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�, . <br /> -rerst,� . <br /> ,,, ' �, --- <br /> ,�f{. o , <br /> .. '�'�'��. . , '� . .riJr._ - " :��; <br /> .— , . '. .- ' '— - ._ . .. ..----'.. ---.—�� �t _.oa�..�.;• <br /> ,. 57 i7 . . , l ' -- <br />_____._"_.__'. _ ' _.___.. __ ._ • , . .., . ..." ._ '—"_ ____—__' ...__'— <br /> � .....— . .•. .�.�___.�,. , <br /> . .._. ____ ._ _"'. '_.'_--.." _ __'—._'.x�A7y5::vw�- <br /> _ ... . � . — __N'•�r= <br /> _ �� <br /> . ., ....... . <br /> . , .t. _ ` � ._ . . . . . . 'j . <br /> - ..�... � . . . ..� .. -- . .. I _ ' .._. . <br /> , � � I. ... � .. <br /> „ J7���:3a�.�=� <br /> � TOGETHER WITII tiU Ihc impr��ventcnls Ao�v ur tiercattcP u[�ctcd un thc nroperty,a0d all cascinents. :14)�111i1C117111'C9, :�nd , <br /> ' • fixtures nuw un c�rcaticr:� p�rt uf thc pruperty.All rcplaccmcnts and:�dditiuny +hall:�Isa be awc;cd hy thiti Sccority In+tnunc�u. All af . <br /> ', I thc t'orcgoing is rcfernd tt� in this Security Intitrum�nt ay thc "Pr��{x:ny." „ <br /> DORROWER c'OVENANTS thst Bnrtu�vcr is la�vfully yciscd uf dic estatc hcrcby conveyed nnd h:�s ihc nght tn grnnt nnd ; <br /> convcy�.hc I'rnpcny anJ that thc Prupcny iv uncncumtx:rcd, except for cncwnbr.mccs ut rccord.Burrowcr �:arranu and�vill dcfend <br /> gcncnily thc tiUc to thc Pru�mny agaitut nll clsime and dcmandg, suhjcct to nny encuinbrancos uf rccord. *�. <br /> "'� THiS SECURITY INSTRUMP.NT cutnhincs unifumi cuvc[w»ts for natiunll usu and nutrunifomt cuvetunts with limitcd <br /> `�` variatioI�s hy jurisdictton w cunstltute :�uiufonn security iastrumcnt covcring resl prop�ny. ' <br /> UNIFORM COVHNANTS. Bunowcr and Lcndcr cuvcnm[ und:+grcc:l9�OIIU\V9: .. <br /> � 1. Paymeut ot Pirincipal and Interest;Prepayment and Late Cd:�rges. Aorrower Fhnll promptly pay whcn duc thc prin:ipal , <br /> of and intcrest on the debt cvidenced by die Note eiud nny prcpaymcnt and late char�es duc under the Notc. '.;.'` <br /> � 2. FundS[orTttxes and Insurance. Subject to npplic�ble la�v or to u written�vaiverby 4endcr,Borro�ver shall pay to Lende.r + ,,�+__ <br /> . y y p � X p carl taxes and aasessmerns <br /> s on tt�e cia mocuhl 1 en�v are due under the Note,until the Note is aid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(n) y Y ,,;i:p';;:;-__.: <br /> vrhicl►may nuain priariry over this Secutity Insaumetu ns a lien on the Prop�ny: (b1 Ycarly leasehold paymcros or ground rents on the -- <br /> Propeny. if any:(�) Y�ly ha�� or property insurance premiums: (d) yearly flood insurance premiums. if nny: (e) yearly mottgage :,, ,._��•^--- <br /> , insuroncc premiuma, ii nny:and (Q any sums payablo by Borcower to Lendar,in accordance with the provisionv of pur.+grnph R,in lieu +��---- <br /> • of che payment of mortgage insurance premiums.These iteme are calle3"Escrow Items."Lender may,at any dme,collect nnd hoid Funds .::;�' <br /> ' in an amount nut to exceed the tnaximum amouat a lendcr for n fcderally ralaud mortgaga luan may requtre for Borrowcr's escrow ;.F., <br /> � aceouni undet the federal Real Estnte Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to tlme,12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 et seq. � ' �,�;.�..-= <br /> ("RFSPA"),unless anaher law tLat appUes to the Fun�l9 setv a losser amount. If so,Lendar may,at:►ny timc,collect nud hold Punds in �`,��.. <br /> aa amount not to excced the lesser atuount. L.encl,sr may estlmate tkie amount of Fancls due oa the basis of current data and reasonnble ,. ., _ <br /> estimates of expenditures af future Escrow Itams or otherwise In nccordance with uppHcable law. �,y2,;,� <br /> � The gunds sbaU be held in nn insdn�don whose deposits are insum,d by a federal agcncy,insuumentnUry. or entiry (including :::�.,��v;. <br /> Lundr.r, if Lender is such nn lnstituHon) or in any Fedeml Home Loan Bank. Lender shn?1 npply the Funds to pay tho Escrow Items. z�,.,i �y a <br /> � Lender may not chargn Borrower for holding and npplyingthe Funds,annuallY at�alYdngthe escmw account,or veri[yingthe Escrow Items, _._— <br /> �,. UIlIC99 Lcnder pays Boaower interest on thc Funds and npplicable lnw petmits I.endcr to mnke such n chnrga.Howevcr,Lcndex may = _ -- <br /> " ,�, n:quire Bonower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real estate tax zeporctng service used by L.ender in connccdon wtth this loan. - <br /> unlcss applicable It►w provides utherwise.Unless an agreemont is madc or appiicable law requires interesc w be P�id.Lender shall not be �;4;�=---- <br /> [ <br /> �� c,equired to p�y Borrowcr any interest or catninga on Ihe Punds.Borrawcr and Lender may ng[ee in writing,however,tliat intcnst sLall ,__ <br /> - - ;,�N�I3 ca itt:.Y;s�3:.'xu.."°-r eh^ �yn t�Aorrower.without etu►ual accounting of the Fund�. ehowwg credits nnd debits to - <br /> " , the Funds and the purposc tor which each debit to the Funds wa9 madc.The Plmds are pled8ed as ndoiaonal securiiy ioi aS2��:.cur�' <br /> � , by this Sceurity Instrttment. <br /> - If the Fuads held by i..ender exceed tho nmounts permitted to be held by appllcable law.Lender shall accoun[co Bonower for <br />= •�� ,. �� the excess Fiwds in uaordanca with the requirements of applicuble law.lf tme amuunt of the Funds held by Lender at any time is no2 <br /> ��,_�:�,,'• suttlicient to pay the Escrow Ite�s vrhen due,Lender may so no[ify IIorrower iu writing,and,in such cuse Borrower shall p�1y to Lender <br /> i <br />_ : •, tho nmounG necessary a make up the deflcfency.Bonower shall makr:up the deficicncy in no moro than nvelve moNhly paymente,at <br />�,.�; ,. I,ond�r's sole discntion. <br />-_ ,,,.- Upon payment in[ull o[all sums secured by tl�is Security lnstrument, L.ender shnll promptly reflmd to Borrower wy Funds held <br /> . ,, by Lunder.If,under pamgrrph 21,Londer shaU acquire or sell the Property.Lender,prlor to the acquisidon or ssle of�he Property,sh�l <br /> - apply any Funds held by[.ender ae thc time of ncquisidoa or sale as n cmdit against the sums sceut+ed by ihis Securiry Iwu'ument• <br /> ' 3. AppUr.atba of Payments. Unless agplicuble lav�provIdes othenvisc,nil payments received by Lendes undei PacaEraPb� 1 <br />=�PJ:.�,:;�:'. 2;third,to <br /> and 2 sbnll be applied:��st,to any prept►yment charges du� under the Note;second,ro amounts PaYable under parasr[►ph <br />�'�''�'`id'��^' intetest duc; fouith, to principal due;und last,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> 3'�`�'�W 4, Ctcscges;LienS. Bonower shall pay all utxes,asseasments,charges.fines and imposidons attrlbutnble to the Ptoperty whic,h <br />==`°"`3"•"i•' may auain prloriry ovtt thls Security Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents�If anY•Bonowcr eball pay theso obllgatioav in <br />���"�'�" �'�� the manner providcd iu paragruph 2,or if not paid Li tbat manner,Borrower shall pay them oa timc directly co dto pereun owed payment. <br />�_:�': ��- <br /> ``�r �' k Botrowcr shall pramx'�; fumi^h to i.�nder all notices of aanouats to bo paid under this paragraph. If Borrower malxs ese payme�s <br /> "''"';`��' ditectTy,Boaower shall prompdy thrnish to Lvnder receipte evtdencing the payments. <br /> ..__„�._ � P b Y Y Y rees in wrztin <br /> �r���, .� Bonower 9hall rom tly dischnr�e un llen whtch tias prlorit over this Securlt Instnunent unless Borrower:(a)og S ___ <br />-_..._'-�_;, to ihe payment of the obllgation secured by the lien in�manner ncceptable to Lend�er;(b) contests in 600d faith the IIen by.or deferals <br />��.;, t�gninst onforcement of the llen in,legal proceedings which in the Lendar's opinion operate to prevenc the enforcement uf thc llen;or(c) <br />_S�.w_._,.,,-_ secures U'om the holder of the IIen un ngreement satisfactory to Lender subordinucing the liea to this Securiry Instiumene• If'I.en�ler <br />�_�.�.-`-� - dewrmines thnt aay part of the Property {s subjcct ro a lien wUich may attain priority over this Sccur(ty Insnvment, L.ender may give =_ <br /> .p •� •. . Bonower a notice identifying thc llen.Burrower shall satisfy thc lien or tnke one or more of the ucdons set foith nbove within 10 days of <br />%�• '� ' the giving of noflce. __ <br /> �� 5. H3zard oc Property InsuranCe. Borrower shall keep thc improvements now existing or hemafter crcr,tcd on the Property �. <br /> ` insured asainrt loss by fire,huznrds included wi[hin the term "excended coverage"and any other hazards,includ'u�iloods or flooding,for ;, _ <br /> � which Lendcr requires insuranca• '11ds insuianco s1�11 bc maintuiacd iu the atnounts and for the period9 thnt Lender rcquires.Thc =- . __ <br /> inrurance carrier providing the insurance skmll bc chosen by Bonower subject to Lender's approval which shall not be unm.asonably <br /> :.�-- <br /> ":c�! <br /> :�:;-_ <br /> � i .-2�+�'��n` <br /> f'arm 302a 9l90 ,, *�_;;. <br /> { � - <br />_ (pagc 2 of 6) ��,0 ��p„� . ;; <br /> , . ID5.Ina llorrower's Inidnls .�GL_ , . <br /> / � <br /> ------ ` - <br /> _- ..- .- ,---� . ._. i:.°:itc-=��.-c ...�----..__-_�-,.r.--�..�rt�+M�t.aK--�^'_'-" -- . .r�--• .Y_ �i�?ra.v.--- __------.-- <br /> - .v_- <br /> . .�-:�r -.y�"' .r <br /> . ......>�,:--" . <br /> .-sus�:er�7'.'FiS:i'..Y a—=..;-.-...� � w--r.. .. <br /> � . .. • <br /> /� � <br /> ' ' i <br /> : . I � - -- -- <br /> -- - _ _ _ _ _ <br />