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<br /> �t�._:� i�_ - •t. _ .-- — � - - 4' � -ai4.s .s�n:�, -
<br />- -Z-`r_ __ .F . - , ` ' �'��ti..` ,•`1'•�-':'� � _ -- ..::.s_.___ - - " -t c.�" .
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<br /> .. ".�..4�:
<br />. . , .. <. r.:�. ���. .•
<br /> �. , •_ � paymc.ats�ay as tonger be requIIed,at t6e option of I.c.nder,if martgage insuranoe wverage(m t6e amotms and for the petiad ` .F. •�
<br /> .. . tbat Ieadea requiies)Dmvided bY aa ins��pN'°ved by Leader again becomes available and iv o5tained.Borrawer sl�ll,pay the � .
<br /> • . P��luired m mainrain mort�ge�s�anc�in effecK.ar tfl ptovide a Iass reserve.imnl the reqnirem�t far martgage - "��' � *
<br /> ` wtiitat ait i�etwaen Boaow�and I.endec or apglicabte law. � ; 4 " .
<br /> ' .�,,� r.' uuw�ce�nds in aaca�daac�wnth aay �eem : ' � `
<br /> ' uw ,
<br /> �. - � S.�p 2 q i�n- ��r i i s a g e�n t m�y m a k e�nahis ea�ies a�g a n aad i n s p e�x i n n s of the Propaty.Lender s6�ll�ve .
<br /> - � � �`, • r�1e cause far thc iasner,tion. �� �: .�`.
<br /> - `- � - Bmrow�notic�e at the time of ua pri�r to aa�on s�fjr�tg ; „ -_.
<br /> . .". 10.Candemaetifln. The proceeds of any award or ct�m far da�tagos. ditect as conseq a e u t i a i.in comt e c ao n v ri t h�n y .
<br /> � ,.;. • af the ar fur conve unoe m l ieu o f o o n d e m n a ti�n.ase h e�e b y a s s i 8 nod and ,` °
<br /> • • oondemnalion ar ather tal�ng of aaY Fart �O�Y• Y . . ` .
<br /> •� . •( stiall�paid m Leadra �` � :
<br /> '�'.,`` °�_?` Ia the eveat of a total taking of the Pmpe�ty,the proceeds shalt be applied to the su�seaued by this Serauity Inst�tmcent, _ ,_ -
<br /> � `����;�= whethQS ar not di�dae.with any eacess paid w BaAawer.Ia the cvmtof a pa�tial tal�ng of the PnopeAy in which the fas m�cet =s-;- -.'�_
<br /> . - vaiue of the Prope�ty immediaielY before the�g is eq�ml to or gceat�thaa the amount of tLe smns secured by t�is Secarity . � :�.�:
<br /> ' � Insmnmeat �nmediatetY he�'aie the taking,tmle� Bmmwea aad I.euder othe�rise agree iu vniting,the sums secaued by tbis
<br /> . 1 � ' Se�i1�+Instrum�t sha116e reduced by the amount of the praceeds muitiplied Iry t�e foltaweng f�acuon:(a)the mtal amomu of
<br /> " . � -��� the ffims se�red immediasetp befoie the tat�ng,divided b�N)the fais ma�et vaine of the Piaperry immediatgiy befote the ,
<br /> ` .. ta�ng.Any balance sbaII 6e paid to Bomowe.�In the evwi of a partial ta2�ng of We Pcopem►m ahicb the fair market valne of the i'. : ;:.�
<br /> ' • � ``���" Pcop�aty nmmedauetY 6efare ttta �htg is Iess than the amaant of the snms secu�1mme�aLelY before the taking,uaiess - -
<br /> . .,i.., . . . . . ;,",-:
<br /> :, �',-• Bo�mw�and trnder oih�wise ag�in wri�ing�m�a�rPtitadle law ot6eawise provides.the pr+oceeds shaU be appi'ied m the
<br /> - sams seaued by this S�nty Ins�umeat whether or not the snms a�t5ea due. ` •
<br /> - If the Aopeity is aba��aned by Batrower.or i��t natiae by I.�der w Barrower t4at the cand�tao�offess w make an a . -
<br /> � �'�°`� ��ard ar settle a claim f�r,i�ages.Bmmwer fa7.s�n�d tn Lender withia 30 days after the date the t�nii�e is given,Lender .�:..: : . . ... -
<br /> . i�a�harized to colt�t aac��,;p�S►the Fmceedg.at�es�.+eithea tfl�or sepair of the Ptvperty or m the sums sec�ed r'� `,,-
<br /> e t �r
<br /> � � �' '�< by tAis Secaaity In.strumeni,whether or nott�ea dne. t' �•� ' �`--
<br /> ° ` �' Un2ess Lendec aad Bo�wea otheavvise a�m�iai�;;,aay agp�rion of psuoeeds to priaa�^�E sbaD nat ex�td or postpone � ``.,��. `.j'�`,�i
<br /> � � -";,,�. tLedv�dareof the mont��yme,ais refeaed ro in��s 1 and 2 or change t6e amountof sach paymeats. '��� s.. f,�r,�} �,.:
<br /> c ���� 1D.Borrow�Not B�:Foabesranoe By P.r�dt�s�iot a Waiver. Bx�sion of dte time f�payme�E�madifu�tina ,� ..�:;i,���� -
<br /> � f of ara�ro¢atton of the su�s.s�ued by tbis Seauity r�sarmQ,r�by L�dra to any saocessar in inteaest of Bonowa shati . �r =
<br /> � ��f not a�to releaSe the liab�ity of the otigmal Borrcwet or Bair.��'s suoce,ssois m mt�est.I.e�ded shaII not be�w F , ,:�, �.-:
<br /> �s,��f`s;s'�>"� Ss��l►��m mteaesc or rzfusa[o extead can�for paymea�t ar otheawise madi�y ama�ion of <'
<br /> ;r t., CpID�ACe piOCCCdiA ;{. ��'r,?'"��'�L.
<br /> ` f , 4 �' ibE S1IIa9 S�IIIOd�S}I t�1IS�tY�IDi�bjl Iq9Q�3 Of�i�d IIIadE�►1hC OII�A2�HnTIpWQ O!BO7IfLWPJ'S SIIOCESS018 s �.-•
<br /> ; �
<br /> �'!', ,�� ' �: m�.AnY f�am��.`Y Lendea m ea�ea�cising ar�right or remedy sLaD not be a waivea of or p�ectude the exescise of any r ��r.`��,-
<br /> ' �i� `�� rigpi�rre�tedy. . �;.�� _ '; xa .,
<br /> ;�`���rf� 22.Suoo�ars and Asvgns Boamd;3oint and S�vv�al Lfabflity:Co-sfgnwa'the coveo�nts and �greemeuts of �is 'r- '•:;•� ;',;?_
<br /> ,•��#���r, Secaeigr Insmua�t sha11 bmd an�6.ea�s.the sua�ss�s and assi�s of I.eader�d Bom��er_sub�ect to the�v'v S�s cAf ' lr� � �g_
<br /> '� '.. parag�raph 17. Buaoa�'s cove�oaniv �d agee�:�a s�ll be joint and seveaal. Aay Bo�s�er who co-sigas e�ity �f
<br /> ' � T.�s�ra�t but d�s not 2xzium the ti��a)is c�,n�ng d�is Sea�rity Insavme�nt an�y ta m�tgage,Sr�at and convey that ��f ' � ��;;`
<br /> .; �
<br /> _ 'f . �Boraow�'s a�sc in t�a iReparp►ua�fAe tea�o��ls Seauity Ius�nmen�(b�n�uoi.gasa�aliy obUgit��ma.p�the sara.a ,��r- •�;:
<br /> , ,3 r.,� s�by dt�Setauity Instramec�ar�C�)ap�s�at Leadea and any otSea Baaower mag:qg�to exteud.madifj►,fess�s�ar °} ,, '��•-,,"�,
<br /> 5' �: . � �oas with re�rd W tbe trams of tbis Secucitg Instrome,nt ar the 1�IoFa wit�a�t rhai Batmwea's conse�+s. ..� . � ,� • ff:,,•r„
<br /> , ..:; 8nY
<br /> � �,i�}t1s� ;t-`
<br /> __�--�_��;. �.l.t�C�arge�- If ttte lo�secare,d by this Sectmia�Ins�atnent ss subject m�1mv whicl�s�t4 maaimum I�u C2�7g�, �.�, ��...
<br /> e9 �
<br /> t ` .. and tbai 1aw is fmaily imteapreted so that the mterest aa cxher lonn ch�ges coIl��r to be�liected'm cannection wide t�e taan ,,. Y. � '--
<br /> �
<br /> , .-- exceed the pe�miued timits.thea:(a)any sucb loan c'�ge s1�aD be redaced by the s�saunt n�►to reduce the c6arge av the :.' �
<br />. „�.t� ,;'s�'�`'. pe�aiued 1im�and(b)�►y sums al�ady►coIlecxed fmm Bomnw�ahich excea9ed pes�iued�w�l be r�fanded ta Boa��. �d` =
<br /> 'r�;�w�;���::. land�may c�oose w ma�e this refimd by reQacing ihe principal owed audec thc Na��a�taaldng a dir�pay��to ``' `�--_
<br /> a T:. -;� Baaowed. If a cefimd redaces pr�,the mdncdon will be tseatrd as a paidal Prepaq�a�c�zthrnrt anY I�Y����8e .�'•�
<br /> . �_�,: ,
<br /> . imdu Q�e Note. � _ -_
<br /> mdu
<br /> , lA.NoHces. At►y tur�ce Lo Bormwet pmvided fur�this Seauiry lnstrameat�Aa11.be�ivea by delivai�it ot by mailmg it � ..,, - - --
<br /> : ��. by fi�st c1�ma7 tm2ess aDDlic�ble taw reqntres ase of anoth�method.'tte nodoe shail be+�ted ro the Prapaty Ad�s or � : __.'� --
<br /> ` an y atfier s�ss Baavwer deslgnates by notice tn lrendea.My uotice to l�ender shatt be�a�a by flrst ciass ma7 to Lear�r's �,��, .�
<br /> ' address smteA heaein ca��ry oth�ad8ress Len d�d e s igaatES by nouce w B rn maer.A n y n a d c e p s w i d e d f o r i n t b i s S e c�i ry � '"" ,
<br /> . ,.,
<br /> :. .•
<br /> .. �
<br /> � � '� InsCrament shall be d�d¢o have been g'�ven to Bomawra or Le�tdcr whea�pv�t�s gsmvided i�Uris paragraph. � °��-
<br /> . , �` • YS.Garveraing l.ew;�vera631tty. 'If�is S�aairy Insb�ma�t shall be g��rnea by fcdraal 1aw and the law of the �.: � ` �
<br /> � ' '� • � .
<br /> " ..,�.�'i., =. j�nn m wh�ch the Rupeaty is located.In the event ttiat any piavision or ctause of this Secmity Insaumeat or the Nota � . :'. .. -
<br /> dl '
<br /> � ,}, ; cantlte�with ayplicabTe 1aw.sach canflict shall not affect oth�provisians of t1�Security Insacaunent or the Note al�caa be ��.,��v i�-,
<br /> s�+, �s�.}�: : n.To this end the visIons of thiv Sec�iry Ins��zat and the Not�aie dec�d ro . '.j�s�'°;. �
<br /> , ",:�;�;.i;� St�►en e�ect wWiout the oanftict�og pmvisio Pm � ,�kt:
<br /> ' be sevetable. `..�,�:,:
<br />_ . . ;. . .
<br /> . ��{: :�1�:. `''` Form 8029 flro0 .� ,. . .
<br />-_ ,�;�1�,;:.'•
<br />_ ��'i}�j'i�,:��� ��86t(NE)cc2�a�.o� aigoao+9 �nmats: -------- • •
<br /> �•
<br />;:.: .' . . �''a°��'.��:� . .�.
<br /> K. � _.. . . . .. . � . . . . . . . . . . . : . : .<.,. . . . . � . . . . . . �, .: . ' . .
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