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�{cf�� . ' : ! .�. , _ A�� .'J�1. ��i{r�i.��� 'fi� s <br /> ({�. - i r � r - . � ��° t�i f,� ✓u� s.V ����' <br /> y �) '! ./ .45 �C � . ���� 5. J sy, fi1 t - r �� N ! ' <br /> S <br /> . .'�tl j -. � �'r /� _ . '�,`tji7?.��.f� �'ii 41/J�A: � - t�� __ <br /> . . o ...i..:JY.��niRt�dl.t+�i5.ry72A.n...�aa.c�R-" `���f'.'v:1l�u�i4Mn141AGYtil�y. ...... . !. �u f�s� 7 � <br /> . . .. .���_ �iTG�,��'. <br /> �.u�. <br /> ed".r<-»�4S_r' • . ; <br /> `r',1� ��f Bortowx rr�y wre auch a del�ufl and reinslAte,�e proNded In pu�p�ph 10, by uuFNp Ihe uU4n or poceeJnp to b� -. i � <br /> a !4�7:7 ` <br /> � '� . dl{Ifii16W WRh�NWIQ lh1t�In lendeYt pood hXh dMamN�tion,predudes foda4ur�ol iM BaruwK'e Htarep N th�tYOAHty or �y��t` i�� �.; <br /> F ����%^ olhx tr�lxid Irrq�Ytnenl ol th�fen ae�led bY thi� 8ecurXy MtWmenl a UnAKS ��cunr�r hiweu. Aaroww th�l dw br ��, f � <br /> � N d:.i M�:hp the la•.n cPP%a'wn Moeye, O�:e rcatM�y hhe n Ir_awN+hWmwVOn a ouirn�n��to Un�u+ a `." ."-.- <br /> • �£-i��7,�. (w I�iM lo porid� Und+r wLh�ny rrrlaW Nlortnllon) N unnecWn x'ah th� lan Hlf�fcW by the Nol�, 6xJudnp, b�t .�4 r t���,y� tr; <br /> �%i:a�°9�� nol kMW to. rpr„Mptlonr cuicxr�Np 8orrowW� ocap�nq ol lhe RopMy u � qNcipN mldenu. II lhlt SewiNy ^J �_ <br /> � }'� rtfnxmnt it on�IM��hold, BarowK�h�l corry�y wXh �1�M prort�bn�ol th�Iw��. N Baronw�equYes lee thb to Ih� i-� i� g'p+qt��t-,: <br /> t ia�� � �.��iY .�,�+.'��t � �?�i�_- <br /> �ru.. .- . RopMy,th�1Mnhold�nd lh�1»tNU thN nol rcerp�unk��Undx tQrwt to Ih�mvp�r!n wiY,hp. �,�£`��� :', . <br /> � , : } 7.Probctlon M I.�nd�r's RIpMt (n th+Prop�rty.M 8ortarx tYS la P��Ihe oovenmta�nd ary�emer�tt �;' � R z� ;; ,:: <br /> � .,. '.. <br /> :, eonleSiM In this OeeurN.y IneWmml, or Ihao b t+I�y:l proetedmg 1�ei m+y algnMC*nly aHecf Lende�'a �t�hls N the Mopxy , : _; t- <br /> .r 51�`*'' �. (wM�t a proaetlhq N Iu�nWuplcy,pioWle,la contl�xUon a IaNKUn a lo enforce Uws or rap�l�ilons), thm Lendx nuy y;,rt� ,��v�,.� `� <br /> 't ��;'T�f do�nd p�y Por wh�tarw i� neusasry lo protecl the vJ�e oi th�Propr�y�nd Lmdx'e dphls In Ihe Pooporh/. landu's �dton¢ �'n f° „ ,�r �: <br />�+. . .-. `,�' rmy Ndude P�ny any wma eewred 6y a Gon which h�s P'�orky over fh!s Bocudly Instrumnnl. �ppee�Vg N wwl. O�yInO � " "' �.i ,t c. <br /> _. .'>:s. .�.v�.1,.S4f_:`.i'i' f-. <br /> , tt. - •,,, rw�on�ble altomeys' 1ws�nd enlafng on Ihe Propery lo m�ke rbpYS.Although Lender m�y I�ke�cUOn under this p�npnph ;�, � .�1r. <br /> - -`r�': 7,lmdx does not heve to do w. �t� �.;����4 '� <br /> � �� r �S�� My emounl5 tlis6umM dy Lender under pere9raph 7 sF.�N 6ecome eddAond de61 ot Oortovltf SeCUtCd by lhls x,? ` �j - F` � <br /> '� " � � Socu'ry InaWr.snl. Ur'oss pottmver end Ler."_� syrre w Wia terms ol pnymeni•those nmounts shel he+r Intaosl Irom .. s � :� -� <br /> � �� i..� � the Gle of d�sbursomml at tha Natn raGe a�d s�aS Ce payu:te,wrih Interesl, upon noLCU tcm ler.der to Oortorrer requesling [}�, �`�'-f` �>4;- <br /> >l - .--:_- � MYnxn6 I'.t• '�� e - J: <br /> �,-,�,r � 8. MoHg�ge in�urancs.�a ta:rrs rcr,urea R,cces.a;:t�sv3.:ce es e eon�:cn oF inacSig Ne Iem sewred by this f:- �, <br /> i �-- Sewriry Insin�nenl, Dortown sMII B�i�x Fta�3ums nquYed to ma7.ain the m.ortg��hswancx�n e�.'�at2�ny�ason,lhu � � _- r� <br /> ��' <br />� �,:_` � filOflQl90 Nd1:fNC0 CAYHfy^L ftQ:Y:Q Dy LCRtS3 Ma5C5 0�GOGSBS l0 EO St l:Ki. SQTCNE�SA?S pdy 17:2 FfrT.�aTS requtred to , ; -� <br /> -'"-";i? , o61eN covenge 3Ws'x.".+Tj eqdrN2ni to the mc�l9�9e Insurui�e pmbus?�h eTttl, at a cost s�bstal�xT/ equH�lmt to the t y, �-* r�.: <br /> ' ,- �" rj cosl to 8ortan� c7 L`.e m:a:qr,e f�suralce Fzn�busy N etfcd, an r.".rn�te moAgage Ins�:n apymrM by Lmdrr. 11 ���;ik�,� � --i , <br /> -4f��i � 54'bSW:iilTyl!Q:!!Y'�:L .1'Yi1S�1i3:1lStFL�LB CWP:i�aJ IS 1101 BY��CIB. BORO'N3f ShdA P�Y IO Lendel each mcnth a sam eqaat to ,� j �q c 5.�a . <br /> J ���,� �a c�:rtxNRh oi 1�e yea�y r:w��ty�ge�sur�nce prem.i:m 6cing paW by&+rowei efi:zn Ihe hsunnw wrM�ga Fepsed a eeased to ; f, � ����4f,r:� <br /> ` r .�f ��,�,� •' Lo'n elfect. lmtla vA�ccrpt uss a�d releh these peymer.0 as o loas raer.e 8��rie�3 mortgega insunnca loss resave � i } � ��� <br /> L+. 4t ����f purmmis may no longa 6e t� the opUCn of Lendec T n•cRg�ge coveruge (n tha amounl�nd for E+e¢etM .� ) j b 1�i -- <br /> },�J� _,��yf, tnai tmda requYes) providetl by�n Inscrer eFfroved by Lcndx �g�in Gecomes avNYble and Is ob:�ined. Bortaver s'�al y�y '.';��� --i ,�'��`,�-� <br /> }�+i},�i.//��� ll�e premiums requYed lo mtlnuh mon9ege fr.ssancn M eAecl, or to provide a loss resme,unGl lhe rem:herml ter n:a�pega ' �tj',rt}�&*�' ' ' <br /> f �� `�{�Y3_�,� Insuruice ends in wwrGnca wilh�ny wriRen a7x�mm1 helween �arower�nd Lmdn or epp6able luw. '•� i f- , �Y�ct,, �_ <br /> ., � i7+r��<`�` 9. lnsp�etlon.Lmder w fla+�gmt nwp maxe rwsoneble enwu upon end Inspectlons ol lhe Progerr�. Lender shN gMe ;��7;� �bfg,� �. <br /> 4�4; __ ;�,�p Oort'0. C d�fi711t11011'ThO pro`aeda oisans aword oe���rea�o�b�a9uusdrecitor eo sequenUel, In cerntttlon wNh any j f�`� fr,titT `t'i <br /> j � '�����ti i eontlew���on or othn Wdny o��ny pe�t of lho Aomy. er for cottteyenea N fieu oi wndanna�on, ara hertby essigaed end tr'n `,K�)t'�r��<< �- <br /> u � .�'. " ah�l ba p�ld to Lmda. �`Flt j�(#1 i,y(�s sr� : <br /> � +> ' In the evml of � lotal �Idnn ol the P�o_M, lho proceeds shp9 be eppfied to the aums 5eeureJ Dy this &ewriy �•r f! ,�_ <br /> -' 1 -- -.'�� '-� InaWmenl, whelhd or nol Ihm due, vrilh eny e�uss pald la Ocncwxr. I�the rrmt ol a pufkl tnknp o7 the Thopercy 'n ' t Y�` + � <br /> Y ' which the hir mukN rWe oi lhe Propnry Immed�alay 6aTCre the faF7t0 �s eyud to or grealer Ihan Iha cmttnl of U:e s:�ma ,,� i!s� 'i'�-� ° <br /> � ' '•- 'Y secured 6y Ihis 9ewr.ry InaWmml 4rmMietey 6etoro tha taki+�.cdess Bortower and Lendtt othenASO egee h N'r:[ap. Ine ,�i.f } y��Y s ' <br /> o- '��, "��-- ' sums aecured 6y this&arity InsWmmt shaA 6e reduced by tae emouN of the proceeds muttipEed by 1Ee IoAOwing te�lur. �•J; i4 f�a-,���;r_: <br /> � .�, ��- �� (e)the toltl �mounl ol the sums sewretl Imr..�ately 6etore tha uldng, dhided by @)the le4 rtaicet va:�e of Ihe Properry • ' . x '��-- <br /> f�' ?� immed4t bePoro the Wdn M batance stal 6e Id lo Oortower.In tha evml of a utiel lekn W i�e Ro In whlch ' � - ' �Z�� • <br /> } �_ y M' 9• Y Pa P 9 P�+1Y t � r� G¢� <br /> Fi J,.� <br /> t . <br /> �r ��ry: the INr riurkH vaNe ol the Propnry 4nmed1alYy 6efore the taldng h less Ihan tha emount ol fhe aums sxurcd ImmedMtey � � . � .���p��i -. <br /> 1 '���� Fa� Kf 6doro the teWn unless Oortovra end ler.U. olhmvise e ee L�writin or unless e 6ca6ia uw otheWSe proNdes, Iha ���� - � %+>>`�^ <br /> : /'� j C� 8. 9� 9 PP ,�i`.'r','V.,;''�Ati'f�E'_ <br /> �C:�7'<<�.,<� � proceeds ah�l be�ppfed lo Ihe aums secu�ed by ihls Becurity InsWment whelhe or nol the snms aro ihen We. ,�, - �i.:'l�._���,� <br /> + ��1�}�f�fi,�� tl ihe PropMy la ebendoned by 13ortava, cr 9, eCer r.oTCe by Lender lo Bonower thal lhe ecnCemser o!Icrs lo make en -;ph � �•��j�l� x:. <br /> � r _��'rU`-�;•�' nward or se:CC e cloim lor dunuges, Oortm�er /a75 to re5per.d ta LmAm vi*.*.N 30 days ofler fhe di.o IN nolico is gHen. �' �t���� tsrgFy u �- <br /> ����„�' ��<,; lcnder k ontto�s� to co!led end epp�r 1Re pmceeds, o�tts optlon, eitte�ta resloieUOn or mEai e7 Re I'roperty or lo �� �4���h'��FJx�� - <br /> {SS����� .r e ihe nu.^.a acare�bN ih!5 SeWti;y InSLNmeni,whe'.her Or no1 thm du& ��{i+ �t 'f} �F{ ��; ` <br /> .s,l�ta5 r. n. , 1'+ �fis+t ��n�: s <br /> ,�j j��,; + JMCao Lentler arA Han;xer olhetMee agree fi wrir'ng. nny appli[a0on of procer�b a F�`�dpal aheB aol e�'.xd or t r�t� c- (� �� <br /> ��-- fpi � � py,7pcne�ho dm�ta tl ir✓e man:�y pey�r.ems relerttd io in D3rograDhs 1 and 2 or ehnayr 3'�e attounl 01 auch pnymrcts '{y _ f;�(y <br /> _ � rt%�-t 11. Borrower Not fflotottssd; forboar�noo Hq Lendar Not a Walvo�.Enensico ot me ume mr paymm�or y{tr "}1�? <br /> ��J'�";1;��%�ti modF.icallon ol amorlin7on of Ihe nums secured by this Searry Ins:�umm1 grented by Lende�to any sucassor In Nlnest ��[�+} j{�n� f:���. <br /> � - �,I�rtr2•: o�Oarowcr shall not operale lo releaae tho lab7Ay ol lhe odginal Oarower or Darowere auctOSSUS In interei6 Lmder 5heE - (��. �!� ' <br /> {;`f+•r ��; :_: not ba requ!red to comnmeo D�oceedL�ya epahsl eny succossor in Nterest or reNSO lo nMend Ikr.o 1or gaymrot or o�hmNSe �� � - - �t�� {. <br /> ,`,;i7% mod.ry amortiu7on of Ihe eums aeareJ by Ihis 8eaidry Inslvment by reason ol eny dmwnU made by the odgNal - } ;1�5 t?{�Q"' r: ' <br /> ;��f��- ��;,��1� Uortower or Bortower's cuccessors in Nleresl. My loibeareneo by Lmder in eaerdsin9 ony dght or remedy shall not bo e � j�z�k�� �: <br /> v'�f� t��>7�YI weher ol or predude Ihe oxerctse ol eny righl or remedy. � }��J,�#���yt � <br /> ���jJ�+�h'.+�+��,j 12. Sucoessae and Aeatpna flound; Joint and Sovoral LIa6111ty; Co•slpnaa. mo wvma,�s and � _ tf-�i,rs;,= <br /> 4� 3?•i%�(,q egrettnmis ot Ihis 3ea:ry. InsWmenl sheA bintl end 6eneF,t the successors end assi9ns ol Lentler wtl Uortowtt,subJecl lo tho b r:- �� <br />',i���T�t.r,. �� prodsbns oi p�mgrnph f7. Oortowers covenams end ngreemmis shall be Joinl end severol. My 6ortower who r.oFk�,ps�his '- -�', � <br />�1Fl� �;��, � Sewd.y InsWmml bul docs nol exeale tho Nole: (a)is co-s�Nng Ihis Seatl.y Irewmenl ony lo mo�t{ya5e,�anl onU convq �� <br /> r�;.�� ._� - - � � . <br /> 1,;.�� f � :;�,4,, ihol Oonowcia inlcrosl N Ihe Propay undcr the tcrtns o(ths Seadry inswmenl: @)Is not pereonely c6!i�ated lo pey the i . . _ <br /> `�.'Iir%'7'!i!� <br /> sums securod 6y Il�ls Sew�iry InsVUmenl; ond(c)ag�ees that Lmtler nnd any olhtt Ooaowe�rray a�i�ee la exicnd.mod�ly, � <br /> ..'Y:{,- lorboar or meke nny auommoCnJOns rdih�cr�a�a ro�he Icrms ol�nts 3ew�iry Inslrumml or Ihe Nolo wi;^cN that Oortowcr s � <br /> 'Y . coosmi. <br /> . ��' 13. Loan Chnrpos. u mu ioe�sewred by mis Security Ins'mmem is su6�ect m o lew which sMS murJmum loan ' <br /> - cherges, anU�hal law is f:nnly ir.terpte:ed so Ihel lha interesl or ofhn lonn cherges coL'ectetl or lo be eo:ecled in connection <br /> . ' � wilh�hg lonn e.ceed Ihe pmmiAed limils.Ihen: (a)nny such taen chaige chall bo reducetl 6y Ihe emount neceuery lo redueo ' <br /> Ihe cherge to Ihe pnm'.Ced [m9; pnd @) eny sums alrcaUy w:lectcd Irom Uo�rower wMCh exceeded pmni�ted 6ni1s wW <br /> be rc"�nded m Oonow�r. La�Qtt may choose lo makc tlas m"�nd by red�dng Ihe ptlnapW owetl undn the Nole or by <br /> maYNg e dire[I peymmt io DOrtowM. II o �eluntl mtluces pAntlpal. Ihe rctluciion m'I be Uealed es o paM1Nl prtpaymmt <br /> - � wdhoul any prepaymen:charge untler the Nolo. <br /> 14. NOGCUB. My nolice to bortower pror(ded lor in Ihis Seu:ary InsWmeM sha7 be gFrm by ONYCr5:g M or by maSmg i1 <br /> _ _ bv @il N.iss mll unless mo5eible lan renu4as uso e1 nne�hrc mwtod TRO nelira eha9 6e d•ntled lo Iho Pmoe�N Atldrcss <br /> � � or nny olher add:ess Oortowe� des�g�a:os by no;ice lo Lentltt. My notice to lmdtt sha0 bu 9§en Uy fisl Wss ma3 b <br /> Lmdcis adttess alotN hcreN or eny olher adtlress Lender designa:es by nollce lo Oortowtt. My no"we providM �or in <br /> _ Ihis Security InsWmenl shnll be Eeemed lo have bcen gken to Dortower or Lender when gkm es p:arided h Ihii paregreph. <br /> - i6. �ovorninp Law; SOV0�86111ty.Th!s Securiry Ins:rummt shatl be gorcmetl 6y reaMet �ew a�d me�aw o�me <br /> � Juds�Fction In which Ihe Propttty is located. fn the evenl tl�el eny prorision or dause ol this Security InsWmml or Ihe <br /> + Nole conncls wth ap,�6rable Ww, suth con^ECl shetl nol a�lttl o�htt pwrlsions ol lhis Secwi.y InsWment or the No:e which <br /> cun be 94en e':ect whhaul Ihe conllicti�g p�orisian. To Ihis md Ihe V�orislons ol Ih:s Securiry In:Wmenl a�d lhe No:e ere <br /> � dedarM to bo seierabk. <br /> 16. Borrowor'a Co,py.9cr�cner sta7 te g•�e r�e«�fomcd eopy al ihe Nole and al lhis Seeuri,y InsWmenl <br /> . .d: � . <br /> F�1�iWJ(�09:1 .. )NS ��,�i'Y� <br /> �� i <br /> '`� S <br /> � <br /> L]2]a'+ � <br /> -t � <br /> � _'. <br /> ..i-._ �" .` __ __ __ _ _ __" ___ "__ - _ _ _ _ __. _ _ _ ."__ _ _ __. _ ._ ___. .._' __"_ _ ____' ____'_._. _"_""_" " __. .. _. __"" <br />