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t:.s� i. �cyr. � �y� �� , �'f ;} y �.�T� -_ . � �_r{i��-$�,�(l�1 Si;� _. , 5� s.�yy <br /> .? � �a�p.,fi� i f�y,�tyi r �'; i� r �,tet'f���i���s�ir j�.�� —_......,.__�._.__. J� !' �� r�5�'.:' <br /> �rtT - �' a rJ Tisn aM I�r A � i . <br /> ....IS.cY.4fs.�+,=?;��.xt8_°��:�..,t:t��t,u;...:,tl,vat�+:w.xcu,.�n�s,ami.ux ..'`"""'1``---- <br /> i <br /> ::.t;. {;, f!{i: . __ ..._. . <br /> ,F_ `� <br /> S:f�°�.��',•;,�;J� rcacm�n wmi u me rm+o.�i6�ow or nx�.na aecled on th� propKly�ud a1 euxnenlq�PPwtan�nus.�nU - <br /> i: a �. <br /> ;F.,s]i.'=, faturn now or NwaRK s pR of Ih�poPuty.hl repl�canenta r�nd�dJlt{ons eh�/�so M covaed I�y ttdt&w�Ny In�W mxA. <br /> �'•' t��t-`�4}ir_ M ol the IaapoM9 h nhrtW lo fn ihh Bewrlty IntWmenl�t the'Mopwty.' � . <br /> � OORIiOM'ER COVEHANTB fhe!Baro+rm Is Lx4,r.y edeed ol th� �qN�hxaby oonveyed end hne lhe Mjht la�ent end ° ..-----. <br />''�36s r-�7,,!�' wnvey Ihe Properry ond thH Ihs R'opwp� Is unencumbuod, �accepf tor encum4nncES ol roco�d. Ilonowa wa�rnts end �.�- - <br /> r� -��, �� wfl deland O��N Ihe We lo Iho Aoprly ap�NN el dNms and daronds,wb)ai to any anu�rr��nca ol ncord. <br /> � '' Ft i1113 6L•CI1RfIY IN8Tt1U11.CNT carbha �nNOrm COYpIN16 for mllonU use md nonunMam CDVM111t x#h <br />�'�, b:1,", fvnNed wrlulon�bY Nrt�ddion to an�tilul�a unNam�ecu�Ny�nswmml earaYip rMl ProPaN• � '.-.----- <br /> �if���r���S" UNIFOtiM COYEkANi& Borraxv+nd L�ndx tav�nl�nd�prM as Idvxs: _ . <br /> 3 ,tr: �z_ .t' 1. Piyns�nt of Arincipu md Int�nN; Pnp�Ym�nt mci lat� CMrg��.Barowx sn��promp�y ar wnM <br />.�,L�,y�.:.�,�, !' du�lh�pMcpY ot�nd Nlwoct en tho di61 cfdh�cW 6Y the Nol��nd rny Prep�ym�nl ond Mt� dwp�s dw widr. Ihe �"-------- <br /> _ _.._ `..-- <br /> _y�:C�';,-,��� aie. <br /> ;1,.,;,_ , _ 2. Funds for T�uc�s u�d Inwrano��Subpcl lo�ppic+bN Mw a to�xTM��n w�7rw by Lmdv, BarrowM�IwE qy _ <br /> ,i,,�,��qy�.t'.=jj�, l�ndv on the doy monthy p�yrnaii+ro d�e unMr Ihe Nole, unU the Note ts p�W N lul,��um('FUnds'1 fa: (U y�M' — <br /> { �� v��nd+uMem�nl� whkh m�y an�N pdwlry ovx �hit Bawl.y Insimment ���fien on Ihe PropMy,@)yMA/N�s�hdd <br />=t':�t;Cu;�t'��':Y� _ <br /> �t ��,�, �mmt�a pround nriU on the PropMy,II�ny, (c)yee�y Nurd or propxty Inaunnce premlum�: (d)y�ub�ood h�uranu = <br /> D --.-+ �S„ �r�n t k i m s,q�n y,(e)p o u y m a t p�p e M+u ro n c o�r r.n�m s,H a n y,m d @ a n y s u m s p:y e 6 l o b y p o rc o w a l o L m d n t n e e t o r d a n c e � �--- - <br />_-N�,.,,..,pq.�;�-�k j` i v i lh lh�prori�Mn�o l pufpnph 0,In iw of�he p�ymsnl ot mortgeye Naurmce prur,kims. Theso Aomt vo eaYcd 'Eeaa.r - � � --- <br /> +Y�t• :�c.•::-;_z'ti. i Item�• Lendx m�y, �1�ny lYne, colecl nnd hold Funds In en enount nol to mrred Ihe nwMwm rnwuM�Iendx for a <br />�:J°.��%�'•;i.?�.'',�S:i N ledeuy rol��ed mwtyepe Iwn rn�y requVe lor[lortower's escrow eccount under the Iedml fla!Esutt 3etllement Roce�ures <br />-%;��'�;;.:�.f;,�'r � Ad ot 1974 aa amendcd hom Wne l0 6me, 12 U.8.0.@ 2601 0l aoq.('HHSPA'), unbss �nahx kw lh�l sppiea to�tie Funds <br /> y1�,:�..�:.=::s,?-�.;-. sHa a lessa unounl. 11 ao,L�nder«ay. al �ny timo, eollect and hold Funds In ���mounl not lo acad Ihe Iesser amanl <br />-_�;,r;�:��.;,>i�7n' lcnder riuy ealhxle the amount ai Funds due on tho beais ol artmt dat�e�d tasoneWe esllmUes of expenddures oi futuro -- <br /> � r i - � Esarx Itcros or olhawlse N�ccorGnce wllh eppfiwble lew. � � - <br /> ���;,`�.�._ �� ihz Fuidssh�7 be hNd N pn MsL'..11on whose depoails nro insc�ed by e Icdenl epmty,InaWmml�Gry,or enliry(nGudng - <br /> n s, •---P lezdx,i lar.drr is auch�n Nslilv4o�)a 4�s�y FMeral Home lonn Benic Lmder chall cppty Iho Funds to pay the Eccrc: ' - <br /> � Nnns.Lemd�mri�a��rge Oorccv�xr Sx tn�ld�v,�and appyu�y tho Fur.tla.�nnualy a�elyetng the esaow account, a vertt�Mg �[� <br />-'y'`�S'���t"-i11 t*.a Fsaow 1:arcu, uSrss tx�6er prys Bcrrvaw l�treal ai Ihe Funds and appGablo Yw permlts Lender to rcxke such a s`�xz r•:' <br /> �" z <br /> �Y'� �ii�-„;t�' �ha�ba Har,ere+. le�de�may reyuYe Bortcwer to pay n ono-Nma cFarqo ta an Independml real eslale toz repon;r.g sexNce {; ;�_ <br /> ii4 ���T ;���}; usxd py LenUrr li eonr.eaio�with thls!aan, un;ess apDfwt;e law proNdes otherxlae. Unless �n egreement h rcade Cr 4 _. <br /> zly�� ".,',�",7 nppiatlo kw requYes Inlercal to de pr'r?,LenEer ahil n�t be requtred to pey Dormxer any Interesl or eam(ngs on 2a Femda. �,}p�4� -, <br /> 9�Q �.1-�(f UcnoxYV a:Q Lmder may ayee In wrts.g, howerc+, thal�ntuesl eMll be pold on lho Fur.ds. Lmda she9 gMe lo Bonowzr, fy �� . <br /> +},S� � -; <�>: wN.liouf d��3:,en ennual iccounling of iho iunde, ehox�p uecila e�a deMS lo ihe Funds end lha puryose for x�'ch en:h 7� a <br /> } ��,. . _::;r�( deM lo tha Funds was made. The Funds ere pletlEed ns uC�lfkaal a�:uriry for all wms secured by lhe Sewr7ry Insta�nent. ��x C� }d'---' <br /> �� ' Il lhe Funds hNd by lmdx exceed Iho er�xuots pe'm@�¢d 10 be hNd by appticable lew. Lender sh�A accourt2�o Bonown ' �i �-% <br /> t'� ; � .;�`;_ ior lhe aass Funds N accord�nu wtth the ttSc}cmxnts ot o�71wtR Nw.11 the e.^�cunl of the Funde held by Lenier nt eny y4 s�}� ". <br />�/+. ._a� t5ne Is nol suffidml lo pey Ihe Esuow tlems�vtm diq Lentltt Ray so�otiy Bortow�r Sn xN,ing. and, in such ense Oonewer �3 .�t ��._ <br /> � .�. �:;.- ehiE pry lo Lender lhe�mount nttes=a:�So rrake uy the uAdMCy. 8ancwer ahall myke up the dxflcienry�n no rcq�e than l ,- ts -_ <br /> _ .: :. !�;�ke ma.^.t�!;�;m!s! L�der<<.���ia..{�w. � 0 1 _ _.: . <br /> ' - r l��e U on � MI In k:S 0}GO Su0t5 9eCnl2d h lhis &wri Ins;iumer.L Lenc4� ahe9 rom L «tund to Dortmvcr en ° 9 ' - <br /> 3! !3 c'r)r x�: P P Ym Y h v P Y r iy zt a J�'�' '_' <br /> �( A' Funds heid by Lenda. tL v�.der pa�ey�ph 21, Lmder ahail acqu4e or se%the Pmye�aj.Ltnder,pdor lo lhe acR���s�toe or cae ��s��, ��s- <br /> �t E�} � . '.:. � ol Iho Property, the0 a,-g,y any Funds held by Lendu m�he tlmo 01 acquisa.ion oc va7z+s e ueda eyaNSt Ihe sums aecured 1 �y„ 1�'l ._ <br /> �` ���{{{�y_-.�f++} bylhls8earlry InsWmmL fy�r�}t�,• - �': -;. <br /> f ri y .��- : 3� Ag�11CNlon of Paym�nt6 Unless eppOwblo lew prcvk�ea .olhenviso, all pqmenls receNed 6y Ler.Cer unJtt 1 �_{�_, <br /> i_`�f:_,':rnti;` pnre9npha 1 �nd 2 aha�6e appllM: fis1, to any prepeymeM oherges uue cndn�t:No:e: second,Io emounls pnya*le undn ;,�SF,�,�,�);::f�,;. <br />��,�� � f i pepgnAh 2;Ih4d,lo Nldest due;farlh,to pdndp�l due;and Wel,to eny la!e c�a:gu due under lhe Noto. � . = <br /> 1�jr; ��i'- -. 4. Charga; l.lans. 8orrowtt sheil pay eA iexes. xssesemm�s, chergas, tnes�nd impositions at�riDumS$ 7o tte � - +sic :. <br />•s 'rt•�.S'�ri(�f� PropMy whieh nuy �ltein ptlo�ity orer Ihls 8eadty Instn�menl, end Icasehdd Qa�r..mis or ground renta, "A. a+y. Oortcwtt -.y�� ;.,5..r�.�,,,,; :. <br /> �J,r,f�`(�7(��{),j shWl p�y lhese obfp�lions In the mviner proddM in peregr3ph 2, w M nol D+�d In �het rcanner, Uortower sha:t pa7 the�n cn r+ !�,�d;, • <br /> �1 �ilF �_�/�y time deecly to Ihe pttson owed peymmt. Oortovrer ehnu promply hm�ah to Lendtt all nolices ol emounls to bo ratl undn ' � r,i�e;4 J -. <br /> 3,-4y��',.- 1(i}����4� this pangraph. II Dortower makus Ihese paymmis d!rec�y, Uortower shu3 promp.y hmish to lendcr rea�pts nidenNr.g ._� _ <br /> ( `if fi���,y� lhe paymmis. �� � � - �.,t"t,�7 . <br />;7 i�?i`1"9'f��� Donowtt eha0 promp:ty dseherge eny lim which hns priority orer lhis Sewrity Ins;mmenl untess Oortmrer. (3)agrees f <br /> v [ tu <br /> :cr-�`- In wri;Ai9 W lhe p�ymml oi the obYgelion seared by Iho lien In n n.:nner aCcepinUe b Lmder; (b)eontasts N gm�faith lho _F v <br /> all n51' S- _- `�i Em 6y,or defends epcinst enbrcemenl of tho iien In, lepul whkh In �M1O Lmder's opinlon oper.f.2 ao pravmf E ti H, 4 ' <br />�� �f� -i �" ���, Iho enloreomml of lha f:m; or(o)seares Irom tho ho!der ol the Een a�egruemmt saYSluctory lo Lentler suborCrauig tno t++�ii''� "� <br /> � � ,, 'v - I!m lo Ih!s 3ecu�l.y InsWmenl.II Lmda detertnnes thal any porl ol tho Rope,ty Is sub;ecl to a Gm whkh mey eeah prtor.h� f !x' <br /> #��7f � +�fi ` - ovcr thls Secwiry InsWmenl, Lendn mey gHO Dmrower a nm!w i�entiyng Iho Bm. Oarower shtli salisy�ho fim or teke 1 , , j;` �? <br /> ,O¢7�i -, ;f � one or mae ol lhe eGlons aM lorlh ebove wilhin 10 daya ol�he gMing a1 nolice. 1 � S_.r t � <br /> +tg rt� .�fx;; 5. Huud 01' PIOpBdy 1116uli11C0. Oorrowe�ehaA keep Iha improvem�n�s now ezisting or herwfler orec�M on�ha c 3 <br /> u�;n�Sff,.��;y� Pwpe�ty NsurM egaHSt loss by firo,hazards Indutled withh Iho lem 'exlmded eoverepe' antl any othtt haznrds. S�Gudmg _t �:,,.r��;�,_-_ <br /> -� "� �a,��j`/.t� �i Cootls or rtoodinp,for whl�h Lender requUOS Insunnce. ih;s insuracco she7 bo mxL�tnlned In the emoums nnd far�te periods 9�;. �-- <br /> �'7r,`.i;.ti�>e1-.f•�} that Lentla requtres. Tho insumnca wrt�er proNdmp the Inaurenco shell be chosen by Uortower subJecl fo Lenders aAP�oval -., �,�.`}d{� ° <br /> ��1���;!�Z;-�r which¢hal not be unreasonnby withhc:d. II Oortowtt fa7s to manieln coremgo descn3M obore, Lmder moy, ef Lmdtt'a -�� _ <br /> S i -ti�:,: <br /> �r -�� optlon.oblaln oovcrego lo profeG Lmtlae dghla in Ihe P�oDeity in euordance wilh parngraph 7. + <br /> -�� - "'t- AA Insurenco po5des and renrxais shall 6o acceptah:e to lendtt ond ahnll LnrJude e slnndard matgago claosa Ln�dn � � . - <br />- '+,-�-'���5•��.1 shnl havo�ho dqM to hdd 1ha pades end rmcwals. u Lmtler reT;ies. Dortower i6oU promp�ry give lo Lendcr nu reccipls o1 <br />-�}':k�:! -V F' pa�d premUms md rmcwal noUCes. in Iho �vml ol loss, Oortower ehe9 BWO prompt nollco to�ho Nsmanee mder nnd f <br /> =„i-: �. �';: �i Lmdtt.Lender nuy nako proof ol loss N not mado pmmply hy Oortowec I. <br /> --S ��,.���{"' Unioss Lmder nnd Oonower othmrise nflree In writing. Insurante proceeds shetl be eppfed ta restorellon or repefr ol <br /> f.;'+ <br />__ --� �,"�_,,,��y Iho Proprxy damaped. il Iho msbruCOn or repatr Is econom!wly Icasible nntl Lendtti seariry is nol lesser.ed. 11 the <br />_,,-i���. : .�F mslotaGOn or tepa4 I5 not economlcaly leasi5le or Lendtt's sttu:ry wou'd bo tessmed. Ihe Nswgace p:oeeeds shnll bo <br /> . _ .r< appGed lo Ihe aums secwM 6y thls Secudy InswmeM, a nol �hen tl�o. xi:h any encosa peid to Oonower. B . <br /> . "� Oortowtt ebentlons Ihe Pwpttry, o� tloes not enswM w:Ihi� SO days n r.o0ce Irom LmEtt Ihal Iha insurenw ca.MM has <br /> - - . ' olfMed l0 6etUe e da!m. Ihen Lmdtt may coSeU Ihe insurenn proceeds. Lmdn may use �he proteetls to repa'u w <br /> - - restore the Propttty or to pay au:ns securM by Ihis Secumy Ins.vmenf.whelhtt or nol thm tlue. The 30-day pMOd wA <br /> be9h whm�hu notice is gNm. <br /> . Unless Lendtt end 6ortnxer olhmvtse egree in writing. any epD��W� of poeecds lo ptlndpal shx7 nof e�tentl o� <br /> pos:pona Ihe Jue da:e ol Iho momhy paymenls relerred to in pa�ag�aphs 1 and 2 or chengo the amount ol Ihe <br /> — - � Mojnm�ia.ii vc�Yuay'cY�i i . 'riv��c'i"ij:i e�.y�i�c"u �� i iy:n � u.� : va Yv'�v��v� e v Mv�.c�r <br /> � ' resu:,h8 troa•da.mage to tho Propttry pdor:o Ihe ecqulsdion sheii pass lo LenCtt to tl:e exlenl�of tho sums by Ihis Secu�ty <br /> - ' Inslvmn�t MmMaleF�pdor to Iho acqvis9:on. <br /> - 6. Occupnncy, Prosorvalion, Mointonanco and ProtacHOn of tho Proporty; �orrowore Loan <br /> , - ' A��IICet1011; L085oholdB. OortowM shn0 occupy, eslabl�sh. nnd uso 1he Propa,y ns Dortowers ptlnGpel resldenu <br /> - - ' wiihh sLety days a1tM the ezewUOn of Ihis Sewrty InsWmmt end sha4 eor;nuo 10 xcupy tho PropMy os Oonowcv i pdnUpal <br /> , - rosidmco lor UI IC�sI one yaV ol:e!the(L�Ie ol Gctupenry.unless la�der o:nMYASe Ggre¢s in wri:�np. which fAnsmt 6ho11 not <br /> . .- . be unrcasonaby wnhhNd.or unluss exlmuaiing arwmstances e>JSl whlch are bqon7 Oortower's conuol. Oonown sheli no1 <br /> ' JesVOy, denlage or hlpall Ihc PropNry. evon 1he Propttry lo delMbrelo,w eomm�}wasle on the PropMy. Oortowa shn9 be <br /> � in de7au:1 il any IodNlure ection or prouetlng. whelher cMl or airinal, li begun thal N Lenders good lanh �utlgmmt eooA <br /> _:�t�� resu!t N fMeilore ol Ihe Propary or olCmvlse malerfa7y Impair the 6m aea:ed 6y th!s Seariry Inswmenl oc, ndM's sewr.ry <br /> �;`.- .' Nlerest. -�. <br /> ' Fl):5 VAO(10AD >eqe l c�5 � r-!�1 <br /> _�� <br /> . .., '� 530N1!A <br /> " <br /> � <br /> °{F _._....__. ' . _ . _______ ___ . _ . _ . _. _ _ . _ . <br />