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201201147 <br /> for thc rcpairs a��d restoration in a singlepaymenC or in a scries oFprog�•ess payments 2e thc wor]<is <br /> completed. IF Che insur�nco c�r condetrmation pirooeecls are not suf6cicot to repair or restore the Peoporty, <br /> Borrower is not relievecl of Borrowcr'e oUGgation for Yhe completian of such repair or restorakion. <br /> Lender or iCa�gc�nY niay n5akc�reasonable entriea upon uid 'u�spectiovs of the Property. If iu l�ns reasonaUle <br /> cause, Lender may inspecC tho ir�terior of the�improvements on tl�c Property. Lender shtzll give Borrower <br /> notice at the time of or prior ta such an iuterior inspection epeeifqing such reasonaUle cause. <br /> 8. E3orrower's Loan Applieation. Borrower sl�all ba in de£�ult if, during the I,oan application process, <br /> 13orrowar or Tny persons or en[iCie.4 act�ng at the direction of Borrower or with Borrowar's Iaiowledge or <br /> conscnt gaue materially f'a1sa, inisleeding, or inaccurate info�matiion or stntements fo Lender (or 'Pailed to <br /> provide Lender with inatorizl information) in connection wi6h ihc Loan. Matarial representnlions inohidc, but <br /> are iiot li�nited tio, represantationa concerning Bnnower's occupancy of the Proporty as Rorrower's prineipal <br /> reaidcncc. <br /> 9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Security Instrument. If(a) <br /> Brnrower fails to peiforui the covenants and agreemenus contained in this Securidy Inslruinen9, (U) there is a. <br /> legal prercceding that might significantly affect Lender's interest in the ProperCy�nd/or rights unc{er this <br /> Security I�istnunenC(such as a proceecli�� in banlauptcy, probate, for condcmnation or forfeiture, £or <br /> enforcament oF a lien which mny ntkttin priority over klii.a Seom'ity Inetrnment or to cnforce laws or <br /> rogu1atious), or(c) Borrower has ab�ndoned khe Property, tlic�� Lenciei�nay do and pay for whatcvcr is <br /> reasonahls or a�propri�ite to protect T ende�''s interest in the Property and righCs under tlus Seeurity <br /> Instrument, including protecting ancUor assossinb the value of the Property, and ecouring antUor repairing <br /> tlie Property. Lender's actions can inoInde, bix[are not limited to: (a)paying any snms seciu�ed by a lien <br /> which has prlority over this Secw�ity InsY��ument; (b) appearing in com�t; and(c)paying reasonnble nClorncys' <br /> fees fo�rofecC its intcrost in the Property and/or riglrts under this Security Instrmnent, inoluding ite seoured <br /> position in a bntilcrupL�y proceeding. Sccuring flie Properdy includes, bu6 iA noti liivited ko, entariiig the <br /> Property to make repnirs, chnnge locica, rep7acc ox board up doors and windows, cirain watcr from pipes, <br /> eli�ninate bnilding or ollier code violations or dengerou� oondifimis, uid haue urilities durned on nr off. <br /> A1Lhough Lendcr'may tako action under this SecYion 9, Lender doc;s not l�ave to do so and is not nnder any <br /> duty or obligat4on to do so. IC is agrecd that Lencler inctu�e no liability for not talcing any or all actioi�s <br /> authorized wider this SecCion 9. <br /> Any amounls disbursed by Lender'undor this Section 9 shall l�ecome nddicional dcUt of T3olrower sectued Uy <br /> fliis SectuiEy Inst��umeut. These amounts shall bear interest at Che Note rate from the date aCdisbarsemeut <br /> and shall be payaUle; with such intereat, upon uotice fi•om Lendcr to Borrower requesting payment, <br /> If't1�is Secw'iCy InaYrumeut is on a leasehald, Borrowcr sha11 aomply wiYh all the proviaious oP the leaae. If <br /> Bor rowor acquires fee tit1e to the Property, the l�sehold and thc fee title shall not merge imless Lendc.�� <br /> agrees 6o Cho ir�crgcr in writing. <br /> 10. M ortgage Insurance. IP Lender required Mort{;age Insurt�ice as a condition of malcinb the Loan, Borrower <br /> shall pay flia preinimns required to maintaiu Che MorCgago instu ance in effect. If, for airy reason, thc <br /> Mortgage Instiranco covorage reqL�ired by Lender eeases to be a�ailaUle from flie mortgage insurer thaf <br /> previously provideci such inatu-anec and Bonnwer wae required to make separntely desi�,niated paymenfs <br /> toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrowcr shall pay the premiums required lo oUlain cover��e <br /> s�ibsta.nlially equivalent to the Mortgage Tnsurance previously in�ffect, at a cost substanti�lly equivalent tv <br /> fhe cost to Borr�wer of the Mortgage Ivsurnnce previously in efPect, from zw alternaEe mortgage insurer <br /> seleotecl by Lendcr. If eubsfanti�lly equiv�ilent Mortgage Insurnzice coverage is not availaUle, Borrower shnll <br /> NFBRASKA-Sin le Femll -Fennle Mae/freddle Mac UNIFORM INSTRl1MCNT 240�0213 <br /> 9 Y Farm 3028 1/01 <br /> VIr1 P Q , VM P6(NE)(11�5 <br /> Wol�eYS IClawer Finenalal 9orviaes PegA 0 oF 7� <br />