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<br /> � of thc Prupcny immediat�ly haPorc thc taking is cqunl tn ur grcatcr than thc nmoun� of thc tiums sccurcd ny thw accuri�y irstn�mcnt -
<br /> ' unmcdiutcly bu[orc thc taking,unlcss Burnxvcr and L.und�r uthenvisc agrcc in writing,ihc sums wccur�d by�hi�Sccunty Instnm�cnt shall
<br /> • he rcduced by�ho amount of the proceeds multiplied by the follnwing Gaction:(n) tha wtal +�m��unt uC thc sumv secured immedl+uely
<br /> lwforo thc taking.divided by (h) thc f:�ir m�rkct valuc of thc Pmperty imrticdiatcly buPorc thc takin�. A+iy Nal;m:c vhull hc paid to
<br /> Borrower.In the cvent ol'u panial�aking of�hc Propeny in which�he fuir mnrket v:duc uf thc Pru{�:ny unmcdinicly hewn �h� iakiug
<br /> ' is less than�ttc amount of thc sums sccurcd immediatcly lx;t'are thc wlcing,unlcss Buno�ver and Lcndcr uthcnvise ugrec in wricing or unlcss .
<br /> '�"���'� applicablc l�w othcrwisc providcs,ihc pruc:ecds shall bu cipplicd w tho sums sccurcd by Qiis Sccurity Inscn�mcm whcth�r ur nut thc sums .,
<br /> ,y: , .
<br /> arc then dua
<br /> If�he Propeny is abanduned by Borruwer,or iG nRer natice by Lcnder ti�Barruwer th:u the cundcmnor offcrs tu mnke nn uwnrA . . �_ ;,•.
<br /> or sc[tle a claim for damages,Borcower fails to respond to Lcnd�r withln 30 d�ys aRcr thc d,tc:thu notice is givcn.Lender is nuthorircd
<br /> to coAect and upply che proceeda,at i[s opiion. eiaier co restomtion or rx:pair of the Property or to tho +umv sccured by ihis 5ewurity ,_�`_`�i__�r.
<br /> Instrumcnt, whether or not[hen due. � �•����`��_�__
<br /> Unless Lencler und Borrower athcnvise agn:c in wriung,nny application af proceeds to principal shall not extend ar postpone `?'=�-
<br /> ' ' tho due date of t6e montlily payments rcfeaed to in garagr3phs 1 nnd 2 or changc thc amount oP such payments. ,•+::�
<br /> 11. BorrowerNot Released;F'orbearAnce By Lender Not a Walver. Excensfon of�hc flmc for paymenc or mcxtiticaUun of , ..P�..`
<br /> { amortizauon of the sums secured by tLis Security Instrument grsnted by Lender to any successor in interest of Bot[ower shall not apet�ute ,,;_
<br /> � to relexse the llability of the orlginal Boaower or Boreower's successors in interest.Leader shall not be requlred to commence praceeNngs '_�
<br /> pgaln.gt any successor in inlerest or refuse to extend t3me for payrnent or otherwiso modify amoRization of the sums secuced by this Security :;;—,... =
<br /> a Inswment by reason of an�demand made by the orlginal Borrower or Borrower's auccessors in interest. Any forbenrnncc by l.ender in ',e.�,:.
<br /> , ;L._....�%:
<br /> � exerc3singany risht or remedy shall not be a wuiver of or preclude the exerciso of any�[ight or rcmcdy. __
<br /> h
<br /> 12. Successors and Ass➢�Bouud;Joint and Several LiabWty;Co-signers. '[he covcalnts and agrcementa of this Sccuriry __ _
<br /> :,'� Inswment shaA bind and benafit tLe successors and ussigns of Lender nnd Bortower,subject to the provisions of pnrograph 17.Bonuwer's _--
<br /> : covenants nnd agreements shall be joint nnd several.Any Bonrower who co-signs ihis Security Instrument but dcey aot execute tho Note: _ _
<br /> x (a)is co-signingthis Sccurity Insuument only to mortgage.grant and convey that Bonower's interest in the Propetty undcr 1ha tarms of __
<br /> this Securiry Insmunent: (b) is not personally obligated to psy the sums secured by this Security Instrument: and(c) agrees that Lcndcr -
<br /> �' and�ny uther Borrower may asreo to extend.modify,forbenr or mako any accommodatlons witb regard [o the terms of this Sccurlty __
<br /> ' Instnunent or the Note without tLat Borrower's consent. ���
<br /> 13. I.ofla Charges. If the loan aecured by this Securlty Inst[ument Is subJect to a law w h ic h sets mn u i mum loan c hur g e s,a n d
<br /> � thuc luw is finally 9nterpreted so that the ineerest or other loan cUarges collected or to be coAecced in connection with the loan exceed the
<br /> peiinitted llmila,�en:�aj auy eui.Y,1.�a�:.l:a.e=°•�`�="tt���tnrnrl hy�he nmoun[uecessarY io reduce Ihe chargo[o!he pC11AiIied limil;oAd
<br /> - (b)any sums alneady cc�llected&om Boaower wtilch exceeded petsnitted limits wtAbe refhnded to Borrower.Lender may choosa to make k
<br /> thls refund by reducis�the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct pa}nnent to Borrower.If a rettind mducee prluclpal,ihe E�
<br /> ' reductian willbe trcated as�pHrtial prepayment witbout any prepayment charge undcr We Note.
<br /> � 14. NotiCts. Any notice to Bonower provided for in this Sceurity Irstrument slixll be given by deAvering it or by mailing it by
<br /> � fust class mail unless appllcable]nw requins use of anothvr method• The notice shall be directed to the Property Adelress or nny other
<br /> � address Bonaever deslgnatcs Ay notico to Leuder.Any nocice to Lender ehall be given by first cless mail to i.cnder's address stated herela
<br /> or any ahar Address Lender designates by notica to Bonower.Any aodce provided for in ttils SecuHry Instmment ahuII he de�ned to have
<br /> • been given to Borrower or Lender whcn given as provided in this paragruph• _
<br /> 15. Govern[ng Lawi Severabitky. Thie Secur.ty Instrument stiall be governed by[cdernl law aud the Iaw of the jurlsdlctloa _
<br />- in which the Property is located.Ia the event tLat any provision or clause of thls Security Instrument ar the Noce conilicte wIth uppllcable -
<br />' law,such confllct ehall not atfect other provisions of this Securlty Insaument or the Nae which c��i be given etfect without the conflicttag _
<br />;f.�. .,�,; ;�„;: pmvisioa To dils end the provisions of[Li�Security Instrument nnd thc Note nre declared to be severnble. _
<br />-`.,,,�,�,,,, _.,�, 16. Borrower'sCopy. Borrower shnll be giveu one confotmed copy of tho Nae and of thi�Security lnstrumen[.
<br /> ��.,,, .,.,_,�,. 17. 1Yans[er of Yhe Praperiy or a Benefictal Interest in Borrower. If nll or any part of tho Pcapossy or aay interesc in it __
<br /> i:,,
<br />-�_. ��, is sold or tranvfeaed(or if a heneficial interest in Bonower is sotd or transferred und Borrower is not a namral pe�son)without Lender'a �_
<br /> _ • prior writton consant, Y,ender may.at itv optton. require imtnediata paYment in flill of all sums sec:ured by thfs Securlry Instnimenc. _
<br /> ytisHowev�r,this option ehall na be eaercised by Lender it exercise is prohibitcd by federal Ia�H as of the dato of thi�Security ialtrnment. _.
<br /> _ ... If Lender exercises ttils optlon. Lender shnll give Horaower uotice of accelerattau.The notice shall pravide¢period of aot less �,_._—
<br />�,,,:�� ��.` w tL;ui 30 dayq ffcm the date the notice Is dclivered or mailed within whlch Boaower must pay ull sums secuced by tL1s Security Ins�ment. =_
<br />�°^�--_.'4 If Bonower fail�s to pay these sums prlor to thc cxpiraflon oS this period,Lencler may invoke any remadies permitted by thls Stcurity �
<br />-=.'+:�''�`�; '�' Instnuuent wit�out fhrther notice or demand on Botrower. __
<br /> .. . �.a.:.. .
<br /> •� 18. Borirower'sRlg�t to Reinstate. if Borrower meets cettain condicions,Bottowcr shall have the rlght to have eaforcement =_
<br />- • • � of this Securlty Inswment discontinued at uny time pdor to the earller of:(a)S days(or such other period as appllcablo law may spccify _
<br />� r '` for reinstatexnent) before sa�e of thc Property pursuant to nny power of sale cuntained in thl� 5ecuriry Instrumcnt; or(b) antry of n .
<br /> � • judgment enforcing this Secwiry Inscrumen[. Those conditions are tl�at Boaower:(n)pays Lender oll sums whic�then would bc duo under -t�a��.—
<br />- � thls Sccurity Insmimetu nnd the Note as i(no acceleration had occwTed: (b)cures any default of any other covenants or agreemcius; (c) p'�;;�
<br /> - pa ys all expensee incurred in enforcing this Security Insttumvnt, includin�,but not Iimited to,reasonable attorneys'fecs;and(d)rakes such �;��,_�__
<br /> actlon aa Lcnder may reasonably rcquirc to aavurf:that the Iicn of thls Security[nstnunent, Lender's rip,ttGS in thc Property an d Borrowcr's =�.,�
<br /> oDliga�iou co pay thc sums securtd by this 5ecurity Insttument shall continue unc6angcd.Upon n:instatcmcnt by Boaower,this Sccurity .~,`°�����-_�
<br /> ;:r��-�;
<br /> .. � ,�{?`�`_.
<br /> c, Fam 302E 9/90 � ,�::r"r:-
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<br /> � .. (pagc 4 of 6) � ;_..`'
<br /> -� IAS.inc. I3orcowcr's Initials l3l� .._, _
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