r r s�; . �i '�}\-�n•�. �t _��ya,y.��,.Jt, t�3.�'��^ _ . � '. z -.
<br />. �`2�`• /: _— _ - . . ^^ .C�`� P-'' .. �� r ��c'
<br /> �c? •�r� _ .�. `,r r p � '�3 _y, .kt
<br />� �, �a�i t � y t `` _r v; . L�.. / < .c v ; _.�_.' _5 s4 .z � � -� N t C � .acY .�
<br /> � ..� — . '. � � ":��Y�'c .-<,},f' ."? r
<br /> ,�` -.i t � -c. < ;r�4 . , r_ f:� .r, .I; �' .� F=.J.,_....v._-...+�- f- f.` -
<br /> � � .��l't <r ac.• St�t. s�,j'� y.4`. " - � . .
<br /> - •(r� t c, r�'i s ��Y iX ..,,T---_.Y._--E._ ^x'.
<br /> _. - _ �.� � `;�-_', -
<br /> � c a0 the imArovemetrts naw or here�fter ereeted on Ute propety.and a0 easemerts. aRAuKenances,ar►d ��- -
<br /> � . T(1C{ETi�fi YIRH of the prop�ly.AU reptacemerts and addidons shaU also be covered by this Securtt�l InsWment •. 4� y;� r� "
<br /> � ` . ' fudzs� na�iv or haeafter a part as the'P�'aPstS►.� ' ' �
<br /> ' � Afl Md�i��30�9 is r�ferrad ta in tAis Securiry h�m�►t ;- Y .
<br /> r f comreyed and has the rtght to �ant end �
<br /> . ..� `::� B Q E I ROVlBi COV�NAM8 that Bo�rower ts fawlWtl► sefzed ot me estate hereay - <
<br /> w . � ;'.�_� ca�°�j the Ropetty 8nd that the Propetry ia unenae[�eed. exc�t tar en d u n brances o!rer,ord. BcROwer wartaMs and w�l � :� ,.T :,.,:
<br /> a st aD daims end demands.subject to a�y►encvmbtances of ce�ord. � ;'"� <••.,^`` .
<br /> ` drtBioQ�a2neraillt ihe tdle to ttte ProPeriS► 8� � .
<br /> . `'. Sfi19 &ECUKIN IMS1EiUMENtT cam6ines unitorm covenants tor nat(nnel use and norwnKocm covenants with fimited ..
<br /> . `. varD3E4:ta8�Y IudscDctFan to eonstitute a uniiorm sea�clY instrumertt coverUtg real proAertyl• � '�?.
<br /> . . . ,�• UPt�rORM COVENAt�TS. 6otrower and lender covenant and agree as To�ows: �Borrawer shaD P�mAUY P�X w�►� � 4`'� ` ,'�` �'
<br /> t.Pay�sa��f Pri�Wpa1 aad IMeresx P�aPay�er�t and I�te Char9 d t�e char4es due under the Note.
<br /> . . -� ` ��t�lm P��ot and interest on the deDt eviden ce d by the(Qote aad erry PrePallm � - ` 4;,:
<br /> s�_--..:—;-�, :;= �. t�und�tor Y�ces an�t�surance.Subjeci to apPIIeabte law or W e wcitten waiver by Len��B��T����� � .
<br /> - - = ��=:•� ta Lr.i�fl�on the daY monthry PaY�►�are due under the Note.�mUl the Ntote is paid in tul4 a sum(' feasehatd `�
<br /> —'-���--�-�:� ta�s;eand esse�which may at�ice PdorilY aver this Sew►ily tnsUumem as a Gen on tha Rropestyr. (ti) Y�f► -
<br /> har�rd cr pcapertyr inswance przr+�fms:(d�ll�TAI ftood inswance
<br /> .- . .r p�ay�R�ts or ground reMS an the Pmpert�F.if any. (01 YeartY ar� ,
<br /> � H an e mortgage insurance Premiums.H any, and(�any sums payahte by Borrawer to Lender fi accordance
<br /> r� � `�" f� rlHh d19 pmvis ans,o�4�ph 8. in Qeu of the psymerrt of martgage insurance p�miums. These items are caUed 'Esuow { �. �
<br /> �_ _ :;,�� >' i�der may,at an71 time. coQect and Aoid Funds in an amourrt not to e federal R Esta e Seffiement'E�ocedures � . .
<br />-n� —_ �' tor Borrowe�s esaow eccount under th �=--4�:��>
<br /> � `' .�_� RESPA'). uniess anotR�law that apPGes to tfie Funds {; •�._ . .
<br /> � � t6�d'et�.°Y�d moRga9e foan maY ceq�
<br /> ` . �� iY�cr7 t974 as am�ded trom time to time.12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq• (' i
<br /> t,r'�f <
<br />- . Y i � 5��t��estlmate the amount of Funds due o sne n�o�c��r�rt a��a reaso��et n�e�mr�atesm o���a�res o�firture �;.f -
<br /> � ; �'�,`;',� ,,,a„ �'� "c'.`-
<br /> t ' ESG'�tYW ItEtrt3 0�Oth@IWi�19 fI18r.r•0(dHI1Ce Witll&PPQCeble 18W. . �.•�.t.•"
<br />• % . '�,� r �e Funds shall be hetd in an insY�Urtion whose depasiis are insured by a ted�ai agertcy.6nstrumen�f't)i l�or en themEserow r . .
<br /> - . . 's�,':;_:: _ the Fv^�3s to pay .
<br /> � t�,H Lender ts such an 1nsfi4Aion) or in any Federal ttome tt�ie Furtds.enn�ually►anaty8n9 tlie e����couni.or veritying <`� `` _.
<br /> • � ir�" lo�tnc. Lendes maY aot et�r4e Bartower tor hol�n9 and ePA�9 ' ;T-_
<br />- �� ��:-�` tfosa.�scmw [t�ns. unless Lender pays Borsower irtter�x ca the Funds and appGcabte Iaw pertnits t:,� to make such e f':;'`.
<br /> ` 1� .i Borrow�to paSF'�z�e•time chanle tor an ind��dent real est��t�s�"-i+4 service ! _ .
<br /> �Sa?rg0. Horveva. Lend� mall�e4ui�e le Iaw proWCes oth�wise. Untess asa �,:�:� :nade or � �i;
<br /> `�: .� us,¢At 6y t.endt�in wnnedion wfth this toan. unt� �'� �..
<br /> I, Boaower erry hRerest ar.e�,r��s�.'�a Funds. :��' t..y.,;.
<br /> F �t ,-: a�:x a b te f�n.r�t 1 r e s i n t e r e s t t o b e p a t d.Lender shaD not be required to pay . . ,.t
<br /> .:: fr gu�owe attd L�nd�may a�s in w t�l i ng. howeu e r. t h a t o rt e r e s t s h a U be paid on t he Fun d s. L e n d�r's t e�$i r e•�3 a s owa. _
<br /> ._�._.-�----P� M- - L`nsS�'�e:�j'k��.taerti r�:
<br /> . � : ,r v►�D J l►o u t c h a r g e,a n annual accawrtin9 e1 ffie Funds.show6►g eredRs and debits to the Funds and tF���sE tci wh#!�d r� �,,,r .
<br /> `� r�.� dabn to the Funds was made. The Funds are D le dg e d as a d d d t o n a l s e c u r i t 7 1 f o r e D�Ie t�l d.e nd s:�!�U;���ortower �i,.}�
<br /> ft the Funds he[d by L e n der ex o e e d t h e a R►c u M s P e A"rtted to be he[d by app --
<br /> ,�.� '��' ���� S .
<br /> ',�; : teE.the access Funds fi aceordance with tAe requir�nents ef apPQcablso n�oti'i'�y Borrower fi�writingFand in such c��8 ormwer � `` . _
<br /> i ���. °''.
<br /> .: .. 'f�;.;...... t5¢ca is not sut6dent to pay the Escrow ftens w h a�d u s. Lende.r m a 1► Borrower ahall matce up the dehdency in no more then � �'
<br /> . k•,:,.y st�yi pay to LenQer the amount necessary to make aP the daftdency. _ ± f_:
<br /> : u:��''•��•• tvc¢�re monthty Paymarts.at Lender's sole�DsaeUon. � �5
<br /> ;•;;s;;,;,<,�'� .:�` �`� ��� payment In fuD of e0 sums sewred by this Seaicity►se0 he Pro`perty.Slender.r pd�orto�ifhMe acquisflion¢�le af ffie ,.. ����
<br /> �`�;�j�'�s tKtd 6y Leader. H.un der paragaph Zt.Lender shaU ac��
<br /> � _ ' ��� �
<br /> .•�rr V�h',..,:. r P�opBlyLShHlI BDV�Y�Y FUt1dS Reld by LEItd�al the 1J9sp^f eCQULs11100 0�5819 eS a C(ed'd 8g8h13t th6 51�rtLS Se3.r�R1 D y 11fi9 i,.
<br /> �� ;<<::?�r�� y; ::�_��•� Szwsity Insnvmcmt nfs rece�ved by LEr.d�r und�. ' �
<br /> au � :���.
<br />��1, � ."�,. �:� 3, Q�$atif�4ion Of �ayilfeilts. Unless appUc�'�te ta4v prc�d� otherwise. ell PaYme �,. .
<br />_ '•�..; : { .;;,:t�,.;. Q ert charges�e unde►tha Not�second ta amourtls payable under , ,,,,�,r_
<br /> � : '.;',�,, prsa9raPhs 1 and 2 shal!h„�aAPlle� firsl.to tury prePaym
<br /> �+r�:�
<br /> `, 5' �#i qtragraph 2;ihtrd.to Utter�:�u�burth.to PrindPal d�ua and last.to any Wte charges due under tAe Note. �r��,.:.f---
<br /> - - ' 'ii� ".. - 4. Cha�g9� U0t1s. Bortower shaU pay aU ar,r�s. assessments. d�ar4es. itrt�s and imposittans atdibutebte to the � y*
<br /> erds or�ound�ents.[i anY• Borrovrer shaU
<br /> , . � Pro whtch►naY attain Pdoriiy over this Seeuriry lnswment�and leasefioid PaYm manner.Bmrower shaU pa1►them on tlme :�;•a.i�-
<br /> p� h 2. or if not paid in that � , ,
<br /> � p�y these abO�tEona in the manner prmrided in paraSraP tumish to Lertd�all notices of amo�mta to be Paid under thts =�;
<br /> �f, �recUy W the person owed payment Borrower shatl ptomDUS► �tsh to Lender receipts ev�dencln9 the ',� ;'�.--'
<br /> . !,. para�aph. fl Barrower mekes these payments dQecttll• Borrower shail prompUy ,��
<br /> ., paym�ts. Q��y►�ich has priorily over this Security tnstrumc�nt unless Borrower: (a)agrees in '1';�����
<br /> . �.' Bomc�ver shatl promptiy dtscherge any ' �r'� '—
<br /> la to Lender. (b) cotdests in good taith the ,,,
<br /> , . ;�J,; w�ting to the payment af the obAgatlon secured by tlre�Fen in a manner aeceptab � ,�;:_
<br /> ' � ' �: • tta� by. or de!aids egaU�st�torcement of the ffen eu �Pro��� �ich in the lender's opinton operate to p�event the F�� —
<br /> a� �
<br /> . ,•��}'� ,.:;«% p�{p�m�d the lien: or(c) secures Tram the holder o1 the�en an agreement satlstactory to Lender subordlnadng the lien to �
<br /> �:.-. ' this Secucft�}'ir.strumen�H Lender determ��.es L'.at anl►P�ot the Property is subJecl to a Ren wh���o �e one or more o1 ���R "a'�
<br /> �S'� 8ecurity tnsttumen�Lender may gNe Bart�azv a na5o�+°de►�iMn9 tha Uen.Borrower shaU saBsi�l j]` �"
<br /> ... . ��}.- .i't �'"10�C0. � lFN� -^n.�-.
<br /> r Ure actlana sc9 torth ebova wilhin 10 days af�+e 5�s 91 �
<br /> r� 5. al�d or Property insurara�s.6caav��-shall keep the hnprovemer�Raw e�drtln6 or h�er erected on the '; i ,
<br /> ;�; � � othe►hazards.tnchid'ing -. ._.=--_-_
<br /> - ` •. ��.. ;..� ProAerly insured agah�st toss by fire� ha�sds tc��'Tlds h�suranca shaU be maintafned in th¢osnourts and tor the pertods '�
<br /> ga �-
<br /> ��'` � � A,00ds or ftood'm�,tor wt�ich leader reWr1�irr _
<br /> '� <c:.+• roval i� -+t=i"�
<br /> � � �r• that I,ender requires. The insurenae c�.'+� �rov!din9 the insurance shall be ehasen by Bortower�jeet to lenders app �
<br /> �` '� which shatl not be unreasonaby wlthr�: H Borrowe►faDs t°m�i"t�n�°Y�ge desermed abova, Lender may. at Lendv's � . _�
<br />`_ :•p?r��•�?� o p t t on.obtafi eoveraqe;n P•rotect lender's^I�hts in the Property in accordanee with paragrapfi 7. .
<br /> ;:�.�.f5�, AO (nsurenee pollde3 an d ren a v�r a�s h a U b e�c e�'�b t e � ��� �d s h a 0 indude e standard mortgage dwse. Lender �,�-�_:�.
<br />•_•_ . . ��' ,. ;` sha11 haue tf;q dgfit to hold the poQcies e�+d�rie�r�. 8 Lender requir�s.Borrov�er shall DromPUY 9ive to Len Qet s 0 re c e t p ffi o f
<br /> � ,i�' pald p�rer�m�and renewal noUees. tn th��evsnt ot'loss.Borrawer shalt glve prompt noUce to the insurance canie►end Lender. �1,
<br /> . . ;3 Lende►tat�,t t�aice praol of toss N not�rnsdc�(:romD!!y►by Borrower. - ..
<br /> 4i�
<br />_ , ' ±�," . Uniess Lender and Borrower oth���a9��n wriUng. insurance proceeds shaD be applted to restoratton or repair o1 the ;
<br /> preyedy damaged,H the restoraUon or�air is eca;m-+tcalty teas�ble an�Lenders securfty Is not Iessened.H the restoraUon or .{ .
<br /> :�; repaU is not economtra..TM/feasibte or LenQer's sea.tit}F�r�euld be lessened,the insurance proceeda shafl be appUed to the sums
<br /> '�' 'x'' secured by this Securi"� tnstrumen� ��her or not eiLen dne. with any sxces9 paid to Borrower. I1 Borrawer abandons the
<br /> .-� �j�• '.`,":;y property, or Coes not answer wtthM 30 �,�s a noUce irom Lender that the insurartee canier has oNered to selUe a daim.then
<br />�:S " �;� ,�:,��;t Lendsr m���xReet the insu�rance p►er,�.dzc- Le.nder may► use the proceeds to repahr or restore U+e Properiy or to pay sums
<br /> . •, :���. . ' secured bY u��Secudty instrument.vrhaUr�r or not then due. The 30�day Derlod wm begin when tl:e rtotice ls gMen. .
<br /> " •i'. � '. Iiniess lender and Boirower otherrrise a�ee in writtn9. e►►y epPOc�lon of proceeds to D��D� shall not e�dend or
<br /> � postpone the due date af the morthty palmlents�e�e�red to in para�ephs 1 and 2 or ehange the mnount oi fhr�paymeMs• H � , �;
<br /> - •��.i�j�. ' under para�A���e�opeRy(s 8�tred by 6ender. Botrower's dght to any insurance potfdes and procee�resutting irom � �
<br /> Us tha Properryl pdar to the acqutsiUon shaU pass to Lender to the exteM at the sums by this Sewrity Instrument ,:
<br />- - • . `���y ���,r pdor to the soqulsNion.
<br />-- � ��� ' ' Prasarvattan. Matntenance and Protec4ton of the PmAa� �o�ramrer's Loan
<br />_ �',;� � 6. Occupancy.
<br /> _ : Appli�8t10t1; Le�SOhoSd9.Bortower sha0 oeeupy. estabGsh,end use the Property as Bortower s prmc�pal residenee wiitiin �� �
<br /> • �..��:+: : the Property as 8ortower's prineipal
<br />-- '`'r: Sq�y �ys aRer the execuUon o1 this Se� tnstrument and shall eontinue to aeeupY ;
<br /> � ,'t�� residence tor at teast one year after the date o1 oeeupancy.uNess Lender othervvtse agrees in vi►iUng.whleh consent shaU not
<br /> ' . _�� be unreasonabty wUhhetd.ar untess extenuating circumstsnees exist which are beyonA Borrowers control. 9onowe► she0 not �, �
<br /> � . ���;: . . destroy, Esmage or UnpaU ihe PropeRy,ellow the Prope�ty to detefiorate.ar eommit waste on tha Properiy. BoROwer shall be in .:' ,
<br /> � ��';�? ' detautt d anyr toAeiture acdon or proeeedng. whether ehril or aiminal,}s begun that in lenders good ta'Rh judgment coutd resuit
<br /> ' interesL ';
<br /> _ . . �•�`'�,� in toAsiture o1 the Property or otherwise matedatty�aiDaU the Uen ueated Dy this Security InstrumPnt or lender s secu►ity ', .
<br /> � �.. . n� t� _, , .
<br /> ; :' `y�'� � ��
<br />-..".''; . � . �i-.�• vaqa 2 ot 5 .
<br /> . _.��.. . �i` F,s+a.u�a r�n _ . __._.
<br /> � -�,----,--- -
<br /> � . .. � 97056 � .
<br /> , � •�.
<br /> �, . . . �. ' .� ----- � -t' --
<br /> — =-
<br /> ...- .-. ._ ...,_.. . . .,--.,_.:,�.,,.r, _ ._•�--*- ..-'-._--ra.�y�irr_ws°s-tit-a . ...
<br />