q i`o_::�:;t ��. - . � .. - i;".�-.. -`a-lVFyi'e'�-��.,.:ra�.:..,.,f _J ...�^�-��-: ..-t�_
<br /> i _ . . at�
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<br /> �..c, . .
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<br /> � S•� � t 4�_ ..� . `_, i i . ,� '._ CCfS i �;C . .
<br /> _� ,?i � � S . _� S' ��,.� ..` � 'f �1� .4� .:4. �l �; �� .� £�T` Y%... � .
<br /> ` q_C. .e _L1a..,�T.� `• eL..
<br /> . .�.�...a.� _ q I� ����
<br /> � � ���� :y
<br /> �`��:;;`� 7'h�e �und, st�alt be held in an insatu6on whase depasits are ins�med by a f�deial agenc�y. inswmentatiry, or entiry : .;:
<br /> ' � "`:'ti Iinciudin g fxr►der,if Lende�ia such an insritution)or in an y Federal Home Loan Bank_ Lender shatl a p ply Ehe Fuads to pay the '� �
<br /> ", �� � `::"�. � Escrow Items. l,er.der may not charge Borrower for hotding and appty�ing the Fattds.annw�ll}analyzin,the escrow account,ar
<br /> � ��•��"`'. .� i�•:
<br /> :.�: ... . verifying the E.icrow it�e�ns.untess Lender pays Sorrower int,eresc an the Fuuds and applicabie law pemuts Lr�ader to make such
<br /> . '.:� �., . - a charge. However. Lender may nequire Borrower to pay a an�time charge far an independent real estate tax reporting scr�ice
<br /> • • used by [.ender im m�nection with this toan. unless applicable !aw provides otherwise. ZfnIess an agteement is made or �.��
<br /> � ":° � :icable la�� �ms interest to be d L.ender shall not be mred to a Borrower interest or eamin on the Funds.
<br /> aPP �N P� • re9 � P Y �Y P�
<br /> � = Borrower and Lender may agree io writing.however.that intetest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shatl give to Borrower. -
<br /> � " ' ! ' without charge. an annua!accaunting of the Funds.showing credits and debits to the Funds aad the purpose for which each '"
<br /> „� � :t�_
<br /> - '.� .°•_ ` debit to the Funds was made_The Funds are pledged as additional security for alt sums senu�ed by this Settuiry Instmment. ' ;•s
<br /> - :-y E",`i•:'=;;`. If the Funds held 6y I.en�er eaceed the mnounts permitted to be held hy applicable taw.Lender shall account to Borrower -
<br /> --y , �-: for the excess Funds in accordance with the�equiremeats of appiicable law. If tfie amount of the Funds hetd by Lender at any � �,
<br /> � '` ; time is noi sufficient to pay the Esc�ow Items when due.Lender may so natify Borrower in writing,and,in such case Bomower �t .;
<br /> �=_� shal!pay to leucter the amQUnt rr�ssaiy m make up the defic:iency. B,xrower sha11 ma!:;3;r.?x�r�ncy in no m.�re tban �� ---
<br /> �,,..�:.�`, ;�:t turelve montlily payments.ac��'s s.�le discrztion. .:
<br /> � � , ��,, Upon payment in full of a:i.ss-�v seeuted by this Seeur'�� Insnument. Lender sl�,��1:.��,-r�h �;��....d to 8'cc�ca�any •�.;r
<br /> ' �'. Fti.-tds heid by I.ender.If.under�b 21, Lxnder shall aqaire or sell the Ptoperty.Er:�c.�:-:cr':�c�e acquisition or sate
<br /> ' •�.,'¢, � � of the Property,s6a11 apply any Funds held by i.ender at the time of acquisition or saie as a ctedit asai�5t the sums secured by _
<br /> r ��:� -�'%_'?�. ti�is Security Instrument.
<br /> :;:�;��"���',�--�:; 3.AppliratFon of Pay�enis.Unless applicabie law pmvides otherwise,all paymentc r�eceived by Lender under par.�r-aphs
<br /> v
<br /> ` � '���.:.. 1 and 2 shaq be applied: first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note: sea�nd.to amaunts payable under par.�;raph 2:
<br /> : ���',i- .'� � [hir�.to inter�t dae:fourth,to principal dee:and!a�l.to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> . . 4.Cbarges; l.teac. Burrower shall pay all[axes,assessments,charges, fines and imposstions anributable w the Property f`,
<br />.,,.f,.�� which may attain priority over this Security lnsrivment, and Ieasehold payments or ground rents. iF any. Borrawer shal! p�y =
<br /> .. • t�c�e o b ii g a t ions in t he manacr pruvi d e A in paragrap h 2.or if noe pai d in t h at manner.Bomawer sdall pay them on time direcA y ��'`
<br /> .,�•'.f'�`' ;.,,;,.: .;, i; ta the Per�on owed payment. Burmwer shall promplly fumish to txnder all notices of amoun�ti to be paid under tbis pasagrapA. •.
<br /> ; ,,,, .. If�orrower makry the�e payments direcity. Borra�ser tihall promptly fumi+h to t.euder receipts evidencing thr payments. .
<br /> ���.`•''" � Bomnwer sha!!prarnptly disctuuge any liea which has priority ovcr thi�5ccuriry tatitrument anless Borruwcr:�a�a��s in
<br /> '" �'«��'�'�� "._: wcfteng to the payment of the nbligation secured hy the lien in a munner arceptable m L.ender.lb►come.+�.in g�+ud faith�he lien
<br /> �' ��'"' • •. 4y, c�s defends ugairut enforcement of the lien in, legal pracceding+which in the Lender's opinion operate tu prcvcnt the '
<br /> ;;: .
<br /> - �-°-•••- cafe�,rcemeat af the lierr,os(cl serur�s fram the hatder of tAe licn un agrcement satisfactory to Lertder subordinating the lien to t`-"`�
<br />':��';;�,;,` � , thi::S�cusity instrument. If Lendur determines thai any part uf'the Pw�peny ic xuhject to a lien which may attain priarity over : _�
<br />��.':.;:. : • thes Setu:ity Instrument,i.ender may give BoROwer a nrnice identifying the lien. 8orrawer shall satisfy the lien ur tafce one or �t:'��`
<br /> :';."M1�. .. :;�• ` raore o,°;the actiorn set fartl�abo�•c within 10 days of the giving of nntice. ;,, '''
<br /> ' ' •' . � 5..JHazard or Pro
<br /><r.:��. :: -, perty Insurauce. Borrower shall keep the improvemencs now existing or hereafter erceted on the �;;�;
<br /> •�-•. �. Pn�pern insured against lasa by fire. Aar�rds included within the term "extended�vers�e"and auy other hazards,including ��•?'
<br />- `;,� �� Rends ax�flooding, for which Lender requires insutance. This insurance shail be maintained in the amounts and for the periads 'j
<br />'�I:'�.;:;% . • tl�.rit L:ttder requires. The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be c0osen by Borrower subject to Lender's approval
<br /> - which ehalf not be unreasaaabl withheld. lf Borrower fsuit.ta maintain cove descrihed above. Lender ma ,at L.ender's ��,"'
<br /> ;:,..•�, Y � Y
<br /> optian�obtaia coverage to protect Lender's righu in the Property in accordance with paras.�a,�h 7. E�`�:
<br /> r,� ` Ait�insurance golicies and r��vals shall be acceptabic to i.ender and shall include a sa.z�ard czwrtgage ctause. I.ender ----:
<br /> . shtt1E finve�the right to hold the policies and reaewals. If Lender requires.Borrower shall psur.:�tty gice to Lender all t�eceipts of ��,;.•.
<br />'% �;`� `,.,��,';,;',`.�; paid przmiums and renewal notices.In the event of loss. Baaower+hall give prompt nariee.o che insurance carrier and Lender. ��:.�.
<br /> ,f; .: L�nder msry mdlce praof of:oss if act made prompdy by Borrouer. ��x
<br /> . �� ; � Untess Lender and Borrower eti�crwise agree in writing.insurnnce pmoceds shall be��tied to restordtion or repair of the
<br /> � Praperry damaged.if the restaration ar repair�s economically feasible and Lender s securi�;r is not lessened.If the restoratian or e��=�.
<br /> ...,.;,�'p�}f,�<,,.'.. ` reguie.is�noi economiraI1y feasible or l.endei s serurity would be lessened.the insurance pruceeds shaU be applied to the sums '°"'
<br /> ;����� = secur�d by tftis Secv.�n¢c. Instrument, whether ar nu1 thrn 3ur. with any exue��paid tu Bo�rower. If Borrower abandans the r_
<br /> Pruper[y,or does nat.�:u-wer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carr.ier has offered to settle a claim.then
<br /> F /fffr�l,����,� `fy;s ,� Lertder•may collect the insutance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair a�restara thc Praperty or to pay sums ���.;
<br /> ,�.�f �f�F�r;,, •.„ securad by this Security liistrum��,whether or not then due.The 30-day period will beg�in u,°i2n the natice isgiven.
<br /> ;:�{�, �„��l/��, %��; Unless,l.ender and Borro�rr. �4herwise agree in aritin�. any application of proa�:�to Qrincipal shall net extend or �� �_
<br /> ,, ,:°?<:;.y.,;�'.'.,' .',. postpone the dae date of the men�:;y paymencs ceferred ta in paragraphs 1 artd 2 or cta.�e the amount of the payments. If _ --
<br /> ;,;�r:t�,-�•.,-.:,: D �P P nY 4 1� Y Pa P P
<br /> :•��,;;,;,,,,. ...<i,-,, under: ara h 21 th.e Pro e �s ac uired b; �.ender. Borrower's ri t to an insurarne licies a.� roceeds resultin from =°_--
<br /> � � '' '+4<•:•.�:,:�� damnge to the Prog•���rior to the aoquisition s;all pass to l.ender to the extent of the sums secured b}�¢C�is 5ecuriry lnstrument ----
<br />,,i';,:;;:,`;_�;ri�;;�fj; ;•' immed�ately prior to c'r acquisitian. �se,Er;
<br /> d+ {r'��',�. . � 6.Orcapancy,P�eservation,Malnteaance and Protectv�ro of the Property;Borr��er's Loan Applicatton;l,easebotds. s�
<br /> � `''`��9�s;;'. �; '.• Sostawer shall occuay,establish.and use the Propeny ati Bonower's principal res�dence within siaty days after the executian af ¢,,. _
<br /> ,. �.. ;;.,,� .
<br /> "''`'�-''��'�'•� thin Security Tnstru�►-rcn and shall cantinue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at Irast one year aftar �ti.:
<br /> _ '-:�..
<br /> �`��'"'�`"� � the date of accupa��..�:r.tess Lender ottierwise agrees in wridng.which consent shal! not be unreasonably withheld.or unless ��s°'-
<br />:-:•:+;;'.r:,.;.���� , a1'_.-,-
<br />--:,,;,,,; •:,�;;•,;;�..: '. entenuating circur^..ay.uaces exisi which are beyond Borrower's wntrol. Borrower sh::i3 not destroy. damage or impair the --�
<br /> ,t' :,/ ',�` altow the Pra e to deteriorate,or cummit waste on the Pro e Borrcw�r�.SaU be in default if an fo�feiture
<br /> �P�"- P � P n3'• Y
<br /> �,;, :,,�,�` ,•;; ,:• act�on e��roceedirt�.whether civil or criminal.is begun that in Lender's good faith juJ�t could resutt in fort'eiture of the �•��
<br /> 1
<br /> f 4c5:.t.ti ....
<br />~ -�•��-�.>�%�.-,..,� �, Pt-o�erty or otherwise materially impair tt.e lien created by this Securit�lnstrument ar Ler�.ei s security interest. Borrowet may
<br /> " '� ` cur�such a default and reinstate.as provided in paragraph I S,by causmg the action or prec�ciing ta bo dismissed with a ruling `�``
<br /> -�-% '?�� •`� � ttmt, in Lender s ood faith determination. precludes forfeiwre of the Borrower's interes� in the Ptn e or other material '�`
<br /> ...... . � ' s P � �f,�_.
<br /> -••�'�'��`�;E;�.;.; ; :'� � impairment of the lien created by this Security lnstrument or I,ender's security interesz. Barrower shull alsa be in dofault if �;-_
<br /> �;;�i'.::;�•.;,�; �.> .
<br /> ;;_,t,�:,;,;:�;�,.k��i�.• ; :;�� Boaower,during the loan apQlication proceu,gave materiatly false or inaccucuto inforra�atiom or ststamenta tn Lenddt/�nfuiled ��:
<br /> to provide Lender with any marorial infom�ation)in connectian with•thp loaa,evidvno�bs�the Aicite. including.but�nnt�limiteA ,�_
<br /> , ' ' ' ' :' to,reprasentatians conacmmg Burmwer's oocupancy of'the PropPrty t►Y a prinsipt�l_rasiden�e.If thib Security tnatzument is nn a ��•.
<br /> `"'��''���' `�` leaschold.�Bunawer shall cam 1� with aU the rovisions of�the ta�. If Borrow•er,a uirus iee titlo tu th� Pro °n , the
<br /> . ..>r:�,:. ' � P� P �9 P- Y �'_:
<br /> _-`�5j'•���> '�'•' � "; leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the mergdr en wtiting, -
<br /> �"�;��`�'°' °�� 7.Pmtectlon of Leader's Rights in the Properly.If Borrower fails to perform the wvenants and agrcements contained in
<br /> ,,.`.
<br />-° ��r'�`�`;•�• '�� this Securit Instrument, or iAere is a le al roceedin thut ma +i mfirantl affect Lender'+ri hts in the Pro crt (�uch as a -
<br /> - . �:;�.�,.,: . . Y 8' p S Y • P � Y' g P Y
<br /> - proceeding in bankruptcy. probate. for�rondemnatiun or forfeiture or to enforce laws ur regulstion�), then Lender m�y do and
<br /> - ` . . . • Qay for whatever is necessury to pratect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Propeny. Lender's a�;ilon.r may •
<br /> - � . • , mclude paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security lnstrument, appcaring in coun. payin�
<br />_� • {•� �• � • reasonabie atwmcys fees and entering un the Yrnpeny to make repairs.Although Lender may takc action under this patagrap
<br /> - 7. Ler�der daes not have to do so. '
<br /> � Any amounts disburred by Lender under tht.r paragraph 7 .hall become additional debt of [iorrowcr sccured by this �.
<br /> = . ' ' . Security Instrument. Unless Bnrrower and Lendcr agree to other terms of payment,these anwunts tih�ll he�ar intereti� frum the
<br /> -.,. �, . � date of disbursement at the Note rate and vhaU be payahle. with interetit, upon notice from Lcnder to Burrowcr requesting '
<br /> _ :, ., _• _ payment. .
<br /> � ' . 8.Mortga;�C�svrance.If Lender reyuired murigage insurancc as a cor.dition of making the Inan securai by thiti 5ecuriry '�'°'
<br /> F...
<br /> ;:_,,;,J��;,r�. ..� : - (nstntment. Borrcuer shall pay ihe premiums required to maintain the mc,:tg:�e in>::-a�ce in effect. If, for any rc:+��+n, the i;a,.,
<br />�;�;,•i,`.}t+;�,';,;.. •. : : mnrtgag�e insurance coverage reylired hy l.ender lapse�or crases to Ne in ey:�_ &:rr. �::.hall pay the premiums reyuim.�l to :;z;�`�;
<br /> � '�; ����• ���. ?' c�t;.c.�:overage substantially eq:;�ralent to the mortgage insur.u�ce previously in eftect. .:, a cu.t�.��:aatially eyuivalent to the ���'
<br />'"'•`�'; "�" ' `� � cost to Banower��f the mortga�e insurancc pctivi�rosly in effut. frum an a1*.emzte murtga�e »•c:�er ��provecf by Lender. If `'•����'
<br /> . . ''� �...,.
<br /> '.t� _ -
<br /> � N.�a,z��a Form 3028 9/9U '
<br />� . -. . - . . ' .. � . .. .��__ � �._.__............ . . �.. �. -�`—.---•.._,_., . . . . _. �----�..._.......;�v....-,----•--'t[_."___`;- :�t:?.-- - ._ ,.. .-' - - •S�.t,•a. :'�Z,.-a?xi'.
<br />