7 . : . . Y, " `�:t'C ;c. i
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<br /> .�T +C � , t�S . - � �,i4� � . �. r J.t<.. C .. .
<br /> i ., 2�. , . _ : :b� c - '� - - _ . . • . .�.�_—s�`--�v��-.— t�
<br /> �� � `-J��d'�'�. } rf _ ,(:'.� 1T r � � � j — ' _
<br /> s.`S��c
<br /> -�`' S f 2� .
<br /> ,.�:. ^ ' ��� �V4D�6�� �
<br /> �...'<<,.. , ``� ..
<br /> ' Pdr�dpal amauniaf tise indeb2edness sscured Dy 14��5 Oeed af Ttus1.nat ins�ud� Fums advanced ta pratec!t!►s s�auritS/of UJs Qeed af < <^�:
<br /> ns, ums
<br /> , _`- ° Yrust exCee�fi�Nte orIgtnal pti�p�f emount st�ted heretn,or S_. 35.000.0� .evhIda�►er is gceater. �:�s;e-�
<br /> .• . ' �, `',. 1ff..Q9l�eUm�taota�P�vtsto�. '-`;,
<br /> ' � ' (ay C�Ams�sver[�tat RfliEa�d.E�dens�on o!the Hm8 for paymert or rtadficaUOn of amortiaatton o!th�sums seaired by Ws �,-�,"�: '
<br /> . .• Qsed of Tcust grantBtJ by Lendsr tc arry su�es�at in irsierast at Barro�tr shaA not a,p9rate to retease.in arry mannet.Ute GaDbi- , . � .�.
<br /> " ty�af the arFgtrtal Borrower and Borravrefs successors in irrteresL Len6ar shaf!not 08 re�uired W oommence proaaedtngs , ;;
<br /> ` ° �° agetrtat mccie su�5ar or retuse oa e�dend Gma tar payment or ofienrrtse modty amori�lon W tne sum�saaued by thts . �
<br /> ,:=�, �� �` Oesd of Tnost by re8snn of any damands mada by thB Orig(nal�crratrtet and Borrowefs suooessots in(nterest •
<br /> . ` N)F�tssQ�er's Pov�oro.Witliout afieeting t�e UshTig►a!a�ry atteer psr�an tiabte tar tha paymer�!of any oM�gattan Aerefi men-
<br /> , ,''� • `,, tlm►ed�and�vithaut atter�ng Me Gon ar d�asga of this Qaed of Trust uAa�anY Oo�ion of tt�Propeny nat tAer►ot tltereictore . ,.'
<br /> . released es sea�r�ly for the tutl amourtt at aU unpaid ahlfgations.Lendar may.hom time to time aM withaut no�oa(�wteass
<br /> ' .. :�:;' �!/persan sa Qa�'e.(�extend the mawrity or alter e�ty►at the terms of any such abtige�ons.(�graet a�r tnQuigereces.(tv) . . .
<br /> '_. reteese or comrey.or cause to be retea�or�m�yed at atry Urrte al Lend�fs optio�etry parret.iw�n or�l at tlis -
<br /> ` '�'."�° atl��9'�v)take or�ease anyr other oo ad0'dional seairity ar reccnveyed ai any time ai Le�ts o�ton anI►P��.Partlon ot � :y.
<br /> , , , .- . P�serry.(w)take or release anyt ather ar add�iana!secusiry tor any obligatian hetein meniianed.or(v�'i�malce campo-
<br /> . ���i sNions ot other anEa►��nerns with debtors in retation fitereto. " .`
<br /> �c�r-�,�ane�by�sn�er�a wa�ver.a►y ro,osa,an�e c�r tenaer�n exer�n�any r��o��emeay�ennder.ar ou� � � ° � �
<br /> envise aiforded Dy appac�iste Fairi.shap not be a waiva�af�rr preduda fhe eaerdse of any such rtght ar remedy.The procure- ' �`•' �`<
<br /> . ` ment af irtsurartoa or ths aM of taxes or adtter tisns ard�arges by Lender shatl nat be a vvatver or Lendare aghtto a�eter- '::�r',. '.,
<br /> - ate tlte ma3tartty af 1t�e In�ess seaued by tAis 08e�af Tnist .�; •
<br /> (�S�tco�ssors atl9 A�tgna Baurt�.to[at eud Saatstef LtaQilIty;Ceptisns.The wvanants artd ag�rr►ents here�n cnr� � �,;: �;
<br /> , taiaed shaA binQ and the d�rts here�er shall inure to,ihe respecave suooessors and assigns of Lender and Trusror.M ,
<br /> '::. �� auvenants and agreemsnts af Tn�stor�al!Qs jolnt a�nd several.The captions and hea�n�s ot the paragraphs of ttJs Oeed of �''',"-
<br /> :,..�' Trust aie far�mrenienca ordy and are not to be used La interpret or define the provisions heseot : :.�;.
<br /> , (e)Rsq�mst tos Hatit�s.The parttes hereby cequest tlsat.a copy of any aotice af defautt h�re�u[der and a oopy of at�y no�oe .: <::'
<br /> . • af sale hereemder ba r�6aHed to esch paRy to ttds Desd of Ttust at ths aQdress set bM above in the manner ptescribed by a ;
<br /> ' ' apFllc�sJe Isw.Exc�►i far arry other natice required unde�aPNtcable lav�to be given in another manrter,arry naifce provtded tor
<br /> . in ihis Dee�ot Trust shaU be glven by matling such natica Iry cerHfie�ma�addressed to the other parties.at tt�e a�dress�ai y
<br /> - � fa���y rwllo�provtded tor irt ttxjs pee0 of Truat sh�ii fs��f�tive upon ma7ing in ihe manner desi�alad Reratn.if �'�;;'``
<br /> ., , Tc�is a�o thati ans p�son.n7ao3�nt m tAe addrass set•f�f8.�tove shaU be natice ta all suc�pe�sans •�-J
<br /> e � �s.
<br /> � . - • .. �t��on Lendsr►naY matce ar cause to bs made rea�t�e enbies u�n and ins�eec�ons o1111�.Fr►s�csry.�ravi�i >A�,':�. .:
<br /> reasortabte cause therefar related t�Cc-s�ders�ter- � f,�n'' r
<br /> • t3rai Lr��sr shall give T�w^tcr natloa pisar w arry sudt.ir�n�r�ifyin9 . -�;�.••. ..,
<br /> _-�:,;'`;� �t in ths Prqperty.
<br /> (g)Rerr�nnwyat��u lt�paymetst af-�,1 sums sewred by.iM��d of T�u,st.Leader shaU request Tn�e mQ reaomrey tf�
<br /> ,;..� ::,�
<br /> e wyan
<br /> ;,:.,:_:�.u;�� Properly arad shaff suasn¢er Mis Q�vf Tn�s!and ai!notas�vic�ancirtg indabiedneas s�r�by t�s Reed o!Tnut to = --_-
<br /> �' " �.:•�, Truatee Trtastee shoSl�aoassuay Ute Ptrs�eRy.wlthout wartanty and wii9iout charge to�e persas k-�alty enLi�ed�tfiereto:TnisDar
<br /> ;5, ,_ ...
<br /> �s : .. �'��';� sha11 pay all casis ot rea�sta�.it any.
<br /> .,�t•, ,`,H: •, (h)�aps�nat Pro�.i��acurfty AgreemeoL As additi�ortel security tor the p�yment of 9re lVote.Trvst�r hereby gran4s `�.. �
<br /> T-�•..+�.. .. • " t.ander unde►fhe Ne�i�C[niform Cuc�meccial Code a secmity tqte�,sst In a(1 ftxtures.eq�eiOm�and otherpersona!ProDBrtY ';=.„�,�._
<br /> .:,°; ; .':'. .,' ",%. used in�a:o a,�;�`�+s9 reat e�cgti3npfaveme�locat6d�.at�not othen�is�dQdm�or�emed tn ba a paR ot
<br /> np
<br /> � •.`�`� . the reel�r��.�if 1va»..by.Tts�`�.�e�shail bs aonsGue$�a Security Agreement urtc�sa�d Code.end the Le� �=�.
<br /> �� ,. :�`�� :. shail have���f�r=ud.rtamed+� a�'a secured pady under r,�Code tn adddlon to tfle rr'g�and reme,�as�mder Ws •;,�r,.•,.
<br /> ;�,'.. . �.. •:,,�. parag�apfl snall be�iv�tr�re wit�,e�crd in no way a L'm�a8on on.Lenders dghts and remedtes u�ssfer amr eth�reaafty a�ee- :,.:r:.• ';
<br /> � ..•- -
<br />.���t�;�•;� .= .. msrt signed by Bosresv�e�Tnistor. �n:��_,-;.`;
<br /> �'k�.;�...;�,;;<<, : {�Ue�ts aitd Etfqt�ts�ttcoa.T�ustor hereby ti•�ts and represenis that thtite is n�detaufi urtder ttt��m�ions o1 any -a;;r��:—--
<br /> �,Y�. .•:r�� martgags.�eed ot bust.lease oc pur�hase oonhact dascri5ing at1 or any pait of the PropeRy.or other�instrumem or ,_,�:.
<br /> , � . °:;;�y�?�E ,' agreemem�g a lien or ea�egai�ssi ait ar any�sact ai the Prat�i t��►Y.'Liens").mas6ng as W 9he . �"
<br /> • , '..� date of thia Oeed ot Trust.and that arry and aU e�dsting Uens ramafi unmad'ifted excepi as dsctosad to LenQer in Ycus�or's writ '�"��
<br /> �a'`��f� �� � �•�' ten disciasure o!liens and encumbrances pmvtded tor herein.Trustor shall timety peAortn atf of Trustnr's dbitgattons. ' ��'.
<br /> � � covananm;aepres8ma9o�s and war�nties under anyt an�all existing and t�ture IJa�ss.shal!promptiy to�uvRrd ta Lertdpr aoptes ::�:��,:�
<br /> ,��` ` .�:. oi ei!rto8t�es o}�etatdl ssnt in oonnactlon witl�arry and all exlating or tu�ute Uens►r�t0 shaU not without Len�s prior w�en �>x�:?•
<br /> • ' . canseM tn esry rt�an�mality the pravfslo�at ar aftow arry fudue adt►�nnoes undsr eay►e�dsYingar f�cSure Ilena ' ,,
<br /> ; .�� Ql�DA�ttofl9 ot Pttyimofl4s.ffil6ss oihenvlse requtced by Iaw.sums Datd to Let�er he�der,indtt�ng wfthaut�r� ,.��,A
<br /> � . r• Uon Raymerata of prtnc9pal and interesR insurar�ne proceeds�condemcra�on proceeds and rents r�0 pmft�.shall be epDite�Y C� . �-`��
<br /> � Lander to the amo�trt8 due and otring irom Tnistor and bormwer i�s�t�t onder as Lender In Rs 5cie dissae�cn daBms� �::----_.
<br /> ' • 8b1g. ��� r �
<br /> �?v J . � :
<br /> '4 i`t '` (Icj�svctr�iatltty.Il.tuey ptavlston of tt�is Deed at Tnrst oardlits6�vi.�h aypticab'�tr�u or is dectared imffiid s-ai�erv�urten- _.
<br /> �`��� faraa�la.s�crfi oanfli�.t��r(nvalidiry sliaD rtct�fect tAe ather provfs�ns of Ws tfea8 ot Tnist or the�lote�d6ah can ba ghren � :_
<br />- � ;r'%i OtteCt tVit!lb�et dt9�nti[cdEtlg pi8vl8toa.8nd flD thL9 eM tha p1ov16brt�a1 ttUs Deed ot Tru8t 8M 1h9 l�to18 Sre dedeted b be sew =-__
<br /> .':';i�'. etnitlg. .`
<br /> k{. �:' p}T3rm�.The tem�a'Tnistof'and'4lormvrel'st�all include both s(ngular and phtrat.and whgn Sne TrwOOr and Bortowet are .
<br /> . �,-
<br /> ;��. ' . . . the same persan(s).fho��rms as usad in thls Deed o1 Tn�st shafl ba interchangeabte. �,�v q��,�.
<br />_-�. • (m)Q�mtn�L�e.'�tris Qeed of Teust sha11 be govemed ay the laws of the Stato o11Vebraske. `��1�,. _
<br /> _,;•'',.-... .;. . tn �� —
<br />_�,! �,5i�
<br /> : .•
<br />- /4
<br /> � �1� .
<br /> - . '''.`���,'�j�` � • .
<br /> ;__:�1. • Tn�sfor has euoc�c[ed thts Oaed af Trust as oT the dats writ0en abova. ��''��, �
<br />:�.� � . ;:�nf�,f.:�.
<br /> . , �, : �� :. : �
<br /> . ra S 3ahn on Single Person Tn�smr Tnutor '
<br /> .
<br /> ; ' � Trustor Tnisfir �
<br /> - �_:..�.:.
<br /> . �i • •
<br />