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201200930 <br /> Any�pplication of�aymenYS, insuxance procccds, or Miscallaneous Piroceede to principal due under t1ie Note <br /> shall not axtend or posfpono tl�e due date, or ch�nge thc anioLmt, of the Periodic Yayments. <br /> 3. Tnnda for L',sex�ow ICema. Borrower shall pay to Lencicr on the day Periodic Pay�ncnts are ciue under Che <br /> Note, turtil the Note is paid in fi�1, a snm(the"Funds") to provide for pa}nnent oP amo�mts due for: (a)tnxes <br /> ai�d assoss�neuts uid other items which can attain priority over this Sccurity Instrwnent as a lien or <br /> enciunbrancc on the Property; (b) leasehold payments or groand rents on the Property, if ai�y; (c)�reu�iLUns <br /> for Any uid all insure�nce requn�ed by Lender nndcr Sectioii 5; and(d)1Vlortgage Insm auce premiuins, if any, <br /> or any sums payable by Bon ower to Lender in lieu of thc payment of Mortgage insurance preuiiLims in <br /> accordance with the provisions of 9ection 10, These iteins ai'e called "Escrow ICeins.° At originaUon or at <br /> any time dwing the Yerm oP the Lorm, Lender inay require fhat CummLUUtiy AssocinCion Ducs, Nces, and <br /> Assessme�ita, iP any, be csc+'owed by Borrower, anc{sucl�dues, fees and assessmcnfs s1�a11 be zai Escrow <br /> [tem. Borcower ah[tll prompCl� Furnish to Lander ell norioes ol'amounts to be paid nnder thts Section. <br /> Borrower shall pay Lender the Punda for L�ncrow [tems unless Lencier waives$oirower'a obligalion to pay <br /> tlie Punds for avy or al1 Rscrow Iteins. Lencler inay waive Rorrower'e obligaCion to pay to I ender Funds for <br /> aaiy or all Eacrow Items at any time, t�ry such waiver n�ny only Ue in writing. In Che evcnt of such waiver, <br /> Borrower shall pay directly, when and where payable, the amounte due for auy Eacrow I6ems for wl�iclx <br /> paynic��t of Funds has been waived by Lc�idcr a��d, if Lendar r€quires, shell furnish Co Lender receipCc <br /> evidencing euch payment v�ithin such time period as l,ender inay require. Boerower's obligation to make <br /> such payinents and to provide receipYs shall for all puiposes be deemed to 1�e a cc�vcnaut a�id agreeinent <br /> confained in this Securi6y I��4trument, aa the pl�rase "covenazrt aud a�;reeinent" is used in Scctron 9. If <br /> Borrower is obligatecl ta pfly Escrow Itoms direotly,ptusuAnt to a w2ivcr, and Botrower faila to pay the <br /> �morrnf duo for aai Pscrow Item, Lender niay cxercise its rights undex Seot�ion 9 and pa�such atnount and <br /> Borrower aha11 then be nbligated wider Section 9 to repay iz�Lendex aaiy snch amounC, L;;nder naay revolce <br /> the waiver as to any or al1 L+sarow Itcros at eny tiine by a notice given in accoi�clauce with SeoCion 15 and, <br /> upon such revocation, Borrower ahall pny Co Lc;nder all Funds, and in such amounts, that va then required <br /> under tlus Sec[�ion 3. <br /> Lender inay, at aiiy time, collecY nnd hold Fnnds in an amounti(a) sufffcient lo pormit I.endax to aWply the <br /> Fands at the flrne�pccified under RLSPA, end(b)noC t�o excced the mz�inium aznount a le�ider can require <br /> Luider RESPA. Lendec shall esfiinate the amoLmt of Punds due ov the basis oP current data wcl rcasonaUle <br /> estimfl.tes of'cxpendihues of future Escrow Items or otharwise in accordance witl� Applinable Law. <br /> The FnndF sha71 be 7ie1d in an institution whose dcp�dits aic insm�ed by a fedcral agezxcy, i�nstrmnentnlily, or <br /> entlCy(including Lender, if'1,euder is aai institution whose dcposits ara so insured) or in any Pederal Home <br /> Loan Ba�ilc Lender shatll apply ilzo FUnd� to pay the�sorow I[euis no later than the time specified uuder <br /> ItLSPA. Lc�nder shall noti charge Boxrowex Por l�olding and applying tha P'uneie, anmially analyzing the <br /> escirow account, or vcrifying t7ie Escrow Iterns, unless Lender paya Borrower intereeti orr the Funds and <br /> Appllcable Law pecmits Lender Yo malce such a charge. Unless 1u ag eeinent ie made in wriCing or <br /> Applicable L,aw requires interest Co ba paid on the Fiuids, Lender shall not be required to p�y Borrower any <br /> interest or oarnin�s on Uie Punde. Bormwer and Lender can agxee in wriCing, however, Yhat interest sh111 bc <br /> paid on the Fiu�da Lender shT11 give to Borrawer, without ckACge, an antmal acoounHng of Uie Funds ea <br /> xequired by RESPA. <br /> If there is a eutphis af Fimdn l�e1cl in escrow, ae defuied Lmdc;r RESPA, Lender shall ace�runt to Aorrower for <br /> 11io exces�iunds in accordanoe with RL�SYA. If there is a shorYage uf F�in,ds held in escrow, ae defined Luider <br /> RESPA, LeA�dcr shall notify Borrower na reqnired Uy 1ZF?SPA, aud Borxower�hall pay to Lender the�ui�ount <br /> neceasuy to mnlce up 11ic shortage in accordance wiCh RLSYA, btiit in no more tl�ien 12 nionthly payinants. If <br /> thcre is a daPiciency of Funds held in cserow, as datinad luider RLSPA, I,ender shall notify Borrowcr as <br /> zaaoozts <br /> NF9RASKA-Single Femlly-Fainle Mae/PretldlA Mac UNIFORM INSTRUM ENl" Form 3028 1/01 <br /> VfdP(,' VMPfi(NG)(7105) <br /> Waltefs KI[Iwe�FinnnciEBervlaee Pege 6 af 17 <br />