, � E.'�L:.-�2F,�tiay�_ ..'�.. _ �t._ _.� ::rrr,-r--�—�"i`�'�:.� :s r^.,.-.: � .�_-;. �r�c� F _
<br /> '_��F,�3
<br /> _f'��� .. _-T' .. :. .� .* ..._....��f ,. ' lk� ' ` -° -: i t �.�'.^ A_.- ---t G -T4 i r- �.
<br /> N'4•` . y � . . !� F �s .
<br /> ..-L= �. t ,. r ' C ' t —� �4 .r�, -�N--�e^ +2M1r'�E ll � 4 ' L'..
<br /> v�C ._ ;S_� R�.� ` `i 4 - Y c a� t ., ��j,�y, ° 4> _�; -.- '..a,_d,. , ,r•-.�x -5�''�'4 ,�t" .
<br /> L '�{��tt:< .4- .'?•'r:
<br /> `� ..r�' s e.. Y :k <c
<br /> e.c= 6+' � .k: i. '' _ t •���.r=:u--_'--,.t �`
<br /> '_ __ �
<br /> ..tr '
<br /> 4 �� -
<br /> S .�" • '
<br /> � ._ ��� ����� ,• •y``�
<br /> . •,, • 'F.':�' '.
<br />-.�_�•y(� <'� h f;' �jji�S3BTH, R'hat 4Qa '3'z�stor. �or c�ood and vala�lble
<br /> coasfderatf.on. facludiag the d�bt aad 4.gu�� heseivaf�er s�zentfoned `�. 4�
<br /> �� : �� and cre�ted, and the aum of oaa dollas to�.Tsn.a�as paid bg the �aid .
<br /> � �� '����� Truetee, the receipt and eu�fic�i�anc� of wDaich ig h�reby :
<br /> _ ackaawledgedt does b8 these par�aents P a.�cevocablp qraat, barqain `<,:-:;<
<br /> � � � � • and sell, convey, seeiga and amnfi� us�+�o tho aaid T=uetee, IN `� ' � '
<br /> .� : , _• �'..
<br /> _.::�_� R`RIIST t�ITH POt7B�t OF �ALS, fro= t�c� b�sefit and securitp of -
<br /> - Benefiaiar�t. und�s and �ub�eat to t�e te�ms siad condit3.on og t�is -
<br /> .:..; � . De�d of Trus�, the folla�ofag.daacsi3�ed xeal propesty situ�ted in
<br /> �: ' ,. � Hall Conaty. Nebraalc�, �o-wi�s
<br /> ,_'��f..::` , ; -. .t�_
<br /> , . ���� The Bast Seveat�-t�o (7�� feet mL ��e North Half (��) � ,:. ;,-
<br /> � ` �ad t�e Sonth Half (S�� af Lot 3�ra�af�y (20), Hachmaa � � .� ,��r,:;:
<br /> � '. ` I,�s�er Snbsliviaioa to the Citp mf Qrand Islaud, Ha11 � :~:=f
<br />_ ��' ` . Canntp, Nebraska. �°�
<br /> ',::c;.: ; . - TOGSTHBR �ith and inclu�ing all as�d a3.ngu1� the tene�sato, �.�ti.--�;
<br /> . ��� � � � hereditamsnta, appns�en�nces and pri�sl�ges thareianto belonging,or _
<br /> , ;�; ia anya�ise appertaiai.ng. wh�tQ�.�r nam o� hereagter acqui�ed, �hhzch ;::��;'�
<br /> � � sh�].1 in�lud�, without litn3.t3ag the generalftp o€ the foregoi.ng, `f`�•.::':`-
<br /> ::� .. ��F. t?ne followinq: ' .;s•�;. _
<br />. • ... �r . p..:r'`�:r.
<br />_ iz:n�..1_'i:'..;.._/.'[`.� . {It�_.._'...
<br /> ` � �7.1 of the zen�s, fs�ues and prof:Lts, includiug alI reats• ;:�.:;,:..:
<br /> � � ' ropaltfes, bonuses and benc�fits u�de� �ay eaistia9 or faituse oil, ' ,�='Y.:
<br /> ��r.=; �_ `.,•.'�'� gas or mineral or otheg le���f �11 �aae�nts and zights of wap; ; F t ;'
<br /> j��``��'` •`� all si qhts of homestead aad•h�mestead esemption and aay snrviviag •
<br /> � �' ��>.• �.: :. .: ,. .��";:.
<br /> °`':`:�:.=����.�:� onse•s marital os die�rib�utive sh�sa, and all other_contingeat .
<br /> . Q.: sP . �.:
<br /> � �" . siqbts �a aud to said premfises f and °"
<br /> r'-v.:.
<br /> `�-,{;�":.`�� ��:. t�i11 giztures, improveraents ,b�aildfnqs, snd th� plumbinq, heatinq, .,f.;:�;;
<br /> ; ':,,;�•�° •�' • •
<br /> '.."�`�,'. �..:'��: crentilatinq ara�! liqhtinq spstem� and equip�eat therein= all of �;;�_
<br /> .. . cr�i.ah $hall b� constrn�d a�,d cox�aide�ed as affixed �o and pas� ca� �,N�;_
<br /> - g#�e xeal estate. �"-�'"'-
<br /> . �
<br /> piil ofi �he forea�oing est'ate..proPertP and interest here�r coaveyed � _
<br />- to the sa�d Trustee i� hereite�ftex aol.lcectivelp referred to as th� , n _
<br /> � :.� • � °PI0�J0�:ty" �p��:�-�
<br /> .
<br /> , l.,--
<br /> �" � � � _ - �.HAVB AD1D TO HCfT,� th� same unfia the eai.d T�tustee, Trt�$tee's P
<br /> H
<br /> .�.` ..; suCCeS�ore and.aseiga�sr forever, Il� �IIBT HO�CtB�R and lrJITH POT�31R OF
<br /> � �''.__•��_.
<br /> ' {�� SALB �ezebp �ess2y grasited unto the eaic'� Trnstee, Trustee s ��
<br /> . . ��• � �scceasors, a�r�.ass�e,�z� fo�r tPne purpaoe of secn,sinq: . . � _.
<br /> � - , . t.��. The paymen�a�Trustor's ju�� indebtedness to Sene�ic' .�y � �-�.
<br /> � � �.n, �hr� L�incipal. sum of Pouz�Thoneand Dollars (S4•000.00 j� far �a�p , ; . �.-=
<br /> �.�� ,�`��:.;�.;
<br /> borrowed, with interest th��eon, all ae evidenced bp aad ia et�-'� �'` -
<br /> .. '�' .�. '�:� � � �acaordanae with the terma of� tha� ce�rtaia prosniasory ac�,. • ��„
<br /> � �� - � � hereinafter called the "Nate", besring evea c�te berewith a�:r� ��,�:
<br /> _ . � �� ' payable to the order of Beaeficiary, es:ecnted �g"Robert �senton and �_._�_�
<br /> . Mary L. Bren�on, Husbaac� and�Wife, and Bra�i 'diar� for �he payment of , �
<br /> i-`�?�:�. � �, ��� eaid indebted;�.r�se in inetal].m:ents� snb ject �o acceleratfon of � fu
<br /> ;� �`�. nt o� aA fne�ilment of priaci�al �t" -
<br /> �� matnrity on d�gault in tho � -=-
<br /> :�, ..5� .'. .: Pa� Y
<br /> `.,a� os intereet or in �h� pergo�m�nae aE any cavenant, ac,�reemeaL. �� ,
<br />=--- , � warran�y contaaned in �his Dc3ed of ��net; and
<br /> �._.��,....':.� T�e papment of Truatos's juat i.utdebtednese to Beneficiarg s.a _ � .
<br />- � the prinaipal aum of Fifty-Fon� Thonaaad Dollars (554,000.00) �a�
<br />= � money borrowed, with interes� ther�an, all as evidenced by aad in
<br />= �atrict accordance with th0 t�rms o� that cestaia promisaosp note, . .
<br />= �� hereinaf�er aalled the "No�e°, bes�eia�.g even date herec�ith mada
<br />== •"�� � . payable to the order of Benef3ciary, e�ecuted by Robert Brenton aad •�
<br /> _ . � l�Zasy L. Hrentorn, Hasband and W.iEQ, and pronidinq for the payment of �'�
<br />_- said indebtedneas in instalimente, aubject to aaCOleratio� �g .
<br />- � �,.� maturf�y on degault ia the paytaent o� any fas�allment of prine�pal
<br /> or inteseat or in �h� per¢oxmanae af any covenant, agreement or
<br /> _- . ..;;' warranty contained in �his D�ed of �ruet; � .
<br /> � �� � � � (b� The performance of each agreement, covenant aazd warrantp
<br /> �• of Trnstor herein eoncained ar set �orth fn �he Note or any
<br />�_.'--�•f) . � . . .
<br />.± ' �•,' .• .'. �
<br /> Y� •, ..
<br /> '.. 'ia - . __. - ___
<br />