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`_`,._ ." "OC:;ry � � , .; .�n....a.�...�-:�-_. .i _ .. . .c;c.:�.�if .�xc L`-�r�{�... <br /> � . <br /> �..r . . •c <br /> , ._.. <br /> ..—�LY� . _ �. '_ [ _ ' ._ r��,��z" ..� ' • <br /> . "'b��- t • •.�`<r '1 _ � ` .t,� . . �` 's. F � C'� -,� <br /> `' '- - �'x . �.}-: <br /> , _ �`�:{..V�t.R � .'�. `4 / . _ �t..`,'' '... . .��'. � c � 't. _- ` < 'Y h -.�� C•:; +�i � L'7 <br /> ' x- a. �rz� :r ' <br />� � c y 4 � �r• t l T_.-Si�_c�..- < _ �.+�.=�Lm._:�_:.c-.-.-u..,....----- _ _ '_' <br /> -�._. 4 G c�t - ......�.- _ ,�. <br /> �.�� —' ' '._eL_:_=.-_�..-':'`:.i=: <br /> ;: the actEon or proceeding to Ae 2 °`'-4 <br /> Borrower may cura such a detauli and reinstata as provided in para�aph 18. DY �9 �� f` <br /> : ,`•� ' ' � diSJ�ssed�iith a ruGng Lende�s good faith d�oa.pre�des torteidue of the Botrower's interest in ffie PropeKy or • � ` : <br /> • ��`s' other mataiat fmPatrmer�i of the Gen created Dy thfs Securfry�nsWmertl or L�dePs sewrity interest Sorrower shsQ aiso be in � �. : ��� .:,. <br /> �'� :',�,4• . <br /> _ . ._..,,': defauR if Bartower.durtrtg ttre toan e.pyHcailon procass.�ve rttatetiatiy taise ar inaa�trate intortnatlon or sffitements to Lender(or "-` ''° i"�,•' _. <br /> ata • <br /> • . . .`> �' taled to provide Lend� with any material infortnatton) I n conn e c c t ion w�h t h e l o a n e r i d e n ced b y the Nate. inducCrt9.but not � , c �:;-< - <br /> e ,� <br /> ° ' Gmited to. represe�ttQns coneemh►g Borrower's oe�pancy oi the PmpEtty as a pr6tcipaF residenc�. H this Seaufiy O c'�,,. .,.` <br /> � j • tnstrumeirt is on s leaseho!d. Bortawer shaU comAiy wfN e0 the provisiona of the lease. lt Borrower acquh'es tee tiUe to the � . :a . . <br /> - � • - Properiy,the lessehoid end the tee tltle sha0 not mage untess Lender ayees to the merger tn miUng. � }' : � ' . ;: <br /> " :''•;` .• � "`'t. 7.p�o 4 e C t toil of Lealder'S Rigfits!n ttte Rroperty.lf Borrower ta�7s to peRartn the covenants and a�emnents .� h ,' �., <br /> . � , contafned in thLs Seauity Inst�ument. or th¢re is a leg3t proceed'ing that may si�ficanUf►� Lender's dghts in tAe Fraperry � - . _ <br /> �. �.p.` � (such as a proceed'm9 in banlwptcy condemnation or tadeiwre ar to en4oree laws ar regutaUo�ss).th�►Lend,er may -- • -, <br /> ' do and pay for whateuer is rtecessary to protect the vaJue of the ProperiY and Lender's dghts in the PtopeRy. Lender's actions � , _� _ ,.;. <br /> %±,=-�'"-'����' an sums secured b a Gen which has pdoriry over thls Security Insbumen� apPearir►9 tn court, PaY�9 , ° <br /> � ma y include PaY�9 Y Y A a h ou g h Le n d e r m a y t a k e a c U o n under ffiis p a r a�a ph . <br /> , ,� <br /> =��-:-�;-��?` . <br /> � ,��;.,_..,.,,� <br /> reasonabls attnmeys tees end enterfn9 on the PropertY fi rs�lce►�e p a i�s- �_�__ <br /> 7.Lender does not have to do so. � �•.���:1� <br /> • ' qny amou�s dlspursed py Lender under patagraph 7 shaU became elddional debt of Bortawer secured by this Secu�itY `; . <br /> " - InsWment. Unless Borrower and Lertder a�ee to ather tertns ot payment.these amaunts sha0 bear irrterest from the date ot ;4 .,, �..' <br /> _ . ' .. �;.c..,�. -_:`: <br /> . . . �sbursement at the Note�ate m�d sha0 be payable.vr�h irrterest.upan notiee irom Lender to Bartower cequestin9 Payment ;.:.i:• <br /> _. ._. ._ 8. Mortgage tnsur8feC9. H Lender re4ufred mortgage insurance as a condib'on o!making the Ioan sewred by this ,,.y�,�x.;; <br /> - Securily inshument,8ormwer shaU paY the premiums required to mainiain the mortgage insurance fn eftect lf.fcr any reason.the �•,.,`K,;; . <br /> �"' 6 Lende►lapses or c�ses to be in effed. BoROwer shall pay the premiums requhed to „ _�:: <br /> �;- mortgage insurance coverage required Y .. .. <br /> ,,��: obtain cxiverage substannalyl equ'nat�d to the mortgage insuiance previousty In effect. at a cost subate►�tia�Y ecprivalern to the � � <br /> ` f.; ,• insurance previausty in eftect.fram an ettemate mortgaga insur�sPProved by Lertder. If ','�`l,Y"�;��''. <br /> .,� cost to Borrower af the mort�ge „"" <br /> : ;�;' substanUaltll eQUhratent mottgage insu�nce coverage is nat avalabla Barrovre►shatt pay to Lender each morrth a stun equai to � ;: ,, <br /> • , onrtweifth af the yeazly ma�U��e l�smanea prenhim beiny.p�3�y Bortower when the insurance caverage lapsed or eeased to �c�':� <br /> �� .` � �tsas a toss reserve in Uea a moRgage insivance Loss neserve �4t� � "` <br /> � �:"�.. r , .�� � <br /> be in efisct lender wili acc�i c.�r and remi°th�e PaYc�". the amourd and for the p�iod ''�`•'� <br /> •s payme�ds may no longer be saAzee�,at the optian of Lends:a��ortgage insurance coverage jb► -'_�� . :�4�. <br /> _ ' n: �`f-:F; `.�%� ,�.%7`�::_ <br /> . ., '�,�,f°.� that Lender requhes)provided�y an insurer a�,psaved by i.ers3a again becomes avalabfe aa�is obtafied. Borrower sha➢pay <br /> .``•. �.�`: the premhims required to maintein mortgage Lrs�ar�:�in eRact,or to provids a loss rese�v�er.rt�the re��,v�nent for moRgage _ ,� r � . _` <br />-; - �•w::�:`� - <br /> • •. �;.�; insuranca ends in accorQance with any wdtten e�eM 6edveea 9orrawer and Lender or appGeabte taw. , •-�_.,�`� <br /> �... -�a�`t�q�s . . �• . <br /> j �Y�. 9. 1�18peCtlot{. Lender or its agent may make�son�is�tries upon and inspedlons oi tAe Property. Lmder sttall gfve , �r-t ,,- , <br /> � ����,� reasonable cause to►the inspectlon. - <br /> :7����'� ,�.; Bortower noUce at ffie thne of or prlor to en inspecdorr spe�_cirg. - <br /> .._.'7i,;tj��`:i� ...l,f�: �"_. <br /> . .��: S\..Y. ,G_ ..- 1 0. C a n d�m n a t i o n.Th e p r o c e e d s o t a n y a w a r d a:s:taim for dama or conneeUon v����� _.�..4 ;''. - <br /> • t:'F�� condemnatian or othe�taMng oi any part of the Property. or tor comeyance in Geu ot condemnation.are h e re b y a s s i g r. . :�_• <br /> ,::.�' sha0 6e paid to Lender. " ��� <br /> _ `;�t In the event of a total tatdng of the Pta;,�ty. the proceeds shatl be app8ed te the sums secured by this SecudtY .. <br /> � d to Bortower. In the event of a paNa�ialdn9 af the Properry in whict� f� <br /> > ����r.. , . Instrument.whether or not then due.wRh aml exe�ss Pa[ 4 = <br /> _ <'�„M mimed'iatey before the h�cng is equal w or greater t''a'i the amour►t ot the sums sacared :. y ,T ,• <br /> '.: the taU marStet Value ot the Pro,�et�s - <br /> _ • :�:':��;•, by this Security tnstrument imcr.a���y befare the taking, u:.�'4�s 8ortower and Lend� o:favuise a�ee in wfitlng. the s:sms .. .�. <br /> '�. ;r�;::,: secured by thfa Security InsbumersY shaif ba ra�..d by ths ecraurrt of the proceeds mulUpS�ty the foQowing fraGlon: (a)the ,:� <br /> - '•.,`�;.� fhe tair madcet vatue af tke Prop�/(mmediatelY '.,•;`;� x .. ,��, <br /> :. total amount of the suma secured immedat�j b�re the taking.�vided b1► (b) �'t;;'. <br /> _ •I`�-,„•� befare the taWng-Atr�balance shali be paid to Bo.zower.(n the event of e pa�tlal taicfi9 of the Propsrty frv whinfi the fah mazket ' 'i :�;;i.` <br /> �":;� ,�' valus of tAe PraAc�y immediately hefore the tai�g is tess than the amaurrt oi the sums seeured imme�E'-i�betore the teldng. �'�', ':i, f•. <br /> " '���'� '' unless Borrovrer and Lender othevw�se aqtee in mitlng or unless appQcabte law othetwise provldes. th3 proceeds shali be _��y�,��'��,. <br /> � ;r� � <br /> apAfied to the s�ns secured lsy th`s Security Insbument whether or not the sums are then du� .,ft,���.,._ <br /> �.. �;, n me propsty ts ahendoned by Borrovuer.or H,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condarnar �o°�'�rs to meke an l r. ���- <br /> � ' � � awaM or setUe e c1alm for dama9es. Borrowet ia(Is to respond to Lender within 90 days efter the d�tE Lss nottaeo ghr�. �-.' "`r�� <br /> � . ortted to caQect and apply the proceeds,at Rs opUon. either to restoration or repak o3 tha f'roA�Y <br /> .. Lende►is <br /> � ���..., � <br /> • '°;��;;f,;;:';^.� sums secured by this SecurIty lnsirument,whether or not then due. �-•r-�.� :�-- <br /> ' ,.:i,{;;,;'�;• *':� Unless Lender and Bo� otherwise e�ee in wr�3ng� enY eVPQcatIon ot proceeds te prtndpal shaff not extend or ; : F-,,� <br /> ��f'�'r°`��,- `� post�sone the due date of the mcr.s.*�1y Paymems retened to fn parag►aphs 1 and 2 or change tt,�amoun�oi saeh paym�. �. ��=y`• <br /> `'�" 1 1. B o r t o t v o r N o Y R e t o a s n d; F o t i s�a r 8 n c e B y Lsndep I�loY a�t4laiver.F.,ctenslon a�the time tm payment nr <br /> .l� "s;��rr%;ff :'..'.( - -_ - <br /> ` "�'•:r�r����`'�"�'" modiftc�lan of amortizatlon of the sums sea�ecE by this Securiry tnstrument granted by Lend�to eny s::xessor in iMerest ot _- � , <br /> n�( r.,:;�f;,�i.4,�-,.. �:,: . __ � <br /> . � ,t � 8orrower sfiaD not operate to release the Iiab�Y af the oflQral 8orrawer or Bort�wer's successors in§�U�t. I.e�der sha0 not <br /> , � °1 k+�j .' � be requtred to commence pmcee�ngs against any succ�:¢�in interest or retuse to e:c:end Ume tot payment or othenMse , _ - <br /> .;`,�,.i'.._ moQfiy amorthmtlon o!the sums secured by this 8ecuriry tn�.:�nent isy reason ot arry demand mnde by the odgtnaf Bc�rrner or ' �-r .y.! <br />'"'.` � �• Borrower's successors in interesL My ierbearance by LenQer in exercisin9 any right or remady shaU not be a wa:tiar o1 0� , . ,_,,. .__ - -- <br /> predude the exet+ise of eny dght or remedy. �'•'���,�+ <br /> . . - 12. Succoasare end Assfgns Bacrnd; Joint and Several Uability Co-stgnera The covenants end �'• �r`��:�� <br /> � � a�eemerKs ot thle Secu�ty Insbument shafl�and benefrt tha suceessors and assi�a of Lender and 8urower.subject to the <br /> �•�<°, ,• provlstons of para�aph 17. Bc�^owe►'s covenanb and agreemerrts sha0 be joint and several. My Borrower who co-si�s this ��� ...,.:.._:�-. <br /> - • 'y;°{{: . -- .�ry_.,.'F°_ <br /> ..,;,.,3 . Security Instcumerrt but does ncr�cQCUte the Note: (a)is casl�ing this Secudry tnsbumert onry to mortgage.�ant and corney :.�ji5`� ; �, <br /> - � �} �� tAat Borrower's interest In the�geAy undpr the tertns of this Secudry Instrumer�k (b)is not personaQyr obitgated to pay the . ,t,..�, <br /> , '�..r.S�,�, ; . <br /> ' sums secured by thts Securtty fnstrurt:enK �:+d (c)agrees that Lender and eny other Borrowe►may a�ee to e�dend,mod'ity, , <br /> � . � forbear or make eny aeoummadado►�s wttR ��i to the tertns of this Security tnstrument or the Note r.'a`•out that Botrower's ;. � : <br />_- ,� . •.:;. � cansem. <br /> ` 13, L.OE71 ChFlP$69. IE l�0 loan secured by this Security tnswment is subJect to a law v�hich sets maxfmum loan <br /> t¢ <br /> ' '+t;E; charges. and that taw is flreaPP i�:arPreted so ihat the fiterest or other loan charqes coQzcted or to bs ta4ected In connectlon :; . , <br /> _;I'�'�!���,tiii�S�,'' with tAe loan ex:eed the permitted limtts,then: (a)any sucb loan charge sha0 be reducsfl by the amount necessary to reduce :r••,..: , : <br /> ��,-�.s; the charge to tta permittfld 11mt1: and (h; aay sums atready coQected trom Bottower wt�ch exoeeded permitted Gmtts wm be <br /> !��?;�; �; . refunded to 8:€era�2r. lender may chaose t� mako tAte retund by redactrra ttd P�tnciPal trued under t�t�#�IOW'or by maldng a <br /> w7 veaCed as a rt�si p•�nalrtaent�without arry ��'��.. � . <br /> •'ti•:��: , direot payrt►eni to 8orrower. H a refund c��ces pdtteipaf.the reduction h be Pa :: ;,•�1;.;�:.' <br /> , ,, : r. <br /> +� �; propayment thargo under the Note. �� =�'�L � <br /> , ' f, . , by ftrst da�maD�unlass applirable t�requlres�use olrano herSmeth�InsThduemnoUce�s:�aU m Y�6�ated o t�he nPto�aCt Address � tftiy f r,f�;i{'' <br /> - . ..,,,,�. ;;:. <br /> ' • or any othet addteas Bomower designates by noUee to Lender. Any notiee to Lender sh80 he given by first c�ss rimil to : <br />- � � � Lenders addross stated heteU� or any offier addtess Lender designates by noUee to Borrower. My ncttce provideC tor in this . <br /> ;-� , . . ,: .r •.� Sacurily(nsbumerA shaU bA deemed to have been ghren to Bortower or Lender when given as provlded in this para�aph. . <br /> , 15. GoverRing L.s�vv: Severabll(ty. This Securiry Instrument sha0 be govemed by tedersl law and the law of the . . <br /> � ' � • judadicUon In whicb the�F�toperty is�ecated. In the event that any provision or etause o1 this Securfty Instrument or the Note <br /> � � . ` contilcta with applicabie Iaw:such contUet shsll not aHeet other provisions o1 this Security InsUumeni or the Note which can be , <br /> - given eHect wilhoul the contlictlng provlsion.To thb end the provisions o1 this SeeuAtY InsIIument and the Mote are dectared to <br /> - be severable. " � <br /> , ' 18. BOffOWOr'e COpy.8ortowe►shall be given one contormed copy of the Note and ot thia Security tnstrument. � <br /> �, . . � � .. . � <br /> .• F1316.LM6(1197) Pagc 3 01 5 N . <br /> ._.::._ • - <br /> _: ._. �`�._ <br /> .. . _,-__ , !. . • � <br /> - '..1 . • . . <br /> � 97056 . <br /> i . <br /> . , — <br /> . - <br /> . . . . �, a.�ml�{A�1� - <br /> . . . ... .�....,... , . , . <br /> . .. ._ _'___ . . . _ .. . . ..,n�1�b. '^s��.`� kla _. . . ... .. <br />