. ._�� . :....:._�.. .. �..._ .� ' .Y'T1Lv3i.�L''y4, .t
<br /> -?"..:.�.t'.t,v.�`._. . _ ._ .—.-...1. .._.� - " �.45[Sa_��-_-'.�Lt-��_.. �
<br /> ^�� _ . , r . _{�c'`v��1' � � � ��f.. �r. , �� t`i,�'
<br /> . - w i, _ ,_ _ _. ,,. : , " _ ��Y i' ' 44��4•L { .JF -cP ,fs ; �` �.
<br /> . t '. T- _ .._ ; , p' ' ... . . � . '�y r�`':-�•� ` � ..
<br /> �i s . .-. ,h.. '�.:y i�Cj., _ .. f ar
<br /> ,.� ; . � C. - - . - .< •c. .�4 c�.. C c,. 1`"1��sc f =L'i���n�,r_'R� 4��� E.
<br /> � ' .�,en & _.w_ _._._._._;.....�`. _ _ ..�.:SSC.�.6�:r:.�.,... �- Y' . �4 _.
<br /> ,t 4 - 'I•�- . ,.f - '-'—-- '...�.1.-- � .� ..
<br /> ^�_� 2f �I . .
<br />. iY�.= _ ..� ____
<br /> '`�'` 1T. Yransta3r of ttie PropsrQy o� a �enottclat intor�sst in �orravuer. B a9 0�se+y �rt ot the Properry or °...�.�:�...�.-�- -
<br /> _ .. � . ..- .;.- :.rrc:
<br /> `�`��i�"� '�;� ' � ar�y hderast in it is soid or tr2r►stertad(or N a bQnafte(al§�terest in Borrower fs sold or transfetred ansi Bortow�is not a natural ;: .. :Yf•:..��°:c• �.
<br /> � U.. 4'
<br /> ,.. ' persan)wiNoul Lendds p[ior mttten cons�nl.Lertdat may.et its o9Uon.res4uUe fmme�ate payment in fuU of al!sums secured by � e:_:.�. ;•L_:._,.;_;
<br /> .• .;� this Security instrument. However, this oPtt4n ahall not Da exercised by Lertdet H exerdse is Prohibited by fedaal taw as of the .�
<br /> ` date oi tAis Securiry tnsirument �
<br /> s It Lende exe�dses tAts option. Lend2r shaU ghre Barrowet rtoUce ol acceteraUnn. The notiee shai!pravide a period of not
<br /> tess than SO days trom the date the naUce is de�vered or m�ited withtn which 8flrrower mu�1.�pay aU sums keecured��� �
<br /> Seautty Instrument. M Borrower taiis to pay these sums pAo►to tho a+plrflUon ot tt�ls pedor�.L�roiet►naY�
<br /> -. �� • � `.� permitted by this Secut[ty(nsUumetd withaut NAtter natice or demand an 8ortower. � V: .�. .`. •,�
<br /> .. �
<br /> `��� � �- 18. �orrawer's Rtght to Rolnsffito. i! 8ortower moats ccitt��n eonditions. Bortower shall have the dght ta have ; �
<br /> enforceQnent of thts Secuiity �nstrument dlscanUnued et any Gme prlor to tho eaRler ot (a)5 days (or such other perlod es � :y�-..`
<br /> - appilcebte taw may specity tor re(nstatemerH►hefore ettlo ot tNe Propmty purouant to a�ryr posvrx ot sate eoniained in th(s Seeurity .
<br /> --x.��-; Mst�umant;or(b)eniry af e judpmeat entarcing th4s Se�curiry In�Wmenl Those candtUons are thei Bortower: (a)pays Lender ali
<br /> 3 ou L_,_, F�.
<br /> - - � ���� '"` sums which then wouid be�e undet thla Securlty inaWmenl and tho Hote as H no atee3eratlon had oxuire� tb)a��Y f. . �,�:"
<br /> �;�,.. .��"<.`:•.: .
<br />` �� defauft at any other eovenant or aqreements: (e) payss eD oxpensErs IncuRad in antarctr�g tl�is Seuiribl.insEsatr�ed. inc�dm9• b� .. .`< .
<br />=�;�:.`:'.". F ` , not Gmited to.reasonab�e attomeys'tees: and(�taken eudh acUon as L�nder may reasonahiy require to a�.;��at the lien oi ,. `.,E::°
<br /> .: this gecur;[y �nstrumen� lenders�Eghts in thv Proptirty end Borrower's abfigaUon to poy the sums secur��:tiis SeeudtY _ _
<br /> 1�N.:�.
<br /> r Mstrument shali cor�tlnua unehanged Upon rein9tatemont by Bormwer. thfs 3ecuriry Instrument and the obGg�ian�s�w�
<br /> �:��p<��} �` hereby sfiaD rematn tu4y ettective as il rto acceteraUon had Ocewted. Howevet.this�tgM to relnstate shaQ not apph�•i�L`�e�ase ` t r
<br /> �:��� of acceteraUon under para�A 17. �
<br /> � ,l;=�• 19. Sat9 Of Note. Cfi241ge of LOmn 80�v1ttDA The Note ar e a paftlal ir�te�est In the Note (together with this r � . -�a5 -
<br /> -�-`= gecuriry Instrument)may be sotd one or more tb�w�►ha�P�aa nottCe to Bortower.A eate may resuft in a change In the enh'ty =.
<br /> f, fi�`. Qmawn as the'Laan Senrice�)that coitects monttsry Pal�n+�s�.c'ua undar tAe Nate and thio Secudry Instrument Th�e atso may . " � _
<br /> , , �J�€� �� b e one or more changes of the Laan Seivtce► untEiated t°` e Sate o! tRe Note. if there Is o change ot the Loan Servicer. .r ` ��
<br /> Bortower v�l be gt+ren wdtte�noUce of the change in accordanc�r v+�paragmAh t4 ebrne end appUcatrte t a w. 7 T.e no i�w H t
<br /> . •,� - �>,'.r�: �..- s'a,n„'�[.:..
<br /> � ;�>,;�'�.. a�te the name and eddress of the new Loan Servicer and tha ad�'eus ta wbich PaYments ahoutd be made. The noti�e W�t atso l. ` � � ,:
<br /> '''" aontafn snyt other intartnatian requfred bY app4cabie law. ' `�
<br /> 20. H�zSrdou9 Sltbst8ttC88. Botrower shaU not cause or permi!the presence. use. msposai, storage.or reiease of f r ��__
<br /> �-• -- any Haz�dous Substances on or tn the Propmty. Bottov�er shall not do,nor eUow anyane etse to Co, anythfng aHed�ig tf►e , .- _
<br /> - Property that is in violation of eny Environmental Law. The preceding t�+►e aeMencas ahall not appy to the presertc�ss� ar
<br /> ,:� storage on the Property ot small�antittes of Hazerdoue Substanees that are generatry reco�ised to De approprta�ta aarmal �V
<br /> residenUal uses end to mafntenance of the Propetty.
<br /> Borrower shaU prompttyr gi�e Lender w�tten noUce ot atry investlgatlon. clalm, demand, tawsuit o► other adion by�Y ,•�.,- . �_�_-
<br /> • govemmerrtat or regulatory agertey or pdvate parry Involving!he PropeRy and any Maiardaua 3ub�tance or EnvUonmental lab� •--���
<br /> , ;ry''ti. which Bortower has actual knowledge. i1 Bonowe► teams. or is nolitlsd by any govemmantal or reguintory authorfly.tAat s�y ,��
<br /> :�.'��' �`� �emoral or other remediaUOn o! any Naiardaus Substance afteeUng Fioperty is necessary. 8oaower ahall prompttyr tak�a4 :�.�;�.: ;�.._ _
<br /> ..,..__._,
<br /> . ;.•� • necessary reme�al aeHons in accordanee witt�Environmente]Law. --
<br /> ' � �;;at qs used fn this paragraph 20, 'Hazardous Subotances' are ihose substance9 deflned e9 toxla ar hatardous subsiancea by _
<br /> Erntronmerttal law and the foltowing substances: gasotine, kerosene, other 1lamma6to or toxle peVoteum Produccs. texie ��_�._--
<br /> pestlddes and herbtcides,volat�e saHer►ts.meter(ats wntad�ing asbestos or tom�nidehyda, end afdtoaellve matertats. As used tn ___ �
<br /> paragrapfi 20, 'Environmental Law' means federal laws and Iaws of the judsdlcUen v�hora tho P►apatry I� tacated tdat retate to �a;
<br /> • � �� heatth.satety or emironmental protectfon. T—
<br /> NOAWNIFORM COVENQNTS. Borrawer end Lender 1lirther eovenant and agreo as loltows: - '�V'�"
<br />,. � I•' S Y'.a
<br />:. •' f _>-�-�-.
<br /> ' � 21. Aaceter�'tton: Remodtoa Lendor sba!! giv� nattee to 8anower prlot to aecoteratlon .•� �"""=.
<br />�: ' °; y_
<br /> � � tollawing Borvower's broaah � any covenant or agro�moa! In this �ocurity tn�trument (but no! :••�..._� :. ��.
<br /> �;��. prior ta acceteration undon p�ragraph 17 unless appitcabfe taw p�ovrtdos atltetwiso). Ttns notice • �
<br /> sha11 epecNy. (�) tho dotaui4i (b)tho eetion roquired 4o auro 4he a�taul� (e) o dato�not t4ss 4ttan � -� ��-
<br /> -- � SO darys irom ti�a da'pe#he aa4leo �a 9ivon to �onowor. by v�h�eh t9�e doteult must be eured; and _wj;::,t;• .
<br /> (d) tha! fatiura to au� the defauH on or be4ore the dato apoatflod tn the nott�e may rosuf! In �:..� _—
<br /> ' acceteration of ttto sat�a secured by tirls Socurity tnstrunoont and e�to ot tho PropeRy.Tha oatteo ,__ ^
<br /> . , shatl:fur4�er iMorm Borrawer of tho rlght to relnfl4ate eRa�*�aac1�th,�n�pnto of 8orirawe gto � � _Y,=� -
<br /> �'. �ou�4 action ta assert tho noe�-o�stanco of e detaui! y _,
<br /> ' '�� aacetera¢ion and saie. It the 6e4aui! ts nat ca,red on or betore the dato spoolit�d in tho notice, 1 ..�,:st��;`.
<br /> .. ;�;_. •;. , ,� •:
<br /> S ' `� ,r lsndor a4 [ts optlon may requtre Irr�modlate payment In tull ot all aums seaurad by t61a 8ecu�ity � �,. � .�,�_
<br /> �, ..
<br /> • ;';`-�; �:. �`�" tnotnament w[thou4 4urth0r dor�and and may Invoke the pawor W eete end uny athe: re�eAtes t,y;��;,„
<br /> ' �r"•." .,;.r.:;. ;;'• perrni➢ted by appltcablo law• Londo� shaii bo e»titl8d tv cottect a11 expense�Inaaned In pursuing � , ' , ..;
<br /> te
<br /> :� , �'. ,`'�'� :?� the remodiea provtded in this paragraph 21. including, but not Iirnttod 40� reasonabte a4tomoye' ��`„t ,� ��
<br /> � ��'
<br /> + � ; ���A: toes and costs oi titte avideneo.
<br /> ti ,,�•'.. 9.'...'%;�tii°', p ��< {�i`,+t
<br /> ff tha ov+re� M eale 1s imro4ced. Truatae shall reaord o aotice o! defa�tt In oaoh coun4y i� ' .�,r ,�
<br />=°_:;;'};,,;;},;,;;.;.�;;,�.'.:`,; wh1cP� any part of 4he Rroporty la tocatod �and �hafl rna0 coploa af auah nattae In !ho manner :.,,. •.
<br /> -'';�,°e�',-"�t'�;;����-'',� rescribed by appfiaabte Iaw to Borrowe� and to the other pereoao proocribod by epptionbie taw. ��t ��•
<br /> ��'``�� +`=��:�M;7fi�`� r After the time required by applicabto law, Trustoe shall gtve publtc notica ot eate to the pereana ,�..: .
<br /> V,`, L{ ' .
<br /> �l�f�'�'/�1{�.;l�t:i\I�:.'i� � •��� �!' •''•
<br />-.,��.;�t.,,;•. and in the manner prescribed by appttcabte law. Truatee. wl4hout domand on 8anov1ol. ohallBOQ ,�,,;�•.:.,
<br /> ,;', � the Property at publie auctton to tho �tghe�t btdder u! the time and ptaeo ond undet the terma � �t��,,z�,�
<br /> - � �� d�signated In tha no4ico 04 safe in one or mor� pnrcels and M any order T�ustes Qeterminaa. ��,.�`�?���f,,.,..�,
<br /> . : t:.
<br /> •���'�- T�e may postpone eafo of all or any parcel 04 the P►oporty by pubilo announaement at the �_ ' '�,3�� ;
<br /> ,� ''`:��`�� .�"' t� and place of any previously schodut�6 sale. L.ondor or ite dealgnea may purohase !he . ::��rr+,.�'
<br /> , fr��.: . : ' :
<br /> Property at an�sato. '''
<br /> -t r Upon rec�lpt of payme� of th� prlce bid. Trustee shall dettvor to tha pu�chase► Truatpo'e s�1�, `.
<br /> .t.
<br />..;°;.. � . � � • deed conveytng tho Proporty. The �ecitats In the T�ustao's doed al�all bo pvlmo 4aclo ovidonao ot •; �,,;. �5.i;:;::,:
<br /> � the truth ot 4ha stptomonts made thereln. T�ustee shail apply tho prooaodo 04 iho onlo In tho `;�.,
<br /> �� � � �� . 4ollowing ordor. (a) to ali costs and expensea of exArcising tho powar of ac►Qo, and tho oato. :
<br /> x., � � �� including the paymen4 of th�Trus4ee's tees actualiy incur►ed. not 4o excood three . .
<br /> .� •� . . % of tho p�Uatpol amour+! of/ho �
<br /> - �� aote at the time o4 the c4eclaration of def�uft, and �easonobto attornoy�9 18A9 88 410/fillltQd by 18W; � : _
<br /> - . � � � (b)4o ail suma secured by tfnis Securtty Instrument: and (c) any exc�aa to 4ho poteon or poreone . �
<br /> � • t�,,311y or�tltl�d 4014. ..
<br /> �;
<br /> .��i�
<br />- .. _ � , 1• F7316.LM6(1H71 Page 4 of''i �� ��4, '. '
<br />. . . ��� - . 97056 , .
<br /> •. . . _. -.�,fT+h��iY9Y�47Y.i�=-_ _
<br />