i.� : C.r:. . ._ c - ��lry�= , _:
<br /> -"• �' _-_c�.
<br /> '-� _ '" " _ ' _ _' _ ,tc_
<br /> .
<br /> ��.,.� . . � _r� —._— ' _�y,., _ — � �
<br /> ,�.� ' _�...j_..._ _�- ..a.k`t'��.Ti __ _ -�
<br /> � 'i' . L ' ' . ... �r 4 _ J - � .., L 4 Y,�.
<br /> - '"f N- t` � .t - F 'cC� _ rv . Y �y � � - {c _....�.�.y.. •, �-. ; `C -`L•-.
<br /> �, Ct� `�� N" ' ° ....3.1..4� �,.;�s__. '; .,._.......-.r�.v..,, ' "�" '.'.�=
<br /> y� �i!� f�•t s t `•— t ? _" . • � y.�k
<br />-r_- _ ,_.-f:z _ :i{
<br /> .. . � ,` _
<br />- ' .. . . . �i� ����� - .t_-'^
<br /> .c•,�° �<� sgree�ent or inatruffi�nt executed by Truetor ia connection tsf�h P.h� f":.�`�`�
<br /> .,.,._
<br />_ ,. ., . indebteda�ss herebp secnred� aud :•� '
<br /> � " . `<.`.� :<<
<br /> `�, � (c� T8e payment of aay sum or eums of monep c,iitb intereet �,: ,�
<br /> _ �.,`;:;� thereon which �p be hereafter paid or adnanced under the terms of � � -
<br /> < ., the Deed of Trast. ��
<br /> � . ' ..� h ��
<br /> - -���{' Truetor does for Trns�or and fa� Trns�ar'� heirs, represen��tives, - `--�"_�-�
<br /> ,�
<br /> . veadees, s�uccessors and assigns, the oemers of said Property, �� Y -
<br /> .' '.- hsrebp expressly conenaa�, agree and warrant to and �vi.�h the ;,`
<br /> ;: >; Trustee and Beneficiary, and tlteir successora, vendees and assigas: ';�.�,;
<br /> . . t .
<br /> .,.,...,,�
<br /> ;'.:- �� � .� -
<br />.. �;, �r •,.� � ;•.�� �IRST: That the Trnstor hereby covenants and agrees, to �he
<br /> . ; .'�, �xten� permitted hy lae�, as follawss (a� to pap gramptlp whea due
<br /> ff`�� `.r the grincipal and iaterest aad other sums of �onep Provided for ia
<br /> :.f`i'��, .�rr�yl�} the Dtote and in thi.s E1eed vf Trnst; (b) to pram��lY pap before
<br /> �:�,.,,�.y,r'�;.�. cYeli.aqnency all �ages, a�sessmeats and other chnrqes imposed 1ap law �,��
<br /> ��,Fr� ;� i up�n the Propertp, the Trms�r•s intereat tIserein, or ugoa tbis ;4=
<br /> �' ` f �f { Deed of Tsnst or the Note; pr�ided, har�ever, that in the event of
<br />.,�.:µ.. . ._, ...�,5��f �
<br /> �. .� ....`�::��;V . any c�ange of the law providinq far �s taxatioa of ai�eds of trust
<br /> ' •� .*a;, or debt� therebp secnred so as to affect this Deed of Trast, the
<br /> 4� ,-`- �- ' en'�ire ind�tedness secuzed hezebp shall, at the optian of the �
<br /> - ` - ������� Heneficiarg, become due aad papablep (c) to keep the
<br /> ;.�_ �
<br /> -� � .: � above-described Praperty and the imprane�nts thereon in qood '
<br /> � ��;.� coadition and repair and not to co�it or suffer waste thereof, and .,
<br /> . ��`���'�`. e x c e g x t a s a u t h o r i z e d in a n p saheduZc-� annexed hereto amd foxming a .
<br /> - �=' paat heseof, aeitl��s to ��ove aor permit the r�val o f aag : ':
<br /> � :.z FfF
<br /> t3.mber, baildings, oil, Q�, minerals, stone, rock, clap, E,� .
<br /> ` �° � �= ��` festa.l.izer, qravel m� to� sa,� v3ithout the �i.cr c9rittea co�eri� af "�!'���•
<br /> 3'.
<br /> ''��; Beae£iciaryf (d) t� r�aiata'ra�� and deliver� H�uef�c€*3sy p��ies �i�Y' �:
<br /> �"��`'�'� of �nrance agains� ctuch ha�ards oa tha buildiugs a� improv�tants
<br /> ; ,f=
<br />;,: .,:�. . � . �:; nov� r�r hereafter located oa as constitnting a.�art of the P�Q�ertp ,.
<br /> � . � r=,� as the Bea�cf ary shall rcqeaire, i.n aa �T^t not lese �b.ar� the � ' �
<br /> �� ' total onts�ding indebtedness herein and ��h such loae pr�g3ble " `�-�:
<br /> '� , :a ,�.' clauses as ahall be satisfactory to the Baneficiary; �hat in the � � ,-
<br /> _- `r��s��.� event of loss, Heneficiary is expressly authcrized to settle or � ",,�
<br /> ���;' campromi9e claims under eaid policies and the proaee ds t hereo f -
<br /> - ' ..,.Y'�; ehall be paid to the Beaeficiary a�ho m.ap apply the samo or aa�p paric,„ f,, `:
<br />=";;�:°.;�.•".'<,_ .� �� thereof on the indebtedneea secured hereby or tovrax�#. the r<<�, -_
<br /> ,,��
<br /> �'�' �� 5 `r�' •, reconstruction or repair of sai.d buildiags and improveiae�� or k;_
<br />- � ;t����:.1 . release same to the Trustor; (e) to gap any lfea, claim or �harge ; ;--
<br /> againet the Proper�y which might �ce precedence a��r the liea� � �
<br /> � �.�� r � he�eof; (�}.to pay on demmrz�t alZ Z��]. expensea, ti'i�le sea�cS�ea, -c �
<br /> _ .� �:''� a p praieal ss� attorne ys' ff� r�a.�cnablg iaicurred or �a� by �
<br /> � �� :;� Beneficiary to callect the �ar�e ox �erecloac� +yr pzotect the ].i�a of �':� =-
<br /> • { "f thie Deed of Trust„ (g� t�at ia �� event �'rustor�shall fail to _ -
<br /> � � aompl� with �he �scv�eions of (a� through �(�f� above, the
<br /> �� �. . Ben�ficiary may ex��a� eu�� funds and take such' aation as is
<br /> : � #ailure aad all eums paid by the �'� "`
<br />-= neaessary to reme�g setetp _
<br /> `'� .,,,s�•-��: � Benefiaiary puxsuaa� �ie�e��+ with interest at the rate hereinafter
<br /> � : ,,.�,�r,�}t�,;: pronided shall cc�.�t�itute a lfen npon the . Prop2stp, ehall be
<br />- ..x tel dne and ��
<br /> '� '.��.xi�.�..' aecured by thie B�� of Truat, and ahall be ia�edtxa p
<br />�:� � •�•'''.'i repapable to the Heneffciazy: (h) aot to se�.l t�o L�soperty or any� �;�� :
<br /> --- �• :
<br /> '. � portion thereof withont the appronal of the� IIr�u.�Eicissy in c�si�inc�o �
<br /> `�`'�,�� � �nd in the eventi of any sale hereS.a psot���ed, then the entise � `t�'
<br /> = �u;�1��f�;`;k�{��;ti: ind�ebtedness secur�r3 by thia Deed o� T�nst alsall, at the option o�
<br /> �.��. � ';;;,1,'i�>i�`;.. . ,�k� Heneficiasy, h�ome due and pagal�le; and ia fil� eneut of any � .,.
<br /> . ,.Ettl�. sa�.e herei.n prohiT�ated, then the entire indebtedur�a� secnred by ,� ..
<br /> ., •,ii i�,,f
<br />='`' �' •� this Deed of Truet s&all, a+� the option of the Beneficiary, becoate 1
<br />--� � ':.`'i.,. . due and payable; �x) that sf the Property or any �Oart or parcel 1,..,.
<br /> _ ���.,�;'��3; ,�� th�reof shall be fi�Icen or damaqed under the pa�r of em3neat :
<br /> '•�`�`��""' d�smain, the awasd �vr any Property r�o taken or damaged (including "�
<br />_- ,-r�,,,;�:'
<br /> '. � •� senesance damaqes �:� the remaining premisea) shall be pafd to the ,
<br />__= -. Beneficiary ancl applied in full or in part at the optien og the •
<br /> -.,. � ' Beneficiary in reduction of the indebtedneas hereby seau�ed; (jj
<br /> -- - . that �he Heneficiazy ahall hane the ri�ht to inspeat the Property ..
<br /> - - � at such reasanable times as the Heneficiary may desire to de�ermiae
<br /> � .. Trustor's compliance witb the covenants contained in this Deed of '��
<br /> , � � • Trust; (k) that the Beneficiary may release from the lien uereoi -
<br /> ..? . �: �, 3 .
<br /> . , . . .
<br /> ,,•, , • . . . .
<br />- . . ...—,-.Y� •..- . __ . . .. . . . ._ • . ._.. 'ir- °—. ...— —. . -- - .. ._. i. -_._ ... . . _ . . - . ..:x..- r..�
<br />