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201200930 <br /> All insur2nce policics rcquired by Lender and renewals ofsuch policias shttll be subjc;ct to I,euder's right to <br /> disapprove such polioies, shall include a standud mortg�ge clausc, and shall nazne Lender ns mortgagee <br /> and/or ae�n additional loes payee. Lender sl�all liave the righY to hold flic po1iciee vid renewel oerCiCicates. If <br /> Lender requires, Bon•ower sliall promptly give m Londer all reoeipYs of paid�rcn��iuins azid renewal notioes, <br /> If Borrower obtains any fonn of insmance coverage, not'oYhcrwiea requirec1 by Lender, for dainage to, ar <br /> destcucYion of, the Property, such policy shall include x st�2ndar$mxxtgage cl�use nnd sl�all name Lender ns <br /> mortgagea and/ar as an addition�l loss payee. <br /> In tha event of lose, Borrowcr shall give prompt notice to flie insurance carrier nnd Lendcr. Lendar may <br /> inal<e proof of loss iP not made prorn��tly by Borrower. Uuless Lender and T3orrower otherwise agreo in <br /> wriiing, airy instivance proceeds, whether or not tl�e underlying insurt�noe w�ts reqtiiv�ed by Lender, sfiall be <br /> applied ta rastoration or xe�air of tl�c Property, if the reskoralion or rcpair is economioally feasiUle and <br /> Lendoi's security is not lessened. Dt�ring euch rcpair aisd restoLation period, L,ett,der sha111xave the ripht to <br /> hald snoh insurancc proceeds unUl Lender hae had an op��ortui�ity to inspeot sneh Property to ensuee Yhe <br /> work has been completcd to Lender's sa�tisfaction, provided lhat euch inspection shall be nndrn�taken <br /> proinptl�. I,euder may disburse procccds for the repzirs and xestorauion in a single paytnent or in a serics of <br /> probress paymeuts as the woxk ia complctcd. Unless a�i agreement ia made in writing or Applicn6le Lnw <br /> rcquires interest to Ue paid on such ineur�nce procccds, l.endec sha11 not be i�equircd to pay BorLO�aer any <br /> in[erese pr ear�ings on suoh proceeds. Fees fox pnblie adjustcn s, or oUier Uiird parries, retainecl Uy]3orrower <br /> sha11 not be pnid onC oPflio insuranco pioceeds and shall be the solo obligation of Borrower. If fhe rest'oration <br /> or re}�aii'is iiot economicnlly feasible or Lcnder's secuiity would be lessencd, the insuranca proceeda shnll be <br /> npplied Et>tha sums secm�ed by tlns Security Inslrmi�cnt, whetlier oc not then due, witl�the excess, if uiy, <br /> paid to Doxxower. S�tch ins�irazlce proceeds shall be npplied in tho order provided fox in SeoCiun 2. <br /> I£Borrowex abnndona tho Yroperty, Lender may file, uegotiafe and sottle any availnble ivsurance claim and <br /> related matiters. If Borrower does not respoud within 30 dnys to a noCice from Lander Y$aE the insurance <br /> carrier has offered to settle n claiul, then Levdcr may negotiate and ee[tle the claiin, Tlie 30-day pariod will <br /> begin when the notice is givan. In either evenC, or if Lende� acquires the Properly under Section 2Z or <br /> othenvise, Borrower hereby aesigns to Lender (�) Borrower's righte to any insuranoeprooeeds in an amomit <br /> noC to exceed 4h�amounta unpaid under Uie Note or tkus Sect�rity Instrument, and(b) eny otlier of <br /> Borrower's rights (other thau the right to any refwid oi'wiea�•ned premiume p•aid by Borrower)uncler all <br /> 'v�sm�nnoe polioies covcring the Property, inuofw�as anch righCS aro a}rplicable to the eovernge oP Lhc� <br /> t'xoperty. Lander anay use the insm�ance proceeds either to repaix ox resturc tho ProparCy or Co pay�mounts <br /> unpaid undcr tl�e Note or tliis Security Instrumeni, whether or noti then due. <br /> 6. Occupancy. ,Rorro�er sliall oceu�y, eatablish, ai�d��se the Property ae Botrower's principal residance <br /> within 60 days lfter tl�e execution oF this Seeurity HvaCriunci�t and ehall continue to occupy fl�c Yroperty as <br /> Borrower's prinoipal residenco for at]east ona year after the cinte of occupancy, unless Leude��otherwise <br /> a��eoy in wriCing, which conaenC shall not be unreasonably witlil�elcl, or unless extenuating circumstanc�s <br /> exist wl�ich a�e beyonci Borrower's control. <br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Borrower shall not deshoy, <br /> detnage or impair the Proparty, allow the Properfy fo detoriortde or comrnit waste on tiho Property. VJhether <br /> or not Bonrower is resicling in tha Pr operty, Borrower ehall n�aintait�the Property in order co prcvcnt tl�e <br /> Prpporty froin dateriornting or decreasing in value dne to its condition. Unlese it is detennuied pursunnt Co <br /> Secfion 5 lhat repair or restoration is not econonvcally£casible, Rorrower shall pxomptly repaix the Property <br /> if daznaged to avoid fiu ther detcrfioration or damage. If insm�ance or wndenmation proceeds are paid in <br /> counection wiYh dam<�ge to, or tl�e Caking r�f, the Property, Borrower shal]Ue responeible for rep�iring or <br /> roeforing the Properly only it'Lender has relcased proceeds for such purposee. Lender may disburse proceede <br /> z�aaoxte <br /> NF9RASKA-Sin�le Fzm Ily-Fennle A7 ee/Retldle Id ac U NIFORM INS7RUM Ei�T Porm 3020 1101 <br /> ����'� VA4 P6(N E)f1 1051 <br /> Wollers I<luwer Finanolal Services PageY of 17 <br />