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<br /> _ n '�i✓ F S t . i'Cy�: .`8 t� f:.
<br /> � ,` ' v'`� "._ ...,, . xrS.�-� '� '- ._; - � � .��., E4 ;tF� `F A .
<br /> _ r •�.,Y:: - - _ .: :�. � �..,.._ _ ,_...:.5......." _ - cY�:� .
<br /> • Y ' - • �C 3T�T.="4' - - - -- -.—�;�.��.._ Y+i'i.'�'��-- " '"4,f �
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<br /> . _ � .. . � :F�.
<br />- � . 4� nil ��6����� ' � " '.t_
<br /> ' r. "��o� r .
<br /> 'I�OGEI'HE{t WtTH all the improvements now or Aarcufter e3ectt�d an tlsa pmpaty.aad aIl eas�meAts,aPPu�aanc�•aad � .
<br /> W
<br /> . �� .� ��' Sxpues aow ar heaeafter a part af the PmPc�ty►•All reAlac�nents and addidmf�s shat!also be covered by this Secuzity Ias�uma�t � . :
<br /> � ' At1 oithe fmregoing is referred o�in this Seauityr Inswm�tas tLe"ProPrn7►,"' � � ,x';
<br /> . BORROWER COVENANTS that Borroar�is lawf�tly seised of�h�cs�de hereby comeyed and Itas the right to g�ant and . . -.. <.�
<br /> . coavey the Pmpe�t,stx!sh.�!s.l±A v�c�em► is unencumbored.e�at fvr eamtmbraaccs of rcxord. Banower warrants artd will ' :
<br /> ; ,�; , � �3eefead gc�emlty ihe tide w the Praperty against all claims and dem�ds.se�b�t�m w any encumbrauces of mcard. > . :
<br /> f
<br /> � ���,9�� � THIS SECURITY INS'tRIJMEN'P cambines uniform covenaaits fa•r aa�fm�al use and nou•unifom�covenants with timited • . ,
<br /> . . � " _.� vasiattnns by jwisdictioa[n oonsdwte a uniforw security inauvment covs�srpg eeal progeaty. . • ; _
<br /> IJ1�ilFpgtM CpVENANTS.Honower and I.eader wvcaane and a�a3 faIIows:
<br /> �`— - � 1. ent of�ine�p�1 and Inter¢st;P�epay�ae�a�1•�te CUar�{�. Borrower sGall promP�Y �Y wheu due the , ..:'. • .• ,: ;
<br /> -��— - � e�P Prep - ,-...
<br /> � , _ Ptiacdpal af and In�on the debt evidenced by the Nous and aay pmpapmmn and iate c�ges Que uader tfie Plate. ��'�-':` - ,
<br /> L Funds for Taxes�d Insnraace. Subject w apgtisable I�rn ar m a�wriuen araiver by Laada. Bormwer shaU pay w . °. - .. r�a<
<br /> ` , � Leadet an ttte day monlhly paymeats aze dae tmder ttt4 NotB.nnt�1 tUo Nutn is paid in fnll.a svm("Funds'�for.(a)Yeuly►taxes . ;. �s .•.; .
<br /> - ' �� aad ass�anatts arhic6 may auaia piiority over this SCcuritY Insaument as a•iicn oa the Propert�.(b)Year1Y Ieaseho2d paymeats . : . *, .�
<br /> premium� earI l�od insurance piemiums.if .�'..::
<br /> - . . .., . - - or�ound ram an die Prap�ty,if�y;(c)Year1Y 6a�d ar prope�y�a�: (�Y Y `•�°' . �
<br /> .. ,. , ; '
<br /> ` : �Y(e�Y�1Y��8e�P��if any;ead(�any sums payr��a bY Boimwer w Leader.in ecxordanoe with the ,. •,� .
<br /> " provisina4 of gardgrdpL 8.m lieo of the gayment o£mortga�e inaur�aa�rema�ms.'ithese items aie r.alled"Fsaow Itans." E
<br /> �� Leadcr may,at aaY dme.collecc and hatd Funds in an amnamt not tn mcca�t3�e maximam amoimt a 2eader far a federall�� �r � � ,
<br /> °" "' � . � mo�ge Ioan may req�ue for Banower's esaow eccouat ander tho fedms�'•Rea1 Fsta�Seulaaeat Pmced�Act of 19T4 as .,:k,:.;:': � :�, `.;'_
<br /> • � � 3 ameaded fcom time to time.l2 US.C.Seaion 2601 et seq. ("RHSPA7,aai�ss aaathea 1aw that applies w the F�ds sets a Ic�+ea �---
<br /> . .4 Smotmi U 50.Leudet m3y.�any tirne,Coltect aIId:6old Fimds im e��rntunt not L�exCeed the tesse�eiu0utu.Leuda maY .:.r � . -+��"a`�'�
<br /> estima�tLe amo�rnt of Fimds dne ao the bads of a�aeatdata and�eavauab{u��stimat�of e.xpendina�s of fauue Ess�aw It�s or ', - `•'�
<br /> iea aw .,
<br /> Ir
<br /> 01�61'GIIlSB�A 2�CC WL1�I 8ji�}ICdbT613W. ' t : ' � '^
<br /> jip �.
<br /> � s 'ilte Fan�s sbaII be hed�ia an insutution whose depasits ace�bY 8 federal ag�cy,�ea�litY,or eatit3►Cmctadn°g a : 4
<br /> .. . ' •:: I��.if Leada"s sucb an institutinaj ar in any�derat Home LaEn Bm�ir.L+ead�shaII epply tl�e Fimds ro pay the Fscm�► �
<br /> t ; 4
<br /> >•.;��; Items.I.euda may not ct�ge�osrower far I�o2diag and app3yiag the F�dsy.x�Y�g��ow acoo�m�ar verifqmg . `:' rY�::
<br /> � ;; �: , the fi�row It�s.miles�s Leades pays Baao�ver in�eiest aa the Fands aad�a�g+ti�4tIe L�va�Le�der m amke snch a cl�g� .`,S,ti .�:�: �
<br /> {,>, l;, �'.
<br /> .;�1�`� Hoaevei,Ir�der may re�aQe Bomowes w pay a aae-tlme c�e for an,iti.�.,,,a�•.��=�:c�l estate tax reportiag service ased by �:� '4'� �-.:.,
<br /> ' .,' I.eoder ia conue�n wuh this I�n.untess appficabte law grovides ath���an aSr�ent is madE or applicable 13w s�} .,�� •''``'¢�-
<br /> �' •- � B mt�.st or�gs on the Funds.Borma+es and :
<br /> mte�est to be paid,Lend�r sbaII not be ra}4vrd w PaY ��5' � , �; _
<br /> ;x , i�dpr maY agee m wiifmg,hnwever.tbat interest s6all be pai�on the Fands.I.eader s4aII give w Soaower.w�hout charge,� a � �: Y o;,
<br /> �l�i1yr.,. . ; �':
<br /> r. ana u a l aeoouadmg a f t he F�d�s howing c i e d i t s a n d d e b i i s m t h�F a n d�a a d I h e p u�p ose for wluch eacb debii to the Fo�was y ^,;;t �
<br /> ,:.,�;r, , ;' made.'Ihe Fands are pled�fi a��ional serArity fat aU sums s e c�u e fl by.t t�S e a u i ry I n s O r a m e a►t s, ,`
<br /> � eci <•< <f �.���_�`�
<br /> �;� � ,
<br /> ' ��,' If @ie I�ands Qe2d by L��ceed�e amoimts permiued w be deitl hys�applicable 1aw,Lmder s1�aII asoount w Bauow�f o r �' , `���"
<br /> - 't. J'.. 1 eYifCLHYI�-..
<br /> ��` , „t�,;�s�. the excess Fim�s ia acw�rd�o��h��eam of apptic�b3�1sa.U dte amonnt of t6�Ifiads held by Le�d�at any time i� " � -=-v
<br /> ^ ;��, not s�uieut w�the Fsr�o�r�mms w-h�a�.,cc,I,euder may so notiffy Bmr�wer m writmg,and,ia such case Botmwer shaD PaY : .•..°..�'!s����;
<br /> ',, � fim Y i . . ,., �'' r,..
<br /> to Leader the a�mt n�m�W �he tlef�cy.Bmra�o-s�tt�D make�the deficieacy in ao more thsa twelve ,..,.,�,;r^.�k;
<br />� 1 ''��Y� �,atl.entte�ssalcd�c�edon. t�rt'�� � _
<br /> ,�;;�>s` . - ���Y P� in fiill of aD sums sec�ued by this Secvriiy Insuwncnt�I4eader shait PmmPUY refimd to Bomnwer mry Fmtdg ;}�`,�r''=,. `#�`°..
<br /> ;�' UPan PaYme.-"i r:F..
<br /> . hetd by l.ead�tE.uudei p�agtaDh 21,lcader sha11 acqt�e ar sel�dt�Ptape�ty►,1.��.Prior to the acqtusition ar sase of the S`��f�,.,. .�t,
<br /> 8gii �"`� _,
<br /> �'� p�aF�tY.shaD�hJ any Fnnds held by Ix�der at 1h6 time of arquisitiat�or sa�+e as a cmdit agaurest the snms seaaed by this , . ,�.-
<br /> K ��5:
<br /> � , S�PP�of Ya� Ualess applicabM law��idos oth�r}�e,aII P�sv�IS tece5���Leade�tmder p2ia,gtapt�s �;��`.�� �1'
<br /> . �' !a�C 2 s4aD be ap�lied:fm�.�o anY ptePayment cherg�s��e uades Ws Idot�sec�d,tfl �.r:�:='�r�.��h Z: '`'��,. -
<br /> :,r,�. thad,w mtem�du�fo�atL,tn Ps�aeipal d��3lass,•to any Iate el�gccs dne sader theNote. � . ����� � Y���
<br /> u
<br /> . �r; Q.C6ae�IInxns, Ha�sawa s6aII�s,i3�ea,assessm�nts,d�.fite,s and�mpositior.�atulbutable to the Progert� � ' _
<br /> . "`, w6icb may ai�m priority over thls Seauitp I�ent�and Ie�okl pap�te,nts ur F�uud rents.if aAy.Batrowea shaD pay� ° " ' �-,
<br /> � ��- � obligaIIOns�n tIIs mannes provided lu paragtaph 2,ar if noi paid In tt�A mflnner.l3��vet shall pay them on time di�ty to t� ��. _-�`°r.:.,,_-:
<br /> • T - ,, pason awed paymeat Bormwes sdall P�P�Y fumisb w Lender aU nmicrs af r�nts w be paid�der d ri s para�ap d.� �-�:=�—=.�
<br /> • • .��..:`� Bormwu ma�s tt't�e paym�ts directly,Borrower shail promptly fumist�tu L.�de�c sea�prs evideacmg the payma►ts. '°-�
<br /> •ji`•;` Bosrower��rs1J pruA►DVY di�d�ge sn5+�whict�I�as priority m�r dtis S�t�soument antess Boaoares:(a)ag�es u?s —
<br /> . , �,:;f�' writ�g ta tIIe�a���t of the obli�on seca�d bY the lien in a m�u►sa°acce.ptahle�.Leader:(b)contests in good faith the Iusa ,. -. . -_
<br /> be, ar deS�s agai�nst enfumo�►ent of tte tien in. Iegdl. proce�din�s which in tire Lender's opiaian oy�ate w preve�nt t�s �,ta.:; � � .
<br /> . �.,�enrment ef Q►e lien.oz(cZ secures fra�i t�e holde�o�the llm�agicement�'acwry w Lender subardinating the tiea r,� • �,�,:.::_:=.T..�;._:._
<br /> . .. this Se�ariry 1�enL If Lendea der��1�ai any pint o!ihe Ptapsaty is avbject w a lle�ahich may ausin priariry ov�dsia . ,��r,:.. ..: . , -
<br /> � Securiry:�cr�+-�-Lender may give Banawer a nodoa iden�fy'rng t1�s lien.Botrower shall sadsfy the tiea or mke one or ma� ' . �',':s,r_��
<br /> � � �.s,� of the acduns set forth above w�thin 10 deys of t�e�g of notIc�. ;;:� '. '�`'����'
<br /> :. .. Form8020 8l9Q ��is':�: ': ' . '�'•.
<br /> : ��R(NE)t��zt.ot vaqo2ate mmam: �:'? . ,' .
<br /> . .. � � , .
<br /> • : • •� ., ,. , .. .� . . , . . . . . .. �.. . ; •.
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