� - � � ��#�c�.i*'�`•' c,�.-. c. �' -G ����y.��c-"t,,?� .� v---R`°e�= .—' �-- �. .sYC"�;`� .:.,;�v'f °'°'�=v'x..¢.._a�.'�-�-..'�Eyr ��=�`c` �-
<br /> —x.r��aP� --i' �r- - a -� •h F� -- z. c -- - e .' >tl cT��(:� ^�T . -. Y.�BdcE t� -rfrt�j�. ..
<br /> � � _. .
<br /> .��+.. �:,fLQ{� -c . � -y�` .. . � r x t--'--_�r.3...1< �' .t,_>- �•C� ��,te ' s� 4� i � '�' '' ,s S -,} �
<br /> /_ a-+ � ��.�- i S 6 i��r �_A-'�-�- a. �' r. Ec r E �5��,�rt ���::a��s�� � � `��`� c u( sc�Zy- y�S y�.�c - L�At'.�, �u, _
<br /> -�"'� .( �' .�s 4 �f c :C.Fc x',<<bt� �. � , i "�„�'t �F'` � w�Z �j. y�'�"[r�C• '�. •�:,','�,�,- f"�.. , -
<br /> _.a_�:. 'v' c. .,>1 E' _ ' .
<br /> _ .�:,
<br /> .. -.G'�- :l•
<br /> .y"c' )
<br /> E L C —�5.
<br /> ' Borrower si�al! prompily give Lendu written aouce of a�+ investigatian.claim, demand, lansuit as ather aaion by any
<br /> :�: ;;�, •" govern�aemal or regalatosy agency or private party involving the Pra�e�y and aoy Na�u+dous Snbsta�nr Emim�enhel Law
<br /> - : � �o ' '��,� of whicis Borrower 6av a�al lmowtedge.If Boirowe�tearns.or is natafted bY am►govemr�ental or re�ulalory authoriry.that ;-
<br /> _ --•�': any iemoval or other�emed}ation of any Ha�asdous Substance affecting the Pm�erty is neocssary.Batmt��r.�ttall piompdy take :�<
<br /> :.-• . e
<br /> r:F, ' '��,�:�...� ` all aecessary remedial actions in acoordanse with Enviromneraai[a�v. -
<br /> :�;�...'. `.;�� As�ued in this paragrayh 20. "Haraidous Substances" are titase substanc�de6ned as toaic or�ra�+dous subsiances by�
<br /> _ , � t�, ,«.y��F� EnvironmeataL Iaw.and We follawiag-subst�oes: gasotine. k�sn�te. other ftammabie or toxBt peitalewn pmducts. toxu�
<br /> -:. �; � �,��°> .� . pesiicides and herbiades.volatite solvents.materiats wntaining asi�tos.ar fusmatdel�yd:..ar�r�"s�Yisx s�.���s°i4�n _
<br /> : this patagraph Z0. 'Enviranmental I.aw' meang federa!laws swd Iuws af the jurisdiction wh�re ths.Pmp�ty is losated lthat�
<br /> °�< <_.•� re[ate to Ima[th.safery or environmeatal proteciion. . Q -
<br /> ,_.:t;,.;. • NON-UATIFORM COYENAIY'f5.Bomo�ctr and l.�nder fu�thec covsnant and agree as tolto�tis: ,
<br /> _ � '. :� ••* 21.Aooetas�oo;Remedtes.L�der shB!!g[ve aatice to Ba�xawer priar to acceiertstion follo��it�Barro«rr's 6rnadt�
<br /> �_ of any coveasnt or ugr�ment in thts�carity In�me�t (6W:aot prlor to uccelerutlon un�er paragraplt 17 imfes� •,
<br /> _5 appl4cahie!aw pr�ide�otha�r+i�e).T�e aattce�.zl!�ify: irs}ltte defaWt:t�?the adion n�utecv9 to cure the defanit,,. -_
<br /> :.'.� ;.: . tc)n dnte.n�t lezs tdun 30 duy�ft+am tite�te the nottce ts given w Qarrnu•cr.Dy«fitch the dcf'nutt m�t be eared:nad�
<br /> 4
<br /> ' (tA tdut Pallnm to cuee the deftsult oa or before the dafe specift�t in tite notice muy result in acee2erutfon of the s�uns ; .
<br /> � secnr�d Ay this Securtty lnstnrmen!end sale oi the PropeMy. The�ot[ce slwU futither intorm Eiornnt�er oi the right tu i -�.:
<br /> ' ;; ., reins4ute after aeceiernttoa jutd ttie cl�ttt to hrtng u carui acQEnn to u�est the aan�ext5ta�ce of u detault ar mqy other
<br /> . < a
<br /> ' -� defease n!Borro»ee to ac�eterat�oo aad sstle. IP the defautt t�nnt ct�d Qa or t�fore the date!��df�(t�tt�e notice,
<br /> ,f`. "`' ':�;'`;' l.et�d�e. at its o�fon, �aY re4uire ta�mediate p�yment in Aill:�a[I sumasecumd by thls S�wqitty Insttumem wlthout :'..
<br /> .. , furthw�d�an�and may invoke 4�epower ot yate aad upy.uf6tsr r�atedies germitted by appllrable tpc�.Ixnder shttil de -:,
<br /> . eniiti¢d to collecs al{egpcases incurred In pnrsui�the e�acdt�proeided in thEs�aragaph 21.induding.but not Uaiited . �:'
<br /> `. ' �p�eanc�nafif�ett0laCy8'fe�aad cosis of title ev€��. �:`
<br />.""� .4�� ' - If ltte p�v�of ssIe is invoged.Tr�stee sl�ali e�ouur�t�a uattce of defantt in eard oowty in�ct�leb any part oY t6e �.
<br /> '` . Propetty is tamtal aad sha11 mafl copies oP sttdi noifoa d�t,the��presai�Ed by app�lCable Ip�s ta Honv►ti�er aud ta �
<br /> ,.�`, `� . � .`° the ot6er�soas p�escribed tsy a�rPlicable iaw.�r t!�t[ma ra:quired by apgli�rable ta�t.T1nLRee s�d1 give put�Uc�[otice =--
<br /> ar
<br /> ,..�; ot sate to t�e Rersoas and in the manner pc+escrtttefi t�Y��PPUc�Lle Iaw.Truste�wtthout demnnd an.garm�v�,sha11 setl -
<br /> • . ttee Pro�eriy at pubUc asction to the 6[ghe5t 6fdti�r Wtthe time aad place and oader We te:ms destfinated in We nottrn af -
<br /> ,. ' .:.5-: saie(n anr or mare pat�ls and ia any ordee Tra�a detern►ines.�rnstee maY p�t�eone sale af all nrauY P��� � ..
<br /> �. Property by pubife a�eauaseme,nt at the time an4�t�littce af atty pnevtoasly schedated�te.Le�dPr or f4s designee ma9 ,
<br /> . ,�`��`t.::�' '" purch�e the Froperty ai aay sate. . _.
<br /> `r. �:, .,�� U�on ceo�pt of payment of We dce bid,Tru�tee shn91�eiieer to the 'i5rast�'s deed ooave'iz�,�3te _
<br /> _ p e1 � �,� ,
<br /> , � Ptoperty.The r�dtals in t�e Trastee's dced sbaU 6e prima fs�ic evidence of the trum of t6e siateatents made ttc�I.n. �,:.,;:
<br /> - � Trastee shall apply t6e proceeds of the sale in the failmving a►�te�:(a)to a11 aasts and expPnsrs of exercising the po�si°�vP �s �"�,
<br />� � s�le.aual t1t�sal�inctosiing the payment of the T�us4c�'s iFees acivally insurred,not to exoe��of. S0.00 or � � 90 �''�,�'
<br /> . � af the pai�Zpal amount oY tt[e note at t6e tt�e.�ttl�dedt�t�fiva aC d�'antt,asd reasonab3e�ttofli�+Ys'few as�Stl3� ;�::�;
<br /> � ,- .• . ..
<br />- ' :.�:' -
<br /> .. .
<br /> :�.;,.;.',,. .. . - ;` b�r taw�@D Ca�all sams seet�r�by 4i�S�iy�Ifn�tt�+meat;am2�3.tc)any exoess to the on or e�sons legaltq�w -_ �-
<br /> 4 � P_ . _ _. :. . ��;"_.
<br /> � . . • i� .. . —-..,..:_._----_ _ .. ..._-- •----- -— - --- - - - • • �r_�:_
<br /> '. . �� Z2. Recomeyance. Upon payment of alll sums seciue�,isy thia Security Inswmen� I.ender shaU reyuest Tmst�to ��..
<br /> :��.;. ':: recomrey the Property and shall surc+ender ihi� Seau�ty d�asnuraent and al! notes evidencing deM s�rcd by tlus Securiry --
<br /> � ��::� Ipstrumesc ao Tn�stee.Tnutee shall recam�uy,the"Ptap�ty with�:srt w•arranry and withaut charge to the person or persons iegally �-_
<br /> . . � :M;,S',`;�,. entitled to��uch person or persoas shail�l�a)'any.,r�araridutfon c�s:.b -°--
<br /> '�;'=�7�'�"'` Z3.SmCir�itate Trastee.l.ender.m its optfon._may,fram a�to time remove Ttustee ax�d appoiat a successor uuste�ro P�`�
<br /> ... �� :°��;„' any Tnutee�pninted hereander by an instrum:rR�reeorried�in•the c�ounty in which this Seauiry Instrament is reoorded.Witlwut � . :.
<br /> ':;;°�':��.'���:; conveyance of the Property,the suocessor trustde:s#I011isucceed ta ail the dde,power and duties oortfetred upon Ttustee herein ! ._
<br /> ,' , and bY aPFl�te law. �
<br /> :,,y�;;._;;; �.fi��xsE tur ti�QtIC?3.I�81T8S�2T i2(ji3?S�S iIIGI COplES Oi�notices of defautt and s�1s bc s�ut ta Batmvrer's adtl� �.
<br />_ ' "••r,�"����. . whiCh is t��t,�perty Address. ' ---
<br />- :.�. ;'�:r� .:�, Z5.�`s-to t3tfs Secar�tY Ims4sttmeat►If ana ar�more riders are execut e d by B orro��n d reo�o r d o d iog�her es i i fa.t his .._
<br /> � . Security Insu�ument,the covenanu and agreemente�aLcach.such rider shall he incorporated into and st�a11 atu�ud and sup�':ement _
<br /> � . '. �e coveuants and agreements of this Secunty insftumem�as if the rider(s)were a part of this Security Itntiacm�a. , _. --
<br />- • � ., �CtiecSc�'ieable 6oa(es)1 .�z .
<br /> ' '.� • [Q s�;a-"��..:.ble Rate Rider �Omidominium�ier I-�Fam3ly.�tider . -__
<br /> :4 f �
<br /> Gz�uated i'�,v�ent Ricler :�ltmttad�Unit D�velapment Rider $iweelcly�ayment ltider � � -
<br /> . . .,_ ' ..�� �Ba�loon Rid,i Rata improvement Rider 0 Seoond�ama RIder � �;^.-
<br /> ' ��:. �t' [��i..3..Rider C'�..i 4�tNerts);I�Aeci ] �
<br />- . . .'';i'��Y;�� ;F�. . NpCt�uQ_ oP �QPauit s=�_
<br /> .`, . ',• , �:-
<br />- ��� �� . - ._, ; � . . � .. � , ic-.�
<br />- . ��.. .. :,,• . . . ' . � , • .. . . :�-=:
<br />_ . � �: - :, «, . , �,. . . - .. . ., _ , , r,••• :'r- �..
<br /> . ,;. .,:,., F � BY SIGIVINO BELOW.Borrowei accepts afi�8gcct�to the tcrrns and cavenants�contained in this SfstL�ity,Insnvment and :.,.;_
<br /> - , ..�,, in any ri�eat`s)eaecuted by Borrower and reeorded with.iti . . . . . . ' ^
<br /> . . � Witnes�.s: � -�'
<br /> _ : �:;'.� :,.�; � Qs�� �_h'
<br /> �:;,
<br /> : ,� �ugene . Ulmer '-e�aer �:;�-
<br /> ;,,: � .
<br /> . :i•., . sf�s:'�
<br /> ,'r}f�,: . .
<br /> '(;,.,
<br />.- . ���;:;�;;: ; tseal) _
<br /> - . . .�.�.
<br /> . .. . ` �t tnnd� P. Ulm2s •eorsua;e.
<br />- � • y
<br />_ . � ,
<br /> , ,. • . • (Seal) (Seal)
<br /> - . •9orrower •Bonower
<br /> . .. ..`:�. _. ,
<br /> . .,:` .
<br /> • . � � STATE OF NEBRASKA, Caunty ss: gal l
<br /> • � - ' '[`he foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this �t�h� day of April • 1997 • '
<br /> _ � `Y" � bY Euguea V. Ulmer and B�xada P. IIlmes, husbsnd and�wife •
<br /> _ .i;•�i;t,.: � �
<br /> - '�",r�•�;r�;?;Yf:;,' . ViJimess my hand and notarial seal ut in said C ry.the date aforesaid.
<br /> . . ,
<br /> • �...� My Cc_nmission Expires: _ C�f',Ei:",bt�TIL�iY�ciG�b
<br /> - � r_ --- � irl�l�$ Notary Public ---_
<br /> -- ��� �f��5��
<br />.i.
<br /> � 12-23-2000
<br /> - .- vaya a ot a Form 3028 9l9A '
<br /> .�.-- .. ' . . • . .. � • 4 . :. . ' �.* ��:s,: .....'�•,:5��i.,�::.�� . • ,. . �...,_�.-. • •'�°�•-
<br />