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�y } . _ . .r tr�r�. ei(;�i i +-t .}{r t : - i . _ <br /> . - , s v.x .. �r "�r.,,_y; - . ., L : . <br /> ) i / `� <br /> s � '.;•dy,,d;r�_;,. <br /> n. .. r.v�a...,.;J�.toE�cs:�'c.4��.+.7A3av:tsWF'�d�UL...r. .+d:iLY�lXIFtit�i�Y�1w%Yb+afi:&.i�.� . ..-_..+....r'se.Ga..:.--- <br /> ��w �Q�,7� <br /> •7.Prolrclian ot land�r's AIyMS in th�t'roparly. n saravw t�k a w�*+tlN wrrw,u and+w���oonw►+w N <br /> UN 4�wb N�lnvmnl. «chx�I+�Npd poo�4�0��Y��MM alfsct L�ndr':dphu h tFw Ropiay(wch a a proo�Mp N <br /> �bWmplcY�pob�lR for ooncNnn►tim a taf�iWn a to�nAva taxt a�gl�tlonsL Ih�n Lv�d�m�Y do nd pr/fa wlwt�vr k elottwN <br /> to ptOteci 11�vr7u�d iM Rapa�ry and L�ndw's tyhlt N Ih�Ro{wty. Undor's acda�l m�y Mdu�M 044M�^y y� ���q's� <br /> . xi�kh Mt MuMY wr thk Sar.rMY tn�u�rmn6 pPwhO�t coat, Wy1M rM�mwM�na�wis��nd�ntw4g on N�MMhN to nwki — <br /> rc{MW. Mhwph Lndw mry Yk�attlm unrNr Ws prp'pl�7,L�Mr doa ad Mv�to do w. <br /> My anw�nl�d�b�wiM by Lend�r undr lhb P��p'+ph 7 shA bwonw�ddtlaoN d�M ot Barowx eeaxW�'ii thb B�cwMY N�humal <br /> UNK�Bortoxw�nd UnCir+prN to o�hx Iwm�d pym�M,Ihn�wnanu shA bw BtKaf tom fhe d�te ot dialrxs�mnt Y th�NoN =� <br /> nl��nd tM1 M py�bM,vMh Hfamt,upm notice trom Lw�d�fo Bortowr rp�utlnp pynMn4 . <br /> 8� 1�701tQR�j!(11lUf�nCS. It Under re��Yad mo't�pe Nw+nu ao � condl)a� of mllYip the lan a�cwM hy lhii 9eW�4tl .. <br /> Inqnxnenl.Bortowv shM MY th�WKdwns nryulred to m�Yit�N th�monpy�S�wr�na N elfwt.X�fa�ny�wion�U�i�r�uypg�hw�.ca =– <br /> cariny� rpuYed 6y Lenda IWses at aaa to M N MecL Uotrowx sh�[ MY th�pnrcikM+t requYal lo obWn ca+Mpe auMMn�MrM g^�- <br /> pukY�nt to Ihe m,�lp�po hauruics ptt+buty N elfed,N a cosl subst�nl'ry eryik�l�nl to th�coct to Barowa ot th�malp�pe 1p'u4[t�+s �;Q;{i•. <br /> prevbusy N ellw6 hom m rJtemate maly�ye Nwrer+ppovod by lenda. tl subtUntW/pFdent matp�q�Nwmd oowrNe 6s a:C - .'��',s;�.._. <br /> �v�Ub, Dortower th�� p�Y lo Lenda Meh monih R wn ery�ai lo onMrdllh ot ih�ywtl�ma�p�ye Nfunrtei px�k�tn baYi9 P� bY �;:;_: <br /> Oorrowet wh�n th�hwruiu wven0e Mp�ed a�ased to Le N eflec�t.�r wR aa�pt, us� and re4tYi the;e pecnwnis u a b�t =- <br />� rn«w In icu oi matp�ye hswAnce. loss resuve pFymmit msy no bi�a be re�Yed, at the opUon ot ta�der, Y merl9sps Mwma = - <br /> wvenpe(In Ih�amwnt uid for tho pMod th�l Lenda reqaYas)prm'Aed 6y�n hturx�pprovM by Lendcr opah 6ecmia�vaNbM and k -- <br /> obtWied BorcowK tM! pry �he preMums reryuYed to rn�Nt�fn moNy�g� Naunuiu h eMed, a to prorkN a btt ra«ve, unN tlK _. <br /> requternenl la mortq�qe Nwnnw ends N accorMnw xith�ny xrillen apramenl6elwan 6ortowa�nd Lender a�ppk�We Nw• =�i�_- <br /> 9. In�p�ctton� L�nda a Ns agem r�uy m+ko�e�swwbb mlrbs upon �nd NspecUons ol the Rop�xly. Landar ahY yN�Borrowr °t�'• <br /> nolkw al the tim oi a qLor lo an Nspectlon apeciyhg reesonubb uuso fa Ihe Nspr.lbn. 1t`'°!'"- <br /> � 10. COI1d0mnAt10i1. Tho preceeds ot any nwn:d w dekn fa dure9os, dvect a eonsequmU+l, h conneWon wllh �.�y ��=����� <br />� cendrmut'm er e�hN t31�Y!0 ot xny rt�l of ihe Propary,«Im conreynnce in ticu o1 eondum�Wn,ua here6y a56IpnM�nd ahd be p�ld _ -- <br /> U LenSer. <br /> ��thn e.era o1 n ta�tn!cn�al tTZ Property,the p�oceeAa ahet be apD�ed lo iho wms ecwrad by this Saudry Inewma�6 whHliv or � .' <br /> no�thm cWn,rd�h airy exaps yrttl!a 8.newer. In Iho event ot a pvlint WMO ol ihe Pooperry N whkh Ihe ltJr mnrket rnlue ol th�hopxy FY i =: <br /> UrGZwdaip te.o:o the Wdn H E4�1�a o:e}ea:n than tho amount ol the sums secured b �his 3ew� Inatrument kvned+t�tl bMUa the �'+:s�� <br /> y , y r �r F�;_ <br />. ty\iiq,un}a3s Oonm�ur and Lmdtt o'Saw�o a8�+a��+'�Y,ng, the sums aEarod 6y Ihls BewNry InaWmml ah�l 6e teduud by th�urwunl i� <br /> of the proceeds m:Y�pYed by Ihe foTau'r.q�on:(s)th�IoW amouM ol Iho nu:ns aearM imme6iley 6eforo 1ho takNO.��bY(d)�h� .. <br /> fzir nwkcl wLe o1�he PtopMy 4i�min:py Le'ore Ihe Wdnq. My W4nee shall be p�W to Barowa.In Iho wen� ut e pvlW IWi�9��1h� (� �_ <br /> P%My N whkh the faY mx':cxl r�.4ra cG lW Roperty Nvne�ieta`�bN.we ihe t�kNp Is bss th�n Ihe amounl ol Ihe aums serored{rm��MUN �?S"�-._. <br /> i3fi:,._�: <br /> 6etcra Ihe teldi�q. �nbss Oor.cwrr and len+er mhmriso ap:eo S��rA1Np a unbss�pp6csble lew olhenASO proddos,tho A�oceedi thM M 4*?;_., <br />'� a ed to tho eums 6ettxetl 6 this£mr. nsWnunt wholha a nol the sums ue Ihen dua ��'-� <br /> DPR Y �� Ig;r�.:: <br />- tl the Properry U abmdoned by 6:ncxer.or H,ella nolieo by Lmtlu lo Bortawn Ihal the eontlenna otten to m�ko an awW or so:iio �t.-__. <br />� a clain fw damanes.Do+rr,wx 1aP.s lo ms;ond lo Lendtt x7:hln 90 �4ys eEtt the d�le Ihe noUco Is phai.Lmdu Is aulhorked lo wfeet and rier;:_--. <br /> aD➢N�he praeeds,tl its oF��en. eEhtt to restontlon ot�opnir oi Ihe Moputy a lo Ihe eums seaued 6y Ihis 9euniry InsWmm4 whaha #L`._- <br /> or nol lhen due. r�"--'<-.: <br /> Unloss Lenda�nd Oortaxer othcrxisa eqreo N wd;mg, nny appice6on ot procceds lo pfhdpd ah�not ezlonA or poslpone Ihe �va;=; <br /> dele of Ihe monlhy p�ymmla relerred to h pnmgrnP��s 1 md 2 or chenpe Ihe emwN ol such pqmmis. �;r.,�-�� <br /> 11. Borrowar Not Ralansed: Forbeer�noa By I.snd�r NM a W�fwr. Eztenabn m ihe tvne ta p:;m«+t or �T:_;:=:_ <br /> mofF6albn ol�mqliutlon ol the sums securM by Ihis Sewrfey InsWmc+:l gnnled by Lender to�ny euocessa N Inianl ol 0ottax�r aM1 _r.._�r <br /> nol opa�le lo rNwse Ihe WbiSy o�the o�IpinJ Oon�owa w OonowKs wccessas N Intaesl. Lende+sh�ll nol be rpuYW to carm�na LFu�s_�.- <br /> procetdngs ay�h51 u�y¢vaessor In Nlaest a reNse lo uctend tkne br p�ymml or olhe'wise motliy uia�iitWon ol th�tums eKUrW by ��•i�.- <br /> s;:t. <br /> thls&wrNy InsWm�nt by ruaon of�ny dmund m+de by Ihe orlgNN Bortowcr a Baraxx's sucasfa� N NlKe�l MY���^�°bY �%k���;�:" <br /> Lender N axdsNp�ny dphl a rerned�eh�l not be�wWx ol or predude th�aKds�ol�ny Apht a rrnWy, f�_:,:� <br />- 72. Buooeeeors�nd Aeeigns 8ound; Joint and S�wral6tabllity; Co-sipmn. Th� COYMNI6 YIfI �preem�xa o� rrtr•- <br /> this Becuriry InsWmont ah�0 bNd end bmefn lhe euccessore end �551911f OI LMdM Nd UOffOWN. 6V6}!CI IO Ih0 MOHSINi� 01 pY1l�fly�h ���:-�� <br />.. 17. Oortowers cormsnts and egruemenls sheL 6e �oNl entl swerel. My �ortown who co�alpna this SacuMy InsWmrol bul doss nu1 �ti�.L.. <br /> nzowlo tho Note: (�)Is oo-signNg Ihis Secmity InsWmml ony lo motl8ega,prem,end convvy lh�l Oortmvtt's Nlao6t N the Mopxty undar �f""�- <br /> �..r.:: <br />- Ihe lertns ot th!s Sewdty InsWmml; (b)ts r.<t pasatief�obligatM lo p�y tho sums searM by lhis BewAry InsWmml:�nd(o)eyrees thet ��j,,;.�� <br /> Lender and a�y otha Oortower mey a�ee to r.tm1,rtwdy. lo�bwr or moka �ny eceommodelbns wY,h royud�o lams ol this Securfy !^•�:�=,-� <br />= In6Wmen1 or the Note wilMOU1 ihal Oortowq's consml �$�}.�'--. <br /> 13. Loan Cha�gee. 11 tho loen searM by N�S Seeuri.y InsWmmi is ¢ubJect to a law which sels nu�dmum lonn ehv0os,end Ihel 4�?11:-_ <br />= uw Is Mery htc+prNed ao Ihel tho Intttesl or olha loan chvges co7ecled or to bo colieciM In wnnecfion wilh lhe lo�n ecceed the �'�'r;-�� <br />._ pertn7itd Vnils.1hm: (a)�ny such loan charges shaY be rcduced hy the a^�eunl necessary lo rtduGe lhe eharye lo the pemMted fmN: end �/•`.�_`- <br />- (b) c�Y sums nlrvCy co0ttled from 6arower which ezceedcd permll:eU SmYS wZ bo rehndM l0 6ortower. Lender m�y choose lo meko �'�-'� <br />- thfs reLnd b reC�tln t�o ptlndpal owed undtt lhe No!e er 6 makin a dreH nml to Oortowtt. 11 � rMund reduas pdndpel. lho �'�""�� <br /> r s r e rar �;: - <br />- rcCucUon wil be 6eeted es a paTal prepaymml wtthoul eny prepaym[ni cMrgo undtt the Nom. i> �- <br /> - 14. No11COS. My nollw to 6arowtt pmdded fo�in Ih"vs Securiy Inswmrnl shal bo ghm by ONhe'Mg It a by meBing tt by hst - <br /> - Uasa mal�n'ess appGeeble Ww«qWres use o�anolhtt rte�notl. The noEce sha7 be diected to the P(opary AdGOSS or any olher ae�'uess �`�+�_- <br /> Parower desi5nnle¢ by noACe lo Lender.My r,o`:ce fo LmUCr sha7 6e yrm by lrst d�ss mai to Ler.7s's nddress sletM hae:�or any ��.'':.�� <br />= olher eddress Lender designates by no',ice lo Cicnown. My noL'u prm+CM tor h Ihis Sewri.y Instremmt ShaY be Ett�ced lo�art teen P:;r <br /> g'vm to UortarM or Lendtt when gNm as proNded In po�agr�ph. <br /> 15. �ovorning Low; Save�abllity. Tnis Seu;n1� InsWmmt shall be goveme� by lederel law Und t!�e law ol C.a Ju�sdiclion h ' <br /> whkh Iho Propert�is loca:ed. In Ihe crenl thal any proNSlon or elause ol this Securiry Inswmml or Ihe Nota aonNUx x7�appCmbio 4w, + � <br />.. such con:ict a`il not aCM olhp porisions ol th6 Scariry InsWmmf or the No�e which wn bo g4en efittt wAhaA lAe conf4d:�g <br />.� prodslon. To mJ Ihe prnWSions ol this Sccuri.y Instmmml and 1he ho:e ere aedared lo be se+eroble. � <br />_ 16. Bo�toWOr'S COpy. DortowM shail be ghen one conlwmed wpy of lhe No:e and of Ihis Sewriry Isswmml. <br />= 7T. Trnnsfor of tho ?roporty or a Bonoiiclai Intorost In Borrowor. u ao w nny pati o�me Propeny«eny h�eres�In <br /> rt is so�d cr b�nslerted (or 8 a benefidai inlercsl h Dortcwer is sdd tt L•anslerted end �ortowtt is noi e wtural pnson)xlihoul Lendeia . <br />--' .�a �aAo.� o� xs nnftn�. . n.�un urmndutw mvm�u� 1u9 0l nll su.�e�t servmd bi 1h15 Setv,itY Ins:n:mmL NowMC/, . <br /> ths cg�:en s`ai� ncl bo exttdsM by Lmder il�attUSe is qnh:biled by�xerat law as of ihe date ef¢s S.ccriry Instm:nenl. . <br /> 11 Lmce� ..eatlses th!s opCOn, Lmder sha]give Donamr uotice ol azcNtta5on. Tho noCce sP�l F��-�'�o pedod ot nol less Ihnn 90 <br />�-- cays fiom Ihe tlale lh0 co6ce is d�drvttM or ma3ed n3tir which Ihe Ocnowtt musf �oy o1 eum5 secc�ed by�hi5 Eewry InsVUmenl. 11 <br />�5 jortcwM k7s lo pay these wms p�b�lo Ihe ezp4alion c+Inls FM��•�mlM may Nvc�e�ny�M.M:es D��mit1M ty �F:s 4wdry InsWmml <br /> nC1:GU1(1if.:`H ncilce of tlm�3nd On �1otlOwtt <br /> • Pai<]c�5 � �vnFLi25,�A . . <br /> igil'i <br />"�- S fIJY3VA01101)]I ��7f} -.( • . <br /> e__ F <br /> _ ��s ; <br />