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<br /> . . theTnistot, �ura J Jol�nsan , single person � `• �``: '•
<br /> 6rand Isla�� l�e 5�80�-80�1 �c ' "•'-'
<br /> . _ 1146 S Uit�e SZ �`.:`r;:`':,,'
<br /> . . whase ma�'ittg admrass is (herein"��.��'.wl�ather one or more}, i, ;�
<br /> � ..
<br /> - •.��x:``.:,:��i;= Eive Points Bank, a Nebraska Corporatiunn t `� .
<br /> •';,'•:.„�a,• iheTitlst�e .
<br /> v �j-::' ; , whase-a�s9z�is P.O. Hox �507 Brand Island, t� 68802 Iherein'Tmstee�,ertd �t `
<br /> :�..:?��;_r ..:�:_.: :
<br /> � '�• . . five Points Hank
<br /> . ' ' ' the BectsftctaaY. '•,'
<br /> - .;,,�::��:.: . :',�:'. 2015 Id. Broa�aei2 Bransi Isia^c�, �VE. 68802-1507 ���nder'. � ���•
<br /> 7 it�r`•<<• vuh05e crtet"Gis�a�dteSS is ,`:; .
<br /> ,j;�,,� ���a`
<br /> vn..�:
<br /> �'},'+�;�r• _ FOA VAiAlABI.E CANSIDERATION.induding Lenders e�esion ai cred�t ident�teG�un to � ..
<br /> • �.• • Laur 3 Johnson `��'�-"`�
<br /> � � • � (herein`Borro�rer,'vfiether ena ar�s.2)and ffie�isi herein createa.itte reCei�t sr�
<br /> '�`� of�Miich is hefeby ec[motMedSad.Tn�stot heteiay imavoCa01Y gra�s.tratt��"a cortve}7a 8.*��assigns Yo�'cust8�.IN TRUST,WITH�9 t.�::`
<br /> ' �'��
<br /> ���4- • i;. PQWE6t OF SALE.br tha benefit and secucity af 18ntter,un�4ar and sublect ta the temss sa�d ccnditlnns hereinatterset forih,the re24 � ._
<br /> r,ys{::..�• ,: -- --
<br /> •,',�����;� ' S'�j D�t=���j�°��9) IN H1JEUlAVI5TA Slk'��L�VIISIOn1 MO ADDITI[htil TO THE CITY OF __`:_y'„
<br /> ,,;r..,: r�� Ys�ar�, �u c$u�m, �eRas�ca ---
<br /> f. • • �, "'�rrV`•�(,
<br /> �i��f(��� f ^ :. - I �Stl�$�p1II1811911C88 -;
<br /> ��,�. T�:U�s�1h atl bu�ngs.impcovements.fi�tures.suee2s.aStaYs.P�9aways.easemer�.�.p�3 e9 �
<br /> � ',�,� � � ` toix�tr�wsareon or in anywfse pertatning thereL�.and the re�.Issues and Dro�•�versions and remainders U'cereot.and sus�per- �.--_:
<br /> -.:�;•';.���`�.;�.�,•..-' ��.;� sonal progerty that is attached to the tmpcovaments so as ro oonstftuta a fbdure.inctuding.but nat limited t�Reattng and aoofirig eQu�D� � ..
<br /> `����,:i�s�t ,� �%'S er wiQ�the homestead or maritallnterests.if arry.which(nterests ate hereby released as�d waiued:�1 af��htd�.indad- �._-�'
<br /> ' ¢ , r:,.'. ,•,1�� tnenfiert�t�
<br /> �.='T�'
<br />�`;;'f,.�R,.�.; `' :`��� ing�placements and additlons thereto.is hereby Qecfared to ba a part at the reat esmte secu�ed by tttc�iien ot L1�is Deed ot Tnist and �W
<br /> : ��Yj,� :-� , .;.
<br />'?;;j j���;;�';`' . . :;;•'� eU ot tha brogaing being referred to hecein as the'P�peny'. •�__-
<br /> t y�/�?,� ,•: . . , ��of Trust shall secure(a)the Dayment ot the principa!sum and frrterest ev�denced by a promissory note ot credit agree- -
<br /> Mav Sth ih97 �,having a maturiry date ot t4av 4th 200E
<br /> , . �r�' in.the ortginat�:irodpal emount ot$ 10+�-54 .and ar►y and aU mod'rfi��s.e�enslons and rene� _
<br /> . Jltl .
<br /> ' fhr�t or tneieto and any and atl tuture adtiranaes and readvances to Borta+nar(or any►o!them if mor¢�ren ane)hAreunder pms� � _
<br /> .� ` trz aa�or more promissory notes or credit agreements(he�etn c�aliad Ttote°):(b)the paymeni af�her�enns advanaed by Len�a�t' _
<br /> , ,��j,4 . �''' ps�eect tt�a sepiirtty oi the Note:(e)t he pe r[ortnanoe o f e D e a�►e n a nts a nd a g r e ements of Yncsior set tort4�herein:arid(�ail pcesent and
<br /> . ,,p,.��:• �
<br /> ;K,,n,.: �,; f�lpua indebredness and ob�gattona ol8orrower(or arry at them it more Man one)to Lennar vfiether�rect.indire�t etrsrolute or oot[ttn- �.:
<br /> . � :'',r g�nt aM vfiether artsing by note.gua►ar►ty.overd�aft or othertrAse.The[�tate.Ws Oeed af Tnist and arry and aU other docurrteMs tt�at
<br /> � , �.:.: , �;:•.:_
<br /> securo tt�Nete or othenvlse execirted in connection therawtth,inctuding wtthout Iimitatlan gua�antees,security agreements end j
<br /> '�' '`��' ` � • ' assigrunents of teases and rert�s.shatl be refercedto herein as the'Wan Instrument�. �
<br /> �s.'{'e';�., . :� .�.
<br /> � �" • Tn�storaavenantsar�agt�e9av�ffhLenderasfoltowa:
<br /> -rt!.�r%� i -.., '
<br /> ��':�!cx `°•:•:�.... _� 1. PBymert o!ttt�ebted4tesa.All Indebtedn�y:�s�.ized�hereby sha11 be paid when due. �:,;:� .
<br /> �;:{ti{�� ::
<br /> __�,�. ,;, 2 Titie.Trustot is the ownet o1 the Property,��w s tre ri�!ena authoriry to oomey the Property.and warre.^C3�nai the fian creat• `��`--.
<br /> . ,,i.� ed her�sby ta a first and pdor Iten on the PropsC�r..�xceDt 4or liens and�aaimbranoes set toM by Tn�or in wrcE.�g and deltvered to
<br /> by
<br /> `` .,ti{;.�; Lende�bafore exeartten ot thls Oeed of TnuL�nd the executton and deliv�ery of thia DeeO o1 Tnisi�s not viofate arry oontract or .
<br /> -:�'';;:'<'t r;,� .� � �:�i��'.; other obu on to vfitcp Tn�stor la s�Jec�.
<br /> 4;�//��,�?t��� ' � 3.T��,dlacsusmonta.To pay before delinquenc�ct�i taxes,speclal assessments end aD other cha�gss e�tthe Praps�"j .
<br /> Rt��T
<br /> r'���'`�+''� nawor hereafter lavled.
<br /> ;��tr�:i1s��" :' �' . a.tnssueanco.To kaep the P�apetq►insured eg8lnst demage by flre,haraNs inctuded wlthin the term•exeande�l coverager.aM �s�'�`
<br /> .' �,,
<br /> - �":.;,.,� su c h h a z a r d s as L e n d er ma y re q ulra.in emoums and with compaNas soceptabte w Lender,naming Lender as an addrtlonal ra�r�t
<br /> insuc�d,�viUf loss payabie ro the Lender. tn ca�s ot tass under sud�poltalea,the Lender ts autttorized to adjust,c�ltect and canil� .R`:��.�
<br /> '- �� miae,e11 ctalms thereunQer and shall have the aption of appl�ng all or part of the insuranoe prooeeda(�to eny indeM+sdness secu�d
<br /> ',"' � " � ho�by and in su�oMer as Lender may determU►0.(ii)to trie Th�sior to be used for the repair or restoiation of the Pc�QeRy or(ii'ij tar
<br />'���y�°'� � a!►y oth�r purpose or objed saUsiactory te Lertdsr vrithaut affecting the tien ot this Oeed of Tn�st tot the full amaurt�ssCUr80 hereby
<br />;rya , � betoro sucb payment sve�tooSt place•Any apP��ans ot prooeede to indebtodness sha11 not extend or postpone tha due date o}ar►y
<br /> _ � � paymerrts und�sr the Hote,or cure any detauil td�ereunder or t�ereunder. ".
<br />-- 5.Esccav�.Upon�rritten demand by Lentler,Trustee sha11 pay ta Len�er,in sucb manner as Lender may destgnate.suHictent
<br /> sums to enab:e Lender to pay as they beoome due or�or more of the toltawln�(i)atl�cea,assessments and other charges agalnst
<br /> -_ � �, iha Property.(i�t�he premiums on the praperty insuranoe required hereunder.pii)the premiums an ar►y mortgags insurance requlre�bY :
<br /> —- � � , I.enQer .
<br />- • � f.l�dNntananco.Rapffire and Compitanco with Lawa.Tn,slor shall keep the PropeRy in gaod condiitlon and repair,shaU
<br /> ' pmmpUy repalr,or reptace eny improvement usRfkh may be damaged or destroyed:shall not oommit or partnit any waste or deteriore�
<br /> � ' flan ot the Pcoaerty:shatl not remove,demoUsh or subs�sr�ially atter any o1 the impmvemenm on the PropaAy.shatl rtct oommit.suffet .
<br /> � �� or pertnit arry ac1 to bo dona in or upon the ProDeRf!in valattan ot arry taw,ordinanae,or regutatlon:and sha11 pay and pr�mpUy dis� �,
<br /> •••. .
<br /> -, _- � -_--=--=-� ctr�r�et Tnasmfs cost an0 exgense ell I1ens.encumbronoes and ch�rBes lavlsd.imDosed ot sooessed again�M the Praperty or ar►y
<br /> . • pait thereol.
<br /> , . 7.EtNtt�tnt Qomnin.Lender is hereby fisslgnad�11 compensation.aw�ards,damages and othar paymer�ts or re�e1(herelnafter
<br /> . ' . ' �akssnau�m+saaoiim.am
<br /> � ' ' Oramw]�7f6araf:mnaofnetaesc����� ,
<br /> _ ,_ ,
<br /> ,
<br />,—.�..: . . . _. . _.
<br />