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201201147 <br /> sakisfaction, provided tl�at s�ach inspection sha11 be andertlken promptly. Lender may pay for fho re�airs <br /> and rasYOration in� eingle disbursetneut or iri a seriss of progress payments as the work is completed, <br /> Unless an agree�nenC ie made in writiug or ApplicaUlo Law requires interest to Ue pRid on such <br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds, Lender sli�ll noC be reqnired to pay Borrciwer atry intereet or eazuings on euch <br /> Miscellanenus Proceeds. If the restoration or repnir is noe economically fnasiUle or Lender's secwity would <br /> be lessened, the Miscellaueous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums sectu-ed by this Bcc;urity Instrwnent, <br /> whefher or not then due, with the excess, if auy, paid to Borrower. Such Mieaellaneous Prooeeds shall be <br /> applied in[he order provided for in Section 2, <br /> In tl�e event oP a toCal taltiiig, dcsU'uctiori, oe loss in value of U�e ProperCy, the Miscellnneous Proceeds shall <br /> be applied to the sutns aeci�red by this Seoi�rity InstrLUnene, wheflior or not then dne, with the excess, if'mny, <br /> paid to Borrowor. <br /> ln the event of a partiat taldng; desteuction, or loss in valua of the Property in which fke fair madcet valuc of <br /> the Yroperty immediately before the partial taking, destiucCion, or loas in value is equal to or gre�ter fhan che <br /> lmount oCthc em�is securcdby thin Secm�iry li�sh�unent immediately before thepartial teking, dest��ucHon, or <br /> losa 'v7 vahie, unless Borrower and Lender oCl�erwise ageee in writrng, khe sw��s seew�ed by fl�is Security <br /> Instrument sh�ll ba reduced by the amount of the Miscell�neous Prooeecls n�iffCipliecl by the following <br /> fracCion: (a)the toCa1 eunount of the sums secmed iimnediately before the paz•tial taking, destrucHon, or loss <br /> in valuc dividod by (b)thc fair marl<ot valuo of the Yroperty iinmediately Uefore the partiial taking, <br /> destruotion, or loss in value. Any balanoe shall be paid to Borrowe��. <br /> Hi fhe event aP a paxtial talting, cleslruoCion, or loss in vnhie aP Uie Prop�rty iia which tl�e fair tnar1cet va1ue of <br /> the Property immediately before the partial tAlting, desYructiou, or loss in vahie is less [han Che a�i�ounC of the <br /> sums secured Iimnediately Uefoxe the p�Yial taking, desY��uctiov, or loss in value, unless Boxrower and <br /> T.ender otherwise agree iv writing, the Miscellaneous 1'roceeds sha11 Ue applied Co the stuns secured by this <br /> SeoUrity Jush�umrn�t wl�cthcr or not t1�c sw��s aro tl�cn duc. <br /> ]f Uie Property is abaudoned by T3orrower, oi� if, affer notice Uy Lender to Borrower Chat tlie Opposing Pnrty <br /> (as defined in thc ncxt sentcncc) ofFers 1�mal<e an award w eettic a clairn for damages, 13c�rrowor fails to <br /> respond Co Lender�uithin 30 days after the date the notice is given, Lender is authorizecl ta collecf and apply <br /> the Miscellaneous Proceeds eifher to restocation or repair of Che Proparty or to the stuns secured by this <br /> Security Instrument, whether or noE then due. "Opposing Party" means the tMrd part'y Ihnt owea Borrowor <br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds or tlie par4y�gainst whoin E3orrower l�as a right of�ction in regnrd to Miscellaneous <br /> Yrocecds. <br /> Rorirower shall Ue in defatilt if auy action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begmi that, in Zender'e <br /> judgme��t, cou1d result in forfeiture of the Yroperty or othe�'material impairment of I,ender's interest in the <br /> Properfy or righte under fhis Secm�ity Insh�umcnt. Borrower can curo stiich a default aud, if acce1eration has <br /> occurred, reinstake as provided in Seorion 19, by c£uising the flction or pxoceeding to be dismissed wii�h 2 <br /> �uling thaC, in Lender's judgmenf, preoludes iorieitura of tha I'roperty or other materinl impeirment of <br /> Lender'F interest in tl�o Yroporty or ri�;l�ts undcr this Security Instrntneut. The proceeds of any award or <br /> cltum Por damages that are ntLributable to the impairtnent of Lender's inCereaC in Che Property�re herehy <br /> assigned vid shall Ue paid tio Lende��. <br /> All Miscellaneous Proceeds thaY az�e not applied Yo resYora6on or repair of the Proper6y ahall be applied in the <br /> order pinvided for iv Section 2. <br /> za000z�a <br /> NEBkASKA-Single Famlly-f-annle A7aelFre�dle hlac IlNlf-ORh1 INST2UMENT Ponn 3020 7101 <br /> VMP OO VMP6(NE)(1105) <br /> Wolfers Kluwer Flnanelal9ervlaea Page 10 of 1� <br />