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201201147 <br /> conlinue Co pay Lo Lcndcr thc ai��ou��t of the separately designaked paytuenfs Chat were duo whcn the <br /> instu�ice coverage ceesed to be in effecC. Lender will accept, use vid retain these p�tymenls as a <br /> non-refundable loss raseive in lieu of Mortgage Insurence, 5uch loss reseive aha11 t�e non-refundable, <br /> notwitl�stan$ing t1ie fact that the Loan is�ulYimately paid in full, tmd Lender eha11 not be reqtured ta pay <br /> Borrower any intores{or earninbs on such loss reserve. Lender cen no longe��require loss rescrve payments <br /> if Mortgnge Insiu•ai�ce coverage(in thc amotuit and£or the pe�iod Ckat Lender requires)provided by an <br /> insurer selected Uy Lender again I�ecomes availablq ia oUtained, �ud Lender requires aep�r�tely desigi�ated <br /> payments townrd the premiums for Mortgnge Inanrance. Tf Lendcr rcquired MorCgage Inswanca as a <br /> condik�on of making the Loan aud Borrower was required to make separaCely d�si���tod payments toward the <br /> preiruuntig for MorCgagc InStn�ancc, Rorrower shall pay fha preinituns requ'ved fo n�aintnin Nlorigage <br /> Tnsm•ance in effect, or to provide a non-re�Piuidal�lc loss rosrnvo, until Lender's require�nant for Mortgnge <br /> Insuranco cnds in accotdande WitU aixy c�✓ritten agreemenf between Borrower and Lencler providing for sucl� <br /> termin�.tion or nn[il [ermination is rcquirod by App1icable Law. Nofhing in ihis SeoYion ]0 affeets <br /> Borro��er'e obligation to pey interest ak the xate provideci in the Notc. <br /> Mortgage Instuanoe reimUurecs Lcnd�'(or any entity fhat pLtrehases the Note) for certain losses it inny inoiv <br /> if Borrower does not repay the Lo�u�as�greed. Borrower is not a pn�•ty to tha MorCgage Insuranee. <br /> MorCgage insurers evaluatc tl�oir total rislc on all yuch iusw�a�ice in forco from Yime to time, t�nd mny enfer <br /> into A�greements with other parties[hat sh�re or modi£y tl�cir flslc, or reduce losses. These a�gseements�re on <br /> terins aud conditions fhaY are seCisfactory to the mortgage insurex and the oH1cr party(or parties)to these <br /> agrccments, 7'hese agreements m�y require(he morCgage insurer to mnlce peyments using any source of Funds <br /> that tha mortgage insin�er may have availablc(which�nay iiic1nde fimds o6tained li�oin Mortgaga Tnetarance <br /> prenuwns). <br /> As a restiilt of these agree�nente, Lencler, any yurchase�� of Eho NoEe, another inet�ray a�ry reinsm�er, any other <br /> entity, or any nffiliake of eny of the foregoing, may reoeive(direoCly or indircctly) amounta that derive frmn <br /> (or might Ue chu�acterized as) a portian of Borrower's payments for Martgage Inaurance, in exohange for <br /> shariug oc tnodifyin�flie moitg2�;e instu•er's riek, or reducnig losaes. If euoh agreement provides that�n <br /> afGliate oP Lender Calcea a sl�aro oF the iusur�r's r islc in cxcl�ange for a ehare of Yhe premimns paid Yo the <br /> insurer, the arrangement is often tenned "enpCive renisuranoe." Fi�rfhe�-: <br /> (a) Any sncli agreements rvill not nffcct thc nntotmts t11xt Bormwer lins agreed to pny for Morlgage <br /> Iust�rance, or nny oCher Cerm9 of Che Loan. Snch xgA•eements will noC increase fhe amonnt <br /> Boirower will owe for Mortgage Insurnnce, and[hey will noC entitle Borrower to fmy refand. <br /> (bj A�ry sneh agreements will noC affect tlie riglits Bnrrower Las-if any-with respect to khe <br /> Mortgagc Insm•anec nndcr tlic IIomeowners Protectiou Act of 1998 m• any oCher law. 'I'hese rigliCe <br /> iuny iuclude the right to receive ecrtain dieclosnros, to reqnest and obtn9n cancellntion of the <br /> Mm•tgage [nsuranee, to have f.he iVlortg.�ge Insnrxnoe terminntcd antomnticnlly, nnd/or to receive <br /> n ref�md of any MorCgage Insarance premidrns that were unexrned at the tiine of ench <br /> ca�xcellatim�or ferminntion. <br /> 11. As&ignment of M iBCellaneous PYOCeeds; FoY'Feiture. All Misccllz�icous Proceeds are bereby c�ssigned to <br /> and shall be paid fo Lender. <br /> If Uie ProperCy is dainaged, suoh Miscell�neous Proceeds shall be applied lo reswralion or repair of thc <br /> Yroperty, if t1�e restoration or repar��ie�economically feasibla aud Lender's secw•ity is not lessened. During <br /> such repnir anci re.sCorttCion period, Lender chall hauo fhe right to hold such MiscallEUieous Proceeds mitil <br /> Lender has had an o�orlunity to inspec[such Property Co enaure$�o worlc has heen comp]eYed to Lender's <br /> 24000273 <br /> NEBRASKA-SingleFamily-FnnnlehiaelFreddleWacUNIFORM WS'fRUMENT Porm 302D 1l01 <br /> VMPB VhiP6�NE)(110G) <br /> Woltefs Kluwer Flnanciul.Sarvlees Pqgee of 1'! <br />