rtatita
<br /> . : 4;'l���.k c�.�i., af�te�ereunder ba mailed tc eacfi pariy Lo Ws Qead of Tcust at the address set farth abave in ths manner presa�ed by -- -
<br /> :,i{.�,kt r.,�l,, Qrabfe(a+rt. for otlter nab�ae under appQcabte tativ t�ba in 8mD9tter met�ner,amt notIoe provtQ2d toc :.
<br /> ' :��e f�'f.`fs,.r'; itt�ws o�a or��,an��en by�g�a�by cernsee m�aaa�e�m t�omer�es.�ma aaa�ss set
<br /> �-:.;;�s;'�.�:,.. : ��'
<br /> ..•x;�,>. .5,: forth aDa+�a.My rtati�P��4 tar in this Oeed cf T�st sha0 68 eftective upan maIDng[n the manner dssi�atied Rer�Fn.it
<br /> -'- ''l•:,.;� tr ts
<br /> ., .:,i�;t�``e,�., T�or is nmra tlren ane pe�n.rtoUoe settt Lo ihe adQc+ess set 6nN�aDove shail6e notioe Lo all sufi pet�as. -'�
<br /> :':;,;Ry���;F�.� (fl(�on.Lender may make or s�usa to be made�ea�cr�fa entiies upon and tnspacdons of the PmPerly.Pmv�d �'F"-_:
<br /> ..'�,�.#�,.,��.:. tlrat t��stmil gtve Tnistar notice prtor tn arry sucA insASr�Icn sDesatyf�e reasona�te cause therefor retated tm lendars�
<br /> � ,::i%�:��;u:. :•' r� '�
<br /> .. ...,i.�:. , -� esi�st�ePr'OpBtly. �,;
<br /> -, ..,,;_,.-.;�'z�,�•_,� F�-:
<br /> � �.-i';�',r.:k�:f�t f9)A���u�on RaymeM of aA s�a�r;�aued tiy Uds Oeed o�Tn�Lender sfiell�qu�t Tn�e to rewmrey the -
<br /> '.,;:r>:�<<���?• Pragerty and shaU sumentter Uds Oeed af Tnrsi aM al!note5 ev�dencing indebtedness secured by 1Ns Qeed of Tnist to
<br /> ,•.,r=,:gf_{ti.�t�i�;f,�. _
<br /> . `<_�',.',,...,,,,i,,:: Tn�Trustee shaif reoomrey Ute P�perty.w�wtl tvartanty and without d�atge tio fhe p�..on or petscns�l er�lte�
<br /> •t �, , ,r•,� ifleteL�Trustar shafl pay aD aasts af c¢caNatlan.if any. 4,...
<br /> ' �.�, y`��,�<<��� (hj�aeso�el Poar�erQy;Secttr�A���As ffi�tfunal seaufty for ttte paymertt�r ti�a[Yate.Tn�r hsreDy granb ::
<br /> .;; ,,s,`�`.. .:,:���' Ler�er undeo the hfsfiiaska Uniform t�mmerdal Cade a seca�rityr in�rest in ap�equinsnent and atner R�P�P�Y �-�_
<br /> r.,,,�;.�i,, ...- �..�._:
<br /> ,<<,. ,�s " use�fi aon�on v�lih the reaf estab or tmpr�v�rrents taa�ted thereon.�d rt�t olt�c:�wise dedare�cr daem�d Lo 6e a paR ot
<br />_ t� �::;'t �`r
<br /> . ��.';c_.,�fe,t,;�.`c::;., Ma ces}es9'at�s sepi�tied heteDy.ThIs Instrumsnt stta�l be oanstrued as a Seauity Ag�eemart wsder sald Cod�,and tlte Lender .��::
<br /> . r '�• r�� shell 11a�a�.'!q1e dgMsalld remedc6s Ot e sedued pHKy urtdsr Seld Cad9 in Bd�Cr1 tD ttt�ti�r.�''t8 end tBtftE�aeafl2d w�ei .'-
<br /> ,fy fG���;� ' and aoaas�d fhe I.ender putsuant to thfis Deed of T�Provided fhat lenQers dghCs and�es�er tNs parsgrap#�
<br /> � be am�.�s vlth.aad In rto u+ray a QmfRe�n on,i.ender's righLs and ramed�as under eny ati�,eauity►e�eement si�i�ll
<br /> '�s;;+s;��'�,±'��`. BOROVi0EfC1TTNSt�T. ` � `---=-v
<br /> �%•:'�r
<br /> 'r r � + '`r t 1t <,}... ()Ueess SttA�tttt�rastees.7n�r heteDy wanan�a�ud represents fha�alaatx�:cs nre.d�tut!under fhar�.�vtstans oi arry r r�b
<br /> , ; � � ,, �':`,:, rttoltga�deed of tn1�:,tsase or p�hass wntr�i!dasc�ibing a0 ar any part��n�,.or othet tmn4nr�(nstrumerd or �q�;
<br /> +., � . a�eement oau�stihiting a U�n ar encwnblamce ag�,�t ea or arry part af 8=e (adt�tlt'�Sy.'ltena�.exisBng as a!tha -
<br /> �t 8� ;'s
<br /> ,_ : �r�r�s,;�; t; Qate of tflls Deed of Tiust,and thaII i�and a0 existtng Uens nemain unmodiHed except as d��ised Lo 4enQet in Tnlstofs v�rit
<br /> ,t����- ten disctasare ot Iler�e and encam�r�:cas pmvMeA for herein.Tcustor shatl timeiy pe�t�at!of Tn�tufs obi3gatinns. __
<br /> �'��;; `�.'.�d�-�;:;f cavenan[s.represeritatlons and�va.�n9ses undar ergr and ail e�dsting and fuhue Uens.shait D�D�Y fonxard to Lender oopies ------
<br /> �';`f�:,°,,.'.:.�-:��':1:.r,, of all rtaBo�o}defeuit seM in wnnadion�nrith ac►y end s0 exisdng or fudue Liena.and shaal!not wit�out Lendst's p�for wrfinen ..--.-�
<br /> r:�:;.
<br /> �.:: =�,:`,.�:-.:�,r. wnssntfnarrymennermod'sPytheDrovisto�otoraUaweiryttrdireedvarzoesunderarrye�sUngoriubueQer�s. ���.�
<br /> '�'.',4;;,i;;:;.�,;.,.�:.,<:;` (��lpptt�tlan oi Pttymet�.UNess othenvise require�Qy tazv.s�mis patd Lo Lender hereimd�r.incdffirtg v+fdhout�on =___
<br /> m
<br /> °•; ..,::�li;::;.'�,'.,, payrtr-�at pMci�al and interesl.insurance praoeeds.oand�mnaUan pmaQeQs end rer�ts en�protlb.shatl bo e�pp✓.GBy►
<br />- �:��'. �!�:..:��l�{�i�<'�e 4
<br /> ;. .:��, 4r�, r: lerttt�ta t�e amo�u�to Que and otiving from Trusmr an�Borrawer in sud�ordar as lender in its so!s di�ae�on dLems dt�rr
<br /> �':,;.:��::7�: ,,•,;::: ,. . -
<br /> , �,,�,,,,,:r;�,.,:, abfe.. ,,
<br /> �i�� � � •._•;' (fcj 8s��apablitty.tt any►pmvlston at fhis Oasd a!Tn�st wnffids wlth�pUc�e lavt ot is dedsred tnvalid or athenM�e�i�.°te� _
<br /> _.';,,.�.'� .,,,`,�.,•_,.,t,, fo�oeabf�such oatsfli�t or invaltdity shap not affact!ne otAer prov(stons o1 Mis Oa�of Tnist or the Note�rhich can be�iven .
<br /> • ,,• `' � effed v�nout tAe�+tncSng proviston.and to tlVs 4rnd:f�e provisinns ot this Qeed ot T�ust and tlie[�tate ara ded�ed to 6e ssv ----
<br /> `f._,'�,::�::;'.� erdDie. �
<br /> �:lY•�
<br /> .. (�.�:'-�i��;lli �.�: ':
<br /> �ti.+'.;,,,;����$�r,; (i�Te�.The terme`Tntsto�end�°9°omawer sAaU int�ude bofh stngidar and phmal.and w1i�x�e Tnis[ar amd Bone�cra� --
<br /> '�;�,.; ..�,, ;'+°�.• fh0 eame Detson(s).lhOSe terms es us�!In thls Qeed ot Tn�.,�t sha11 be intecdiangaabte. ' ��
<br /> t Js t`�,- ' ;,"�. (m)�avarnlnD I�nv This Qesd oiT�ivst shali bs govemeA by the tavrs oithe Slate of Netsrrs�ra. --
<br /> . �
<br /> �iAVi/'. .��1 i�.� � ��4��.
<br /> ._{� ���� � '�t�
<br /> , �f ' _,i�,1 t,�f_-,� . -
<br /> �F j _ t Z +��' �.� ..
<br /> `
<br /> ' rl`{,'(�S`. :4 __'
<br /> :. .• e •. :
<br /> ��':I.'
<br /> ..ry��11•,..'.. :.J...."1:::! �� ' I-
<br /> '',,� �;'.:;1,��;� �
<br /> ,�.�,,�. , ,
<br /> .;��7�i�.•;,;,ct ;;''1 TrusD�r has eu�a�ted thi3 Oaed of Trust as af itie Qate written abave. �
<br />_-_ •.ciE;. ,t•a,;;';.�` -;,,� i
<br />:. ' ...
<br /> -� .,��.'r.:,`�.1�` `':. .
<br /> � '��IF�JF�,;. � .
<br /> f�.l
<br />" +�}��:�;�� mes G. D 8 Tnetnr Tn,stor
<br /> . . • "�'�1 h�•� •
<br /> t:�
<br /> . • . Trusmr Ttustor
<br /> . � �... - •. .
<br /> _, �•:. .. .�:
<br /> ;... , .
<br /> • - _ .'�
<br /> �. . ,•. ,� . . . . • _
<br /> , ..
<br /> �� - - • "'� �.:r.-.,:...{...-n-,�,i,.:,�...._.:....�,� ,�_.y-}��.—, -s -.i..._._..:. �-" ' Y e i\�.., 'r. ,v _ ' ��i
<br /> : _ _
<br /> .... ..�..T-=,•.••;..:.-.�._.-,. . ""n' ..`'k7l�'�S`:i"1St.':.•..• ..,. ' ...�. ' . ,�i�� �,+ -
<br /> . _ . . . _ . _ . .. .� ... _. ".ii .. ... - - '._. .�... ... . .• --. .. C ..} . ':i�- .-ha_ ._ . ._.,,
<br />