..�t . ., i`.b.s �-t';,_,.. � ` - -
<br /> ,. "�-�:-.—s .. � . --
<br /> - �� ..._ .. .. , , _ c• .t �n ,�.
<br /> --- c - t`
<br /> - ��;z�ri:- . . _ .. - . . _ _... _ .. . ;n_.' . _
<br /> -.---�c-.-'�-" — ' -. . . �— — V- --� - �:-- :_�..' - --ra =� _ _ i;
<br /> �' ,'� . '• �. ,;� � � ;.s`�%�.:���._.r.�:._'
<br /> �-- —�._ � �•,i�.� - ,.�,-: c': - v= „�-�-
<br /> � —- - ����� F� � 4
<br /> . �r 9�� °t � �
<br /> . � � ��� � F
<br /> � .� 'Prcoeeds�tn oannectlon with cor�demnatton or other taldng of tRe Pro�d1►cr Pa�t�ereot.or tor oorneyance ia tieu at oondemnation. �,i': � ,�•.ci 'i ��
<br /> �rt .� ,
<br /> , .. ` ' � .f lsnder stmD be e�tsd.at ns apiiaa to wmmen�.eDAesr I�and Oraseada in fts awn name any aclion ar praoeadinqs.and shal!also .. -.�
<br /> . • ! b8 e�itted to maks anY wmProsNs��tfte e tlon�Ifs sat9 ertd absflfute di&cte�a�BDPN�Ch p pmceeds.f��9 ti;., `'• `:..¢ ,
<br /> snise
<br /> • so ta&en ar��d�lel1def 8�l311 D °\•� � -•, �' , ,r`
<br /> : .� :i ti►s[eicom all costs artd expertsea U►curred by it In oomfaeti�on w(th sucA Proceeds.upon e►ry tndebtednesa secused hereby n such wrr `
<br /> �•,t at�det as LenQsr may detemdne.or to eAPN a11 such ProcseQs.eSter suci�dads�ctimns.to the r�sto�alon of tt�Propercl►� �,.v •:�• ... �
<br /> • d�tons as 4ender msy de�mtne.Any eDDiI�tIOn ot Praceads to indebtednass stuU not extend or pos�sans ths du�date of anY Payh • . : ,��,. '
<br /> � raents wtdar Me[dote.or e�ca eny Qefautt theseundaror hereundeL My u11RD�ite$tu�id9 Sh81!b9 Osld to Trtis�o� f.•. ;. a . `'
<br /> .. S.����py�n��Uppn tl�o�ur�arue ot en Event of Osiautt Raceunder.or if any �����anT to deo so. '
<br /> ,. ` acmmenced�mamrtat�r eitacts lendate tnterest in Utia Prag�rtSr.t+ender may tn 1b os�m disaeuon. ` <'', , �
<br /> �:-sV_.J� a�!m�notfce to or demand uPon Tnistor�td without relsasin9 Tnistot irom any obllgatton.do anN a�vfiich Tn�or has egreed ' , .
<br /> �r-��,,.� but tailed to do and may afso do eny der all cosLS and expe�utred and sums expsnded by�l.ende��e��°��e exer -- ^ ',:r
<br /> � .:�. demand theretor by lender.RaY to Le�+
<br /> ` . = dse by LeRder af the toregfltn9�3���8�er vrlth inierest tttereon at ths dsf�uli iste p�rmrtdaao 0 0�ta do hereunde ts�add tc -`• : ,
<br /> (_, fh@ indebtsdnass ssCUred hBtebll.Lertder Sha11 not incwt snl►f�eblli�/b�causa ot anythin9 maY :.:ti.,�': °
<br /> � '�`., 9.Hazarid�us A�r�a.Trtrstct st+all keep tt►s PropBrty in corr�llanoa vritA aU a�AUt�ta tavis.asdinaittoea end re9u1ffilons ,
<br /> • . Tn�sLOr shall keeP �:..
<br /> • reisting to industriat hygteno or emdranmenta3 protecUon(ooIIec�ively ceterred to harein aa`Esnd�anmeruat Laws'�• _��:w
<br /> . '' t�propeRy frea icom aA s�deemed to Ise hazarQous or toxI�under ar►Y Ernlronment�t Lativs(oo4ectIvetll referted tn t�aretu ._:.
<br /> � .,��`, as`tfardrdaus Matetiaisc?.TncsUOr hec�by warranis and�epresestb Lo Lertder ti�ai there are no H�rdcus Mffiedai.s on or u�ar tfle . r."4..,�,: .
<br /> . . _ ���.T�cr heceby ag�2as tm indemnftlt and hofd harmtess Lender.�1s d�mctara.aflt�rs.emP�aUaes and ageNs.and e�►Y suoces' , :f.,�:-°--;�:�
<br /> sots to Lertde�s irite�esl.fmm artd a(ya�ttgt eny and a0 datms.damaSes.losses end liabili�es a�ing in connacHon wIth ths p�ssence. `: ...•
<br /> � ti tt �
<br /> " ; �sg,t6spasaf or transPori at arhl Haz3niaue MaDarials on.under.trom or aEout�e PropeAl►•THE FOREQOING WARRANT�ES AND ' � -�;,e:.�.:;sf`- :
<br /> ' RECOMIEYM[CE OF TrlIS OEED O�TFItJ5'F. to Lender.and gra�Lende�a security iMerest in.al1 pcesent,tutute and , ` :.:.,�,;� : �
<br /> � ` ,, 10.Ass�nmettts a4 Rea2s.TcusOor hetelsy sss3�s .. . :
<br /> • .. . ��' after arising rents.tssues and preftts of ifre[hnpettY:Provided that Tcustor stiall.unti'!ffie oocurrence of an Evern af�eiaut�tie�e+mder. . •:fs.:?4�,;..;. .s:
<br /> ta.Upon the occurrence of an Event W '
<br /> �_; have the d�i LD�i[ectattd�etstr►sttC1L�Lnis.iss1es end profits as tllsy beoome du9 artd p3yab �or by e receiver appatnted by a ,. ---
<br /> . ._ � Detau�,Lender may.either in pe�san ar by sgenL with or wfthoul6ringtn9�II e�on or prooeeding aR tl�ereoT.tn tis avm 'r
<br /> oourt and wlthout negard t�the adequ,ac�r o��.s sec�sf►tY.entes vpon and take passesslon af the Pro�aAY.cr snY P =.
<br /> � �� name or in the name af ti�e Tnlstee.ertd do�enJ es�s whtch it deems neoessary nr desira6te to presetve the vatua.ma�icetabU?ry►o� �_`
<br /> ' �entabilit�l af fhe Pre�l.or srry ReR thareof ar intierast the�ein.or to inc�ease the tnoome thsreUom or proteat the sscudil►heseot and. . : " .
<br /> F� " �
<br /> . . w r't�or v i f t R a u tiaidre g D c s s e s s ion ot the Properry.sue toror cthenniLge coflect the �erns.issues and profifs thereal�fntdudin8 those past � f,.� -�;
<br /> - � due end usaya.�l.DY�nS�naNS to malce palJ�ertls to l.er►dar.LenQet may apDtY�en1s.issues e n d p c o f rt s.�e s s m s t s and e�e n s- r h_ ;:.T.,.
<br /> .. S indebtedness secured hereby.e0 in such a�s as Ler+der may deter- ,t, �, :
<br /> •� es o!o�er-.tiacc es�adfs�tlnn indicding attomey� tees.to enY . .;��� :.
<br /> r
<br /> � mine.TAe e�En�u�:�d ta�dng passesston ot the PrapeRy.the colte�tion ot sucA rents.issues and pc�,��aDDl�ton , . `:R s� �`;;.
<br /> ' theceof es�e��rnot curv cc w�iue enY def�dt or nottce oi detauft he�tder or im�a,�date any act�re#n[espflns�to such ��_�: .
<br /> Q :.
<br /> , ..,F�;,;�; : deiault ca Iw�±ttnt tc�ucb no�ce c�dsfi�ult and.rtotwiMsffindtng the contlnuance tn possesston of the p:oyaRy or the wllecBon. :. :.�:,',:`
<br /> ... ��^1� �. tca�on of re�issues er Fmtits.Tnistee and Lender shaA bs entitied�o exen�ss every rtght pcovtded tor tn any/of the .' r.,'-�;��'* ;
<br /> recetpt aer��:l
<br /> �. � Loan in�^�sw�ents or by la�v upan occu�rr3nce of ar►y Everd of Cefaull.inc�uding w[thoul 8mitatton tha dgh!to exer�ise the pawe►ot sate. �,�„.;,"' `:. ,: ,
<br /> , >�.. ��.
<br /> Futther.Lendets dght�and cernedles under this D��Ab shall be cumuta�ve wffh.and in no way a limfta8on on.Lenders 8ghts and ':;�•-��.- :
<br /> �� ment af teases and�erts tecorded a9ainst t�e�A��.�nder.Tnistee and the reoehrer sha11 be liabte to ;, '.;.�-.'
<br /> - '� ��•: s�medIss uttder arry�i _+-=`�• ", � :
<br /> v.`•�, � axcunt onlS►tor tl►osa�s ectuaihc receiveQ ��
<br /> � , � a� �����,��p��s.�t�const�cta an Event of Qetauii undar thi�Deed of Tnu� �•_ ��=
<br /> ' � : �'� ��)Failuce to D�Y�!►installment of prtncipa!or irrterest ot arry oli�er sum secureei hsreby when dua: � �� �� a
<br /> (b)A brea�t[at or detauit imd�r any pravision oonmined in the Hote.Ws Oeed of Tcust.anY of the t�oan tnsWmerds,or eny '
<br /> , � � other IEan or encumbrartce upon the PropeRy: � �•_'.
<br /> . � (c)A writ af�cetxrilan ar attacRmern ar snY simitai'process sAa11 be ertOered ayainat Truator wt�fh shaU became a tlen on ; .::: �•.
<br /> . << :�' � :,,=�: ths Prapecryl or anY PoNan theraoi cr interest thsrefi: state ar other statirte. /�'-'�'_
<br /> '' ;.�:{� ;�There shall be filed dy cr egainet Ynrstor or Bomower an action under any Dresent or tuture iedaral. ��'`K
<br />� 4 i�t j t� �� �.:
<br /> +;�,�r�l ,; ,�� t�ar or regWat[on�etaung tm bsiNm�p�tr.y.insoNeacy oo!tt►9 rProAettyro�tha cetrts.issu e s h o a 1 r lPmflta thereof.o Tn�r ar Bortower � -- -_
<br /> ,.. •_`' _. . .•-V liqutdator W Tn�star or Bort�vec cr of at1 or acry Rart .��__. --
<br /> . . shall make ar�B$aeral asatgrtment for tr�ts�afit ot cred�W� ��.°
<br /> . (g�The sals.Vanster.ter3se.asslgam�P.manveyance or turther encumbrartae ot atl or any►R�ot or anyl irrterest in the :: •
<br /> .� �.
<br /> e ",.'��.; -� ._..
<br /> . . �De e�ecute a Iease af�ff t�pe��does�no!�oar"r�,.ir��Ab n m D 9rohase andeths te�wflich doss not exoeed ate ' �-
<br /> . �� •'�t'`�_�
<br /> "� '_�-
<br /> s.,��.__:
<br /> : j�� � --
<br /> . � , '` (�Abandonmerrt of Lhe Property:or n- --
<br /> � (g)U Tnr�se is not a�indiviQual.lhs bssuat�oe.sate.Vans�er.assignment,oonveyance or ena�!sbrance ot more thar�CA a
<br /> . `,..r�. .��� oa^aoratlortt m tr�10! pe.�of its issued and ou�tanainr9 9tock.or('d a Dartnerstr�+�a tataf af p�' • .',.. .:;Y.:` .
<br /> � , ar��t oi partners�sip irtte�cc Yf a�rw�fiabifity oo*�rsY)a total 01 Percer�t c�:.'�e limrted��►oomA� . .; �:•. , . -
<br /> . , j��G;' . • :. i7." . .
<br /> . .,y��?�, .'_:-.•�:. r.�i�teresfs or votlru�dgh�Cxus��o 6��ad thls Oeed�t�cust rematns a lien on tha R�Aert!►• � �
<br /> ' ;,•.�• ,' . 1Z Reittedies:Aeeoteratt�sa�1po��a v l L I n t h�e v e�t o t a n y E v e n t o f D e t a u i t L e n d a r m a y.w i t h o u e natice e w�P t as rEquired '::.:,1�� �''`.;'"°. .:
<br /> .;. f,r�;,.. . ,•
<br /> by law.dectar+e a11 InQebtedness secured here�i��Que and payabte and the same sl�all thereupon aec.�ne due end payabte witta :�,. ,.
<br /> .. ,.;•>',' �� ,�:.��.�: oN enY Pcesentment,damanQ.Protest or naUao��y Wnd.Thecaafter Len6ar ma . . � .. .
<br />__,�. ;,�°�•�':�". •:, (a)Oemand that�Tbnis�e�the praaeeds to Ee dlstribui��ail in tha�manner providsdsitn ths kebteska Tnest pe8ds Ac�r . .
<br /> �,�fr.��!4 �t in th0 Proparty t .
<br /> r,, _ "
<br />_. :`5,��';,,� ,. . (b)Exer�se any and all Bghts ptavtdad tor tn�u�y of tha LQan Instrum3�or by I�nr upon aocurrenoe o!any Event ot , �,•, .
<br /> � _��,Y�Ta.�. .
<br /> :t. •:��.�f,. .� �ef2w1�and olm a receiver,ar spacificalty eMott�enY af�te
<br /> � + ti':�`,, (c)Comr�rv�an a�ion W forec{ose 4�is Oeed a!Tnut as a mtiR�ysge.apA • _
<br /> � ,,,: ,...,, CpV8n8!►L9 tlorrEG4. � •
<br /> ,..,.:,.::. �'.;,�;,,
<br /> , r�, No remedy hereU cor.C�rted upon or reserve0'o�Tcusta9 or Isnder is intenfi�d�ba exctustve o1 anY othar remady heree�in�e L�•
<br /> '� � �� � Insbwnenfs or by tav�proaldad or po�d,bzfs QacA shall ba cumWative.shall ba in addiUon to every other ret�edy giv .
<br />: ;i;,,{;�!'... :,',�:` .
<br /> .� ,.1=;`�+?'' M trie I.oan insbumer�ts or noe or t�:saftar extsttng at taw or tn equtry or by sta�rta.and n�lt bs exarctsed ooncurrenDy.i�tt�nd ,.
<br />� orsuooestvety. .+4_: .
<br />` 13.Tniat�a.The Trustee may restgn at asy ttme withor�!cause.and Lendar may et any tlme ande thaut��p���►Y Ou . .
<br /> b°;.� �essor or substlUtte T�ustee.Tn�st�e shaU not tzo 6able to any PaRI►.indudtrf�vhtrinut limitation Lendsr. umawer.
<br /> 0
<br /> chaser of�e Propetty.tor as►y foss or damage untess due to reddssa ar v�(Ut9a�m'socnduct.and shall not ba requlred to�arty actton �,' �,
<br /> in wnrteCBon vritli tt►e entatoement of WS Ooed oi Tnist untess indemnlfteA.in wriNng,tor sU oosts.camPensatlon or expanses� . .
<br />� . may be associated ittecewitt►.tn addi�on.Trusme may beaome a pur�h�ser ai arry sels of tha PropeRy Qadt�al ar undar the power o1
<br /> - � � safa grante0 hereln):pastpcne the sale of all or arry portton of the Property.as Oravtded by law:or sep t�e Pimp�AY as a+Nhoie.or in
<br /> . Separate par�is ot tots at Tnistee's discretlon. Trustse shali be erititced to eAaty � � .
<br /> . . 14.F�and E.�pansaa.in the evant Trustee seits the Propert�by exer�sa of powet of sale. .
<br /> ,, �• � ' arry sate proceeds fltst to paymern of ali oosts and e�enses o1 enercising pctver ot sate.induding a11 Tnutee's fess.an8 LenQars and
<br /> � ' T t u s t e e's 8ttome�/e fees. actuallY incusred to e�Rent permitted by apA��1��vi.tn the evant Bortovler or Tnutor exen�.ses arry d9M ' _ .
<br /> ,.:. .. p�ryded py ta��to pire an Evant of Defaul�L en d er s A a i l b e e n ti U e d t o r e o a v e r f r a m T r u s t o r a ll�o s t s a n d e x p a n s e s ectu a�h►incurted as •
<br /> - - !#sri�s ai!Tni.sme's e�d 8ttomey/a tee9.tn the extent pami�ted by aAAltcahte law.
<br /> e resutt of Ynistcn's defat�H.inctuGi+x,;witiwut - :
<br /> � 15.FW�m Qdvt�neaa UPon request o!Borrarrer,l.�nda►may,at ib oD�n•make addiUon�and tirture aavances mrd rea['r .
<br /> ' vances to Borrawar.Su�advaaces and readvanoas.vrith tnterest thereon.sh�ll ba seeured by thls Deed of Trust Al no tfine shaJ tha :
<br /> ,'. • � � • .
<br />