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<br /> '` �Y P� or parcel o€ ttee Propertp �f�ou� requiring aaY
<br /> consideration t�esefor, and (1� that Truetor ie lawfully �eized of �
<br /> � � '°" esid premisee and PrapeEty in fee ei.mple, t8at �hhe same are gree � � `•
<br /> - fram ell liea� and encumbrances egcept as map otherwise be `�� �:-��_`.
<br />: � - - specificallp noted herein or wained in e�ritisq by tfie Ben�ficiaryj ���.` "
<br /> �� `.�'.; that Trustnr �il l execn�e or procure aap f urther aecessary ;:,"<;.
<br /> � -.�`.:----°t assurances of title and does hereby warxant generally the title to ...:':rr;c,
<br /> , -�,-_� s�d Pro�esty and wil! foren�r degend �he same agafnst the claims _�._,��t�'v
<br /> �-- , � ` and demands of all persons c��omsoever, aad tha� Trnstor's separate ��'`:�, `
<br /> , . - est��e, whether vestecl, coatinqent or in expectancp, is herebp ;,�_
<br /> .` conne yed and 'L'nis�oz doea herebp expxaaslp waine, release all � ,
<br /> � "° � rights anci benefits of a.�y homsstead, dosaer, curtesY. aPP=ais�m�t, i: .-,
<br /> .`-:�` � ,� exemption and etay lawa of this atat�. E� is aqreed t�at the . :;. . .
<br /> � inte�est provided for in aubsection (gf above shall be at the saYae a�- �
<br /> '.::+ + .���ti' rate as apaciffed ia the Note seasarod herebp on the principal %�i;`;; , ,,;
<br /> - ' t$ereof after default aa�d ma�urity. .;c-�;±,.;
<br /> �:' : . ..,<`.. f;i;.-��,,;.
<br /> ; �_�,,s:,,
<br /> ° �`- SHCOPD: In the event Tznstor, w��hout �hhe prior written
<br /> � `` consent of Heneffai.asp, ehall sell, treaefer or convey o�r contract :� ,`
<br /> � �� to sell, tranefer or convep th� PropeYty, or anp pazt thereof or .:. ; .
<br /> � �LL•`, � any interest therein. �he entire balanae of the indebtedaes$ herebg F:,. �';.'`
<br /> '`� � secured ehall beca�� and be i�ediatelg due and payable at the - . .
<br /> " . �-•z'�-��.�f option of Benegici�= provided, however, Heneficiary ffiay cvaiee '�� =;=.
<br /> . 4 �'� �.
<br /> such option to acaelerate if, prior to such eale, tzaasfer or �:i��:;: ,
<br /> s,y. .
<br /> ` . �: , . coavepaace or coatract therefor, Beaefiaiazy and the person to w&om ,`; ,�;1::.
<br /> ' the ro ert ia to ba sold or traasforrad reach aa a eement in �,`%'����•��
<br /> . .�. .}.:` P P Y � r::;'s�' �
<br />- � -• �� -�.��. �,: cariting that the credit of aucb persan ie eatisfac:torp to ,;.Sk��,�:.
<br /> Beneficiary aad that the interest papabZe oa the aum� seciued bp � -
<br /> f»s xk'��°`.
<br /> . �: �A; ;� this Deed of Trust ehall be at sncb ratte as Heneficiary ahall -
<br /> :;� requ�st. r -
<br /> f ;..�{ �RD; That as further security far the payment of the Not� , ,
<br /> .'4^ n„
<br /> ,,,, ; ,� ; � and the ind�tedness therBby eviden�ed atts� the performaace of all � _
<br /> � i of the teriaso �ovenants and conditions her�of, Tzuator agxees that 1� �� :.
<br /> ,Fefd�.';
<br /> �': :`%:.';; Heneficiarp ��all aracl does herehp h�v� the rfqht, pawer and
<br /> ��r,;� � � ;_
<br /> • ;� t_�.,: authoritp durinq the continuaace of tbi.fl Deeci of Trust to collect � _
<br /> "_,�" the r��.e, issnes and prafits of the Pa��erty and of any �ersonal __
<br /> " ' ` pgcp�atp ldcated thereon with or withont takinq possession of the __
<br /> _�.;,;��'` : � . -, P=oPe�Y affreated thexebp; and Trus��r hereby absolutely and ` _-
<br />_ unaoadi.tionallp a�signs all sucb rents, iasues and pro£its to --- _
<br /> � . �� :� :,<';: Bene�farp. Ben�ficiary, hoerener, harobp consents Lo Trastor•s .:�.:�r:=.-
<br /> �����- col�ec�cion snd reten�vn of snch xents, iasues and profits as they . _
<br /> ;� �.{ .: �,.
<br /> . . accrue and be�oma papa�le so lonq as true��or fe a�ot at euch time in
<br /> - � � �.::? � default hitls �spect to papm�nt of anp iadebtedneee secured hereby ,-,,-t.,_
<br /> ' or in the pe�fmzat�zace of any aqreement 8ereuader. Upoa aay such �_�--
<br /> . - ��� �•
<br />- � � .�•��r default, Heneficfa�r aay at anp time, ei.�her in person, by agent, .,�„��:: :-
<br /> � . >�°� or bp receiver tio �?� appointed b�. a aourt without notice and• yfF -�
<br /> � : :}��� coithout re asd to the adequacy of aag security Eor the indebtedness �ir�f• -
<br /> :. �,<.�:. : .-�. 9 Mx;,�w.,.
<br /> «a�•��• •• ,:� hes�y secuxed (a y en�er upc� an c 3 ta ke posseaeion o f t he P r o p e rt p 9�;,�,. ,,
<br /> }&�`t'''` ' ` or any past th�zeof and is�: ite� rr.Qn name eue for or otheswise t
<br /> ���,. . 1 s _
<br /> � �����` colleat such rettte, issuos anai pxa�its, iacluding thoae past due � :
<br /> `° :�+r 5 .
<br /> - . ;;��,?�;��;; and unpaid, and apply the same� I.e�a costs and escpenses of ;: �,;;
<br /> . � '`.'1��,�.,� opera t io n a n d c o l l e c t i o n, i n a l u d i n g r o s e o n a b l e a t t o s n e y's f e e a, �
<br /> -- � . °_�',;: upon anp indebtedaess sec�ed heroby and in such order as .
<br /> -- � •��..�1�•�. Heneficiary may determi.ne f �1�} Zesse �3�e same or anp part thereof �. ;,:
<br />_ ����':���•' for such reatal, te� and ugon su�h aonditiona ae Hen�ficfary's ���'.�,:�,.
<br /> � �2,��.',,r�},�}�;. judg�ent map dict��� or tesmina� or adjuat th� tesms and .
<br />__ . , _,,.s�y,�t,: condn�ions of any e�.s�inq lease os leasee. IIaleB� Trustor and �f �<<
<br /> Beneficfa�p �qree ot4kerwise iu vlritiaa�, any aPplfcation ef rento, � `���
<br /> .. '� iasuea or �s�fita ta any �nc�btednees secused hereby e�aal� na� f�r{;�1�''
<br /> ' ':,:`�-!!�'�' extend or Laos$pone tt� due date ofc the inetallmeat gag�csr��u as �;)�i::.
<br />-- . :;��,',"?, .
<br />---- . ��,a��;�,:;} . provided in the PIot� or c&a�ge td�e amount of suah 3xe�ta131usatc�. '• :
<br /> -- � : . . ..:��;::: The entering upon a�x1 takf.ng possefl�ion of t�e Prcperty, the . .
<br /> - � � collet�tion of such rente, is�ues and profits, and tha appliaation •
<br /> - � thereaf as aforesaid, shall ttot waive or cure sAy default or notice �4<<;'•±�• �
<br />-- � of default �ereu�d�z, or innalidate any act done pursuant to auch ��'`�'��.��
<br /> ' � � • notice. Truetor aseigns to Benefioi�ry, ae fnrther aecurity for •.
<br /> `3• ��:' � .� the perfornzance of the indebtedness aarl obligationa secured hereby, . ��
<br /> - � •� a3.2 prepaid ren�s and all moneys whfcA may have been or may �� �'.
<br /> . , .,
<br /> ,,� � . .:
<br /> .r , � _ _.._..
<br /> . . ..-•-=-.r-. . .. .==u���:_:�: .
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