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'_f.•r: �,:. <br /> ��.r . . , . . , .. . �•: <br /> - �errn. � - - � �-.. <br /> ��, .. .. _ • . .. _.. <br /> ,y.....r. `l • . �l' ' ' ^`1�''.• _ � .. <br /> . , . -�+.S.w . �� - . <br /> .. . .. . .. � , .� , ..,.,t�_.,�._ <br /> •� - ' . - .. • . � , - �a 1':; - -- <br /> . . <br /> �, . . <br /> .. . .. �. .. . <br /> ___�" "_'r.—_'_ "_"_�,__—_... . . . .. .._ ._ .. . . .,� . • .:_ <br /> � . . . � .._" .. <br /> _ . '. ' . „ . . � -� <br /> . � <br /> ' ` <br /> _. �� � 97-�0319�4 _ <br /> la+tniment and the ubligations secured hercby sh�ll remain fully ellec�ive as if nu;�ccclen[ion had uccurn;d.Huwever.this nght to rsmsu+te f.. :, .- -= .- <br /> I shaU not apply in thc casc o[accclention ur.dcr p�r.igraph 11. _ <br /> � 19. �ale of Mote;Cf�ange oP Loan Servicer.Th�Notc or a parti:�l intcresi in the Nute (together with thiy SccuPity Inat�:�iment) � <br /> � <br /> may bc sold onc or mon cimce wiqiout priur noticc ta B��rcuucr. A s:►lc may resuU in a chungc in�hc cu�iiy(known+�s chc "l.uan Sur,") . <br /> that collects monthly payrt►en�y due uuder the Note and thir Security Instrumen[. 'fhere also may be one or►nore changev o(ttu� L.�rnn :. <br /> Serviccr unrc!ated tu n salc uf thc Nota. If thero ix.i ch:�nge of thc Loan Servicer.Borrower willbe givcn writtcn noticc af thc ahnnQ�► in <br /> • accorAancc with pangnph 14 ahove and npplicaMe law.The noticc: will stntc the namc and address oP the ncw Laan Serviccr anA dm <br /> 1 nddress to which paymcnGv ,hould hc madc. 'fhc natice willalsu cuntain any othcr informadon rcquircd by applicablc la�v. . *f�,��� <br /> � � 20. ilifzR�d�tis SubStHnzes. Borrower shall na cause or permit the presence, use,disposal, storage, or r:lcusa� o!' any , �„�:..: <br /> _.s_�ii.�u�i. <br /> Ha�ardouv Subst�.aces on or in die Propcny.Aorro�cer shall nat do,nor allow anyone else to do,anything aiPecting the PropeKy thnt i�i T _ <br /> in violation of any Environmental Lnw.The precedi�nvo sentcuces shall not apply to the presence,use,or stor.+gv an tltu Rrvpetty o[ ,�.��_ _ <br /> sm�lt quantities of Hazardous Substanccs that are ger.errlly rccuBnued to be appropriate to nortnal tesidential uses and t�r rnnfntunance �•.-:�,_- - <br /> � or m� �o�ny. • -- — <br /> Borrowet shnll promptly givc Lender writtcn naice of any investigauon, claim, demand, lawsuit or othur ucGi�in by �nY f��-� <br /> govcmmen[al ur regulatory ngency or private puay involving�he Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmen[ut l.,aw of which ,";Y��._ <br /> Borrower ha.q actual knowledge.If Bonower lcams.or is naified by any gove�vmental ox regulntory authority,thnt any mmavn!or otL�er ,'_ :z...__!� <br /> remediativa of any Huzardous Substance affecsino the Property is necessary.Eoaower shaA promptly tnke all necessary m:iuodiii! ,,•_'='— <br /> �.. � <br /> in accordaace with Environmental law. ! .'.��,�,-:_ <br /> .,:;_� <br /> � As used in this parngcuph ?0. "Hnzardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or dazardoun subs4+naes by ,.,,R... <br /> EnVitontnental Law and lYte following substances: gasoline,keroscne,other flatnwable or toxic petroleum producin, toxic pesiicidue and r �.` <br /> herbicides,volatlle soivents,matodals contalnin6 asl�es�os or fotmuldehyde. aad rndioac[ive materlals. As used in ehlu P+��A�P11 Z�• •,•;��4.'`_.� <br /> � "Environme�ual Law"means fcderal laws and laws of the jurisdicuon where the Property is located tLat �low to hualW, ynfisty or ; ..,�,�,�;••�--�— <br /> environmental protection. � �`���-- <br /> � NON-IJNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender fiuther covenant and ngnee as follows: r r�,�;�s�.�_ <br /> �-.�,_,,. <br /> ,�,�,'�;�' 21. Acceleradon;ltemedies. I.ender s6a11 givenodce to Borrowerprior W acceieradon[ollowin$Bori�awcr'ybreac6 � .;-�t�. <br /> ' ��• � of aay covenant or ugroement in tht9 Security I�►strument (but noi prtor W acceteradon under paregi�aph Y7 unlus��PPU�hIe ,,,. <br /> � law provides otherwl:e).The notke shal!spec[fy:(a)the detault;(b)the actlan requtredta cuire the de[aWt;(c)e dete,uot I�xs �q};� � <br /> than 30 days[rom tlbe date t��e u,,�o,tke ts gieeu to Borrower,by whlch t6e detauit must be cured;wnd(�that[s�ilure W cure the ,�;:s „LL, <br /> - _ -.---{: _` dein�i on or oe�v.°c�we:."tc o{^^„�•`K�iW!tit�"!c'=i'-�±y r�cult in acceleredon oi the sums secured by thfs SQCUCit9��tculnent �J,y� r_ <br /> �.;,,�j;;.. � and sale af the Pro�erty.The notiee shatl fu�ther inform �orrower of the right to reiatitate atter acceleratton�and t�o eti�iic c� y <br /> briug a court actlon to assert the aon-ext�tence oT a detauh or any other defease of�orrower W acceleratfun and sa[U.Iff the ^� <br /> r detnuit fs not cures7 oa or before the date speciiled ia the notice,Lender,ot its opdon,may req�ire immediate q�ay�ont tn Wll _ <br /> x <br /> of aJl sumg secare�➢by Wis Sec�urity Instruaits�� w[t�OU� furt6er demand and mar invoke the power oi sale and any other ;F <br /> r e mecites p�rmitted bYra�pp�cable Is�w.Lendtr s�saU be endtled to collect all r.�c�penses Incurred W Pursu�6 iha remedfo9 pxovided �- <br /> ,:,';<; <br /> � in,thi5 psragrap621,including,but not t�mited to,reasoma b le a ttorn e y s'Y t r s u n d c o s t s o t t i t l e e v i d e n c o. r', <br /> ,'?��v, Itthe powerof sale b invoked,Trustee shaU retorda aotiee ot defentt in eac6 wunty in wLtc6 s�nY nQrL o����P�1'h' �s•- <br /> ��.::.: <br /> ts tocaud and shall mnil copfes of such nodce fin the maaner prescrlbed by applicable lpw to Bonowerend W tha uthnr gersoas -- <br /> , prescribed by appllcable law.Mterthe Ume required byappllcable law,Trustee shali Qive publk notico of tha suie ta tFaa Pwsoas -- <br /> and in the manner prescribed by gppikable law.Tr�stee,wtthout demand on Borrower,stwit scll the Propei�at puUHc auction � <br /> • to the 6ip,hest bidder et We time and place and under the ternu desi�aud in the notice of sale in ono or more psucels and �:�"== <br /> in any order Trustee determines.Tcustce ma9 P�Pone sale of all or Any pareel of tLe Property by public:aa�tanacemont at "°� <br /> : �-• � � the time and place ot any prevtously scheduled sale. I.ender�nr its designee may pwchase the property at rtny salo. <br /> � • � Upon rcee9pt oi payment of the price bid,Trustec shu71 deliver to We purchaser Trustee's deed conveyingtFta ProperRy. <br /> � The reckets In t!►c Trastee's deed sheU be primA tacie evfdence of the trnth�oithe statcments madc therx�n.T,t�Qe siwll appty �_,��� <br /> t6e proceeds of the sale ia the tollowing orc7�tn(a) to all cost and expra►ses of cxercising the potiver oP aalu,and tho sale, — <br /> [ncludIng ttie paym!nt of the 7Yustee's tees actually incurred,not to exceed �of We princip»t�emuunt of th� _ _ <br /> "�''� Nou at the time of tl�e dectarai�oru oi default,And reasonable attorneys'fees as permlttad by law;(b) to all snms secur�d by <br />-� ��'^°`''' thEs Sceurity Instrumenh and(e9 tWY excess to We persou or pe,rsocs IegaUy entitleiD to it, �--- <br />- . ` 22. Reeo�jev�nce. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Insuument, Len�er shall rec�test Tn�tee to <br />_� � reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Inscrument and all notes evidencing debt secumd by thie Secutity � <br /> ' �_. <br />- Insmiment to Trustee. 1'rustee ahall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or pei�one IegnlEy _ <br />� ±�':�� � entitlei► to it.Such persons shall pay any recordadon costs. -__ <br /> Fi' <br /> ;�. Z3. Substitute'IY�cstee• its option,may from time to time remove Tnutee and appoint a suocessor trustee �--__�._�— <br /> `. ta any Trustee appoipted hereunder. Without conveyance of the Propetty, the successor tntstee shall eucceed to ail ffie dde. �;_.-�--- --_-;,, <br /> �s. power and duties cAnfened npon Trustee herain and by applicable law. " <br /> �' 24. Requrst forNotices. Aorrower r�quests that copies of the nodces of default and sale ba sent to HarrotivAr's adclress �i�;_ <br /> ,..+� ' wliich is the Properry Address. .�"' � ''- <br /> , s��;r�"" +` �,. <br /> , '.i. . ::1:•:.'�".��1:"4. <br /> ,,,�. y -.,•,:- <br /> :,�;1,,,"��';', <br /> . i.} L.��..,_,;.i:., <br /> IrMT11 3R7.0 9/IU . .; d.. <br /> (pagc 5 of 6) �yJ�p � ' <br /> , lDS.Inc. Borcower's Inilials /Il�/ /%CT ..,.. . <br /> T— <br /> -------�- -------_-� . . -- _...... .. � 4�.n �'9"' �. ... '"_".'r'.-�---_—._.._—...`. -,-.,�. . . � . _----. <br /> . .........-..... __.___'_" � �• <br /> . ��-; ..��--. <br /> .. �_....,-T. . ,a .., 'z-r+v.n'"` <br /> . _".'__ _._.. ' ..... • �. - <br /> , 'i <br /> `' <br /> . �:� <br /> ; <br /> � � �.....1_ .. .. .— _ . +•�S,`. . - . <br />