-S,, ._�._�� . ..._,.._�ri � .: -- ' ;a. �' -
<br /> —�' . . - . . _ . .... --'- .. �r G� �
<br /> �. '
<br /> '- < � .._ - _ - ' - . . _` _. ` r I_ J� l -
<br /> - F `t� f y<_ ` ��l-`r � � ��_--.._...._.r-�._.Y__....x. -,......«.a.. a'�.�5_.�...rr."�..5.�—.' _-— _— - _ _ `F - c2.__.�I � _i` ':
<br /> t -=� `+�("�" � � -�_Tl�.`— (`;
<br /> _ . . � - ' • �� •' �
<br /> . ' ` ' t: c
<br /> � .� 5.�zsrd ar PeapeR�Ia�urence. Baarower s�a1!keep the impmvemeats now e-xisting ar haeafier ccectcd an dee Propert�► , : .: �,:, .. .
<br />- . , . ins�ued�gaiast lusa by fu�fi�mrds inctuded aritLin the t�m"cxtendc�d aovc�age"sad enY mher I�ards.inciuding llaads or .. +`::.(.`,
<br /> . ` " 3Inoding.far arh�L�ader reqnires iasu�a�a This ias�u�ee shsll be m�intained in thc amaamts end for the p�iods that I.eader ' � � ..
<br /> . re�uir�s.'i�e insuiance wsler pmvid�ng the insw�nos s�aU be chosen by Bm[ov,�er snb�tfl Lender's e�ymval wtdc6 shaU aoi c .. �.
<br /> be un�sunabty withh�W. If BatmNer fails to m�inta�o cavemga d�aibed above. [ander may. at l.ender's uptinn. abtsin , .
<br /> . ` � ooveiege tfl prote�t I.cnda's righb In 11te Pco�eriy in accRrdame with par�gmpB Y. : , �
<br /> ` /W insmance poli�ies aa3 raiewats shaU be�oeDtabte tn Lender�d shall a�ctude a sta�sdard cnortga8e ctansc.Lendrr shall �:.y .� �. `
<br /> : `. '-z! have�he re g�t to hold the polisies and renerrals.If Lcr�er r�quIres.8oriower s6all Pmmptll+giv�w I.eader all ce�igts uf paid :" .' � �<<�� .
<br /> ' <<t' ttotICC t0 tkB titSIltBTiCC C81riCt 8IId I.EadCr I.CAd6r b ,� 4` �.
<br /> . .4:,�:f pma�ivans amd�eucwal nodces.in tne eveat of ioss.Bc�smwer sbai!give paompt , :
<br /> - �.; � may make pmof af toss if not made pmtuQdy by Barrower. �
<br /> ; n-�r�"'�1 Untess L�ader and Boimwer othernLge sgree i�s writiag.i�a�e F����ta3d to res�matinn ar repair of the t - - :
<br /> , ,'��. _ ed,if the r�axatian or repau is 000nomisally fea�►ble and Lender's secanrity i�nat le.sseued if the restm�tinn or .� .; ( �-�
<br /> `s, ��+�S woutd 6e teqsrned,the msarance paaoecds shaII be agplied ro the sums ' <�'
<br /> `` re�aff�s not eoonomically feas�b2e or Lcader's s�y � ' �c:;:�,;'
<br /> . .an, ' � ,'� secaaed by this Se�aaitY In.s�nn�m��wheti�ar nnt then dne.a+ith ai►Y exoc�Paid to B�wer. U Banower ahandans the ' ,.
<br /> �'- :' '•
<br /> .t'. . - prapeny,ar doeg noi aaswer withia 30 days a nouce fmm I�d�thai We insivauce c�risr Aas offered to setde a clsim,th� ,_ . •
<br /> 0
<br /> se�uted ..'',`:!•.�..°
<br /> -��. �. I.eader may ooIIect dte insmanre pmoeed4.Leades may ase the pmceeds to tepaur or resto;e tLe Yto�erty ar m pay snms °;:�:: _ .
<br /> �� .'� - - by dus Sec�ity Ias�t.wheth�or not thea dne.'11ie 3Q•day period w�16e�i�n wb�n dse n+¢�ce i3 g�en. " �� `'"�.��
<br /> ".�: iTnless I.easdar and Bmmw�othetwise ag�ee in writmg,a�N SPP��P��P�D�shall not extead os postpone � -�'�: - . .—°'
<br /> ��� 1 and 2 or change the amount of thu�p��s.If under pa�ap8 �•, T
<br /> 3` the dIIe daDe nf the monthlY PaYme�ts referred oo in p�trs . � _ .
<br /> � mea
<br /> �� 21 the Ptoperty is at�qaired by Lwder,Buaower's right to any msm�aace pa�and gc+�ceech•�esultiag fnom damag�to the � .. -
<br /> w �
<br /> 1V .c'�-�. . �.�-`._.
<br /> � - • pcapPaty p�ior m dce acqai�tioa shaD pags to l�nded to�e extteat of the sums sewred hy tLis S�t y►Instrumc,�t immediatel y -
<br /> .;fl:. '-; _ '� ���� ex 4y `Gx+..
<br /> ' lt�afa�anee an8 Pru�€on af the Prvperty; Barmw�'s l� APBH�nn;I.easshol�ta. , ,
<br /> 6 � .��+ ,..
<br /> 'f-. �:;, � _
<br /> -" �'t` Ba�cower shall naupy.estab�sb.a�u1 ase the Pra�ty as B.c�wer's p�cipal�+esidsnce wisLa�acup days alirr the e�c�of , .
<br />��F
<br />-= . . thiy Secarity!�¢nr.eut�►d sbail continne ro aa�py the Pc�:y as Bmsower's piinr.i�at r�e for at Ieast ane year after the - ; '—
<br />_ - -- � ---- date of�capancy. rml�Lende�othetarise ag�ees in wr•`�8,whic� cansen�shaII not be�abiy w�thheld.or�Iess .•r.`�.
<br />= e�ua�mg�stance,s e�st wluch are beyond Barmwes's c�nuaL Buirower shaII nnt d,estray:d3mage ur impair die PtoPerty►, �� ..;-
<br />- �; . : aIIaw the Prapezty to detaio�aLe.ar commit wa�m►ti`�4�COperiy.Hormwee shall be m dafauls if aay f�feidue acrion or '�'� �,�.�
<br /> r�. is that in Leander's ad fanh jadpneat canid r+esaln�forfeaUue of the Ropercy or �• '
<br /> < p�oo�ding,whethei dv�ar caimina9, begim �
<br /> � - otl�wise m�tariaUY�mPaQ the Ti�created by�S�y Insuameat or I�r's securicy mrar�ss.Bc�rmwer may cu:e sach a �`��:
<br /> m�t r
<br /> r' c�sin the action or pmceedmg to be d's�d w�h a niling tLat.m :•��:,.
<br /> . , d e f�I t a n d t e m s t a t G a s p r o v i d s d l a p a r�r a���.b S► 8 , ` .�,
<br /> ;*.� t � LE¢d'�'s good fauh det�a�.P�ecludes f�.^e ttif t'�«3�ormwea's�nte�est in the Aro�eriy.ar o��c mar�dal impaument of :..
<br /> � ' �p�a s s�y���H o tt o w e.r s h a l t�b e m:d s f�l t i f B o n oR�,,drain g the ,�::,`,`,.,.��,�
<br /> .`r�k' t he��e a t e d bY t h i s S e�i i Y o r L e a d e r'
<br />_ ��`{�t,��'';��{'r� � t o��y t�n p r o c e s a.S a v e�r�r i a l 1 Y f a L s e o r ama��otmation oz stateaneuts t�t,�er{or fa�ed to provid.:tc�er with �� ,� �'..
<br /> , .. ;F - aaY maresial infa�arion) in conneqion avith the toan eviQeaceA by i h e Note,in c l�d�.g.b u t�n o i l i m i t e A m.��s ' ;.` ,'���'*•, '� .
<br /> s�,;.�._�.,.
<br /> ` canceaning Bo�rr a's oocapancy of We Ptop�cg as a primapal resideno�.If d�is Secaniry Ins�attent is on a lrasehold,�nssuw� ,. . . .
<br /> . , .�' s6at3 c�mply arah all the pmvi�ons of the Ieas�.EC Tc�sr�wea acqaaes fee 6tle�o the Ptoyeray,t8e�asehold�d the f��e s�II. ;... ..� ..�_t.���'.
<br /> � an��aalesg Leada agees m the mcag�m w:��g. � 'r -
<br /> . ... 'L�rnteetton aYl.ead�s Rights Ln t�e Prope�ty: Lr t�ower fa�s to peafosm the cav�and a�reCaaents cantained in r• ; ,�;=-
<br /> � � si �fir�antt affect Lender's e�ghts in dte PmPertY(sucb as a '"r . �-.
<br /> - �Seauri�ty fns�meat,�thrae is a lega2�t�t�aaY P� Y
<br /> eQUn
<br />- p�roc�eding in ban�uptcy,Fmbate+for cn�n or f�f e i ti u e or w e u f a n c e t a w s ar r e�n a D a d nos),th�n�Lead�r ma y do and p a y ,,_ +�`'+�':.
<br /> r ... . �iF :.1���_'..
<br /> far�aiever is nec�ary to protect the value of the Pmp�sty aa�Lea�d4a's rjgbts in the P�erty.Le�t:ea's as�ions may include ,;:,-' �• ::.�,:
<br /> ` O�k'�E±�Y� so�red by a�which has priuriry a�t�thiv Sec�iry Instnuneat,agpearia8 in comt.paya#g e�asoAabla ; '��;=;.
<br /> � ` D�T•�� ` , -
<br />- ::,,,,�'�''t.� ----`-` �:�,s a�l eAle�Ing a�:�Prope�ty to make iega�Althongh Lwdes taay taka 2�OU attd�ttds � -
<br /> r�1�4� : i r. y'.
<br /> daes,r�e3.z'�aCt3t�L+s. -
<br /> � • ` !�'; Any am�r�.d�uised by L�des an�ei n�;s pam�aph 7 shaU baco�Eddi8onal debt o.Bo�rower se�ed by this Sec��tS . �;;� v
<br /> ;., '� : � r� I�e,a�Untess.Bmiow�and Leuder z�e+to other trnns of paymeat,these amouar�s shait bear inteae.st from the dsie aE --. _; , —_
<br /> . .`; ��, �.� dzsIIaasc,ineAt atthe Note rate�d shall be pay�x.with m�upon notice frora lander to Bflrrower reclae�ting DaY�t .. —
<br /> dL ' .i..:;:.='_
<br /> . "�. .� .:��` S.1V4artgage Ynsnram� If I.e�der requ�ed�mt�ge insiaaaoe as a canditfoa of making tde Ioan secar�d 1�tia�Security► , . � ,°�: ,
<br /> �, . �m � .�.
<br /> t � Ins�nea��Barrow�shall pay the p�an"s�s iecla�s�e0 to maiataia the mortgage insmanca In elYect. If�far�cs�nn.We �• � ^n-"
<br /> �..; : . :<. '.• moitgage�ce voverage required by L�s�„di�r Iapa�s or ceases to be in eff�t.Boao�►et sha]I�r�e��quired ta _" ' : _ -
<br /> � . o�n cov�e sabstantially eqoivale�t t��aort�age Insureace previonsly m effea.at a cost�Y�x'-�ns w ti.r� . � -
<br /> . ;��'„ .,�� ';, ,`:; ea�as Hormw�of ine mort�ss instuance gteviansly in effect.frosn an aItranete msos2gage ins��provai(�`r �tdc�.L . .
<br /> - ; ��,�ti{ . '. �. :4 suf�ntiaIIy eqnivaleat ma�°�suiance coverage is not ava�7able,Bacmwea sAaII.�+¢o Leada eacb mou�a mnz�d t,* ..�` .., .
<br />�{!: � .
<br /> oaa�twelfth of the yearly mo��insursnce pm,mium being paid by Bomao�ea when die ffismance coveaage lays�4 cs�ta ��'f � T��,�a��
<br /> ;f'f : be ID effea.I.c��er will aoceg�,cse m�d�n these payments as a tass res�ve in tieu of martgage insuisnce.Lcss�re :.
<br /> i .,�
<br />_.��t.� .. - . .
<br /> �{•ii. , Fem�SO?fJ Qlfla ,
<br /> , i ,�� �-ffIR(NE�csz�a�.o� V��o9o18 Inr.lIIbt_.--- .
<br />�� .'f . ... �
<br /> �. �`fs�:;;' .. �y. � ��. : .��. � .
<br /> '� � :��ty.:�: �: .,�,��
<br /> :. `�'�' � ;s� �r.�'. . • -
<br /> � . . ,r;17; . . . . . �. . . . . . � ..... , . . . .. ... _. � . '
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