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<br /> , withhcld.If Borrowcr (ails tu maintuin cuvcr.�gc dcscrilx:d ubovc.Lcndcr may,ut Lcndcr's ��ptiun,uhu�in cuvcrvge w pn,tcct 4cndcr's
<br /> � �ights in the Props�ny in nccurdancc Niih p�ragraph 7.
<br /> � All incurance p��licicc and renewals shall be:�ceeptable w Lender an�sh:+ll include a xumdatd�nongage cl�use.Lender 9hall l�nve ,
<br /> the dght to hold the pulicics and ranewals.lf Lender mquiTes.Borco�vcr yhall promptly grvr,w 4cndcr all r�wip�s ul'p�ia pr�miwns and
<br /> � � , � rencwal noticcs.In thc cvcnt of loss,Borrowcr shall�ive prompt notice to thc iititiurancc carrier and LcnJcr. Luncicr m�y maku prouf of ,'
<br /> � • " ` loss iC iwt madc prumpdy by Burcuwcr. ,
<br /> "�� Unlcss Lender and Borcower othcnvise a�n:c in writfig.►nvurancc procecdY shsll No applied to mstoration ur repair of the
<br /> Property damaged, if the restontion or n:psir is cconomically Peasiblc:►nd Lcndcr's sccurity is not Ics�encd. If the restoration or repair •
<br /> is not econantically(easible ur Lender's securlty would bc lessened,the insur�nce proceeds shall M:applied tu�hu sums Recurcd by tlus
<br /> Security laecrumcne, whether or not tlicn due,LV1U1 IIAy CXCC49 p11(�IO BOITPWti. I�BOITO�YtlT SU:IR(IO11S 1I10 Pi0(kity.or does not nnswer '
<br /> within 30 daysu notice from Lender that Qie insurana:catrier has offercd to settle u claim.then Lender may collectthe ireurrnee prceeeds. ;er�'
<br /> � Lendes mny use tha procecds to repair ur restore the Ptoperty or w pay suma secuted by this Sccudty InStn►mcut, �vhethor or not then �,-.-�
<br /> -�i:e �
<br /> 'i due.Tt�c 30�dny period will bcgin whcn thc notice is given. " '
<br /> � i Udess Leador ond Burrower othcrwise Agres in wriUng,any appliaation of proceeds to principal ehall aot extend or postpoAO :��`�;.
<br /> { ;;,.-
<br /> ; + the duc date of Wo mon[hiy paymen�s refened[o in pam�raphs 1 �nd 2 or chango the nmoune oP thc payments. If uuder paragraph 21
<br /> the Pcopeny is acquired by I.eader.Borrower's rlght to nny iwsuronce pollcics and pruceeds resultlna from dt►mage to ihe Proporiy prior •,��_
<br /> to thc acquisitiou sdnll p3ss to Lender t�tho extent of tha sums Recund by this Secutity Instrumnnt immediately prior to the ncc{uinicion. �,.�^,
<br /> '� � 6. Occupancy,Preservation,Meintenance and Protecttou ot the Property;Borrower's l,aan App➢ication;JLea�ei�l�. ; ,r;._
<br /> iI � ���yr
<br /> . Borrower shnll occupy.e�gtublish,nnd usa the Property as Borrowet's principal rest+ienccs within sixtYduY�n11or tho execution of tbi�Secutity _
<br /> • Insuument aad shall continue to occupy the Property av Hoaower's principnl tesldence for�t least one ycar aRcr the data of occupancy. _.n_
<br /> •� � unless Lender otherwLge agrees in writing,whieheocuent abaU not be unret►souably wi[hheld,or unlese extenuating circunu2ances existwhich .a��:_
<br /> �� am beyond Boaower's control.Bonower shaU not destroy,damn�e or itnpair the Propetty, aUow the Propany to detedorate, or commit __
<br /> WASIO 011 Q10 PfO�ity. Borrowcr shall be in defnult if uny forloiturc �cdon or proceeding,whet6er civil or criminal. i�beb�un thnt in =�>"_
<br /> ��•I Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeinue of the Property or otherwise matesially lwpair the llea created by this Secudty }:_r.
<br /> �; Instrument or Lender's security interest.Boaower may cure such a defnult nud reinstate,ns provided in paragraph 18,by causiag the action
<br /> _ .. ,�, i or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling thuc, in LendoPs good fatth detetmination, precludes forfeitute of�he Aorrower's interest in
<br /> " ` the Propeny or other material impairmcnt of tho llen created by ihis Sccurity Instivment or Lender's securlty intarest.Borrower shall also _:
<br /> , �• be in default ll'Borrower.dw�ng thu loan npplication process,gave maoerlaUy false or inaccursta intocmation or stauments to I.ender(or ,;;
<br /> •* f+�!�pr�Yf�P 1 Ender with any matarLll informadon) In connectian with tLe loan evidcss�d by t4e Noce,including,but not limiced w, _
<br /> " ,��" _
<br /> sepresentations conceming�orrower's occupanay of the Propeny as a principal residence. !t ttus securiry Insuumaoi in uu s ieaocha23,
<br /> ' Bonower shull comply with all the provisions of tho]ease.IP Borrower acqulres feo dd�to thc Propcay,tLe leasehold and the fea dtla
<br /> •• sliall uot merga unless Lender a�rees to the mergar in wdting.
<br />=- � � 7, Protection of Lender's Rlg6ts in the A'roperty.If Boaower fnlls w perform tho covenaats ond ngruments containcd in
<br />- ' '� " this Seciuity Instrument, or tbere is a legnl proceeding that mny�igaitiaaiuly affect Lender's dgUm in tho Propesty (such ee a proceeding
<br />- - , in bankruptay,probato, for condemnati�n or forfeiture or to enfoice la�vs or regul�dons), thun Lender may do a�pay for whatover L+
<br />��,,,.,,�..-,..., neccssary co protecc tha value of thc Property aud I.endcr's rights in tho Property.I.ender's actions may tnatude paying aay sums secured
<br /> , . �;�t. bya lienwhichhas pr[o[ity overthls Securlry Instrumers, appearing incourt,payiagrensonablo auomoys'feo9 and¢ntottng oa tho Property
<br />-, tu maku repaira.Although Lender may wke action under tlds paragr.►ph 7,Lendcr doos not 6avo to do so. _
<br /> m
<br />;r;r•.�f � Any amouots disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 ehall becoma addidanal deht of Bortower secared by thi�Security
<br /> �' s ' '�'�.�` Instnnaent. Unless Boaower end Londer agrce to othcr te�ns of payment,these c►mounta shnll beur iutorect from the date of disburstment
<br />°'L'. °„ a 00[.
<br />�::,.�,?��:., at tha Note rate and shall be payable,with tnterest,upon notice f'rom Lender to Borrower requesttnli P Ym
<br />��_r, �� � 8. Mortga�e InsurAnce. If Lendar requlred mortgage lasurance ns a condidon of making the loan secured by ttils Securlty
<br />-;����-`r�� Instrument. Boaower shull pay the premiums required to mtdntxin clie mortgage ingurunce in effcct.If.for nny rcason,tho mongage
<br />_---�--�,:.',.�, insurunce coverage required by I.ender Inpses or cenaea to be in oUect,Bosower shall pay the premiums required to obtain coverage '
<br /> substantlally eQuivalent to thc mortgage insurancc pmviously In cifect,at a cost substnntially cquivnlent to tha cost to Bortowor of the
<br /> --�:;,;�'�_ '�"r mortguga insurance pmviously in etfect,from an altera�te mortguga insuret upproved by I.ender. If eubstAntially equivulent mortgage
<br /> ""'"'�- in9urnucc covetage is not availnble,Borrower shall pay co Lendcr each month a suni equal to anatwelith of the yearlymortgugo ia�ra�x —
<br /> ...•_�.:c:�. �
<br /> ;.��.�,,, prem{um being paid by Bonower wLen tho insurance coveraga lupsed or ce+isad to be in effect.Londer wtllflccepe,use and retuin the�a -
<br /> - �Mw��;:,, payments es a loss raserve in lieu ot mortgage jnsurance.Loss c+eservc payme�s may no longer be rcquired,at tho option of Lender,if __
<br /> -:�--•:�- � mortgago insttrance coverage(in tho nmount and for the period thnt Londcr requires)provided by an insurcr appmved by Lender eg�dn
<br /> �'""�"�°"•� bccome�avallablc and is oUt�lncd.Bonower ehall pa}the premiwns required to n�aintnin mortgage insurance in effect,or to provido a :
<br /> a},,.s...:i _. _
<br />"�''±�;,..y�w+.� losa mserve,until the requirement for mortgnge in.vumnce ends in nccordance with nny wrinen agreement benveen Borrower and Lender . __
<br /> 1"'"'r.�., , or uppllcable law. r -
<br /> .' 9. InSpectton. Lender or iu ngent tnny mnko rcasonable enules upon and inspeccions of the Property. Lensier ehull give __
<br /> � � Borrower notice at the cime of or prior to an inspection speci[ying reasonablo cause for the inspection. ,
<br /> - • - 10. Coadenw�tlan. The procecds of eny award or cluim for damages, direct or consequcntiel, in conuection with any __
<br /> - � condemnation oi other tnking of any part of tho Property,or for conveynnce in fleu of condemn�tion, are hereby essignecl and shall be _ _
<br /> �,�,' paid to Lendcr. ._;:.
<br /> ?' In tha eveat of a totnl taking of tho Property,tha procecds shall be applied to ttte sume secured by thie S�:cur[ty Instrument, ,,
<br /> . �vhcther or not then due,with any exccss paid to Borrower.In thc cvent of n partial ulking of tho Praperty in whicDthe tair mnrket value
<br /> j ...
<br /> .. Fo�302E 9I90
<br /> ,. .�. (pagc 3 oPG) ,�y�,Q J •
<br /> ""�µ ' IDS.Ine. Burrowcr'e Initials �� / /LT
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