�: + _ ' `C � � �j; . ����t� �ll�
<br /> .t41t�� � 1 t S'2
<br /> � � c•2.- �+� - i -t, r �. 3 rryf ( 1-_�R ��� _
<br /> �< �t - �� �_ . i tr -�� - Nrn'��+�.nl�i ,nF�i�sti .J�,����l,� _
<br /> ��.�.'.}'�'"z�,.._,:.......eF.._.�!�...:.1.�.5.f,Y.�:._+'..,{_ . _::..,.vl.�r�fis:,3'skGti"S..BJa`.:= .�_.__.�._ __.."_' _ . _ _—
<br /> {i'rtrt'S���i'1��°.�� �: •
<br /> t7,Tr�nHsr�rf th�Prq»rty a R R�nMci�l tnhn�!in Borrow�r. 11�F a eny put ol tho WopMy a
<br /> ��k��;dt�. • �ny Nl«wl N A p�old a Vui WrrW(a R e bmdk4t NtMHt N BOROWN Ii !W OI U1111NMM Md ODtTON'M IS�Ot�IWNtY '^"
<br /> fq��,�:.- �Ky.� p�f/p(1)WAhOVI LMIdNY pAG N71llM CMfMi,LMdY tIMYAi X�Cp'J011,fpuY1 kMDdA:!�IS7�Mi I/l fr[0}11!bU�tf�NUf W Dy ���
<br /> � - � `.� thh$�axXy In�Wm�n4 Ilowevn,Ihis opUon ah�F nol b�aKdl�U by lc�nCer tl axi;tlso Is FthtbRW 6y iW::a1 Ic:r os of th: �?�` � ------
<br /> ,7 . r' ai.ot mk e�uxxr mrwm«u. �a` r;�,
<br /> ' �' -!� Ii I.mdv uKdt�s thlt optbn, LanAa eh�l yre Bmowe notia ol�ccAxellon. 7M no9pe�h�u piaAde a pe+iod of „t�g � �
<br /> 1;�._
<br /> , ' }1 : nol left ihui 90 drya hom Ihe t4le�he nolke Is dNNaed w raied wlthN xfiicb Oonowe r�wtl pry R1 sums saured 6y �;;� � � s* ��=�r�-,
<br /> „-.i _t i��j�rf}: lhli &wiXy IriWment.II Oortowtt I�VS to p�Y theso Eu:ns prbr Io�he NtpYtUon ol lhls pMod, IMdR rNy Inroke MY 1�; 't� /7 t -'tr hri.
<br /> 4 1'�))){{{ rernKF��peixJllal6y thls&wrlH In�truma�l wilhwllunhx notice or dan�nd m Bortown. `_;�Jr,� i�`ijF�,-�.
<br /> -��, 10. @oltoWOr'a RIfJM to Ro1061�4. IlBorcaxtt meets caleN con6�7ons, Oarcaxe shei neve iLe dgni Io have . �.
<br /> �1 �r -��i'� entoreemenl of Ihls SewrXy IneWment dsaon6wM at Ny tMne pilor lo the earAa oF. (Q 6 d�ys(a auch o�hx pMOJ es �r! t N}7� r
<br /> -->.• �ppR�ble I�w m�y epeUy lor reinstUanmp 6Nae ade oi ihe Propaty purswnl to am/powh ol ede wnNNed h thls °� h �9�_
<br /> , f .,_ �} Sewiiry InaWnenl; ot(b)mlry ol�Judqmmt enlxdny th!s Security InsWme+�L Thosa eor.67ons ue Ihet Borrower. p) piys � `:i ` � �h yy�- -
<br /> .��,��,�; lendw aI sums wMCh thM wou�d 6e due under tNs 6sar.^.y InaW menl�nd L1e No4a as X no nccdmtion Md ocwrced: @J I� _ 1, - ' }a,. _
<br /> r � : �:{ ara �ny de1wX ot�n7 otha corenun ar agraa-.�ts: (c) Pan a7 r�ses Inar.zd h mbrcNg this Sewriry InsWmm4 rt-; r ;.;:
<br /> � - �;!jj hchidnp, 6u1 not Yrnited to,re�sa+att¢a�cm�ys'kzs: a,d(�Wees such act«s+u LenCer r.isr�asonaby«quYe to�ssuro � - --��� .
<br /> -�T.ri`� tNl 1he Gen ol thls Saa:dry NsWm2n;lmvk+'s d-f.CS 7n P.e Praperry avd 8ortrxevs ctrL•SaYin N p�y Ihe Sums 5ecutCU "-�' i j -�;� ��
<br /> •� ::r' by Ihls Secur•Ty InsN:awnt ShaS Contr.ue cnch,s�gKl. Upon tensktr'ntnt Ly Borrowtr. PJS S2cun�'y In5lrumml �nd tha �inC�t�� 3 Y,
<br /> . '-! � obigalions sewred hereSy shaA rmuN luly etlecC�rt as tl no accKeracon had occuned. Harcrr¢r,�51s rlghl to relnskte shaT SN�v.;F�, ,, � ,
<br /> � ' �` �� r.ot a�p7y h tte wsx ot attetentlon unda puegnph 77. �te���U ���n =
<br /> }
<br /> � , - y �j 19. Sab ot NMr, Ch�ng� ot Loan Serviev. inx�vcie « a a pati+i N!nest h Ne Noto (ioaemer w:.n �_` ��;�� i��rr
<br /> ,, - .- =i this Sea:r.ry tr.sWmmt)riuy 6e aoY!er.e or moro 6mes xthout pdor no4u to Bonoxn. A aila may msuR N�ch�ngo r ihe �� ����}{t,���.+� ._
<br /> t� � 4 -_-�� ${ entity (Yncwn�s Ihe 'LCan 6ervlcer')thal cotecls monlGy paymmis C�e undn t're M1ote e�7 Ihis Saarity InsWmmi. TTera . .i S�+f���r� r ��
<br /> {� n _'R y; � Wo may Do ma m mere chenges ot the lo�n Savica unrei�ted lo e enin �7?�e Note.tl there is a change ol�he Loai . t1i'�7- .,
<br /> �� >- - cct�{` � &MCer.Uorte+rer v^A bo gkm wniten notlw o1 the eher.qa N �aordanw wRh pnrn;reph II�bova �nd appYUbla kw. The ; -��1��(t t��lF* �
<br /> �jyt}1` �i,i2�-" nollce vA stn!e the name nnd �Edress ol lhe newLO�n Senieer�nd tho eAdress towhkh Fayrcmis should 6e riude. The �- ��,I��S�(��3��_ �
<br /> i%j�fJ��fi���S ..��t1� no0w«i1 aso eenlaM any other infermacon«qulred by upp+cable law. t f"��r `c.n�L rt�« ';
<br /> ritl��t�h���`(��!'� 20. 371uefdOtlt S4b6F�11C�f.Uortowa�N�I no�wuse cr perteH iho�reaenre, usa dsposel, stonge, or rdease of ��;��'�f _t"'�:�
<br /> �I .-� Z,Tf' eny Hu3rdous Substences on or In Ihe Properly. Oortowx sha3 nm do, nor aeow xeyone dse to do, any,ht�g aHecfng the ��1� '{ }n.°.� �,--
<br /> PropMy Ihe� is In vlo4Jon oi en EnNronmenlel law. ine reu�n tvro sen!mcessholl r.ol a _ � .) �^1e$ �
<br /> y p 0 ppy lo the presenco, use, t,�, _,� �,
<br /> ,'> 4 '� �x or alorepe on the Propny ol ameB qwnleies oi fWSnrdon Substences fhet ae gmaaly �eaogn@cd to bo apDroprlam to t �( � � . __
<br /> �i '-- �. ; nortnsl�qitlen5l uses end lo mtNtenanco ol lho RDpe�ry. d�`�;�f �r�r f��{�f �.
<br /> - J�; Ucrrcwer aheil promply gke Ler.CCr x+9ien r.oUco cl eny InvosEgeL'on, d�im, demead, lawsul or othn ecL'on by any -jjd�' tzy� qt(,U
<br /> �` i .+ �__ govemmensY.a tx�,v:istay aymcy or pinnte pe�ry brotv!ng 1he Pwpe�y�nd eny Haza�LOUS 5L•5stence or Hnv4onmmlal Law o� �1����ff lJl��t� -�
<br /> --� ��'r� - whlch Darowa has acwxl lmowiedpo. 11 UoTOwe Ixnms,or Is roG-fied by any govermenzl or re5lalory eNhoriry, thet any �H y,j(��'''�'
<br /> <- �-_. _. .. .. �'_ it{. (.f t I�- _.
<br /> remoWl or olna remeCWt[on ol eny Naze�do�a acnsts�w anecwg Fmperty"s neussery. Bortmra ahei p�omp'uy lake e: t N .
<br /> ��`1 � � � necess temedal edtons M accordaico w.^.h EnWrnmm!al Law. 1�'`� �1•f1�!-�.n,:
<br /> / t<E� _ '�i4, �' � 1 4�f }tr - nu ::
<br /> ,�.,, ) AS USM 111hI5�MIB�`f2P11 YO, 'Flaza:tlous SuCa7anees'are Ihose substences Uefr.ed as f:�c e� huarJous 6ubstancos by s �i yt r �.
<br /> -"��t?- EnvlronmmlN L�w end�he tolloxing aubs�an�es: sasofine, kerosena. olher knvne:u a m<ie peYOleum produds, Io�JC �� 'r7i ��� -:
<br /> , 3 »-'_ � pesllddes end heibicices,vdel8e aoNeMS,metMek wnuN'ng as6eslos or fomwCehyar, entl radionWm ma7erlats. As used in . �` ���l.ylZ•�!'-:
<br /> � �� �- ; �� Dueg�eph 20,'EnrlronmmW Law'mea�s fcdeml Iar3 nod Wws ol the�urlsdieCm �e5ao ihe Prope�y Is lowlxd thnt re:ete to 'O '�j �` � �.
<br /> r ' t. heallh,¢�ely or env4onmm:al protectlon. --i,����.`�} '
<br /> + ? ��l ` N04-UNIORM C04ENANT9.Borrower and Lmder Nnhcr wrmnr.t e^d aqea as b:lowz ��, r f��4.� °
<br /> f,� r- -h��s 21.AccderaUon; Remedies. Lender shail g(vo notieo lo Sorrowu prior to aeceiaral1an ` �5 � � ' `��o":.
<br /> _ � `' -, '• - following Borrowor's breach ot any carenanl or agreoment in R9�IS S�writy Instrumonl (but not ,�r�;,� � - 4i r�{S�^i �
<br /> -* � `' prior to �ceeferaiion undar pangroph 17 unleas sppl�abfe lanv provid�a othorwtsn). Y3�e aotice .. ,r y , "r�� --_
<br /> ,�? ��� t�S, eh�ll apeolty: (a) tho dai�uil; (b) tha actlon requirod to cure tho defaulk(o) a d�te, r.o7 leas th�n f�u {�(jy^�{ ,
<br /> y S 30 d� s from the data !he uM7ce Is givan to Bonower, by wh)ch the datnw!1 muM bo curod� flR(� rl r
<br /> �S�� 's�'��' (d) that idiuro to curo tho c?ol�ult on or before tho dote apoaffied in the notico may reaull in ���y ��� }7- `{ �,_°
<br /> . � ��� �.�;#y� accd�rHion of tho sums socuud by this Security Inslrument an«3 eato of tha Property.The notico �s�r F ; �•z,Y���) -�
<br /> - .s,��yt ahall fudhu Infocm IIorrowar of ths dght to reinstate arier accvle�atlon and the right to bring a ,,,•i � �},.;� -
<br /> �,A' ��i
<br /> �„�`y��¢- -_ - i court antlon to asaert the nomexietence of a dafeuit or any olher defenas of Borrower to i ,� ��.i�L F _;
<br /> lCCBI8YIIl10B OAO 9A10. I}IYID i18TAtII� I8 00�C11fBtI on or 6efore tho drie epecMiad In the not3ca, ` :.
<br /> u i�.-,-';St i: LenUni crl ila op7lon may raquho Immedlata paymont In tuil ol a{I sums aecund by this Securtty ` . ��'.S`�'� ,":
<br /> �<, ._'_�:`1�;, Instrument wil:emed Auqhor domand and may Invoko the powor of sole and �ny other romedioa F yn,��, f �
<br />��:�",;'�_�-_�� permiNed hy a,��a7isabto law. Londer sha11 be entitlad to colloc? all expenses Incurred fn purauing ���i.ti'�•?;.�^.-�^ .
<br /> �`'•'":�^ �-. � the romadiea pravi�locl in lhln parayreph 21 Inciuding, 6ut no! Ilmited to, reaeonable attomeys' "��� ":'�L�L,� .
<br /> �;�`;�;r'? .'�`,� fees and coata of title ovl0anca. � �
<br /> - if the powar of salo Is Invoked, 7mstoo shatl amcwd a notico o� ctefe�dl In ¢ach county In '
<br /> � � whici� eny part aitho Proporty is �ocated end shall mall coplas ot such nollce in tho mannor �
<br /> � _�-.,; proscribod by applicabio law to Borrowor and to the othor parsons prescribed by appllcable �aw. ' � - .
<br /> . � AHer lhe tima roquired by applic�hte law, Truateo shall givo publ;c aoilce af sale to!ho persona -� �
<br /> . and In the mmmor prescrihod by applicable law. Tn�stoo, wilhout demand on Borrowor, shall soll .
<br /> • . lhe PropeNy at public auction to the h�gheat blddor at the�Ime and place and undar tha torms
<br /> , � � designated In tho notico of ealo In ono or moro parcals and In any ordor Trustao dotonnlnos.
<br /> . Trustee may postpono oalo of all or any pareol of thu Propody by public announcnmont at U�o
<br /> timo and pleco of any proviously sehodulod saio. Londor or Its doslgnoo may purchaso iho
<br /> PropeHy al any salo.
<br /> - Upon recalpt of paymont of Uio pdco bld, Trustoo shatl dolivor lo tho purchasor 7rustoo's
<br /> - � daBd conveyinp ino rropariy. Tna rucii5ld in In0 iillslYY 0 OV�u nnFiii vv��7in�e i�viv o��vvi��o �i
<br /> tho trulh of tho slatomonts made thereln. Trustoo shall apply lho procoods of ti�e sale In tho
<br /> _ - (ollowfng ordor: (a)to ai� coste and expensoe of oxorcleing tl�o powor of s�lo, and lha snio,
<br /> Incfuding lho pnymont of tho Trus400's foes actually Incurrad, nol to exceod three
<br /> % of lho princlpa! amount of tho nolo at -
<br /> - lho tlmo of !fiu doclarallon of default, and roasonablo attornoys foos as permittod by law; (b)
<br /> ' to all eums socorad Uy lhie Socudry Instrmnenl; and (c) any ozcoes to !ho porson or .
<br /> pnrsons topatly entilled to It.
<br /> �:;�,.:1 •(I' � /-
<br /> i cqqWGifC9I1 1i. �:•: �L�—V�
<br /> ./. i.-
<br /> 9111t.VA � .
<br />