f ,.J.`r �. . � i�`-C. t � ��_.o,., -t „".C'�S-� 4 R i ..
<br /> _ r H — _ s , y1., - � " �i ( � �� --,
<br /> . . � �,{ c i` T 5 r t 4��''
<br /> � tV; "` ° a ' �. u=�n IL °� =t e .� -`" F �G"
<br /> :�''`' � •} r r:- ti E-` .� - , , .
<br /> •�}'. i � _ - `� `r.-t.-
<br /> - - :ti•'
<br /> L ..Q�. _... , ���;
<br /> . E �.--.,� `S._r c
<br /> subctantiai[y equivalent mortgage insuran�-e co�•erage is nne avaiiable.Burruwer shatt psy to Lendrr exch�nontn a sum zquai w �—�� <�`
<br /> � � ' o�re-twelfth o€[he yearly mortgage iayurance premium being paid bq Borrower vehen the insurance coversge tapsed or censed to `. .r `5.
<br /> •�� `� � '' be in effect.Ixnder will accepc.ase and retain these paymetrts a+ a loss re�erve in lieu of mortgage insurance. I.au re� ` • .
<br /> ' ��� • tinaof Lender,if mort • e insurance co��erage lin the amount and for the perio� •� � ��'�
<br /> �,.:.f.,.` ; pay�nents may no longer be reqnired.'a�lhe pp 8� f'� '` . ..
<br /> , " that Lender requires)Qro�rided Bjc an►insu�r appt°ve�63'���ag�n becvmes av;iitable and is ubtained. Borrower�hall pa �'•.:',:., _[_
<br /> �� .'�'``, the pren}i u m s req u i*e d t o m a i n t a i n m°rt g a�e i n s s�a n°ein effect.or to pmvide a loss reserve.until the requirement for mortgag�e6 ,:,.``_ ` ':
<br /> ' insurance ends in acrnrdance with any�v►attea agreement ben.een Borrower and Lender�r�f the Pro� Lendu shall g�v
<br /> 9,Inspect�oa.Lender or its agPnt may enake reasonable cnvies upon and inspectio Pen3'- � :�
<br /> Borrowet notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying rea+onable cause for the inspection. � L :.;_*���
<br /> .4...-,.� "_.(.'�4,. , ndemnation or�o�otaki g of any part�of the Property.or ortamv�a gce in lieu of condemnau n. are henby aSSi�ed an� . ..
<br /> - ...r, � ��
<br /> �. Y�_(�..l.�;.•��, shall be paid to l.ender. ,� `:�
<br /> - -- ''`�•`>`-� [n the event of a total taking of the PiropertY.the praceeds sl�a11 be appfied to the sums+ecured by this Securit}insttvment. -
<br /> ==Y�:. m wb�ch the fair ``� r°-
<br /> �;•s-'_, W�,,...
<br /> • e� :�_ vuEe�er ar nut then due, with any eacess paid to Bnrro�ver. In the event of a partisl taking of the Pmptrty ' ��
<br /> `•"y'��^'-' market vafue of tite Frop►.�riy i�nmcdiau:ly�before the taking i�ea�u:il tu or gnater than the amuunt of tht rum��e�'ured by tfti. .-'`-- _;
<br />",if•.�e.lr:,,:rs;..,'',.•':. ... . �.-
<br />_-r�•;.°'`.,�, •::-', Sqcurity Instrument immediate{y before the saking.unless Burrower anJ Lender uthenri,e agree in writing.the tums�ecure�f by _;� '
<br /> , . •�
<br /> this Security Instrament shal� be reduced by the amount of the proceeds muttipliea by the foltowing frartitxr. ta1 the total a, ,_
<br /> ,,�, :,•�I amount of[he sums secumd immediate�� before the taking. divided by Ib1�e fsir marlc�t value uf the Prupeny immediacely
<br /> • before the tak�ng• Any balanoe shali be paid to Barrower. In the event of a partial t�king af the Pmperty m which thc fair � u
<br /> - � �• , m a r�c e t value of the Pra perty immediately heCore the taking is le++than the amoum�sC the+unu,csured immcdiately befcuc tUc ;-` ,-'•:
<br /> �;��•`',.�—;-�f taking. unless Borrower and Lender nthrnviK:s�ree in�vriting ar anl�ti appliu'�bfe taw othcntii,c pnwi de,. the proc�cc�tt+hall ' �z.,;..;i.,--
<br /> °":�_:- be applied to the sumv secured by ehi,5ccuriry instrumcnt whether or not[he sums:uc then due. . :``
<br /> ;fi•=._.
<br /> ~.: i�-'• ;, _ ,
<br /> If the Pmperty is a6andonc�i by Barrauer,or if,aftcr nourc hy 1-cnder m Bnrn+wcr that ihe cunJcmnar olfcn tu nuikc an , .:�
<br /> � eward ur setUe a claim for damage.. Bnm�acc i�i l�tu re+portd tu t.ender within 3t1 dayy after the date the nuticr i+�i�'en• f.�.`, ,`_-
<br /> ! ,�� < � L�ender is suthorized to rnlle�K and apply the pruceed�.ut i�ti upsion.eithcr co restoratu>n ur repair uf the Pn,pcny ar t�►thc�ums ,,�`. ,
<br /> ,ecured by this Security lnstrument.whether or Rot then Jue. �lcacian at' nxeeds tu principal .h�ll nut extend<+r
<br /> ` " � Untess Ltnder and Borrower otherwisc a�nee in writiag. any aPP P ,
<br /> ` ' �'�' po�tpone the due date of the monthly payments rcfetred to inparagrsphs 1 and 2 or chsnge the antuunt nf.uch paymen��•
<br /> •` ' � :.':��,. II.gonmvrer Not Release�;Forb�nronce BY 1.ender No3 a Waiver.Exteatiion af[he time[or payment ar modiGration _ _ .
<br /> � �;�;r��.,;. .�`�:'�.�; of amortiration of the sums secured by this Seeuri ry lnstrument grantecl by I.ertder to any successor ia intece�t of Buraouer sha11 �,(-;
<br /> `:,'' =,: :'.%:,� a o i u p e r a t e to release the tiabitity of the ariginal Borrawcr or Barrower s successors in interest. Leader shall nat 8c required to
<br /> ;�_...,;,�,::.;;:, `f:: '..
<br /> �_��,:;;�-.;�::.:;,'°�; ,., cammence p�c�in8�����y successar m interest ur r e fuse to e Men d ti rt e f o r p a y m e n;o r a t h e r w i s e m n d i f Y amorti�ation :� `
<br /> � .. '.'r�•;'.;= of the swns secvred bY thts Securiry Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower ar Borrower's ,...
<br /> ' ' '``�`i-•` successars in intetest. Any fo r bearanoe by i x n der in exercisin g an y ri ght or remedy shall not be a waiver of ar preclude the ;
<br /> . ;:._'1��..` }',.`�::-.
<br /> ; . � exercise of any right or remedy_
<br /> r._k,-��_..<.;,'a.:' 12. Successofs and As�gn� Bonnd.Joint aud Several Liability; Co-«ff�cers. The cavenants and agreements of this � �:
<br /> Security Instrument shait biad and benefit the successocs ana assigas of Lender and Bormwer, subject to thc pmvisions of �; __
<br /> . .... ;;,.:y�r��'�. �....�•.�«
<br /> 4i;,, . , patagraph 17. Borrower's oy�a�.ants and agreements sha�d be }oint and several. An} Borrower who co-sige��n �Y ��<<�
<br /> � a : , �nst�'ument but drs:s nat exec�.�.�the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Ins[rnmer..W:.dy to mortgage.gran eY
<br /> s�,.,; ;;. Borrower's i���c��.che Frepeny under the terms of this Securiry Ir�..�TMecn:N)�not Pe��oyextend t madi�farbear or � -`
<br /> `r a '. ,.. secured by this 5�.�-�t}+Iastn.�ment;and(c)ag*ees that l.ender and an�u1z.,�r�v:rokcs maY agr
<br /> • '�'• .: ;:.,,••: �e�y��„���s�a�_r e g a r d t o t h e t e r m s o f t h i s S e c u r's ry Ins�'�.."'_�7 tae tiote without that Borrawer s coasent. �,�..:_.
<br /> �`•,.,t'#1' .�:::;:;<<;'"�: 13.Lvan,C6asges.�.`thz:oan secured by t6is Security Inswmen:is sub1ect io a law which sets maximum.laan c h s rges. ,,. .-:
<br /> _�'�=4+�.�yi.< "�'�• a
<br /> `.,��"� . ��`.� and that law is finally in:eapa��u so that the interest or other loan charges coftected ar to be coltected 1Oto reduce he charge uA�
<br /> ��t�:
<br /> " � loan eaeeed the permined Ec:=�.'�:�.then: ta1�►Y sueh loan charge shall be reduced b�ane amount necessary :�; ,
<br /> ``;�'`'�'x to the permitted limir.and svf any sums alread�'c°ltected from Borroa�er which exceeded permitted limits will.be refunded to ,��.
<br /> . ...�,
<br /> ��(`�s°.:.'�I�`�•''���"'��i Borrower. Lender may cicoase to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note ar by malaing a direct �__,,�p��.':
<br /> < < ,:,;, �� p ment� without any �,,,�,
<br /> ti�?.�`:.._. 'z:::..:� t to Borrower. If � .refnnd reduces principal. tt�e reduction will be treat�d aa a artiul P�Y , ta��,�,�:
<br /> [17lAI�/rj��:.
<br /> ; �-�.'��'.�:., �' pc�ayment charge under t�e Y�:ote.
<br /> •�;:`�'. :•,•'�.:!;�.�:�.� 14.Nntices.Ar�y ne�ce.o Borrawer pravided for i�e ttis Security Instrument s9iali.be given by dellvering it os by�li�ngs �i��C::::
<br /> • � �?%�'�� ' it by first class t�ai}unt�a appticable law requires use of another method.The notice sl�atl be directed to the Ptuperiy {��!�;y'*.
<br /> ••�;� � ! or any other�r�ss Bonowes designates by notice to l.ender. Asay c3tice to L.ender shall be given by fi�st alass mail tm �Y,_.,�,.
<br /> _�;;..,,,.r; .�--.
<br /> �� :��;, +.. Lender's addr°ss sw:��:�ein or any ather address Lxnder designa:es�:notice to�Borrower. Any notice pr�avided for in th4s ��_
<br /> � ''�� '� "'���•' Security instrum:�t s.h�?t 4�deemed to have been given ta Bonower a:�.znder wtom given as provided in this p:uagraph. ,���_
<br /> . . :v:,�';�•d, _
<br /> • ?��;;'p� 15.Governinp ��r, Seve�ahiltty. This Securiry Instrument shalt be gaa-�med by federal law and the law of the i��:',
<br /> �''��?'<< jurisdiction in whicb ct:�pertY �s lacated. In the evem that any grovision.os c�a�se of this Security Instrument or tfte Note __
<br /> ' .;�:�;�±`� , conflicts with app?icxble taw,such conflict shall not affect other provistons o8�this S�auiey Tnswment ar the Nate which can be _
<br /> - ' � ;,.:,:._. given effect wii�aut the conflicting provision. To this end the provesieas oS�tl�is Securiry Instnm�s�nt and the Note are declared _.___.
<br /> ° , to be severabie. -
<br /> - `.'.��.. 16.Borrovre�s Co��.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of,tbe Note and of ofithe P�e In or anvpinterest in it -
<br /> 1� . 17.Tr�er of trse 8'4+aperty or a$eneficia!Int�drs Sorroaes.If atf ar any part P �Y .��
<br /> . ��, . � .
<br /> :;;4;t',��{, , � is sold or transf:rrred(or if a•�eneficial interest in BorroK�er is sotd or tran9ferred and Borrower is noc a natura{pzc'son)without �n•_;;:_
<br /> r
<br /> ��'�;' ` • Lender's p�iar �ritte� c�asent. L.ender may. at its option, requirE ichmediate�ayment in full of all sums secured b�r this p�--=
<br /> , ',. �,. Y �,�r:'.'
<br /> ��� � . . � ' Security Instz+im.nt-�daw�ever,this option shall not be exercised by Ixader i€exercise Is prohibited b federal iaw as of the date ,—J
<br /> ' of tAis Securiry•IInscrum:.z�. "��
<br /> ``" ' " If Lender exercises ttus•option,l.ender shall give Borrowet notice af accel�ration.The notice shall provide a yeriod of r.oz •r
<br /> ,:�tiv�. . ,
<br />;�:;;�r`-,���', : .". less than 30�Zys from the date the notice is delivered or maited with��which �orrower must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> �4,:�.
<br /> s;-°� r�' . gecurity lnctr�ar.��l.�f�arrower fails to pay these sums prior to the ex�i:ation of this period.Lender may invoke any remedies r•. --
<br /> <„r�;a.:
<br /> =��:���`v:`•' ` ' . pemvtted by c`r�s Security lnstrusnent withaut funher notice o*rlemand on Borrower. _�-•n=�
<br /> �'�'•'�:r_���: :• ' 18. E�nwer's Right to Reinstate. If Bonower meets certaia condidons. Barrower shall have the right to have S_
<br /> -"';'r�s,•;° ,��._ " enforcemen�af this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prios ro the earlier of: (a)5 days(or such other period as
<br /> : ��� for reinstatement)before salc of thc Property pursuant to any power of sale wntained in this _;__�
<br /> s�,,^�licable law may syecify � �••.
<br /> • • � Secvrity lnstrument:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing thiy Security lnstrument.Those oonditions are that Bd�wet:(a)pays ,
<br /> - ' l,ender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration ha�t accuned:(b� ��_,.,
<br /> ` ' ��.`}� cures any default of any other covenants or agreements: (c> pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument, •
<br /> - : � �' • � ' including.but not limited to. reasanable attomeys' fees: and Sd)takes such action as Lender may reasonably requite to assWre ,�_.' `:•�
<br /> that the lien af this Security Instrnment. Lender's n�hts in the Property and Borrower's obli ation to pay the sums secur�d by
<br /> this Security lnstrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Burrower, t�is Secunty lnstrument and the
<br /> � . . • � abligations secured heteby shall remain fuUy effective as if na acceleration had occurred. However,this right to reinstate shall
<br /> ::� . . not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> `-�. �' . � 19. Sale of No4e: Change oi Loan Servtcer. The Note or a panial interest in the Note (tngether with this Security
<br /> � ]nstrument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> � � , � as the^Loan Servicer")that collects monthly paycnents due under the Note and this Security lnstniment.T here also ma y be one
<br />� ar more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale uf the Note.lf there is a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrower will be
<br />:�..�' ' � ' given written notice of Ghe change in accordance with p3raP,raPb�4 ab�ve and aDplicable law.The notice wii€s�a!e the�me and �:,
<br /> �Sh.:�.. ' -
<br /> _,,,,,,., .. ` ECdre„of the new Laan Servicer and the ad�tress to 4�hich payments shoutd be made.The aotice will also cr+::tain any other
<br /> '�i,�,.;;: inform�:o�r:.��i:ed oy�zpPlicable law.,
<br />:.��.�A": . : � 2p, �us 5:.,�staaces. Bonower shall not cause or pennia tte presence, use.disposal, stotage,or release cf any
<br />,�'j��titi�,,�,' , . � }�ZBI�OtSS Sli'J�2:.ce+ cn or in the Property. Boaower shall nat d�o, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affectics� cFie
<br /> . ' • Property that is in viata:;r of any Environmental law.The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use. or
<br /> - ,--- - -- stosage an the Pmperty o`small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal
<br /> ' ' . . residential uses and to maintenance of the Propecty.
<br /> -• . � � � ' Page 3 of 4 Form 3028 9l90 �
<br /> '.r ` .
<br />' ,• � ' • . ,r..,.... � ��3[•"et. �„-,xY._:,`-0a•-?u�; ' . "�'� t4'Z4
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<br />