� , �it.'v ri5(� _ i f. _' . µr__ _ . . _.tlPL��Yta��fj7';N�j,yl�tlti:i w.�:.cv, i���y � r�1, .
<br /> .. ...."..i"✓.'Swt�,.t,n__s�2�.t�2n.air .�ld�..�i.a.r S�.'_..���''`:.- �w- .._._p. �1j.��
<br /> 92-» ��.�a./,. '
<br /> `-+ F/T(�jF F f t.�="
<br /> Z. /y�a . .�`P °C ::
<br /> , ���,s' •ti. �o�'rowM's RIpM to ��In1tM�. x Eonowu mrN�eNi�in conbuon��Oonowsr u�B h�v�tM Ayid Io hn��nloroermN , . : �� �" �-.:-.
<br /> : d�canYnuW N rry Wm P'�lo Ih�w1K ot:fU s dqr(a wch olhK{Nrbd���PDS�+EN uw wy epw�y la reN�lolMnw�q bMas�W r +� v rt tJ'r-'' s;�..
<br /> �F � '" • U ih� WopMy pwwvd to anY Powa N saN cwnWiW N thlt S�wrNy In�GUm�nll a N) ��Y ot � pdprmnt �nlucNp mis 8w�ly �-� .—
<br /> Er . ,
<br /> �-; i�: I�ttNmMl.Thol�OOndtlonl Iu��h�t AartOwM.(�)MY��dlt�i sufnt whkh Ihln would IN tfu�und6r thlt BwMiry Iminimmt Md�h� _-- :$ r ## '�
<br /> ' • Ncto H N no�ocMwfbn Nd occurtW; N) wrN ny dNwX ot �ny utha w•rc�xf W a�:,.�IS; (o) M:y eF e}yen�w NnurM N - _.' f,� , ,Y�-._�,
<br /> ,�,�--'�; �ntacY�y this Bku�Xy Inswmen6 hdudnp. bul noi kNlsd lo, ra+on�ble attomrya' fees; �nU (� t�kes �uch ecUwi r� LendM rmy z- - ,r,,. e -_.;-
<br /> s { �w�omby requY�lo uwn 1h�1 the Iten of tN� 8�cvrAy In�Wm�nL Lendr's dphlt N ih�Mopxry�nd Dortovrw't obiprlbn to MY 11�� 3 `4"y Y -.
<br /> l���'�""��" 6Wilf {OCVfld Gy �hU SOGVIIiy If16WMN11 tllY GOIIIVN� UIIChNQbJ. U(�DII f4Y161�!Mlltll bY OOROri'N. Ihd SOW�My hl{W�6tIS Md IFO ,'+� ti '� .'x'.
<br /> t� �� obipWOnt aewred hweby shM�am�in lunl etl/dM�at N no�aNaWan h�tl oeaxrstt. tfowwK,this ty1h1 to ninsat�shA not q+py 8 � -f.��r ':
<br /> . the eese ot eceelerelbn undx pu�gnph 17. y-�- �5�{5��,`�'_..
<br /> S"''��=�'i� 19. S�I�01?IM�.Cdai7vgD 9f LOPII $OIVICiY. The Note a a px"..�t h.2cF's1 M1i GVe CtaYe P.'^'�1�2+ v`�h tY33 S.'+vYi �z 'Tr,t�y"F�,S.''..
<br /> c �t 1 Ns4unmp miy 2e x&t cas a n�ere 5i^es wltwul pbr nolka lo Bertcw�te. A sdt :YSy nebdR h a eMnq:h Pt¢aeliry�a+�as 7�a --: �7'�-4 �c .
<br /> � `i�+��i 'Len Saryi:m')ihel cc�Lr�ts rnc��wi�fM�nx�2s d:2�cda Ne Nae r.Q tt�.H.S2au3i Yuluntrn R�ars rdso aa En ca2 ce m:m�Psa� ''�- ' i.,�' i , .
<br /> c E �^! 9'`s i�"t z �4 -}:�':
<br /> s e%� 7 ot U.�e Los�Szni:er un;elalM to t aa1e W the HaLx. J ttvers k a N.►Ae a tnt la.i Sxrkr+. Ba��+ar a�pa g�ci rsriixe�tw3icE eC iTee �, �E L�;y��
<br /> '��'"`.: . cR;nGZ M accordnace wth paragra;��+ 11�bove a�d M^GZ'-A�+e�'�. The mYra xi stalx i.*.o ena.x�nd a3izas N t?�e nr.v lew�Sne�S^.x €��� . -
<br /> ,i j>�:
<br /> ._.,�t�j f:z and the eddress to whbh p+ym�+1s shad be m�de. iAe ne:ve wif a`.so eontah any othx Etrnr�lbn raquYed Ly app9ca;le Lw. ��',t"'�
<br /> �f 20. Huardous $u6stencas. eoaoxer stal nel wase w Furne the {xaaiw. use, daposel, alon8e, or r�si o.' eTH
<br /> ��{�f��t �faurdous£ubCa�cxs cn a N Ihe P`opMy. OoROx'[t shU not do.Oor thou a�yDrtC�h�t0 do,urylh§n n.6cling 41e Propltly E�tt ic tn .
<br /> ��r�/1Ii� vI„�L•e�of any Ere�icnmenW Law. ifie prece6n,�t�vo s[nle�ces sheA nct n9:�to the ptNanc�,use, w ai:rre M the Propel�y at a�n � .'•
<br /> ff4�7{;tY�� qua•tfms ol Nuudaua A+bstu�ces th�l va g!neniy recogr.4�s1 Eo be aFprev�Y�a lo nomW resldenll�l utes �nd to assf�2xxnd d Iha _
<br /> nc i,{; Ra�MV. �,�� ---
<br /> 1i��. • e LmdH wriltm nc:ce ot an Nresllg�Uon. c!a':� dcmnd,4wauA a other a:tlm by�nY qatMnnMnW a .
<br /> c� t}w, � Borcowx ehYi.A'�Py'9�+ Y °-
<br /> �a��k?�;� repiMlory n3mey a prN�te pury Inrofvh9 tha P�o�erry�nd �nY fl�zudous SLW W:ce a Enrironn�enitl In«al whkh 6araxr hu adwl �i"��.
<br /> aFVtAU1
<br /> ������ k�o•xiedr,e. If Oortaxer leuns, cr is ncLfiou bp any govemrcenlN or regu9�ay e�theri.y. x9�t Ny tmar�!a oLher tHne�Ual d eny ��l
<br /> }, ��t H,za:cl�ua Subsknce aflecUt�3 the flroperb' I5 netessu/, Fvinoner Sh�i p�M�ptly lik2 uS rt>.saasuy�emedMl acllons in �ecttdnce wMh �g���
<br /> Y'e�i1�� �f Fn•.i.�:nm�allew. .t--
<br /> �{lh'��� 11s �aed In tYa peree�oph 20, 'ibzxruus Rt�slancra' �re lhose a�Saia.�soe tlzfned u lo�do a huuc4x.3 su:iUne�s b/ Y —
<br /> �1i`�i�"�`" EnWmmmtal taw md tho 1oaa�+ng s�6slancea: pesofna, kttosrne, a�e� fnr.�eb7o cr lo�o pN+deum produ�ls. toNe pnik�is ani o.�.�
<br /> ,rsri✓tiq�i auwr�.v -
<br /> i�k�y�(�n�fE httbkitka, vCWlo soktnU. m.itx0b conlainNg asbates ca iwnahkhyCe. oi� redioacCre mte�Yls. As usad In IN� p�r�{y�1{�: 20 „ _, -_
<br /> ,, a 'Env!rcfunenlel law' mon.:s �e3x�el Nws end Wws ol iT.e jwistl.cCm whno Iho Propnry Is locatod Ih�t rdete to hpNh, safey o 55�__: �
<br /> Tr��c�,�;i mNtarm�W1 pro:ecCon. - -; .-
<br /> �i a. '=r
<br /> �� +,yjj�;i� NCN�UN1FOr:t1 GDYENAMS. Dortowtt eaA lenEer lurlha covmant and oGree ea foCorrs �f�'{''t�
<br /> �ti�lS"`t( 21. Aacelor.nion; Aomodloe. Lan�er thall give notico 10 �onowor prior fo accalerallon loifosi,n� ���f£n}p ���x..��.
<br /> _+:��.i��{�`�� Borrowa'e bnach of any covan�nt or agnament In thla 9ocur7ty Inetrumont (ti�t r,�t prlor to accelarsiion /r:.e.'�. x�i ---_
<br /> .o e."r*"Y_ . � � . u 3t�'�G:.av �-_ ..
<br /> �.� _ r, undar p�ngnph 17 uNOSa apptlo�bN i�w proviues otharwisa). The noiico :���II iN:oty� (a� 9��: ..:.:c.., a tY;��, .. . . .. -..
<br /> fr� . (b) the ootiun requlred to cure tha defauit; (o) o dats, nM less than 30 daya trom the data th� nWiw it L ,� „
<br /> � ,{ ; Ivan to 8orrower, by whloh lh� deinult muet be cured; and (d) that follur� to oun tho dehutt on or ;,' {,,,,i�'�
<br /> f - -,� bafon th� dat� �peoltled In Ih� aolic� m�y r�oult In �ooaloraUon of lho suma taound by thit Saoudry '1tc-fF 't's ��.e �
<br /> ,t� ��,, , Intlrum�nt �nd sa��of th� Prop�rty. Th�eotioa shell fudher Intorm Borrowoi of th� rlpM to r�Tnat�t� akar }.�rk�+��:,����i�'��,..
<br /> .,.'„#�����t d�f�n�� MnBOr o ar to acc�tu+tlon and td�C�If lh��d tault Is not cund on or M4on th� dat� �p�oiti�d ,��F"t�j' ,`��1`�,��'•�
<br /> �`t`�? In !h� notic�, L�nda tl Its optlon may nquln Imm�d�ri� prym�nt In full of dl tum� s�ourod by thb � '�:'
<br /> tM1
<br /> :'!.;/.,;2� S�cudly Inttrum�nt without tudhar d�mmd and ma invok� th� pown of ��b �nd an dFwr nm�dU� � j,ti`�t f�ux,'�ct�
<br /> � p�rmiq�d by �pplic�ble law. L�nd�r �hdl b� mtitlid to coll�ot a11 �xp�ni�s Inownd In purtuinp th� , � � �{7 ���
<br /> �� "��' nmodlat providod In thle pHragraph 21, Including, but not Ilmitad to, ro�son�Ufe attomeys' f��s �nd ootts
<br /> `Y ,' _ . fJd lY.�-:
<br /> of tltio avidenc�.
<br /> ��;, If ti�e owar of enlo le Invoked, Truclee ah�ll rocord a noUca of defauit In a�oh aounty In whiah �ny 7 � ���; '
<br /> ._.��.,4 part of the Propody le locatod anJ thall mall aoploe of nuoh notiae In tho monnor presoribad by appllaaUU ' ��� �`" �'4 �,:;�
<br /> law to 8orrower end to lho olhor oraons �esorlbod b applloable Iaw. Arier the thne requirod by '.�'c;•"'i. �.�':�?•
<br /> P p Y ��
<br /> �� - ' ArpIIOAiIIB I6W� 7ruetoa sha11 pive publlo notluo of 88ID 10 1IIB POIlOIIO AOfI Itl tha m�nnsr pro�cribod by ; � �„ ,r'';.:
<br />-.-;��;;":' -��' applloaUia lew. 7ruetoe, without dmnand on Borrowar, sholl soll tha Property et publio auaUon to th� �d' �.�a,�.;_'y�:;,-_
<br /> � -�J' hlgi�oat biddor at tho llmo and pinno and undor the torme desipneted In tho notlao ot aoia in ona or mora - - : �.c. ' •�_;
<br /> � `-- ,'� paraete and In any ordor 7rusloo dotarminoe. Trustea mey ponipone sale of atl or my parcal of th� . < < �>���i Rr-��
<br /> ` ,,�;� Propody by pu6110 announcoinont at the tlma and plece of any provtously schociuiod fals. Landet or ile � _�y Lr��t f_ .
<br /> „,. ..r,fi, _ }, °,��,4;
<br /> dosignee may pwohaso tlio Wroporty at any ealo. l�,+ ° ;� - t c_ . �
<br /> '- `'� � Upon rocoipt ot pnymunt ot tlie pdco U�d, Trustoe ehell dolivor to tho purchaser 7metee's daed H- -. . - ,�.,:-
<br /> a v •
<br />_: y., _:{_��}'� convopinp lhe Propedy. Ti�o reottals in tho Ttustoe's dood shall Uo pAma (aclo evidence ot the truth of .
<br /> ' t �.f! tho atelomonte made thnroln. 7ruetoa sliall apply tl�o procoocis of ll�o eaie In ti�e followinp ordor: (a) to all .
<br /> , _ r� costs ond oxponeoa of oxaroieing lhe powor of ealo, ond tho oato, h�cluding lho paymont of lhe 7mntao'e ��_.� - . �
<br /> foon acWaliy Incurred, not to ezceed 3 Yo of ll�o pr6�cipel amount of the note et the lime oi the � ��: �
<br /> Jncla�ation of dateuk, and roasonabie attomoy's 400a as permlllod by]aw; (b) to all sums socured by thls
<br />����t�_�rk:j'-; st Socurily InMrumant; and (o) any oxcoss to lht� porson or poreona topo�ty onUtlod to IL i �
<br /> ':_f�y 22. R6COnVByanCO. Upon pay.nent o�eC su.r.s sewred by th!s Seany Inswmmt. Lmdtt shaY mquosl Tmslee to reeonvcy lhe
<br /> - Fopttly and sha7 surtendM Ih!s Securiry Inswment a�d all notes e+Wendng Oebl scanetl by lh!s Securiry Inswmcnl to Trusiea. Tmslee •
<br /> -" '�<-� �! shai recronvcy the Propnty w"r,hoW wonaary and wilhoul chn�ge to Ihe person or persons lega7y msied to M. Such D�*¢�or pasona she[ �
<br /> . � � - pay nny rcco�da5on cosls.
<br /> 23. SUbBlltuto 7fUStoo. Lendn, e� ns opGOn. mny Irom Gme lo time amore Tmstee on0 appoNl o suaessor wstw lo wy
<br /> - T�uslea nppoinfed hMCVndtt by an ins!n::nen1 reeotdee in Ihe tounty in which ihis Sewriry insirumml Is recordM. \Ynhout eonve/nnca ol
<br /> �ho PronavN.suceessor Wslee shaV suaeed 10 afl Ihe t.le,powtt ond du:ies wN�vrM upon T�uslee hercin und by epp5wbic Iew. ,
<br /> - � - 2A. Roquosl tor Nolieos. �anown recuevs thm«c�es oi�re rceces o� delaun nnd saie bo sml to Donowei s address wNch
<br /> is the fkoDe��f �ess.
<br /> � �-..�i 25. Aidnra to ihis S�ieurify Instrumanl. �' c�r c. mcrz +:ec.s are eaecaen Dy Bortower and recwded IogHher wilh this
<br /> ::� .
<br /> _ .. .j j �eaa�:� :rsl•c�mt tT.e eorer.a:;s an0 egrett^mu d ea<� scM r',der sra7 ce naryorsfea nio and shell ammd and supplemenl the
<br /> � <ovEnaf.'s al.19,t^FtrYtis ol ihis Secu'.y Ins::mM.t as 17 Ihe ridM(s)wMe a W�U this SCN/Ry l�st mM.l -
<br /> 4 ':FI
<br /> •. VaO•�c�S idm J:19 950 ..
<br /> � IR17'r ��
<br /> • N� GtJ(�1N31101)b 1[.. `' �
<br /> �
<br /> . �)i � �
<br /> __.._...
<br /> _-__.._._ -_..
<br /> . 2 ._.. ___ ___ _
<br /> _..._-_____ _ _._ _ ___
<br />