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�. '_� ry I Y yt-}! 1� t . � 4:� � 'N����� -.Jl� f <br /> r <br /> 4 � t <br /> • .' ! cr -jr. ; �i�r�� s 11! �' � ��`; ��' .� ri <br /> 3 _ t �r S: �'.. .u.. e�. 1 ,w -� ' <br /> . .a.. r... - ,:.n�+...x,Y.r--i-..��..�.�....�.f4(.�,t��� _. ,.o_sk.�..�,a....s.u.�.x.�.c.n.«.,. _�.._.....o..w�G' rrL;'�,�,�.� .. <br /> g2� �,�.00�:� �::,��w_== <br /> .�:�;������� -- - _-- <br /> ��7� ea,o «a.a+n�en.,x�, .�,ow,� .,«w«a�.Naw,y wrua �+onpq.,�m+r r«a�•�� earcww. ««o� .000�m u�a�r� f; <br /> ,x5,� »a�w aw f�uN�awe+M�rvor«iww ea a u»..w«a+a ro�+w�w w w�r,�x u�.o.:a� «sw,l�nExe��,w,w.r�ah«rM ,rr�� <br /> �>� 'a's3 � thN MPM� l0 1M fw�dt�M�a IN�M�naunl. X w� L�xNr nry� M mY Y+w.ooMo�rW hoW Pund�h n muunt nol b�uW IM ���p< <br /> 1{ x��r umum, tndw iny K�nw�iM wnaxd oi Iww+dw a�t�s wrM a a.��a �w�i�pcor-�`.�� w����ii W i'F�iG�ltii W t� '> <br /> .�f r�' ' fulw�f:iaow IIrM a ah�rvrFs�N�audrw�nM�ppfaW Mw. �"}� ' r�� �� <br /> ,y IN <br /> �'''% Tlu Fuedt iM1 iH hIM!N N NOOIUtlOt1 WhN�d�polltl W MWfld by t 1lduY�panoy.N/WMM{Mry,d MUIy MdudnO LMIdN,N f- �%�� 7 > _ <br /> ,, t ."�� Unde�U wcl� �n N�INutla�) a N�ny iW�rY Honw lan B�nlc UndK Flql fppy th�Fund�lo pry ih�E�aow IUrr��. Lendd m�y nm � +' : <br /> r 'j-:#: ch�p� 9arowu la hddi0�nd�pp1�M0 th�fund���nnwy�ytNO th�„aow �cooun6 a vM�4�7 th�C+aow tlKni�uMni tw,dr �tf�1';i ,��„ : <br /> ` -- � pRya 6a7mvx htKOSt m Ihe Funde md eppf�l�le Mw phm4e lmcNr to m�k� such a chuQ�. Nowwa,L�nda rray rKNW�ortowK lo r���� Q�wn�ci�. - <br /> fr�,�• p�y�on��tYi»chrp�fa�n Ndrpend�nt rwJ MI►U ux rpalNp tKVfce utM by Ladw N oonnwUon wNh thl�Iwn�uMM��ppYGWN 11w �`,{�{Srlit F�r �_-: <br /> � 'X� : prmW�s othawitw UMn� �n �yeemanl It rcrd� or �p(�e�6M Mw nquY�s NIrMI to IN pYd. Lmdu shU nol 1» requYM to pry ��ttl� i 7, � .: <br /> J l� r <br /> `�9_ Barowa my In�au�w wnhGS on the Funde.6ortoww�nd L�ndr mry�yn+N wihNO�haxarx.tMt Inlw�sl ah�l b�p�ld on tl��FuMN ,�<< <br /> r 4-. Lendor ah�!qNe to Bortaxa, wXhout chuye,an�nnwl acwunlhp of th�Funds,fhowNp aWl+�nd debXS lo fh�Fu�ds r�d ths qxpo�� �-r�< < � <br /> ��i`t�-+�_ Yvr whkh e�ch J�ER to the Funds wu mde. The Funds ve pledyM�s�drWbnW 7owrky�Of�!surca SetwW by thls SeWtM/1nbWfMnL j-, �� �a�� <br /> w . ry�.: - <br /> '�-?-=S??~s 1!iRe f�ds AM2 try tendx e.ior�i ihe amounls pemiltad to b� hYd 6y Mpie�hN Nw, ta�dx stat r,�asnl to 8arowx 7a tlM _,.....,�_R� . <br /> ;::i r_F x-Oz <br /> � .._,,��,�,. exxu FuxYi i�xccm'Jaxa rrDh the req.xtmnnts oi a,Fk+h1e frx. H tM unounf ot th�Fuvts CyA Oy Len�r at ary ircw b na0 s•,A69u'.t fl?:v��?��•'-: <br /> * .--�1'. fo pey th�£srrar Rmns wt,en dv. lmW may so no�y 8cr.owa�h� a*XNy.�nd h su;fi csvi&:r+awa aMT MY�LarAer tM a�xvn `— <br /> !. � neceswy to mat�up tLe dr4,�riry. Bma.vN sn�L mate v,.Uc�dr7�,�.iry in no n'�:r+tP.�s�txehs maitLJ7 qRnmU. at la�v3er's sok . <br /> -,:i'v`,:`;it�': H'`� <br />- �e.,- tASaeilOn. <br />��-.��i�''�^'� Upon p�ymail!n !al 01 H sums aewred by thk SecwAy A�stn:ment, tender snt�7 svcvr�ty reTand to 6a.�zncr�ny Funds held b/ ____ <br /> e':lk:�����t� <br /> �, �� lmCer. 4 under p�raQr+ph 21,Lsnder ah�l�equYe a sN the RoRC+ty.LmJer. Poo+to the acgdsF.ion or 7ata tll�he P'qxftJ,sMi aJf1/ <br /> i�Y ii_ <br /> � t � asy i�.na3 hdd byLonder�t iha Gi�c:acyvtsYJon w s�la:s a a^�Y agshsl tho s:.�s st�:ed rY thh Secudry tnatnun�nt. ..._ _ <br /> vs��� 9. l�pj�11Ci11p'il 0S P�y1110:1Re. l'rJess e{p5�bk hiw yve�iQrs olhmNSe,ai paym0.�l5 re�n`red by Lendx�mde!F�3�Ah3 1 a�d �}ZL�`:..- <br /> Y <br /> '�:+���� 2 ahe7 bo app5c�9rs7, lo nnY FYM'Ay'n'+'�I ehe�g:s duo under iho Note: aeunaL to amounis p�yabin�mCtr Pampreph P;IhYd to Mlxeat .._. _ .-. -. <br /> =+ij� �' at c� <br /> a��t � p�napai due,end 4st,to eny lale cna:3es d�e uneer tha Ncte. �vx.�,=? . <br /> �j��(«� t1, Chnrflos; Lluns. Dortorrw sh�u p�y �7 tera.�sao.;smema,clarsoa.lnes �nd �mlostknb NLibutlLk io UtE hopE+ly WhFA o+n ��r � <br /> �'t�uy� mry avi�prbnty cvar ihis Seari.ry�nswmenl,and leasehdd pa�mmcs cr�vound rmis,H sny. flzrtowtt shtl pay lheee oA7ps7ions M iha � 1,�Y��°'.'-�� <br /> � � fr�'.�� m�nnor Frovlded Y� �iGruyiph 2, or ii no� P�id N ihat rtunna, Oortewx etNY py Ihem cn £r..a dvCdT/lo �h0 pMtOn w�od pynMtL ��zf�r .,� . <br /> yiY� _" '� BarowH�haN prar.pty n:mish to lenCer W nollcee oi +mounts to 6o pdd unGr lhls pa-+c,�+ph. II Bonowx rcrk�s Ihae p�ynxn4 •:: _:.-- <br /> •oxx�� "?' ��J.��a shW rr:mpty lumish to Lmder rece�pta e+idendny tha pnymmis. �n"° <br /> csti:: <br /> S t j�`-�}' flcrtnxd ahY prompP/t7a�ha:pn eny Ym wh!ch haa prbNty wer Lh:s 3ewnly Nst�umd:t uNqs Bortowu: (e}agraea Y�Vrtidny lo IIN ` y�F <br /> m <br /> r" �(.�y.• payn,ent ol Ihe oblyallon seeure!6y tno nen in a mnnnn�eeepteblo lo lendm @)wnteats In 9�od Hilh 1ho ien 6y,w defendt ap�NSl � ^ <br /> ,�x ivL. -M�E.-.��:�f t`a:x..°,�:p=ccca_.^,e w*'N:'r.uo iMn.y'.npin!nn op�?Ia�o prevent lho enforcmxnf ol iho fim:or(W aewfa tan . --c .,,... <br /> 1 � } P�� the holda ol Ihe izn nn�greemenl 6elisfactory 7a lt»9n aubaRnu9nD Iha Yen 7o thls Securiy Insln�monl. II Lendx dbipmines lhN�nY �72`a:�t'" <br /> tr��� <br /> {ar�+>lJ .� pul o(Ihe Propay Is subjed to a Gen which mey etutn prlairy over Ihb 6ewr[bj Nstn�mml, Lmdd mey pMo Uortower R nolke Wm1i�5�9 rrz,ti <br /> �.y.,,,��r . <br />.:_,�..l,f.-�,',�;� the fan. Oortowa shetl atlsty Ihe Ilen or leka ono or moro ol Ihe ections aH lorth�bove wilhin 10 days ol the qlring o�nolla. c.k ,r�._ <br /> s <br /> t� ri-+�-' 6. Haxard or Property Ineurenoe. oonower anen keM, Ne improvemenu now ex�sung a hxe�na aected on lhe PropMry ��:�5'Y'�`� -�__ <br /> �'S'`'"��'� Nsured � ha1 bss b ke, nuuds Indudetl wilhln Ihe tern •eamded corenge•u�d any olhtt huards, hdudn9 Ibod� a hot�n9•�a Y';ti,;;';t`��;f.�=- <br /> �;;.�.:;��....,.•, 9� Y r .. C::;.=. <br /> ,ss !.• whkh lender reqhes Insunnu. fi1s Hsunnu sh�N be nuNleNed In the amounis�nd fa!he palods th�t lendx rpuYes. The Ntumw �ry;� �,� � <br /> ,�5,}u,`.������` urAer provkFnp Ne Nsurcnu ahil 6e chosm by Oortower aub�eet lo Lmdx's �p,�rovd whkh ahal nol be unre�sonaby wllhhokl. fl ��'.�.� {�i r- ;�' <br /> ; r�. ,:,...,. <br />-'.-::F_:-�;i°7:� Barower I�YS to rcrinUN eovmye desulbed above. Lender r�uy. at Lendeis oplbn. abuin aovenpe lo protat Lander's iSyhle N Ih� =�:;i�.�:�'�:f!;eY.:.:.: <br /> Y Y;�L.,3' PrW�'N�CCOrUnce wT.h puag�Ph 7. :'::! � '.: <br /> -_ +}.. M hsunna poMGes�nd renexds sh�G be��ceplebie lo Lender�nd eh�l Mduda e al�ndud mort{p9e d�use. Lmdx shtY h�va 1h� �•re )�s�`+� . <br /> , - :s dph!to hold tho poliGos md rene.vels. 11 Lmder requims,Oorcower ahH prompty gke lo Landa e�recNryts ol pdd prmi4�ms�nd renewY �Eb;��o' ltw'�� � <br />��`����°- ` ��.�i nolices. In lho aenl ol bse, Oarowa ahall gha prompl notico lo lho hsurenco wrder end Lt�ndN. Lmda moy meke pro0i ol loss H rol •"r?`a�}'��ryrJRSi_.�: <br /> �i� .��,; medeP+�PN'by0onowr. " : � � e ': <br /> � 4!3 <br /> ,` Untess Lmder and 8onower othcixtse e9ree in wr"thg. insureneo proceeds sheY be app5ed lo restonlbn a repak o1 Ihe PropeM1y ,� �. �r��f,� <br /> , a dunyM, H Ihe rzctoration or repair is econoMaTj te�s�o a�d Lmdera sowrtry is nol lessened. II lhe rostonlbn a rep�Y Is nol ,.r,-T��{i ��5v.• - <br /> � economlcaly ICasbW or lendx's sewriry would te Iessene0,the Nsu2nw proceeds sheA 6e eppAM t0 ihe sums seWrcKl by Ihls Secu:ily t�iX:1��S4itifi�`�in%i�> <br /> s� -? InsWmenl,whethK or not then due,wth ony c.cew peld lo Oortower. 11 Bortower abendons Ihe Propttly, or d0os not onswbr wtthN 00 �� � � j ; <br /> S_5 �'1�e1�����.3� <br /> ;� A� days s notice hqn LendN thal ihe insuranw urtler has otltted lo seNe a Uam,tEm Lendtt may coVecl lhe Nsurqnce proteeds. LerWer �y'I.,��Z � r�y,y ' <br /> � <br /> mry use Ihe praeetls lo repn!r or�estom ihe Pfopaty or ro pay sums secured by ihis Secudbj InsWmmt.whelher a nol lhm due. The F(��¢� �{ „ <br /> ;_ '. 30-0ay P�od wl be91n when Ihe nol:ce 6 gt+m. '�5:f,�' S� ..: <br /> '�. Unless Lendr�nd Domowtv olhc+wise agree !n writing.any app�ceuan o� p�cceetls to prNUpal ahM not eztend or postpone the Ne I����.;� �7 7`h4�y�:_ <br /> �° �- � dale oi Iha monlhl/p6ymmia re�Med�o h paagrsphs i er.A 2 e+ctunge�he are[cal of the paymmis. If under peregmph 21 !he PropMy }- ' - _ <br /> a i j��t� is ecqu4ed b LcMCr. Oarowers�i ht lo en Insuar,co pofdes antl roceeds resu:.i� from mr.�EO lo the Pr n prlor to lhe n isaon � (���' <br /> l'� t,t .�r v 9 v G 9 �P �Y W� �i�_� . ,I: <br /> a ,� .,. <br />•-_�,;, ���t �, shei pass lo LenM lo the Czlent oi Ihe sums sewrM by Ihis £ecunry IrsWment hr.�etlialM� lo Ihe acquisPJon. ��=�' __ <br /> :: '��_,.",7. <br /> --` ;!•�.:;�qv 6. Occuponcy, Proservation, Malntenance and Protectlon ot tho Proparty; Borrower's l.oan t_;.-,'.i+y;t_ , ��� <br /> � � ' - �T AppllCilloOp LYIIBOhOIde.6ortowtt sha: oGa:py, eslab!%h,end usa the Prcpmy ns Oonowtt's principel rosldmca wChh s4ty days ��-. <br /> � - - aCer Ihe execullon ol lids Sewri.y InSWment antl shaA wr.5nue la ocapy lho Roperty es Oonowera pMdpN resideneo fw ot laast me <br /> '''+f`�'^,� yov afltt iho da:e oi oaupancy.uNess Lender othmvise egmes �n wreing,vrhich consenl shail not be unreasonaby wt�hhNd. a uNess <br /> ' - Cxtmueiing drwmsinnces exlsl whlch are beyond Oortowei5 wntrol. Bortower ch�7 nol desVoy.damage or 4npair Iho Propttty, a+ow Ihe <br />.-- Property to deiMaeto, or com�rit wasle on Ihe Propaty. Oonown sha9 be in detaa'1 H eny ec0on or proeecdmg.whc4htt Wi w i <br />� . begun Ihut M Lenders good lahh Jutlg:nmt eou4�escY in b<<cnure o�the Prop�vy or olhmrise rtwte+ietly Ynpn4 lhe im aN7ed <br /> - by lhis Secutlry In5wmml or Lmtler's security 4vnesl. Oorrowtt may are sucn e Jelautl wd minslete,es prorided In Da�egroph <br /> - wusing �ho nction or poceetl�ng to be dsmiszM wRh a m5ng thal. in Lmdtt's gootl lath dMertninatbn, precludes lak+".ure ol �he � <br /> ' •. Oortorrets IniCVesl In IhC Pfop&`� G olhtt maltttal ImpBN:irnl Oi llle lim uW1e0 Uy Ims 5ec�.rq inswmmi or imdats s�cwiiy minai � <br /> � ,��;_- 6a�ower sTall atso be h detauY,a Uc,�cwer. daMg Iho loan app:ca�ion pocess. gare matEtary fa'se or inacw:ele N!ortnstbn a sialnr�nU <br />- �.Y:`r,.-i� to Lm2tt (a taitd to povide L<r.Ctt xPh uny matMlal InformaCCn) n ConnMlon wMh Ihc IoBn CAAmced by Ihe hole. klW6ng. buI not _ <br /> �'�'S•�;.('i?:.� .� L-r11ed lo. represmtatirns eonumhg ficacwKS c.c:.Fanq ol tne ProDMY as a prindpai residmce. If Iha Sewriry Insln:mmt b m a <br /> _ "'•���`; -'�� Icasehc:d.Oortaxtt sha!comp�vrY.h o2 7ne p�v.s.cns ol Ihe lease. 11 6onov.c�acqvrtes Ice v'e lo �he F�cpMy,Ihe IwsehNd ond Ihe <br /> ,� `r._,j�{� /ee ECe stan nm r.mrgc o��ess me Lentltt a5+�s lo the mnger n mang. <br /> ,. rr .�1 <br />-'L:.�JJ±:/�. 1�. <br /> ,,.r �. <br /> •��`,:��,,.`' vapc l c�5 fam p]p 9A0 <br /> '�'±�}��5i',� F�oxiu+ot�o�i �� ���-h • "�� <br /> :- E��I° ..� XEAE <br /> c���1 P5 s i <br /> • rnrs � <br />