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201200930 <br /> required by 1t�SPA, nnd Borrower shall pay to Le�ider flie amounC necessary to makc up flie deficiency in <br /> accordanco with RP,SPCt, Uut in no more than 12 monthly payments. <br /> Upon paymcnt in fu11 oE�11 smns secm•ed by this SecLU�ity Instrument, Lender ehnll promptly rofluid to <br /> Borrower nny Fcinds l�cld hy Lcnder. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borro`ver shall pay a11 tases, assesamenta, chargcs, fines, and iinpositions attribulable to <br /> the Praperty which can atfain prioiity over this 6ecurity Inshvment, leasehold paymants or ground rents on <br /> the Proporty, iF any, pnd Coimnuvity Association Dues, Fees, uid Aasessmeaifs, iP any, "fo the extent thaC <br /> these itains ara Escrow Items, Borrower shall pay tl�cm in the mannar provided in SeEtinn 3. <br /> Borrower shall promptly diecharge any ]icni which I�as priority over thia Seourity Inetrument w�less <br /> Borrower; (a) agrccs in writing to the payinenY of the obligation securcd by flie lien in�m<umer ar,cepCable <br /> to Lencler, but only so lovg as 13orrower ts perfonning such agreement; (b) contosts tl�e lien in good faith by, <br /> or defands against enforcement of the lien in, lcgttl pr�ceeciings whioh in Lenc�er's opinfon operatc ta prevent <br /> tl�e enforce�nent of Yhe lien whila flioee proeeeclings axe panding, but only until sueh proceeclin�;s are <br /> conchided;or (c)secui os from the liolder of the lien axi agreement s�tisfactory to Lender suUordivaking the <br /> lien to this Seeurity Instrument: PPLendor dotc:rmines tl�at auy part of the Property is subjcct to a lien which <br /> cfui attAin priocity over Yhis Security Histnm�enC, Lcndcr niay give I�orrowar a uotice identifying i1�o licn. <br /> Withiu 10 days of the daCe on which that noYioe is given, Borro�ver sl�all s�tisf'y the lian or t�ke one or more <br /> �>f tl�e aotions sct fortli above in'tkis-Section 4. <br /> I,ender may require Borrower to pay n one-time charge for a real c;state tax verification and/or reportu�g <br /> service inced by Lcndcr in conuackion with thie Loan. <br /> 5. Property Insarance. Borrower shalllceep the inxprovements now existing or he�eafter erecCed on the <br /> Property insared againaf loss by fire, hazards inclnded witl�in tha Yeins"exteneled coveragc," au<i auy otlier <br /> hazards including, but noY lnnited to, e2rthqualces and floodn, for which Lender requires inaurmice. 'Plus <br /> inee�rance shall be m�intained in the amounts (including dedi�efible levels) and fc�r the periods tiha�t Lendex <br /> requires. Whaf Lender raluires p�usuaut to the preceding sentences c�u ohange during the term of tiha Lozai. <br /> The insLnance carrier provicling tl�e ineLUanco shall ba chosen Uy Borrower subjeot to Lender's right to <br /> disapprove Borrower'a choice, which righe shall not be excrcrscd unxeasonaUly. Leuder may xequire <br /> � Bon�ower to pay, in comieoCion witl�this Loan, either: (a) a one-limo cl�arge for flood zone determinallon, <br /> cerCiPic�ttion nncl tracking seivices; or(b) a onatime char�e for flnod zone deYermination and certificatioil <br /> services aaid setUsequent charges eACh time remappu�gs or similar cl�anges occur which xensonably inighC <br /> �fiect s�ich dcfcrmination or certification. Borrower skk�tll also be responsible for the payineiit ofaary fees <br /> imposed by the Pederal L+u�ei gency Maaiagci��ent Agacicy in comiection with the review of tury flood zone <br /> detennination resultillg fiom aai objectiou Uy Borrowc��, <br /> If Borrower fails to�maintein any of the coverages descrihed above, l.ander may obtain insurance wverage, <br /> at].ender's optiou and Borrower's expensa. Lender is imder no o6ligaCion to purchase any paaCicul�r type or <br /> vnoimt oP ooveraga `l']ierefore, such coverage shall oover Lender, bcit mighC or v�tght riot protect Borrower, <br /> Borxowet's ec�tity in Uie Property, ar the contents of Uia Property, ageinst euy rislc, l��zarci or 11aUility and <br /> might provide gre�ter or lesaer aovernge tlian was previously in effect. Borrower Aelmowledges that tUo coet <br /> af the insuravca coveraga so obtainecl nught siguficantly excecd fl�c cost of iusm vice tliat Borrower could <br /> have ol�t�lined. Any amomrts disbucsed by Lander under this Section 5 shall bccome additional ciebt of <br /> Borxower secm�ed by Chia Security Instr'umcnt. T7iese ainowris shall baer intereat ati lhe Note rate fl'om t1�e <br /> date of'disbursemant and slxall be payable, wiHi such intcrest, upon notice froin Lencler Yo Boxrower <br /> requosfing�payme�rt. <br /> NEBRASICA-Sin IoFemfl Fonnlo�MaolReddleMacUiVIFORM INBTRUMENT 24000276 <br /> VMP(� 9 �' V�MPB(NG�j(7105� <br /> VJolters Kluwer Financial Services Page 6 of 1� <br />